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ФК Црвена Звезда 2014/15

porucnik vasic

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deliberately handling the ball (a "hand ball" should not be called if a player is instinctively trying to protect himself from injury or if the ball hits the hand while it is in a natural position near the players side and has not been moved toward the ball. See "Hand Ball" for more details; this does not apply to the goalkeeper inside his own penalty area.),


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čist penal, lopta je išla ka praznom golu igrač je sprečio čist gol, nije ovo bila napucana kod centaršuta pa da se gleda da li je lopta išla ka ruci ili ruka ka lopti

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Samo mi jos nadji u pravilima gde se pominje da li lopta ide u prazan gol ili bilo gde drugde. Uvek se gleda da li je napucana ili je postojala namera.


Ne treba vise, dosta je.

Za onog ko zna da cita moralo bi da bude dosta.
Jos jedan tekst na ovu temu.
Covek je profesionalni sudija btw
To learn more about the "hand ball," we need to begin by looking inside our FIFA Laws of the Game to see what the rules really are. First of all, unbeknownst to many, there is no such rule as "hand ball." In reality, Law XII states that is illegal if a player "handles the ball deliberately (except for the goalkeeper within his own penalty area)" This means that is not, I repeat not, a foul if the ball touches a player's hand. It is only a foul if the player intentionally handles the ball. Therefore, all of those times that a defender kicks the ball right into a player's hand or the ball bounces up and hits an arm, these are not fouls and should not be called. 



As recently as 1996 FIFA specifically changed the laws to make it very clear that it is only a foul if the player handles the ball deliberately


Edited by katamaran
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Covjece, mozes da iznosis sva pravila ovog svijeta, ovaj penal nece svirati samo lose sudije (i to moraju biti bas lose) ili placene sudije i ovaj penal ce osporavati samo slijepci i indoktrinirani navijaci kluba koji je skrivio penal.

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Potpuno nebitno da li je na liniji ili na centru.


Lopta je vise nego ocigledno napucana i tu je kraj svake price.


Pretpostavljam da je i Toletova sudijska komisija potplacena?


U odluci sa redovne sednice ovog tela istaknuto je da “Santrač nije pogrešio, već je postupio po instrukciji UEFA za takve slučajeve


Ili mozda navijaju za Zvezdu.


Ili ipak mozda poznaju pravila igre.

Edited by katamaran
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Potpuno nebitno da li je na liniji ili na centru.


Lopta je vise nego ocigledno napucana i tu je kraj svake price.


Pretpostavljam da je i Toletova sudijska komisija potplacena?


Ili mozda navijaju za Zvezdu.


Ili ipak mozda poznaju pravila igre.



Zanimljivo  :unsure:


desetak dana ranije pre Smedereva na UEFA utakmici važila druga pravila za gotovo istu situaciju - igranje rukom u 16



27 sekunda

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