Lord Protector Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 (edited) teatralna politička nekorektnost kao protest protiv sveprožimajućeg besmisla, ništa više od toga... Edited November 9, 2014 by slow
apostata Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Ovaj svaki dan histerise protiv "fasista" u Kijevu, docim su mu oni stari, berlinsko-minhenski, sasvim ok: PUTIN O HITLERU Ne vidim ništa loše u paktu sa nacistima Telegraph.co.uk - T.Vujović | 07. 11. 2014. - 10:08h | Foto: Reuters, AP | Komentara: 17 Vladimir Putin izjavio je da ne misli da je pakt Sovjetskog Saveza sa nacistima bio pogrešan potez. On smatra i da su Britanija i Francuska krivci za to što je Hitler ušao u Evropu, a ne ovaj ugovor koji je potom doveo do podele Poljske. Ruski predsednik sastao se u Moskvi sa mladim istoričarima, gde ih je podstakao da istraže početak Drugog svetskog rata, između ostalog. On je rekao da istoričari sa zapada danas žele da prikriju sporazum koji je potpisan 1938. u Minhenu. Ovim sporazumom su Francuzi i Britanci, vođeni premijerom Nevilom Čemberlenom, udovoljili Adolfu Hitleru tako što su se složili sa njegovom okupacijom Sudeta u Čehoslovačkoj. - Došao je Čemberlen, mahnuo parčetom papira, rekao “Doneo sam vam mir” i onda se vratio u London. A onda je Čerčil rekao maloj grupi ljudi da je sada rat neizbežan. Kompromis sa agresorom kao što je to bila Hitlerova Nemačka očigledno je morao da vodi u ogroman vojni konflikt, a nisu mnogi to shvatali – ispričao je Putin. Putin je takođe rekao da misli je sporazum Moskve sa Hitlerom 1939. godine, takozvani Ribentrop-Molotov, bio sasvim u redu. - Ozbiljna istraživanja moraju da pokažu da su to bile metode spoljne politike tog vremena. Sovjetski Savez potpisao je sporazum sa Nemačkom, a ljudi su mislili da je to loše. Šta je loše u tome što SSSR nije želeo da ratuje? – pitao se Putin. Hvala q... - izgleda da među tim njegovim savjetnicima ima i neko i pametan.
Gricko Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Dobrih ideja nikad dosta. Mozda se ovo zapati i kod nas: POSLANICA U DUMI ZNA KAKO DA POVEĆA PATRIOTIZAM Putinovo seme stvara novu armiju! Autor: Ekipa Alo! | 08.11.2014 - 07:02:00h | Komentara: 0 0 Eureka! Jelena Borisovna Mizulina, poslanica u ruskoj Dumi, došla je na „genijalnu“ idaju kako da se poveća rodoljublje u najvećoj zemlji na svetu! Mizulina, koja je predsednica Komisije za ženske poslove, decu i porodicu u Dumi, izjavila je bi Ruskinje koje žele da postanu majke trebalo da budu oplođene semenom predsednika Vladimira Putina (62), kako bi se u zemlji stvorila nova „vojna i politička elita“. Ona je ovaj više nego bizaran predlog iznela tokom rasprave o sterilitetu. Nije on kriv što ga obožavaju: Vladimir Putin | Foto: Profimedia „Srž mog predloga je jednostavna. Svaki građanin Rusije bi poštom dobio genetički materijal predsednika. Žene bi mogle da iskoriste taj materijal i ostanu u drugom stanju. Kada zatrudne, dobijale bi subvenciju od države u zamenu za njihovu posvećenost državi“, rekla je poslanica. Mizulina je dodala da bi Putinova deca predstavljala novu političku i vojnu elitu Rusije i ona bi se školovala u posebni školama i institucijama. Ova poslanica, pravnica po obrazovanju, i ranije je izazivala kontroverze, predlažući da se svi Jevreji isele iz zemlje, kao i da se američkim državljanima zabrani da usvajaju decu u Rusiji. Ona se zalaže i da se ženama zabrani da pohađaju visoke škole pre nego što se porode.
