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Premier League 14/15


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Inače iz prve ruke, u Liverpulu haos, svesni su da se odbrana raspada i da se ne zna gde smo™ najviše šuplji (da su čitali PPP znali bi to odavno), shvataju da je Ager bio najbolji, pritisak je baš ogroman. Baloteli oterao devojku iz kuće i sada živi sa dve svinje kućna ljubimca :lol: i još par sitnica o kojima ne bih   :0.6:


Pozdravi Lazara i od mene. :D

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Draža™ ima novu knjigu u kojoj se opet obračunava sa Haalandom, po ko zna koji put. Ovaj put kaže da nije hteo da ga mu nanese povredu, samo je hteo da ga povredi -_- (Pičkasti engleski jezik priznaje razliku između "injure" i "hurt", za razliku od muževnog srpskog.)


“He was an absolute prick to play against. Niggling, sneaky. I did want to nail him and let him know what was happening. I wanted to hurt him and stand over him and go: ‘Take that, you cunt.’ I don’t regret that. But I had no wish to injure him.


“It was action; it was football. It was dog eats dog. I’ve kicked lots of players and I know the difference between hurting somebody and injuring somebody. I didn’t go to injure Haaland. When you play sport, you know how to injure somebody.


“Haaland finished the game and played four days later, for Norway. A couple of years later he tried to claim that he’d had to retire because of the tackle. He was going to sue me. It was a bad tackle but he was still able to play four days later.


“Looking back at it now, I’m disappointed in the other Manchester City players. They didn’t jump in to defend their team-mate. I know that if someone had done that to a United player, I’d have been right in there. They probably thought he was a prick, too.”





Bez zelje da opravdavam Keana i njegovo ludilo, treba dodati i deo u kojem objasnjava razlog za takav start (sto nikako nije bilo "absolute prick to play against. Niggling, sneaky."), cisto da bi, koga to zanima, imali celu sliku o dogadjaju.


'I'd waited long enough. I fucking hit him hard. The ball was there (I think). Take that you cunt. And don't ever stand over me sneering about fake injuries.'

Later Keane said: 'The charges hurt me - the idea I'd bragged... in hope of selling extra books.'



Naime, 1997 Keane je startovao s ledja na Haalandu ali tom prilikom je sjebao ligamente sopstvenog kolena (zbog cega je mesecima pauzirao), a Haaland mu se uneo u facu i iznapusavao ga kako se folira da ne bi dobio zuti karton, dok se ovaj previjao na travi. Naravno Keano mu to nije zaboravio i cekao je osvetu da je servira hladnu 4 godine kasnije. 




Edited by ducca
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Bez zelje da opravdavam Keana i njegovo ludilo, treba dodati i deo u kojem objasnjava razlog za takav start (sto nikako nije bilo ", absolute prick to play against. Niggling, sneaky"),cisto da bi, koga to zanima, imali celu sliku o dogadjaju.


Naime, 1997 Keane je startovao s ledja na Haalandu ali tom prilikom je sjebao ligamente sopstvenog kolena (zbog cega je mesecima pauzirao), a Haaland mu se uneo u facu i iznapusavao ga kako se folira da ne bi dobio zuti karton, dok se ovaj previjao na travi. Naravno Keano mu to nije zaboravio i cekao je osvetu da je servira hladnu 4 godine kasnije.

Ma koga briga za tačne razloge za start, ni prvi ni poslednji put da fudbalerima pada mrak na oči pa da isteruju neku svoju pravdu. (Pritom Keane lepo kaže da je između ta dva događaja još tri puta igrao potiv Haalanda, dakle nije da nije imao prilike da ga odvali ranije.)


