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Ryan Franco

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To je GDP meren u odnosu na PPP (purchasing power parity), koji u slucaju Nemacke i Rusije uopste nema smisla. Inace, po glavi stanovnika Nemacka ima duplo veci GDP (PPP) od Rusije.


Zasto nema smilsla? Upravo suprotno, on ima vise smisla u poredjenju BDP nego nominalni BDP.

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Niej lepo to sto radis. Potrosio sam svoje dragoceno vreme da bi pokazao sta radis. Ovo sam ja napisao:




Kao sto se moze videti, ja sam se ogradio od tacnosti dva puta i nigde posle toga nisam nastavljao da insistiram na tacnosti toga. Pa te pitam na cemu da se izvinim?

Sto se tice BDP po paritetu kupovne moci, citiracu OECD za sta se koristi to racunanje:


3. What are the major uses of PPPs?

The major use of PPPs is as a first step in making inter-country comparisons in real terms of gross domestic product (GDP) and its component expenditures. GDP is the aggregate used most frequently to represent the economic size of countries and, on a per capita basis, the economic well-being of their residents. Calculating PPPs is the first step in the process of converting the level of GDP and its major aggregates, expressed in national currencies, into a common currency to enable these comparisons to be made.There are also other uses and recommendations that can be find in details in the EUROSTAT-OECD Methodological manual on purchasing power parities (PPPs)” Chapter 1, box 1.5, at www.oecd.org/std/ppp/manual



Koristi se za nekih 150 zemalja sveta jer tolikku statistiku obradjuju sa puno podataka, to je lepo objasnio MMF

Purchasing Power Parity: Weights Matter


Advantages of PPP: A main one is that PPP exchange rates are relatively stable over time. By contrast, market rates are more volatile, and using them could produce quite large swings in aggregate measures of growth even when growth rates in individual countries are stable. Another drawback of market-based rates is that they are relevant only for internationally traded goods. Nontraded goods and services tend to be cheaper in low-income than in high-income countries. A haircut in New York is more expensive than in Lima; the price of a taxi ride of the same distance is higher in Paris than in Tunis; and a ticket to a cricket game costs more in London than in Lahore. Indeed, because wages tend to be lower in poorer countries, and services are often relatively labor intensive, the price of a haircut in Lima is likely to be cheaper than in New York even when the cost of making tradable goods, such as machinery, is the same in both countries. Any analysis that fails to take into account these differences in the prices of nontraded goods across countries will underestimate the purchasing power of consumers in emerging market and developing countries and, consequently, their overall welfare. For this reason, PPP is generally regarded as a better measure of overall well-being.

Drawbacks of PPP: The biggest one is that PPP is harder to measure than market-based rates. The ICP is a huge statistical undertaking, and new price comparisons are available only at infrequent intervals. Methodological questions have also been raised about earlier surveys. Between survey dates, the PPP rates must be estimated, which can introduce inaccuracies into the measurement. Also, the ICP does not cover all countries, which means that data for missing countries must be estimated.


Kao sto se moze videti, glavni problem kod racunanja BDP po paritetu kupovne moci je sakupljanje podataka ali to je reseno kod velikih zemalja kakve su Rusija i Nemacka.


For the 2003–06 round, each of the participating countries (about 147) provided national average prices for 1,000 closely specified products.

Inace je bolji za poredjenje BDP, sto lepo pise.

Ali imam pitanje:


ne vazi za zatvorena i dirigovana trzista poput ruskog.


Kako je to rusko trziste zatvoreno i dirigovano?


A, sada, posto smo sve utvrdili, zamolio bih te da obrises gluposti koje pise Anduril. Da mi se izivnis sto si izmislio tu pricu oko satelitskog snimka nemas potrebe ali bih te zamolio da manje zracis rusofobijom.

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Nemci insistiraju na sankcijama Rusiji da Lada ne bi pocistila VW s trzista. Nece im proci, jer koji je auto bolji od Lade?


Doduse, najbolje mi je ovo kako su Rusi oborili rublju, da bi zajebali EU. Ocekujemo uskoro Putina sa sekirom i panjem.

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Nemci insistiraju na sankcijama Rusiji da Lada ne bi pocistila VW s trzista. Nece im proci, jer koji je auto bolji od Lade?


Doduse, najbolje mi je ovo kako su Rusi oborili rublju, da bi zajebali EU. Ocekujemo uskoro Putina sa sekirom i panjem.

i kad putin sebi osece patku, sedmica ce reci da je putinu i dalje najveca. patka. sedmica veruje.

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Nemci insistiraju na sankcijama Rusiji da Lada ne bi pocistila VW s trzista. Nece im proci, jer koji je auto bolji od Lade?


Doduse, najbolje mi je ovo kako su Rusi oborili rublju, da bi zajebali EU. Ocekujemo uskoro Putina sa sekirom i panjem.


Импорт из дальнего зарубежья в январе сократился на 40%



In the full year 2014, the trade surplus totaled USD 186 billion, which came in slightly above the USD 182 billion surplus tallied in 2013.

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Nemci insistiraju na sankcijama Rusiji da Lada ne bi pocistila VW s trzista. Nece im proci, jer koji je auto bolji od Lade?


I to Lada koja se vec prodaje u Nemackoj kao Dacia iz Rumunije...

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Ako je google prevod dobar, tu pise da je uvoz mesa pao jer je rublja oslabila pa gradjani Rusije ne mogu da kupe skuplje meso. Na kraju uvek obican narod najebe.


Ne, pise da je prakticno uvoz mesa stao zbog slabljenja rublje. Ono sto je tacno da su proizvodi koji se prave van Rusije znacajno poskupeli, kao sto su prozivodi koji se izvoze iz Rusije(a nisu nafta i gas) znacajno pojeftinili i sto velike ruske kompanije koje izvoze itekako imaju benefit od ovoga pada rublje, kao sto velike strane kompanije imaju probleme, uglavnom su iz EU, sto se u tekstu i navodi.

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