Zaz_pi Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Dobri covek Cercil Winston Churchill's 'bid to nuke Russia' to win Cold War - uncovered in secret FBI files Britain's war-time leader urged the US to launch a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union to win the Cold War He urged Senator Styles Bridges to persuade President Harry Truman to launch a nuclear attack He believed a pre-emptive strike on Stalin's Russia might be the only way to stop Communism conquering the West Winston Churchill urged the United States to launch a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union to win the Cold War, a newly released document reveals. The previously unseen memorandum from the FBI archives details how Britain’s wartime leader made his views known to a visiting American politician in 1947. Churchill believed a pre-emptive strike on Stalin’s Russia might be the only way to stop Communism conquering the West. The note, written by an FBI agent, reports that Churchill urged Right-wing Republican Senator Styles Bridges to persuade President Harry Truman to launch a nuclear attack which would ‘wipe out’ the Kremlin and make the Soviet Union a ‘very easy problem’ to deal with. The Russians would have been defenceless against a nuclear attack at that time – they did not successfully test their own atomic bomb until 1949. Britain and the Soviet Union had been allies in the Second World War until 1945, the year Churchill lost office as Prime Minister. But he was one of the first international statesmen to recognise the post-war threat posed by the USSR, and in 1946 made a famous speech in Fulton, Missouri, about an ‘iron curtain’ having descended across Europe as Joseph Stalin consolidated his grip on the eastern half of the continent. The FBI document shows Churchill’s belligerence towards Britain’s former wartime ally ran so deep that he was prepared to tolerate the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Soviet civilians in a nuclear strike. The memo claims Churchill ‘stated that the only salvation for the civilisation of the world would be if the President of the United States would declare Russia to be imperilling world peace and attack Russia’. The note continues: ‘He pointed out that if an atomic bomb could be dropped on the Kremlin, wiping it out, it would be a very easy problem to handle the balance of Russia, which would be without direction. ‘Churchill further stated that if this was not done, Russia will attack the United States in the next two or three years when she gets the atomic bomb and civilisation will be wiped out or set back many years.’ The memo is published for the first time in a book called When Lions Roar: The Churchills And The Kennedys, by award-winning investigative journalist Thomas Maier. It is due to be published in Britain next month. John F. Kennedy regarded Churchill as his hero and made him an honorary American citizen in 1963 – the first person to be given such an accolade. The two families shared friends, such as Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis, who married Jacqueline Kennedy after her husband’s assassination. Maier said: ‘Churchill had been a great historian of warfare. He saw the last great cavalry charge during the First World War and championed the development of tanks. ‘I think he saw a nuclear strike as just another progression of conventional warfare, until he realised there was a lot more devastation with nuclear weapons.’ Maier said Churchill was more ‘bellicose’ when out of office. After he returned to power in 1951, a nuclear attack against the USSR was never mentioned again. Inace ovo je razlog sukoba Staljina i Broza. Broz nije shvatao koliko su opasne godine za SSSR posle samog rata i zestoko ja navaljivao na Bugarsku, Albaiju i narocito Grcku, sto je bilo izuzetno opasno za SSSR da podrzi. Da ponovim ono sto sam stavio na drugoj temi-In Cold War, U.S. Spy Agencies Used 1,000 Nazis WASHINGTON — In the decades after World War II, the C.I.A. and other United States agencies employed at least a thousand Nazis as Cold War spies and informants and, as recently as the 1990s, concealed the government’s ties to some still living in America, newly disclosed records and interviews show. At the height of the Cold War in the 1950s, law enforcement and intelligence leaders like J. Edgar Hoover at the F.B.I. and Allen Dulles at the C.I.A. aggressively recruited onetime Nazis of all ranks as secret, anti-Soviet “assets,” declassified records show. They believed the ex-Nazis’ intelligence value against the Russians outweighed what one official called “moral lapses” in their service to the Third Reich. The agency hired one former SS officer as a spy in the 1950s, for instance, even after concluding he was probably guilty of “minor war crimes.” And in 1994, a lawyer with the C.I.A. pressured prosecutors to drop an investigation into an ex-spy outside Boston implicated in the Nazis’ massacre of tens of thousands of Jews in Lithuania, according to a government official. ... Iz modernog doba, Путин ввел запрет пропаганды символики организаций, сотрудничавших с фашистамиПолитика 5 ноября, 11:17 UTC+3Закон был принят Госдумой 24 октября и одобрен Советом федерации 29 октябряМОСКВА, 5 ноября. /ТАСС/. Президент России Владимир Путин подписал закон, вводящий запрет на пропаганду или публичное демонстрирование символики организаций, сотрудничавших с фашистами либо отрицающих итоги Нюрнбергского трибунала. Документ опубликован на официальном портале правовой информации.Закон был принят Госдумой 24 октября и одобрен Советом федерации 29 октября. Он вносит дополнения в закон "Об увековечении Победы советского народа в Великой Отечественной войне" и Кодекс РФ об административных правонарушениях. Нарушение закона будет наказываться штрафом в 1-2 тыс. руб. или арестом на срок до 15 суток для граждан, для должностных лиц - штрафом до 4 тыс. руб., для юрлиц - штрафом от 10 тыс. до 50 тыс. руб. Изготовление же или сбыт в целях пропаганды нацистской символики либо иной запрещенной атрибутики будет грозить штрафом для граждан в размере до 2,5 тыс. руб., для чиновников - от 2 тыс. до 5 тыс. руб., для компаний - от 20 тыс. до 100 тыс. руб. Уголовный срок за реабилитацию нацизмаВесной парламент принял поправки в Уголовный кодекс, предусматривающие уголовное наказание до 5 лет за реабилитацию нацизма. В УК РФ появилась ст. 354-1 с соответствующим названием. Соответствующий законопроект был внесен в Госдуму еще в 2009 году. За отрицание фактов, установленных приговором Международного военного трибунала для суда и наказания главных военных преступников европейских стран "оси", одобрение преступлений, установленных указанным приговором, а равно распространение заведомо ложных сведений о деятельности СССР во время Второй мировой войны, соединенных с обвинением в совершении преступлений, установленных указанным приговором, совершенные публично был введен штраф до 300 тыс. руб. либо принудительные работы или лишение свободы на срок до 3 лет. Если же попытки реабилитации нацизма совершаются с использованием служебного положения или СМИ, а также с "искусственным созданием доказательств обвинения", ответственность выше: штрафы составят от 100 тыс. до 500 тыс. руб., альтернативное наказание - принудительные работы или лишение свободы на срок до 5 лет с лишением права занимать определенные должности или заниматься определенной деятельностью на срок до 3 лет.
