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Egzoticne zivotinje

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Fora je u Bili Pitonu, a ko bi šta držal u svom stanu, od volje vam.


Za mene je držanje divljih životinja koje još i ne pripadaju ovom podneblju zločin protiv prirode.

Bolje da ne nastavljam dalje. 

Znam da bi me razapeli....


Uglavnom, da. Moj glas ide sporohodnim, mirnim životinjama, zelene kože. Zanimljive su mi, ali ne znam kako bih ovako kilava s hranjenjem. Da postoje neke hrane na rafu u maksiju, bilo bi mnogo lakše.

Edited by Svemir Zeka

@Filozof manijak mene bogami nije baš briga šta ko drži u svom stanu ako mi je u neposrednoj blizini, drugar koji živi u Montrealu je morao kao svedok da sa domarom zgrade udje u stan pored svog jer je pukla neka cevka, a komšije bile na poslu. Kad su ušli smrdi za onesvestiti se, a pitončina preko 2m leži na sred kuće. Ne bi mu to bilo toliko strašno da nemaju zajedniču terasu sa rupom izmedju, a on ima psa od 7kila, taman za fruštuk. Elem, to je ubrzalo odluku da kupi luću.


Zeko, pitona bi morala hraniti živim zečevima, miševima, mačkama ... isto kao i orla ili sovu - ništa spremljeno, samo da mrda. Pa ako imaš želudac za to samo napred. Ljuimci oplemenjuju.

Bas zato ne volem zmije, jer se hrane sisarima

  • 2 weeks later...

Ima li neko najnovije vesti o onoj maloj lavici, Kikici, sto su je pronasli u teskom stanju?

Pratim redovno sta se desava



Edited by 3opge

23 minutes ago, 3opge said:

Ima li neko najnovije vesti o onoj maloj lavici, Kikici, sto su je pronasli u teskom stanju?

Pratim redovno sta se desava




Ovo je vest od juce


Poslednje informacije s Palića glase da je Kikica u stabilnom stanju, ali i dalje postoji strah da paraziti, od kojih još nije očišćena do kraja, napadnu mozak. Pošto nikada u životu nije jela meso, čeka se da li će želudac i creva početi da normalno vare čvrstu hranu jer još uvek nema stolicu.


Iz Zoo vrta su saopštili da je Kikica sada smeštena u manji kavez jer mora da potpuno miruje dok ne zarastu prelomi obe zadnje šape. Navedeno je da još uvek trpi jake bolove i da joj je zbog toga potrebno, makar prinudno, mirovanje.

Veterinare ohrabruje što Kikica sama pije vodu i pokazuje volju da stane na noge. Osim toga pokazuje i uobičajenu mačiju radoznalost prema ljudima i predmetima sa kojima dolazi u kontakt, što je takođe pozitivan znak za mogući oporavak.


Dok se Kikica bori za život, policija se još uvek ne oglašava da li je pokrenuta, i ako jeste dokle je stigla istraga o tome kako se obrela u Srbiji, gde je verovatno i rođena.




Kikici je po prijemu u veterinarsku ambulantu Zoo vrta Palić konstatovan niz zdravstvenih problema opasnih po život. Loša krvna slika, anemija, upale u organizmu, paraziti, rana ispod repa koja je teško inficirana, prelom obe zadnje šape zbog čega je bila neophodna operacija butne kosti…


Najveća briga veterinara sada se svodi na to da se spreči da joj zbog slabog stanja celokupnog organizma ne otkažu drugi organi, u nadi da će želudac i creva uspeti da se pokrenu da vare meso.

Oporavila se ili ne – priča o Kikici uspela je da u javnosti pokrene dva važna pitanja. Prvo se odnosi na crno tržište divljih životinja koje očigledno postoji u Srbiji, a drugo je postupanje prema životinjama uopšte.




Jos uvek je neizvesno da li ce se oporaviti :/

Edited by I*m with the pilots

Evo zašto pevam stalno Čudna šuma hit od YU Discipline... Kod nas je, u sred grada, stvarno "čudna šuma". Ove je žena srela jutros kad je išla na posô (<-- vidi šta su me jezičari naučili!) Normalno se posumi kriju, ali mama posum je izgleda preplašena bila (psi se tuda šetaju) pa se ukopala... Valjda su OK izbegli odatle.



  • 1 month later...


seinfeld GIF by hero0fwar






Obožavam mimikriju. : D





2 hours ago, Klara said:



  Reveal hidden contents



Obožavam mimikriju. : D






Ovaj odlucio da podigne to na visi nivo, sta jedna, daj tri:


  • 2 weeks later...






Michael Spies had done 39 Sydney to Hobarts before needing to be rescued. It actually happened after the 2017 yacht race, in January 2018 when he was sailing Hollywood Boulevard back to NSW. The reason? They hit a sunfish.

“The situation was actually quite a serious one,” says Spies, who will this year skipper Maritimo 52 in his 45th race. “We were off the northern tip of Tassie, change of watch in the morning, came up and bang. We heard a bit of a thud, nothing excessive.”

“I looked around and saw it there, sort of wallowing away. We wouldn’t have done any damage to it, but it snapped the rudder and then the boat started taking water, and we had to abandon ship. We got plucked out of Bass Strait – a helicopter had to come and get us. They are a treacherous thing.”

