January 3, 201510 yr WELCOME TO THE NOVAK DJOKOVIC ERA, WHICH STARTED IN 2011 AND HAS NO END IN SIGHT It is difficult to remember the stronghold that Roger and Rafa had over the male tennis since 2004 until 2010. For the first half Roger basically dominated everybody, and then Rafa showed up and between them they won practically all the slams and the masters. That's the scenario Novak faced when he began his career as a pro. Very early he positioned himself in 3rd place and he managed to end 4 consecutive seasons ranked #3: behind the two giants. He seemed destined to be the perennial number 3...Until 2011, when he single-handedly broke the Fedal duopoly. And he did it all by himself. He beat them 10 times that year. The standard narrative is that 2011 was an anomaly and that Novak went "back to normal" after that...That's clearly not true, since Novak hasn't gone back to #3 since then. But much more is true: not only has Novak not gone back to normal, I am going to prove with numbers that Novak hasn't relinquished his domination of the ATP since then. Numbers will show that since 2011, Novak has ruled the waves. Obviously his domination hasn't been as strong as it was in 2011... after all, he caught them all by surprise in 2011, they have had time to regroup and get ready for this new Novak. Obviously Novak's domination in the last 4 years is not as overwhelming as Roger's domination of the field in 2006, say. But then again, Roger didn't have to dominate 2 rivals with 31 grand slam titles between them. Novak had to defeat two goats, which he did... and he has kept them in place ever since. So here are the numbers for the last 4 seasons, starting with 2011. I'm not saying that tennis started in 201, I'm saying that the Djokovic Era started in 2011. TOTAL NUMBER OF TITLES Djokovic 30 Nadal 21 Federer 16 Murray 15 GRAND SLAM TITLES Djokovic 6 Nadal 5 Murray 2 Federer 1 MASTERS 1000 TITLES Djokovic 15 Nadal 9 Federer 6 Murray 3 WTFs TITLES Djokovic 3 Federer 1 Nadal 0 Murray 0 TOTAL WINS Djokovic 280 Federer 253 Nadal 234 Murray 214 TOTAL GS WINS Djokovic 95 Murray 77 Federer 71 Nadal 67 MASTERS 1000 WINS Djokovic 123 Nadal 95 Federer 87 Murray 60 WTFs WINS Djokovic 15 Federer 14 Nadal 5 Murray 3 OVERALL WIN-LOSS PERCENTAGE Djokovic 280-35 88.88% Nadal 234-39 85.71% Federer 253-53 82.67% Murray 214-57 78.96% TOTAL RANKING POINTS Djokovic 50170 Nadal 36150 Federer 32415 Murray 25845 YEAR-END #1 Djokovic 3 Nadal 1 Federer 0 Murray 0 TOTAL WEEKS AS #1 Djokovic 127 Nadal 65 Federer 17 Murray 0 H2H since 2011 Djokovic 12 - 7 Nadal Djokovic 11 - 6 Federer Djokovic 11 - 5 Murray So, no...Djokovic didn't go back to normal after his 2011 season. He has performed better than everybody else in every single aspect of the sport. People are reluctant to call it domination because Nole's domination of Fedal is not the same as Roger's domination of Safin and Roddick... That's not very reasonable, is it? I feel somewhat sad that people have sort of missed Novak's amazing feat. Novak's story is the quintessential American story: a hero who manages to achieve his dream in spite of all obstacles, in the face of nay-sayers, just by virtue of hard work, talent, discipline and self-belief. A hero who manages to outshine the annointed aristocracy on merit alone. Unfortunately. a great part of the tennis community were too obsessed with not wanting their king dethroned to fully appreciate and enjoy the battle that Novak put up. What a show!! I feel privileged to have witnessed it. I'm enjoying every minute of it... And to think that so many people can't wait to see Novak dethroned, either by the old guard or by the new guard, anybody but Novak! LOL I would grab a chair, because Novak is not going anywhere any time soon! May the 2015 season begin!
January 4, 201510 yr ovako je ispravnije GRAND SLAM TITLES 2012-2014Djokovic 3Nadal 4Murray 2Federer 1 toliko o dominaciji djokera, 3 od 12 gs titula.... edit - npr može se reći i da je period 2008 - 2013 bila rafaborgova era, jer je on uzeo 10 gs, djoker 6, olderer 5, ostali 3 Edited January 4, 201510 yr by gone fishing
January 4, 201510 yr Mislim da se Rafa i Đoković ne mogu ovako upoređivati, bar po GS-ovima, jednostavno u posljednjih nekoliko sezona nisu imali istu strategiju i pristup tim turnirima. Rafi je sve podređeno RG-u gdje je uvijek apsolutni favorit i gdje dođe spreman ko puška.
January 4, 201510 yr To je ono o čemu smo pričali i ranije, u odnosu na neki objektivan kvalitet, Đoković ima neoprostivo mali broj gren slem trofeja. RG je samo jedan slem u godini naspram tri koja se održavaju na podlogama koje više odgovaraju Novaku, a i pored toga je Nadal uspio da dođe do cifre od 14.
January 4, 201510 yr ovako je ispravnije GRAND SLAM TITLES 2012-2014 Djokovic 3 Nadal 4 Murray 2 Federer 1 toliko o dominaciji djokera, 3 od 12 gs titula.... edit - npr može se reći i da je period 2008 - 2013 bila rafaborgova era, jer je on uzeo 10 gs, djoker 6, olderer 5, ostali 3 Što je tako ispravnije, tj što si izuzeo 2011? Btw, Postoji još turnira osim slemova koji čine dominaciju. Logično je da se kao početak Đokovićeve ere uzme 2011. zato je autor teksta verovatno i računao odatle, ipak je to prelomna godina u karijeri Novaka kada je izdominirao tur kao retko ko ikad u istoriji (pogotovu Rafu i Federera), samim tim i sazreo kao igrač totalno. Logično je da se to uzme kao polazna tačka neke statistike.
January 4, 201510 yr Meni se termin dominacija ne dopada. Fakat, Đoković jeste najuspješniji teniser od 2011. naovamo, ali, osim te 2011, nema tu govora ni o kakvoj dominaciji. Edited January 4, 201510 yr by keitel
January 4, 201510 yr - zato što izuzev 2011 djoker nije bio dominantan, dalje samo gs se računaju u konačnom zbiru nečije karijere (igrača sa 5 i više gs titula), svi znamo da je sampra uzeo 14 a agasi 8 gs-ova, iz glave, ja nemam pojima koliko su mastersa uzela ova dvojica, kao što za 10-15 godina niko neće znati koliko je mastersa uzeo rafaborg, koliko olderer a koliko djoker, ja ni sada bez guglovanja ne znam taj podatak - igrač koji uzme samo 1 gs godišnje imho nije izdominirao te godine
January 4, 201510 yr Slažem se da to nije dominacija, govorimo o najuspešnijem teniseru u razdoblju, dominacija je prejaka reč. Naravno da malo ko zna napamet podatke ko je koliko šta osvajao od turnira, ali ovaj lik je to sakupio i očigledno je da Đovak prednjači u svim kategorijama, barem u tom razdoblju. Edited January 4, 201510 yr by Glas RazumaN
January 4, 201510 yr JJ se obrukala vec na prvom mecu ove sezone , mogu samo da zamislim Dudinu reakciju :misko:
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