Lord Protector Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 (edited) Dobrih ideja nikad dosta. Mozda se ovo zapati i kod nas: POSLANICA U DUMI ZNA KAKO DA POVEĆA PATRIOTIZAMPutinovo seme stvara novu armiju! Autor: Ekipa Alo! | 08.11.2014 - 07:02:00h | Komentara: 0 0 Eureka! Jelena Borisovna Mizulina, poslanica u ruskoj Dumi, došla je na „genijalnu“ idaju kako da se poveća rodoljublje u najvećoj zemlji na svetu! Mizulina, koja je predsednica Komisije za ženske poslove, decu i porodicu u Dumi, izjavila je bi Ruskinje koje žele da postanu majke trebalo da budu oplođene semenom predsednika Vladimira Putina (62), kako bi se u zemlji stvorila nova „vojna i politička elita“. Ona je ovaj više nego bizaran predlog iznela tokom rasprave o sterilitetu. Nije on kriv što ga obožavaju: Vladimir Putin | Foto: Profimedia „Srž mog predloga je jednostavna. Svaki građanin Rusije bi poštom dobio genetički materijal predsednika. Žene bi mogle da iskoriste taj materijal i ostanu u drugom stanju. Kada zatrudne, dobijale bi subvenciju od države u zamenu za njihovu posvećenost državi“, rekla je poslanica. Mizulina je dodala da bi Putinova deca predstavljala novu političku i vojnu elitu Rusije i ona bi se školovala u posebni školama i institucijama. Ova poslanica, pravnica po obrazovanju, i ranije je izazivala kontroverze, predlažući da se svi Jevreji isele iz zemlje, kao i da se američkim državljanima zabrani da usvajaju decu u Rusiji. Ona se zalaže i da se ženama zabrani da pohađaju visoke škole pre nego što se porode. Predlog je dobar, ali ima jednu manu: zašto veštačka oplodnja? Prirodna ima mnogih komparativnih prednosti... Edited November 9, 2014 by slow
Zaz_pi Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Putin, Xi Jinping sign second mega gas deal on new gas supply route President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping have signed a memorandum of understanding on the so-called “western” gas supplies route to China. The agreement paves the way for a contract that would make China the biggest consumer of Russian gas. Russia’s so-called “western” or "Altay" route would supply 30 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas a year to China. The new supply line comes in addition to the “eastern” route, through the “Power of Siberia” pipeline, which will annually deliver 38 bcm of gas to China. Work on that pipeline route has already begun after a $400 billion deal was clinched in May. “After we have launched supplies via the “western route,” the volume of gas deliveries to China can exceed the current volumes of export to Europe,” Gazprom CEO Aleksey Miller told reporters, commenting on the deal. Speaking to journalists on the eve of his visit to Beijing, Putin was optimistic about prospects for the new gas deal with China. “We have reached an understanding in principle concerning the opening of the western route,” Putin said. “We have already agreed on many technical and commercial aspects of this project, laying a good basis for reaching final arrangements.” The “western” route deal is one of the 17 agreements signed at the Sunday meeting between Putin and Xi. They also included a framework agreement between Gazprom and China’s CNPC on gas deliveries and a memorandum of understanding between Gazprom and another Chinese energy giant, CNOOC. Gazprom and CNPC have also signed a preliminary agreement for China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development to take a 10 percent stake in Russia's Vancorneft. Among the business issues discussed by Putin and Xi at their fifth meeting this year was the possibility of payment in Chinese yuan, including for defense deals military, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov was cited as saying by RIA Novosti.
Eraserhead Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Dobrih ideja nikad dosta. Mozda se ovo zapati i kod nas: POSLANICA U DUMI ZNA KAKO DA POVEĆA PATRIOTIZAM Putinovo seme stvara novu armiju! Autor: Ekipa Alo! | 08.11.2014 - 07:02:00h | Komentara: 0 0 Eureka! Jelena Borisovna Mizulina, poslanica u ruskoj Dumi, došla je na „genijalnu“ idaju kako da se poveća rodoljublje u najvećoj zemlji na svetu! Mizulina, koja je predsednica Komisije za ženske poslove, decu i porodicu u Dumi, izjavila je bi Ruskinje koje žele da postanu majke trebalo da budu oplođene semenom predsednika Vladimira Putina (62), kako bi se u zemlji stvorila nova „vojna i politička elita“. Ona je ovaj više nego bizaran predlog iznela tokom rasprave o sterilitetu. Nije on kriv što ga obožavaju: Vladimir Putin | Foto: Profimedia „Srž mog predloga je jednostavna. Svaki građanin Rusije bi poštom dobio genetički materijal predsednika. Žene bi mogle da iskoriste taj materijal i ostanu u drugom stanju. Kada zatrudne, dobijale bi subvenciju od države u zamenu za njihovu posvećenost državi“, rekla je poslanica. Mizulina je dodala da bi Putinova deca predstavljala novu političku i vojnu elitu Rusije i ona bi se školovala u posebni školama i institucijama. Ova poslanica, pravnica po obrazovanju, i ranije je izazivala kontroverze, predlažući da se svi Jevreji isele iz zemlje, kao i da se američkim državljanima zabrani da usvajaju decu u Rusiji. Ona se zalaže i da se ženama zabrani da pohađaju visoke škole pre nego što se porode. odlicno.
