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Толстый и тонкий

Ryan Franco

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jel' upratio neku onu priču o dva homofoba koja su se venčali u zatvoru?


znam, oftopičim, al' ta priča je ista kao ova o rusofilima dverašima koji žive u americi i bore se za svoju viziju budućnosti na totalno nebitnim internet forumima. pokušavam da zamislim koliko je spektakularan taj mehanizam odbrane koji može da takve suprotnosti drži na okupu. pokušavam i ne uspeva mi, ali sam svejedno impresioniran.

Edited by ikar
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1 Istraživanje kao dokaz koliko je ruska paranoja neopravdana, Putleru niko neće tvoje resurse već nuklearne silose kad svoje carstvo rasparčaš, planetu da spasimo









Meni ovo smesno. Pa Rusija nije dala Ceceniji da se odvoji u vreme kada je bila u najvecim problemima nego je sravnila Grozni sa zemljom, a sad ce odjednom Karelija da se pripaja Finskoj.

Valjda ti instituti ne mogu da objave izvestaj a da u njemu pise "Nista posebno. Maklo cemo se natezati ali ce na kraju sve biti OK". Nego mora da bude nesto dramaticno.

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Meni ovo smesno. Pa Rusija nije dala Ceceniji da se odvoji u vreme kada je bila u najvecim problemima nego je sravnila Grozni sa zemljom, a sad ce odjednom Karelija da se pripaja Finskoj.

Valjda ti instituti ne mogu da objave izvestaj a da u njemu pise "Nista posebno. Maklo cemo se natezati ali ce na kraju sve biti OK". Nego mora da bude nesto dramaticno.


Ovaj izvestaj je na nivou penzosa Kalisa i TV Palme kada pricaju o "geopolitici".

Gde je Teslino oruzje?

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Stratfor je 4. 10. 2000 ili dan ranije predvideo da ce Slobo vladati još 10 godina.

A ovo kao da je pisao Tom Clancy.


Izvinjavam se zbog male digresije, ali ko sada vlada i ko je vladao Srbijom od 5.X? Imamo Nikolica za predsednika, Vucic je premijer i najpolarjniji politicar, a Jufkica je ministran inostranih dela i derovni molitveni doruckas kod Obame. Najveca opoziciona partija ce biti ona partija koja uspe da prodje cenzus na sledecim izborima :(


Jos jednom se izvinjavam na smetnji.




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Stratfor je odavno odleteo u senzancionalističko lupetanje najgorih gluposti, ima jedno 15 godina bar


Meni ovo zvuči kao namerno lupetanje, neka vrsta dimne zavese koja treba da odvrati pažnju od osnovne delatnosti. Stratfor po svoj prilici ima duplo dno, povezano sa nekim mnogo ozbiljnijim posudama, i kada se sve uzme u obzir njegov prevashodni zadatak je prikupljanje informacija a ne davanje ozbiljnih analiza. Treba se samo setiti skorašnjeg Fridmanovog (šefa Stratfora) puta u Moskvu...takva vrsta ozbiljne poruke se ne šalje po emisarima koji su amateri. A u samoj Moskvi je dočekan od strane ozbiljnih i moćnih ljudi.

Edited by slow
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Meni ovo zvuči kao namerno lupetanje, neka vrsta dimne zavese koja treba da odvrati pažnju od osnovne delatnosti. Stratfor po svoj prilici ima duplo dno, povezano sa nekim mnogo ozbiljnijim posudama, i kada se sve uzme u obzir njegov prevashodni zadatak je prikupljanje informacija a ne davanje ozbiljnih analiza. Treba se samo setiti skorašnjeg Fridmanovog (šefa Stratfora) puta u Moskvu...takva vrsta ozbiljne poruke se ne šalje po emisarima koji su amateri. A u samoj Moskvi je dočekan od strane ozbiljnih i moćnih ljudi.


de malko više, ne bilo ti zapovedjeno

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de malko više, ne bilo ti zapovedjeno








ovo je najbitnije:


KOMMERSANT: What actions on the Russian side could have caused the United States to become wary?


GEORGE FRIEDMAN: Russia had begun to take certain steps that the United States considered unacceptable. Primarily in Syria. It was there that Russians demonstrated to the Americans that they are capable of influencing processes in the Middle East. And the US has enough problems in that part of the world already without the Russians.


Russians intervened in the process in the Middle East among other reasons because they had hoped to get leverage to influence US policy in other areas. But they miscalculated. The United States thought that it was Russia's intent to harm them. It is in this context that we should be evaluating the events in Ukraine. The Russians, apparently, simply have not calculated how seriously the US side might perceive their actions or the extent to which they can easily find countermeasures. It was in this situation that the United States took a look at Russia and thought about what it wants to see happen least of all: instability in Ukraine.


KOMMRERSANT: So you think Ukraine is a form of revenge for Syria?


GEORGE FRIEDMAN: No, not revenge. But Russian intervention in the process in Syria, while the United States was still addressing the problems in Iraq, and was in negotiations with Iran ... In Washington, many people have the impression that Russian want to destabilize the already fragile US position in the Middle East - a region that is of key importance for America.


About this question there were two different points of views in Washington: that the Russian were just fooling around, or that they have found a weak point of the US and were trying to take advantage of it. I'm not saying that Russia's intervention in the Syrian conflict was the cause of the Ukrainian crisis, that would be a stretch. But this intervention tipped the balance of opinion in Washington in the direction of the opinion that Russian is a problem. And in that case what does one do? Not confront them in the Middle East. Better to pull their attention away to a problem in some other region.


Now all of this is a bit oversimplified, obviously it is all more complicated than this in practice, but the cause and effect relationship is as I just described it. As a result, the bottom line is that it is in the strategic interests of the United States to prevent Russia from becoming a hegemon. And it is in the strategic interests of Russia not to allow the United States to come to its borders .....

Edited by slow
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Russia and Cyprus sign military deal for Mediterranean ports

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Cypriot counterpart Nicos Anastasiades signed an agreement on Wednesday that will allow Russian navy ships regular access to ports on the Mediterranean island nation.

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