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Tour de France 2014


Tour de France 2014  

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aham, bas se spremao :lol:


otresao ga ko slinu bre :D

kad su pričali na onom ravnom delu pomislio sam da će da potegnu zajednički pa da će Nibali da mu prepusti pobedu, ali jok, izgleda da mu je Purito rekao da ne može više.

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Strašno mi je žao Contadora. I zbog same trke, a i nije mi antipatičan. Šteta baš. I za Froomea. Kakva bi trka bila...


Ali Nibali :wub:

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Ajkula bi se ovom pobedom uvrstio u probrano društvo pobednika sva tri Grand Toura (Anketil, Đimondi, Merks, Ino, Kontador).


meni bi najkul bilo da ako ovde pobedi za narednu sezonu proglasi Paris-Roubaix kao jedan od svojih ciljeva. posle prošle srede bez zezanja mislim da bi mogao da bude konkurentan, još i više nego npr. Vigins. a od likova je koji imaju i razumevanja i poštovanja za biciklizam daleko izvan Tura i etapnih trka. to bi baš bilo dobro za sport.


ali ajde da ja bar ne žurim sa proglašavanjem pobednika, kome sam ja uspeh i sreću proricao tom ni pakao neće teško pasti.

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Contador polomio potkolenicu, trebace i operacija, nezvanicno po Riis-u.

Ukurac :(


Nibaliju je san da osvoji PR, to je više puta govorio. To ne znači da ga može i osvojiti, ali može svakako da znači da ima ambiciju da proba.

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I to tibiju (veću i deblju kost potkolenice) , koliko vidim na tviteru.. Pitanje za vas koji malo više pratite biciklizam, koliko je ovo česta povreda?

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Ah kod biciklista je sve moguce, ali definitivno to nije jedna od cescih. Kljucna kost mislim da najvise strada, posle rame i zglobovi ruke sto je i logicno.

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I to tibiju (veću i deblju kost potkolenice) , koliko vidim na tviteru.. Pitanje za vas koji malo više pratite biciklizam, koliko je ovo česta povreda?

ne baš česta, što kaže Grandilof.

morao je biti vrlo gadan pad. jebote, on je još onoliko vozio nakon pada... baš šteta, sad mi krivo što sam ga proglašavao zdravim i pravim za Vueltu :(

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JVDB kaže: Kontadorov pad je njegova krivica, usred spusta kad su svi vozili oprezno on je ustajao iz sedla, sprintao pored mene dok sam bio oko 15. mesta u grupi. Naleteo je na rupu u putu i napravio salto preko bicikla. Nisam bio iznenađen kad su javili da je odustao, bio sam iznenađen što je uopšte nastavio.

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Machado uspeo da završi etapu, ali 43 minuta iza Nibalija, tj bivaće eliminisan. mada ja se nadam da bi mogli da mu progledaju kroz prste.

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aime, Contador :(


ali koji mu kurac bio da se izivljava na spustu kada za to nije bilo potrebe?! pa da je napaljeni klinac od 22 godine pa da razumem, ali on zaboga ima dva toura, giro i dve vuelte i tako da se ponasa?! :isuse:

Edited by freakns
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Vincenzo Nibali: "The hardest stage I've ever done in a Grand Tour"



"This is a wonderful victory, thanks to a great team work, especially by Michele Scarponi in the finale. It's been a very demanding stage with the fog and the rain after ten days of hard racing. This was the hardest stage I've ever done in a Grand Tour, with seven climbs and so many crashes. As I crossed the line, I've dedicated it to my baby girl. I speak with my wife every day on the phone and she told me that Emma becomes silent and opens her eyes wide when she hears my voice on TV. I feel sorry for Alberto Contador. He crashed just in front of me and I've been scared that I'd go down as well but I don't know why he crashed. I've just seen that it was a heavy fall. We stopped pedaling for a while. I spoke with Richie Porte, I also spoke with my team car, but Tony Martin was 4.30 ahead, so we've had to ride again. The stage had started very well for us. The breakaway suited us. At that point of the stage, it was Lotto controlling the race. In the first downhill, Kwiatkowski and Martin rode away. The gap was precisely let by Contador and Sergio Paulinho. In the following downhill, we were there to try and take the race in hand. Since Arenberg [stage 5], we have always controlled and I was expecting attacks from Contador, so in the next stages, I'll look at controlling again but without him. I'll try to keep the yellow jersey but I won't be left without rivals. Richie Porte and Alejandro Valverde are up there. I'll have to handle my advantage. I think that my performance today was of a very high level, similar to the 2013 Giro d'Italia. With my coach Paolo Slongo, we've prepared for the Tour at perfection in order to reach the top level here. Before the Dauphiné, I went to Tenerife for a training camp with all my team-mates for the Tour. We did an intense work there. At the Dauphiné, I was well but I didn't have the condition to challenge the best riders. After the Dauphiné, I didn't go home. I went to the Passo San Pellegrino to do a specific work. I've done some changes of rhythm in the climbs behind Slongo's motorbike because I knew I would have to fight against Contador in steep uphill finishes here. Shall I win the Tour, it'll be difficult to say I win because Chris Froome and Contador have crashed. I already had a good lead and I was ready to fight in a big duel with Alberto. Crashes are part of the sport. I've crashed myself many times in the past as well. It's a pity that the Tour has lost two major protagonists. I hope it's not too bad for Alberto. I wish him the best."


Edited by Nesh
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