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Premier League 14/15


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Lucas, da si ti meni živ i zdrav, juče nije ni primirisao terenu. Henderson i Gerrard su komandovali ubojitom sredinom, ispred njih Markec, Coutinho, i Sterling (posle Lallana i Llambert). Plus naravno Baloo.



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Guardianov Fiver nastavlja da objašnjava™:


In modern football, it’s not enough for players to jog about a bit, trying to kick the ball and occasionally head it, with a view to making passes or scoring a goal and stuff. No, they’ve also got to jig about like dancing bears at the end of each game, in front of the stands, applauding the supporters for putting in 90 minutes of hard graft eating pies, snorkeling bevvy, and filming over-rated midfielders under-hitting corners on their smartphones. Woe betide the player who doesn’t prostrate themselves thus! And so last night Mario Balotelli, the funk raging after Liverpool’s risible display in Basel, stormed off straight down the tunnel without first doing the little dance. Oh Mario! How could you not do the little dance!




Balotelli took his leave at double-quick time despite entreaties made by Brendan Rodgers, who wanted to see the little dance. “Mario worked hard but needs to do more,” blasted Liverpool’s jolly cross manager after the match, his teeth the whitest shade of white when juxtaposed with a livid face. “I’m not sure if he came back to the fans.” Working on the assumption that every member of Liverpool’s travelling support last night was over six years old, the Fiver would argue that it doesn’t matter, and that Rodgers might have one or two more pressing concerns, given his team are currently playing in a manner which might be best described as Hodgsonian. That state of affairs was alluded to by captain $tevie Mbe, who instead of announcing his immediate retirement, said this: “We were aggressive with and without the ball against Everton but we went back to where we have been for most of the season tonight, which is not good enough.” Oh dear. At least he did the little dance.

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Lucas, da si ti meni živ i zdrav, juče nije ni primirisao terenu. Henderson i Gerrard su komandovali ubojitom sredinom, ispred njih Markec, Coutinho, i Sterling (posle Lallana i Llambert). Plus naravno Baloo.



Цениш да би помогао?

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Ko, Lucas? Naravno da ne bi, samo objašnjavam™ da ovo što copkillah kaže da je Allen korisniji od Lucasa nažalost ne znači da je koristan uopšte.

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Lukasa gledam kao minus, a Alen bi tu onda bio nula, jbg nula je bolja od minusa.


Lukas ti garantuje jedan nerezonski i ničim izazvani faul u opasnoj zoni (koja je za nas™ doduše sve širi pojam)

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FA profesionalan kao i vazda.




Scholesy nastavlja sa sjajnom kolumnom. Analizira igru Citija (pored pljuvaze po pozorisnoj atmosferi u mozda najbitnijoj Euro utakmici ove godine):


Like a lot of European teams, Roma operate best by controlling the midfield and that is what they did on Tuesday. By using two strikers, City played into their hands. It is obvious that in Europe, Yaya Touré cannot play in the two in front of the defence. Roberto Mancini played him further up the pitch. Sergio Aguero plays better with someone alongside him but that can create a four v two situation in the middle of midfield.


At times it was impossible for Touré and Fernandinho when Francesco Totti dropped back into midfield to add to the numbers. It was like City had never watched Roma before. Opposing teams should know what they do. When United teams played against Totti, albeit a few years ago now, we knew that Roma tried to get the ball to their captain early and play off him. We knew if you dealt with Totti then you went a long way to stopping Roma from playing.


Sometimes in Europe you have to sacrifice a part of your team. Perhaps, for instance, you have to play with just one up to increase the numbers in midfield. When Frank Lampard came on he made a difference. He was clever enough to add to the numbers in City’s midfield but he also got forward.


James Milner had an impact too when he came on. When I was still playing it seemed that when City came to Old Trafford, Milner would play. Mancini knew what he would get from him. Sometimes I think Milner suffers because he does not have a big European reputation and that means he gets left out. But he can defend and get forward. City need to find a way of winning their home games in Europe. It is a fundamental part of being successful in the Champions League.



Za kraj biser:


As for myself, I did not spend too much time giving opponents a hand up after I had fouled them – well, only if I thought it might change the referee’s mind about a card.

On a separate note, I do find it bizarre how much shaking of hands and embracing goes on before games now. :Hail: You should shake hands after a game, not before. Players, and fans, feed off the big rivalries, like Roy Keane and Patrick Vieira. I see some players greeting opponents before the game like long lost friends. I got the impression when I played that a lot of it was for show and they didn’t really know one another. These days, people seem too keen to be nice to the opposition.


Edited by ducca
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Sve je u pravu, samo mora da nauci od brata Garyja da drugacije to formulise. Ovako izgleda kao Unitedov oficir za propagandu zaduzen za, hmm, manje prijatne poslove.  


Ovo oko rukovanja - jbg, old school :D

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