They are ocean sunfish. The mola mola. The biggest bony fish in the world weighing as much as a large SUV. The lumpy and awkward, slow-moving and perpetually open-mouthed mammoth that, almost every year it seems, maims or destroys a Sydney to Hobart campaign just by existing.

“Generally, you can’t see them until the last moment,” says Brad Kellett, who has had three encounters over his 31 consecutive years of racing, including one forced retirement. “So a lot of the time you very rarely have any choice whether you’re going to hit it or not.”

“They look like a saucer or a plate on floating on the water – and occasionally, you’ll see their ‘wings’ or their tails flap up. Evidently, they bask in the sun and that’s about all they do. So they’re kind of a useless animal really, and they’re not very pretty.”

The sunfish’s usefulness or otherwise is hotly contested. In 2017, a Facebook user sparked one of the nerdier online debates to date when she posted a rant detailing her thoughts that sunfish “are the biggest joke played on earth”, giant “dinner plates that God must have accidentally dropped while washing dishes one day”, and a “gigantic piece of already-chewed gum”.

Spies believes this view is partly down to ignorance. “None of us seem to know a whole heap about them,” he says. “We all know about whales and how they’re protected and almost lost to the environment. But the sunfish, for some reason as a brand, they’ve done a pretty poor job marketing themselves. You don’t see too many sunfish-watching boats – they’re an unattractive thing.”

Marine scientists unsurprisingly disagree with the notion they are an evolutionary accident. They find them fascinating because they are starkly different from most other fish. The sunfish, found worldwide in tropical and temperate oceans, looks prehistoric but is actually an evolutionary newcomer – about 50 million years old, compared to the Earth’s first fish, which came into existence more than 500 million years ago.

Parochially speaking, we know for a fact they have been around for at least 140 years because curators at the Natural History Museum of London recently found a fragment of a Sydney Morning Herald newspaper from January 26, 1883 inside a three-metre sunfish.


A part of the Molidae family, they and are related to puffer fish, triggerfish and box fish and have a truncated spine and no ribs. They are the only aquatic vertebrate with their wings in a vertical orientation. This is partly because the caudal fin (tail) has been replaced by a sort of rounded, rough kind of quasi-tail (the clavus), creating its distinct truncated shape.

The pectoral fins are tiny fans in comparison to its dorsal and anal fins, which are long and result in its strange method of propulsion. Add to that, they have no scales but are instead covered by a thick, rubbery hypodermis so stiff it is considered to be an exoskeleton, and they can grow genuinely huge – the largest recorded is 2,750 kilograms, 3.25 metres long and 3.6 metres tall.

They are also one of the sea’s biggest hustlers. With no swim bladder but neutral buoyancy, they regularly dive very deep where the water is close to freezing to feed on gelatinous creatures. But because they are ectothermic – cold-blooded – they then return to the surface and float in the sun to re-elevate their core temperature.

“They’re amazing,” says David Booth, professor of marine ecology at the University of Technology, Sydney. “People thought – I even thought – they were just big blobs before, but they actually can swim at three and a half kilometres an hour.”

“They’re like an elongated, strangely stretched-out toadfish, and they look like an animal that has limited ability to manoeuvre, but obviously, they can swim to great depths. We’ve actually seen them when we’ve been looking at footage from oil platforms down about 300–400 metres, and in comes the sunfish and starts nibbling on that, so they’re pretty opportunistic.

“Then they come to the surface and warm up, just lie there like a big island with their little dorsal slapping around. That’s when they’re vulnerable. The other place they’re vulnerable is where big trawl nets can pull them in.”

Scientists are not really sure if they are increasing in numbers, Professor Booth says. A higher frequency of sightings may have more to do with a spike in the use of drones and other equipment.

Kellett’s first run-in with a sunfish occurred in 1995, when the rudder of Ninety Seven “glanced” one as the 1993 line honours winner made her way down the NSW south coast. “It separated the rudder,” he says. “It didn’t end our race, but we could see the rudder through a window, and it was kind of hanging in three different flaps … it pretty much disintegrated the bottom third of it.”

In the late ’90s a sunfish inflicted such severe rudder damage his boat had to retire, put out a drogue and use emergency steering to get back to Eden. “We also had to put a lifejacket in the hole where the rudder used to be,” says Kellett, who will race in 2023 aboard Antipodes.

“So the boat was effectively sinking. We had water coming into a four-inch hole in the bottom ... and then we were completely out of control with sails up and almost losing other crew members overboard. It was quite a dramatic incident, quite hairy out in the conditions and just turned into a comedy of errors.”

Kellett also remembers sailing Perpetual Loyal to line honours in 2016 and hitting a few sunfish, but observed that they were less “boat breaking” for maxi yachts than smaller boats.

“Every so often we’d just hear it and the boat would slow down or jolt a little bit,” he says. “But because of the 30-tonne boat and the way it’s constructed, the rudders weren’t damaged at all. We ended up nicknaming the rudders “meat cleavers” because we just kept on ploughing along at 20-odd knots, and it was just like a speed bump.”


George Costanza Good Job GIF

Joooj da, ako je nesto dokaz da Bog postoji a ne evolucija onda su to oni. Spori, bez odbrane, neefikasni i nekako ih jos drugi nisu istrebili. Internet je pun slika gde su ih drugi morski stvorovi calabrcnuli ovde ili onde i oni nastavljaju kao da se nista nije desilo, ni ne beze dok ih jedu :lolol: :ph34r: :gospode:







  • 2 weeks later...


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