Кристофер Лумумбо Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 ocekujem da zoran babic ukrade ovu ideju i zatrazi da ih deshko sve osemeni.
stena Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 (edited) Концерт Лајбаха у Питеру, отказан због притиска режима. https://navalny.com/p/3932/ Настави ли се овако, стари рокер Медведев ће опасно попиздети. Добро, ове Словенце вероватно никад није имао на Винамп листи. Edited November 9, 2014 by stena
glibav Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 (edited) Ako je to istina, Rusija svakim danom postaje retardiranija drzava. Edited November 9, 2014 by djeneralche
Zaz_pi Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Dosao Putin u Kinu na samit APECa i nosi darove Kinezima-telefone(YotaPhone Wins the CNET Best of CES Award for Hottest Mobile Device at the 2013 International CES ) jer Kinezi nemaju to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmH4YWI-dq8
Skyhighatrist Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Pa Yota je prilično unique, a Kinezi ako nisu imali sličan, sad će da reversuju ove i za par meseci eto kopija na Aliju
glibav Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Mislim da bi ovo trebalo ponoviti na svakoj strani, koncert Lajbaha je zabranjen.
stena Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Mislim da bi ovo trebalo ponoviti na svakoj strani, koncert Lajbaha je zabranjen. Ma to su sve ionako nacoši. Istina, nisu zajedno sa nekima napali Poljsku '39. ali su ipak nacoši.
Lord Protector Posted November 10, 2014 Posted November 10, 2014 (edited) As Russia Draws Closer to China, U.S. Faces a New Challenge By PETER BAKER NOV. 8, 2014 NYTimes WASHINGTON — President Obama flies to Beijing on Sunday to renew efforts to refocus American foreign policy toward Asia. But when he lands, he will find the man who has done so much to frustrate him lately, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. “You are pivoting to Asia,” Russia’s ambassador to Washington said last week, “but we’re already there.” Mr. Obama is returning to Asia as Russia pulls closer to China, presenting a profound challenge to the United States and Europe. Estranged from the West over Ukraine, Mr. Putin will also be in Beijing this week as he seeks economic and political support, trying to upend the international order by fashioning a coalition to resist what both countries view as American arrogance. Whether that is more for show than for real has set off a vigorous debate in Washington, where some government officials and international specialists dismiss the prospect of a more meaningful alliance between Russia and China because of the fundamental differences between the countries. But others said the Obama administration should take the threat seriously as Moscow pursues energy, financing and military deals with Beijing. “We are more and more interested in the region that is next to us in Asia,” said Sergei I. Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to Washington. “They are good partners to us.” He added that a recent natural gas deal between Moscow and Beijing was a taste of the future. “It’s just the beginning,” he said, “and you will see more and more projects between us and China.” The Russian pivot to China factors into a broader White House-led review of American policy toward Moscow now underway. The review has produced several drafts of a policy to counter what officials call Putinism over the long term while still seeking silos of cooperation, particularly on issues like Iran, terrorism and nuclear nonproliferation. Though there is not a wide divergence of opinion inside the administration over how to view Mr. Putin, there is a debate about what to do. The review has pitted officials favoring more engagement against those favoring more containment, according to people involved. The main question is how the Ukraine dispute should define the relationship and affect other areas where the two countries share interests. Within the administration, Mr. Putin’s efforts at accord with China are seen as a jab at Washington, but one fraught with a complicated history, mutual distrust and underlying economic disparity that ultimately makes it untenable. “They’ll use each other,” said one government official, who declined to be identified discussing the internal review. “And when one of them gets tired or sees a better deal, they’ll take it.” But others warned against underestimating the potential. “There’s just so much evidence the relationship is getting stronger,” said Gilbert Rozman, a Princeton scholar who published a book, “The Sino-Russian Challenge to the World Order,” this year and an article in Foreign Affairs on the