August 15, 201410 yr The picture is a British propaganda poster used during world war 1, from 1914-1915. On the poster you see a man and his two children. A girl sitting on his lap with an open book, and a boy sitting on the floor playing with soldiers. The daughter looks at him asking”Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War?”. The poster was published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Commission in London. It was painted by the artist Savile Lumley. ”Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War?”. The text(and the rest of the poster) was designed to induce a sense of patriotic guilt. They were trying to capture the British men unwilling to volunteer for the war. The picture depicts a situation in the future, after the war, where the daughter asks her dad expectantly how he contributed to the war. Because the war(on the poster) is already over, the dad can't re-do it. This sends a message to the young boys, unwilling to go to war. ”What would you reply your daughter?”. The slogan ”'What will you reply when your daughter grows up and says "Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War?" was originated from a government newspaper, but got shortened for the poster. Meni je ovo vrh. Pasivno-agresivna propaganda. slično ali jebitačnije
August 15, 201410 yr I naravno, ne smemo zaboraviti domaćeg natjecatelja, čiju melodiju i dan danas znam u notu, SR Yugoslavia twleve points, Yougoslavie douze points sad se setih da sam se onomad ložio da ću saznati ko to peva da mu se najebem keve, šta ćeš, klinac bio, u međuvremenu me zaboleo kurac, pa nikad nisam saznao. Leontina Vukomanović i Milan Šćepović inače, po mom skromnom mišljenju, imali smo mi jak kvalitet Edited August 15, 201410 yr by Dr Arslanagić
August 15, 201410 yr moji judeomasonski izvori mi javljaju da je ovo nevidjen hit u izraelu, da pevaju svi zivi od dece u pesku do vojnika IDF (opet u pesku gazze...) Vrlo moguće, to sam od Izraelca i prvi put čuo.
August 15, 201410 yr Vrlo moguće, to sam od Izraelca i prvi put čuo. ma kako svi se zaludeli sa tjunom cak su snimili hibru verziju
August 16, 201410 yr Author Ovo mi je vrlo interesantno, kao neka krajiška popevka. ovo je do jaja. sto ja obozavam ove tribalne melizmaticne-ekstaticke fore.
August 16, 201410 yr Author idemo dalje. kategorija: vizuelno strukturiranje teroristicke organizacijeETA 12 poena
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