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Ryan Franco

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Ne samo to, nego kao da je osnovni problem sa Hitlerom bio to što je hteo da osvoji tudje teritorije :D da je to bilo to, to bi bila divota :D


Minijatura. :)

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To sto je Zaz bot ne menja cinjenicu da zapadni (posebno britanski) mediji furaju mega propagandu glede rusa. Muce gejve (dobro, sto i jes, al necemo sada o detaljima kako gomila zapadnih saveznika radi jos i gore stvari), ghost towni na sve strane, niko ne voli ruse nit ce dodje tamo, milioni protestora koji samo sto ne sruse putera, ceo svet se okrenuo protiv agresorske Rusije (jes ceo, samo mu fali par kontinenata) itd itd... Postaju naporniji od RTSa 90tih.

Ne postaju nego su oduvek bili (naporniji od RTSa 90tih) a nama se sad dalo da ih gledamo i pratimo - pa ono - "mediji su dobri dok ne pocnu da pricaju price o temi koju dobro poznajemo".

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Mislio sam na ovo za Putina, a Sochi je postojao kao grad i pre ZOI i niko ne kaze da su se sad stanovnici Sochija odselili vec da je prosipanje para bilo na granici ludila. I Montrealu je trebalo koliko 25 godina da otplati stadion samo je u ovom slucaju u pitanju spektakularan nivo korupcije gde drzava sada preuzima obaveze i imovinu od raznih "investitora".



EDIT: Interesantna reakcija Bilta.


@carlbildt: Regime in Cairo is giving President Putin a great welcome when he arrives there today. Surprise surprise.

Edited by Eraserhead
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Dobar Govno je Bilt. Francuska naveliko pregovara sa tim rezimom o prodaji Rafale-a (bila bi prva prodaja Rafale-a stranoj zemlji, ono u indiji jos nije zazivjelo) i svi pisu da su jako blizu potpisu. To mu naravno ne smeta. Suprise, suprise. 


edit: u vezi sa prosipanjem para si u pravu (trebbalo bi i da pisu o onom famoznom stadionu u St Petersbourg-u) ali sve te novine pisu o Sotchiu kao gradu duhova sto nije tacno.

Edited by borris_
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Mislio sam na ovo za Putina, a Sochi je postojao kao grad i pre ZOI i niko ne kaze da su se sad stanovnici Sochija odselili vec da je prosipanje para bilo na granici ludila. I Montrealu je trebalo koliko 25 godina da otplati stadion samo je u ovom slucaju u pitanju spektakularan nivo korupcije gde drzava sada preuzima obaveze i imovinu od raznih "investitora".



EDIT: Interesantna reakcija Bilta.


@carlbildt: Regime in Cairo is giving President Putin a great welcome when he arrives there today. Surprise surprise.


O, da. Sisi je zajednicka sramota Rusije, SAD i EU.


Nego, da vidimo, 21 August 2013



Going into the EU meeting, Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt deplored the violence in Egypt, saying "primary responsibility rests with the regime forces".

He called it "an unprecedented wave of repression and violence" and added: "It's very important that Europe speaks up."


Da pitam Bilta kako je to Evropa progovorila?

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Pitaj ga na Twitteru. Koliko se secam tada je EU ukinula isporuke oruzja ali se slazem da ni ona ni USA nisu dovoljno ucinili da se pokaze da je u pitanju zlikovac.

Ipak tu Bildt nije toliko kriv, on ga bar dosledno pljuje.

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Dobro, lepo smo se nasmejali, sto bi rekli Pajtonovci, nego jedna zanimiljiva vest koja treba da se uzme sa rezervom:


Cyprus to offer military facilities to Russia: President

Cyprus will offer Russia military facilities on its soil, President Nicos Anastasiades said on Friday

In an interview with a local newspaper, Anastasiades said that a pact strengthening defense relations between the two countries will be signed when he visits Moscow on Feb. 25.

"There is an old (defense) agreement which is to be renewed as it is. At the same time, some additional facilities will be provided just like we do with other countries - France and Germany for example," Anastasiades said.

Cyprus is currently providing facilities to French planes, such as refueling and maintenance at an air force base near the western city of Paphos and port facilities to German ships supporting the United Nations peace operations in Lebanon.

The air force base at which Russian planes will use is about 40 kilometers from Britain's sovereign Air Force base at Akrotiri, on the south shores of Cyprus, which provides support to NATO operations in the Middle and Near East regions.

Cyprus and Russia traditionally enjoy close relations based on cultural ties and a common religious tradition.

Russia has been one of the main supporters of Cyprus in its decades old dispute with Turkey, providing both political and military support in the form of arms sales.

Anastasiades said in his interview that Cyprus opposes additional sanctions against Russia by the European Union over Ukraine.

"We want to avoid further deterioration in relations between Russia and Europe," said Anastasiades.

He added that a positive aspect is that many countries within the European Union are feeling the same way, supporting the diplomatic way rather than additional sanctions against Russia.

"Cyprus and Russia enjoy traditionally good relations and that is not going to change," Anastasiades said.

He said that the current Russian economic crisis will probably affect some sectors of the Cypriot economy which is struggling to return to growth following the eastern Mediterranean island's bailout in a 10-billion-euro deal with the Eurogroup and the International Monetary Fund early in 2013.

"Tourism, services, investments in property ... the crisis certainly affects our economy negatively," Anastasiades said. Endit





Nisam siguran da ce Rusi prihvatiti ovu ponudu Kipra :)

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