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uopste gledano, vecina arapa (sunita) o IS-u nema fatalisticki stav kao vrhovnom neprijatelju kakav imaju zapad & co. za njih je IS zlo koje ce biti pobedjeno kad se snage koncentrisu samo na njega. 


Naravno kad za njih ne predstavljaju životnu opasnost. To su sunitski radikali.

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Naravno kad za njih ne predstavljaju životnu opasnost. To su sunitski radikali.


to mi je malo previse simplifikovano. IS ubija i sunite i to ne sporadicno vec su oni za sada vecinske zrtve. postoji strah od njih.

jednostavno, narod je tamo nateran da se u svakom trenutku povije kontra opasnosti koja mu je tad najveca.

u siriji ona je mahom bila realna, za irak mozda i ne, ali IS u njihovim zivotima predstavlja samo jos jednu silu i neprijatelja u nizu i malo njih inicijalno pravi razliku izmedju iracke vojske, hezbolaha, asadovih dobrovoljaca ili IS.


Saturday,July 25 2015, Your time is 6:00:54 PM


Turkey, US to create ‘ISIL-free zone’ inside Syria

Serkan Demirtaş - ANKARA



Turkey and the United States have agreed on a military action plan with the objective of clearing the Turkish-Syrian border of jihadist terrorists in what the two countries have called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)-free zone. 

This action plan was part of a comprehensive deal between the two allies which has been seen a “a game changer” in the fight against ISIL by the United States administration, whose warplanes will be able to use this region’s most strategic military base in İncirlik as part of its aerial campaign against jihadist positions. 

The ISIL-free zone will be 98 kilometers long and 40 kilometers wide and situated between the Mare-Jarablus line. A good portion of this area is currently under ISIL control, and Turkey already vowed it would not tolerate the jihadists posing a threat to the Turkish border. 


Sources emphasized they have opted to call it the “ISIL-free zone” instead of a “security or safe zone” because the objections raised by Washington, who refrained from giving the wrong message to the Syrian regime, as well as Russia and Iran. The idea of the name is to show that the main objective of this Turkish-American joint fight is eliminating ISIL in this particular area and not fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.


The aerial campaign will be largely carried out by U.S. jets deployed to the İncirlik base and Turkish participation will be considered only when necessary, sources stressed. However, this aerial protection will not be classified as an effort to build a no-fly zone over Syrian airspace. Together with aerial strikes, Turkish long-range artillery units will also be used if necessary.


Turkey had already reinforced its military presence along the Turkish border, especially across the Mare-Jarablus line, after ISIL began to advance to northwestern Syria in a bid to threaten the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and to spark a fresh refugee influx towards Turkey. 


FSA to control the emptied zone 


The plan crafted by Ankara and Washington foresees the deployment of FSA units to this area if ISIL is completely cleared from that particular zone, which would both prevent the Syrian Democratic Union Party (PYD) from further expanding its influence towards the West and create a safe environment for either sheltering Syrians fleeing violence or those who want to return to their homelands.   


Turkey is currently hosting at least 1.8 million Syrians in its territories, with around 265,000 of them in refugee camps. There have been concerns ISIL’s drive through the populous Western parts of Syria could spark fresh refugee inflows into Turkey.



Posted (edited)

bas onako kako se najavljivalo, dakle, alep je ostao izvan te zone, ali je bukvalno na granici i bice tesko da ostane pod teretom bombi kojim ga sravnjuju asadisti mada oni od toga nece odustati.

zona koja se pravi je osim ISIS free ujedno i asad free.

takodje, nikad otvorenije ne deluje da ce oruzja za tzv. FSA biti dovoljno i na izvolte, jedino sto mislim da FSA kao takva nema dovoljno snaga da ceo taj ISIS free i asad free prostor preuzme sama.

u regionu alepa je jaca islamisticka struja pobunjenika (ne mesati sa dzihadistima i nusrom) koju USA & co. ignorisu i smatraju latentnim zlom dok ih turska i jos neke zemlje podrzavaju.


edit: naravno, taj prostor je ujedno i 'kurds free' sto je jedan od strateskih ciljeva turske..

Edited by Bane5

Plan je kao da ga je Boldrik lično osmislio. Ko treba da pešadijski potisne ISIS, Kurde i SAA (ako je od nje tu još nešto i ostalo) sa četiri hiljade kvadratnih kilometara teritorije ? Polumrtva FSA ?? Vazdušna i artiljerijska podrška ih neće same po sebi oterati, to je i laicima jasno. Bez američkih ili turskih trupa na terenu, od ovog plana nema ništa.

