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Najbolji albumi 2014.

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pa ne stignem sve da preslusam. ajd' kad smo dosli da je i Ty prehajpovan :fantom: moze samo da bude da je cela ta scena '60-tih hiperproducirala, koliko vidim Ty je umesao prste maltene na svakoj ploci, ako nije on, onda je Dwyer. meni ne smeta. za sad.

za sad.



¿que quieres :mad: ?

Uzbuđuješ me kad se svađaš na tom norveškom.

  1. Nick Waterhouse – Holly
  2. Ryan Adams - Ryan Adams
  3. Rumer - Into Colour
  4. Jenny Lewis - The Voyager
  5. The Afghan Whigs - Do To The Beast
  6. The War On Drugs - Lost In The Dream
  7. Pixies - Indie Cindy
  8. Pere Ubu - Carnival of Souls
  9. Dan Sartain – Dudesblood
  10. Marianne Faithfull - Give My Love To London
  11. Lucinda Williams - Down Where The Spirit Meets The Bone
  12. Thurston Moore - The Best Day
  13. Ex Hex – Rips
  14. The Asteroids Galaxy Tour - Bring Us Together
  15. The Growlers - Chinese Fountain
  16. Work Drugs – Insurgents
  17. Allo, Darlin' - We Come From The Same Place
  18. Lee Fields - Emma Jean
  19. Chicks On Speed – Artstravaganza
  20. Goat - Commune

recimo da je ovo redosled

sad sam protrčao kroz lastFM da vidim ima li ičega ovogodišnjeg da sam stvarno mnogo slušao. samo 2 albuma.



Thievery Corporation - Suadade

za njihove standarde slabo, ali generalno zanimljiv i slušljiv album.






Phaeleh - Somnus

ambijentalni album. meni je baš prijao.





meni je lastfm bio iskljucen mesecima, nemam statistiku. a jedva da se secam ponekog albuma, celog.

gomila odlicne muzike, u fragmentima.





First Aid Kit - Stay Gold

Douglas Dare - Whelm

Sohn - Tremors

Royksopp - The Inevitable End

Malia & Boris Blank - Convergence

Jessie Ware - Tough Love

The Juan Maclean - In A Dream

Todd Terje - It's Album Time

Lee Fields - Emma Jean

Tensnake - Glow

Ray Lamontagne - Supernova

Ryan Adams - Ryan Adams

Pharrell - G I R L

Glass Animals - Zaba




Top 3:


Chrissie Hynde - Stockholm

Afghan Whigs - Do to the Beast

Lucinda Williams - Down Where the Spirit Meets the Bone



Takođe prijalo:


Blues Pills - Blues Pills

Jose James - While You Were Sleeping

The War on Drugs - Lost in the Dream
Thom Yorke - Tomorrow's Modern Boxes
Robert Plant - Lullaby and... The Ceaseless Roar
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - Hypnotic Eye

Pixies - Indie Cindy

At the Gates - At War With Reality




Top 4 stvari 2014.:


Afghan Whigs - These Sticks




Chrissie Hynde - Adding the Blue






Lucinda Williams - Foolishness






Tom Petty - Sins of My Youth





Edited by Willow

Prema last.fm najvise se slusalo:



Aphex Twin - Syro

Thom Yorke - Tomorrow's Modern Boxes

Perfume Genius - Too Bright

Kiasmos - Kiasmos

FKA twigs - LP1

Sharon Van Etten - Are We There

Caribou - Our Love

Todd Terje - It's Album Time

Jessie Ware - Tough Love

Shabazz Palaces - Forerunner Foray

Have a Nice Life - The Unnatural World

  • Author

Zaboravio sam jos jednog koga sam dosta slusao


Kevin Drew, iz Broken Social Scene / njegov album Darlings


Ovo me direktno u srce gadjalo, trula patetika od ploce, najbolji post B92 album koji sam dugo slusao. Glas skoro ko Paul Westerberg, knedla u grlu, suza u oku. Totalni late 80s strih, melanholija, zenski prateci vokali, perfektni pop.


Naravno ko moze da slusa. Ja sam shameless sucker za ovako nesto.







Edited by yolo

J Mascis - Tied to a Star

Pixies - Indie Cindy

Roddy Frame - Seven Dials

Morrissey - World peace

Erlend Øye - Legao

Ryan Adams - RA

Chrissie Hynde - Stockholm

J Marr - Playland

Chuck Prophet - Night Surfer


Lutke - Spiralni snovi


+  album novog benda neal halsteada (mojave 3, slowdive), izasao krajem prosle godine



Edited by ParaPsycho

hype! hype! hype! pridodajem D'angela na listu.
poslednji stihovi Sugah Daddy :lolol:




Oh won't you give me some please
So I take the child to my crib
I ain't gonna tell you what we did
I hit it so I made the pussy fart
She said it's talkin' to ya, talkin' to ya, Daddy!

btw super plejlista najboljih pesama iz 2014 po NPR Musicu: http://apps.npr.org/best-songs-2014/

spisak pesama po žanrovima: http://www.npr.org/2014/12/10/369652480/npr-musics-favorite-songs-of-2014

50 albuma: http://www.npr.org/2014/12/08/368731400/npr-musics-50-favorite-albums-of-2014

i ostale liste: http://www.npr.org/series/366408499/the-best-music-of-the-year-2014

D'Angelo nije moja solja caja, al' sam ga danas slusao ceo dan. Ima nesto u caju...

01. Growlers - Chinese Fountain
02. Gino & The Goons - Shake It!
03. Dead Brothers - Black Moose
04. John Wesley Coleman III - The Love That You Own
05. AJ Davila - Terror Amor
06. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - I'm In Your Mind Fuzz 
07. Atlantic Thrills - S-T
08. Death Valley Girls - Street Venom
09. Coathangers - Suck My Shirt
10. Thee Oh Sees - Drop
11. Monsieurs - S-T
12. John Schooley - The Man Who Rode the Mule Around the World
13. Dan Sartain - Dudesblood
14. Dead Combo - A Bunch Of Meninos
15. Bass Drum of Death - Rip This
16. Wild Billy Childish & CTMF - Acorn Man
17. Shivas - You Know What To Do
18. Pussywarmers & Réka - I Saw Them Leaving
19. Steve Adamyk Band - Dial Tone
20. Sick Hyenas - S-T

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