Meni je daleko zanimljiviji Keanov rezon i stil, uvid u to kako čovek razmišlja - He was a prick, I wanted to say 'take that you cunt', hurt but not injure, itd. A apsolutno je najbolji detalj sa kraja, kad činjenicu da Haalanda saigrači nisu branili od njega koristi kao krunski dokaz zvoje pravičnosti - "Jel' vidite da je čovek bio pizda, da nije zaslužio oni bi valjda uleteli, sve je jasno" :D

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Jbt ovo je ko u maratoncima. Kako koji izadje na teren, vene i svene kao cvet


Paddy McNair - tri nedelje. :lolol:  :frust:




Sto rece jedan - nece proci jos dugo vremena kad ce nekoga sa foruma i blogova pozvati na trial...

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Pa valjda ce Dzons, Smoling i Evans biti fit za sledece kolo (koje je na nasu srecu tek za 2 nedelje), Erera takodje.


btw Jokan kod cika Eltona :naughty:

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Legenda irskog fudbala nastavlja da se bori protiv sistema, iz nove knjige: "It might seem strange but you find out about characters when you look to see who’s in charge of the music. A young lad might want to put on the latest sound; an older player might say: ‘I’m the senior player’ and put himself in charge. But I noticed none of the players [at Sunderland] were in charge of the music and this was a concern for me. A member of staff was in charge. I was looking at him thinking: ‘I hope someone nails him here.’ The last song before the players went on to the pitch was ‘Dancing Queen’ by Abba. What really worried me was that none of the players – not one – said: ‘Get that shit off.’ They were going out to play a match, men versus men, testosterone levels were high. You’ve got to hit people at pace. Fuckin’ ‘Dancing Queen.’ It worried me. I didn't have as many leaders as I thought.”



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I još jedan: “I rang Mark Hughes. Robbie [savage] wasn’t in the Blackburn team and I asked Mark if we could try to arrange a deal. Sparky said: ‘Yeah, yeah, he’s lost his way here but he could still do a job for you.’ Robbie’s legs were going a bit but I thought he might come up to us [at Sunderland], with his long hair, and give us a lift – the way Yorkie [Dwight Yorke] had, a big personality in the dressing room. Sparky gave me permission to give him a call. So I got Robbie’s mobile number and rang him. It went to his voicemail: ‘Hi, it’s Robbie – whazzup!’ like the Budweiser ad. I never called him back. I thought: ‘I can’t be fucking signing that.’" :D

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Inace sutra izlazi. Ocekuje se jos pikanterija. Navodno je prvi deo bio poprilicno autocenzurisan. 


"He  (Schmeihel) was probably doing it for concentration levels, but I felt he did it too often, as if he was telling the crowd: 'Look what I have to deal with'.

"He said: 'I've had enough of you, It's time we sorted this out.' So I said 'Okay' and we had a fight. It felt like 10 minutes. There was a lot of noise - Peter's a big lad."

Keane says Nicky Butt had refereed the fight and had given him a break-down of what had went on, including: "Peter had grabbed me, I'd head-butted him - we'd been fighting for ages."

But Ferguson wasn't impressed after learning that Sir Bobby Charlton had been woken by the incident, which took place on the 27th floor of a hotel.

"He told us that we were a disgrace to the club, and that we'd woken Bobby Charlton up, that Bobby had come out of his room and seen us," Keane writes.


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Isto 8. Ovaj iz X faktora je kralj sistema eliminacije.


Inače, koliko se baviš ovim perifernim stvarima, nije ni čudo da te pragmatičnost, odsustvo folklora i ornamentike kod Specijalnog izluđuje. Barem dok ne napiše memoare, mada i to će biti kao Znakovi pored puta.

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Hej, moja četiri zida, nije kao da komentarišem utakmice na TV-u i pričam o online kvizovima i Kinovoj biografiji umesto o tome kod kog igrača je lopta...


A pragmatičnost i (mestimična) brutalna direktnost su neke od retkih osobina koje kod Specijalnog stvarno poštujem. Zato me i izluđuje tendencija da se stalno traži neko zapreteno značenje koje je veliki mudrac u svojim rečima sakrio, kao ono da ne laprda zato što mu se laprda nego se žrtvuje da bi odvukao pažnju medija sa svojih igrača na sebe :puke:

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