Posted (edited)

ne bih se slozio, kurda tu za sada nema, oni su u kantonu afrin i u predgradju alepa koje se zove sheikh maqsood.

ovim se povlaci crta da YPG ne prelazi eufrat i ne krecu na zapad iz pravca kobane-a i ne spajaju kantone afrin i kobane.

asadista takodje nema, oni se bore u alepu i u dve siitske enklave severozapadno od grada.

ovo je prostor koji su pobunjenici (svih fela) koristili kao sigurni koridor ka turskoj i zbog kojeg njihova pobuna uspeva da prezivi u alepu i okolini svih ovih godina.

na toj teritoriji se sada sukobljavaju samo IS i pobunjenici (sve frakcije zajednickim snagama). borbe su periodicne i nisu nimalo lake. IS-u je cilj bio da zauzme Azaz i da onda nastavi ka Afrinu. pobunjenici su grcevito branili svoj koridor ka turskoj.

zanimljivo je da kurdi iz Afrina uopste nisu hteli da ucestvuju u borbi protiv IS-a u ovom delu. sa druge strane, kurdske snage u pomenutom delu alepa uz niz kriza i netrpeljivosti uglavnom saradjuju sa glavnim pobunjenickim igracima dok ih nusra ne podnosi (bas kao ni oni njih).


dakle, nije cist boldrik vec skup zajednickih ciljeva i interesa.

Edited by Bane5



Turska: Eksplodirao automobil bomba, ima mrtvih

Dva policajca su poginula, a četiri su ranjena u eksploziji automobila bombe u provinciji Dijarbakir na jugo-istoku Turske, saopštila je vlada.



nema čekanja, nema stajanja

Posted (edited)

Car bombings nisu uobičajeni otisak PKK mada je Diyarbakir njihovo drugo omiljeno igralište. Ako su oni, preuzeće odgovornost.


Edit: nisu policajci nego vojnici; i izgleda da jeste PKK. Vidim da stižu osude iz SAD i apeli iz EU, ovo polako izmiče kontroli. Ako Ocalan ne uspe da im iz zatvora umiri militantno krilo neće da valja.

Edited by beowl

ne znam sta je turskoj trebalo da bombarduje kurde...


Pa ubili su im i kidnapovali onoliko policije u prethodnih par nedelja, jbg. Neke prilično brutalno, u kućama na spavanju.


Vojno mešanje u sukob u drugoj državi, prekomerna upotreba sile, autokratska vlada.... it's sanctions tiiiime!  :whistle:

Posted (edited)

Defense Secretary: Kurdish Peshmerga a ‘Model’ for ISIS War Across Region 


Posted By Jason Ditz On  July 24, 2015

Visiting Arbil today on his second day in Iraq, US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter praised the Peshmerga, the paramilitary forces of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), as a model for the entire nation and indeed entire region in the war against ISIS.

“We are trying to build a force throughout the territory of Iraq, and someday in Syria, that can do what the peshmerga does,” Carter said following his meeting with Kurdish President Massoud Barzani.

The Peshmerga has had some success with fighting ISIS head-on, certainly more than the Iraqi military has. This is likely because they haven’t got the enormous morale problems the Iraqi military has struggled with. At the same time, the Peshmerga’s ability to consistently beat ISIS has likely been overstated, as the two sides often trade territory along their mutual frontier.

How the US could even theoretically copy this model elsewhere isn’t clear either. The Peshmerga of Iraqi Kurdistan dates back generations, and doesn’t have analogous factions across the rest of Iraq and Syria. Creating myriad new military forces in the model of them across different cultures in multiple countries is no small ambition, and with the US efforts to create a new faction in Syria yielding no more than a few dozen fighters, it’s unclear how they could manage it.

Edited by slow
Posted (edited)

Pa ubili su im i kidnapovali onoliko policije u prethodnih par nedelja, jbg. Neke prilično brutalno, u kućama na spavanju.


Ko PKK? Nisam znao. Vidim da su raspolozeni za malo razgibavanja misica, ne samo dole, nego i na Egeju  :fantom: Pa dobro, mogli su nekim redarstvenim akcijama u samoj Turskoj to da gledaju da preseku...

Edited by MancMellow
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