December 12, 201410 yr pa ne stignem sve da preslusam. ajd' kad smo dosli da je i Ty prehajpovan moze samo da bude da je cela ta scena '60-tih hiperproducirala, koliko vidim Ty je umesao prste maltene na svakoj ploci, ako nije on, onda je Dwyer. meni ne smeta. za sad.
December 13, 201410 yr Nick Waterhouse – Holly Ryan Adams - Ryan Adams Rumer - Into Colour Jenny Lewis - The Voyager The Afghan Whigs - Do To The Beast The War On Drugs - Lost In The Dream Pixies - Indie Cindy Pere Ubu - Carnival of Souls Dan Sartain – Dudesblood Marianne Faithfull - Give My Love To London Lucinda Williams - Down Where The Spirit Meets The Bone Thurston Moore - The Best Day Ex Hex – Rips The Asteroids Galaxy Tour - Bring Us Together The Growlers - Chinese Fountain Work Drugs – Insurgents Allo, Darlin' - We Come From The Same Place Lee Fields - Emma Jean Chicks On Speed – Artstravaganza Goat - Commune recimo da je ovo redosled
December 13, 201410 yr sad sam protrčao kroz lastFM da vidim ima li ičega ovogodišnjeg da sam stvarno mnogo slušao. samo 2 albuma. Thievery Corporation - Suadade za njihove standarde slabo, ali generalno zanimljiv i slušljiv album. Phaeleh - Somnus ambijentalni album. meni je baš prijao.
December 14, 201410 yr meni je lastfm bio iskljucen mesecima, nemam statistiku. a jedva da se secam ponekog albuma, celog. gomila odlicne muzike, u fragmentima. npr. First Aid Kit - Stay Gold Douglas Dare - Whelm Sohn - Tremors Royksopp - The Inevitable End Malia & Boris Blank - Convergence Jessie Ware - Tough Love The Juan Maclean - In A Dream Todd Terje - It's Album Time Lee Fields - Emma Jean Tensnake - Glow Ray Lamontagne - Supernova Ryan Adams - Ryan Adams Pharrell - G I R L Glass Animals - Zaba ...
December 14, 201410 yr Top 3: Chrissie Hynde - Stockholm Afghan Whigs - Do to the Beast Lucinda Williams - Down Where the Spirit Meets the Bone Takođe prijalo: Blues Pills - Blues Pills Jose James - While You Were Sleeping The War on Drugs - Lost in the DreamThom Yorke - Tomorrow's Modern BoxesRobert Plant - Lullaby and... The Ceaseless RoarTom Petty and the Heartbreakers - Hypnotic Eye Pixies - Indie Cindy At the Gates - At War With Reality edit: Top 4 stvari 2014.: Afghan Whigs - These Sticks Chrissie Hynde - Adding the Blue Lucinda Williams - Foolishness Tom Petty - Sins of My Youth Edited December 14, 201410 yr by Willow
December 14, 201410 yr Prema najvise se slusalo: Aphex Twin - Syro Thom Yorke - Tomorrow's Modern Boxes Perfume Genius - Too Bright Kiasmos - Kiasmos FKA twigs - LP1 Sharon Van Etten - Are We There Caribou - Our Love Todd Terje - It's Album Time Jessie Ware - Tough Love Shabazz Palaces - Forerunner Foray Have a Nice Life - The Unnatural World
December 15, 201410 yr Author Zaboravio sam jos jednog koga sam dosta slusao Kevin Drew, iz Broken Social Scene / njegov album Darlings Ovo me direktno u srce gadjalo, trula patetika od ploce, najbolji post B92 album koji sam dugo slusao. Glas skoro ko Paul Westerberg, knedla u grlu, suza u oku. Totalni late 80s strih, melanholija, zenski prateci vokali, perfektni pop. Naravno ko moze da slusa. Ja sam shameless sucker za ovako nesto. Ovo Edited December 15, 201410 yr by yolo
December 15, 201410 yr J Mascis - Tied to a StarPixies - Indie CindyRoddy Frame - Seven DialsMorrissey - World peaceErlend Øye - LegaoRyan Adams - RAChrissie Hynde - StockholmJ Marr - PlaylandChuck Prophet - Night Surfer Lutke - Spiralni snovi + album novog benda neal halsteada (mojave 3, slowdive), izasao krajem prosle godine Edited December 15, 201410 yr by ParaPsycho
December 16, 201410 yr hype! hype! hype! pridodajem D'angela na listu.poslednji stihovi Sugah Daddy Oh won't you give me some pleaseSo I take the child to my cribI ain't gonna tell you what we didI hit it so I made the pussy fartShe said it's talkin' to ya, talkin' to ya, Daddy! btw super plejlista najboljih pesama iz 2014 po NPR Musicu: pesama po žanrovima: albuma: ostale liste:
December 16, 201410 yr D'Angelo nije moja solja caja, al' sam ga danas slusao ceo dan. Ima nesto u caju...
December 17, 201410 yr 01. Growlers - Chinese Fountain02. Gino & The Goons - Shake It!03. Dead Brothers - Black Moose04. John Wesley Coleman III - The Love That You Own05. AJ Davila - Terror Amor06. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - I'm In Your Mind Fuzz 07. Atlantic Thrills - S-T08. Death Valley Girls - Street Venom09. Coathangers - Suck My Shirt10. Thee Oh Sees - Drop11. Monsieurs - S-T12. John Schooley - The Man Who Rode the Mule Around the World13. Dan Sartain - Dudesblood14. Dead Combo - A Bunch Of Meninos15. Bass Drum of Death - Rip This16. Wild Billy Childish & CTMF - Acorn Man17. Shivas - You Know What To Do18. Pussywarmers & Réka - I Saw Them Leaving19. Steve Adamyk Band - Dial Tone20. Sick Hyenas - S-T
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