subject last month. The rapprochement began before Ukraine, he added, but now there is a “sense that there’s no turning back. They’re moving toward China.” Graham Allison, director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard, said Mr. Putin seemed to have forged a strong bond with President Xi Jinping of China. “There’s a personal chemistry you can see,” he said. “They like each other, and they can relate to each other. They talk with each other with a candor and a level of cooperation they don’t find with other partners.” Mr. Xi made Russia his first foreign destination after taking office and attended the Sochi Olympics as Mr. Obama and European leaders were boycotting them. Each has cracked down on dissent at home, and they share a view of the United States as a meddling imperialist power whose mismanagement of the world economic order was exposed by the 2008 financial crisis. While past Chinese leaders looked askance at the Kremlin leader, “Xi is not appalled by Putin,” said Douglas Paal, an Asia expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The twin crises in Ukraine and Hong Kong have encouraged the alignment. State television in Russia portrays democracy protests in Hong Kong as an American-inspired effort to undermine China, much as it depicted the protests in Kiev as an American effort to peel away a Russian ally from Moscow. Chinese media present Mr. Putin as a strong leader standing up to foreign intervention. In May, as the United States and Europe were imposing sanctions on Moscow over Ukraine, Mr. Putin sealed a $400 billion, 30-year deal providing natural gas to China. Last month, China’s premier, Li Keqiang, signed a package of 38 deals in Moscow, including a currency swap and tax treaty. Last week, Mr. Putin said the two countries had reached an understanding for another major gas deal. The two had already bolstered economic ties. China surpassed Germany in 2010 to become Russia’s largest trading partner, with nearly $90 billion in trade last year, a figure surging this year as business with Europe shrinks. “The campaign of economic sanctions against Russia and political pressure is alienating Russia from the West and pushing it closer to China,” said Sergei Rogov, director of Moscow’s Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies. “China is perceived in Russia as a substitute for Western credits and Western technology.” Masha Lipman, a visiting fellow with the European Council on Foreign Relations, said that the pivot to China “is taken very seriously” in Moscow and that “commentators regard this shift as a given, a done and irreversible deal.” Yet talk of a Russian-Chinese alignment has persisted for decades without becoming fully realized, given deep cultural differences and a Cold War competition for leadership of the communist world. And Beijing has long opposed separatist movements, making it uncomfortable with Moscow’s support for pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine. In Moscow, some fear Russia, out of weakness, has made itself a junior partner to a rising China. While China is now Russia’s largest trading partner, Russia is only China’s 10th largest — and the United States remains its biggest. Moreover, big Russian state companies can make deals, but China will not replace Europe for most corporations and banks, as there is no developed commercial bond market for foreigners in China akin to Eurobonds. John Beyrle, a former American ambassador to Moscow, said discussions with Russian business leaders revealed nervousness, a sense that the turn to China was out of necessity as loans and investment from the West dry up. “One of them said that dependence on China worries the Russian elite much more than dependence on the West,” he said. Lilia Shevtsova, a Moscow-based analyst with the Brookings Institution, said: “The pivot is artificial. And the pivot is to the disadvantage of Russia.” Mr. Obama and Mr. Putin will cross paths twice this week, first in Beijing at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, and then in Brisbane, Australia, at a meeting of the Group of 20 nations. Mr. Obama hopes to advance a Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact. Russia and China are acutely aware they have been excluded from the proposed bloc, and Mr. Putin says it would be ineffective without them. Such issues only fuel Russia’s move to China, Russian officials said. If the United States and Europe are less reliable, long-term partners, then China looks more attractive. “We trust them,” said Mr. Kislyak, “and we hope that China equally trusts us.” Edited November 10, 2014 by slow
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