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In Russia, nobody can be ‘Charlie’

Ksenia Babich 30 January 2015

Je suis charlie - Diogo Baptista - demotix_0.jpgRussian reaction to the Charlie Hebdo massacre has been muted, although a massive march in Chechnya defended Islam from the ‘mockers’.

On the night of 7 January, flowers and candles began to appear outside the French embassy in Moscow. There was as yet no talk of any pickets or protests, but earlier in the day, Russian Orthodox activists had organised a one-person picket ‘against the mockery of Christians’ and Muslims’ feelings’. They stood outside the embassy for several hours, and although they wouldn’t talk to journalists, it was good PR for them because it was all over the media.

On the morning of 8 January, the first police bus drew up and cordoned off the embassy, and people wanting to leave flowers had to produce ID and have their details recorded. Information and ideas about possible actions in solidarity with the staff at Charlie Hebdo appeared in social media about 24 hours after the atrocity, but deciding when these would take place was more complicated – various things were proposed but then postponed.

Meanwhile, Muscovites came and left flowers, and many people I spoke to said they were not interested in mass demos or marches, but were simply shocked by what had happened and wanted to show their sympathy.

The flowers left outside the French embassy in Moscow. Image Ilya Schurov via Wikipedia. All rights reserved.

The Kremlin sympathy show

The news from France of a massive rally and planned march in support of Charlie Hebdo, not to mention the appearance of the international slogan ‘Je suis Charlie’, brought more and more people out in Moscow, and a day later the official news agencies carried reports of a planned, concerted demonstration ‘in support of and solidarity with the people of France, after the tragedy in Paris’.

Russian Orthodox activists organised a picket ‘against the mockery of Christians’ and Muslims’ feelings’

It was only at the demonstration itself that we learned it had been initiated by the Russian government’s official youth organisation Rosmolodyozh. It was planned for 2pm, and, according to the organisers, there would be no speeches, just an opportunity to bring flowers and light candles. And indeed, at precisely ten minutes before the appointed time, about 50 people came out of the metro with candles and flowers; they also held placards reading ‘Journalists must live’; ‘We defend journalists all over the world’, and similar slogans, none of them actually referring to Charlie Hebdo. Ten minutes later, having laid out candles and flowers in the shape of a heart, they pushed the remaining flowers and the placards through the embassy railings and started back to the metro. By 14.15 not a single person remained. It all had the air of a setup by the Rosmolodyozh leadership (the state-owned TV channels all turning out to film it was also a bit of a telltale sign).

Strangely, the participants were unwilling to talk to the press; none of them would make a statement or even stand holding a placard. I managed to speak to the organisation’s head Sergei Pospelov, who gave me his take on the event: ‘I saw not less than 300 people expressing their solidarity with the journalistic community and with the people of France; this is very important. The past year has unfortunately seen many Russian journalists die all over the world, including the Donbas; journalists and peaceful members of the public are being targeted by people who want to scare us and use acts of terrorism to achieve their ends.’ There were, however, no ‘Je suis Charlie’ placards at this demo.

There were, however, no ‘Je suis Charlie’ placards at this demo.

‘Je suis Charlie’

This slogan was, however, to be found at another action, organised on 10 January by some civil rights activists on Manezh Square, right by the Kremlin walls. Two of their number, Mark Galperin and Vladimir Ionov, stood with ‘Je suis Charlie’ placards but were immediately arrested for illegal picketing, and taken to a police station.

They were later released but the next day held another picket outside the French embassy, this time holding the official record of their police interviews from the previous day. According to Mark Galperin, his one-person picket was interrupted by a stranger, an agent provocateur, who insisted on standing next to him, and refused to move away, so provoking a second arrest, since Russian law permits only single-person pickets.

Another demo at the French embassy certainly attracted a lot of people, and the space round the railings gradually filled with flowers, candles, and pencils. And there were ordinary Muscovites standing among the police that surrounded this unsanctioned but sincere event: ‘They aren’t arresting us today’, Mikhail, one of the people taking part in the demo, told me. ‘We are holding an event without permission and have been here for two hours now, showing our solidarity with the people of France! We have our own Islamists and terrorists and we are waging a war of aggression on the territory of a brother nation, so we want to do something to salve our consciences.’ That evening, none of the more than 200 demonstrators were arrested, and it was late in the evening before they dispersed.

For Moscow, all these demos and pickets were indeed on a very small scale, and the Russian government, in general, tried to distance itself as much as possible from the tragedy. It may be no coincidence that Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, heading the Russian delegation at the “republican march” in Paris held in memory of the victims of the shootings, did not walk at the front with other world leaders, and made no statements about these horrific events. Officially, the Kremlin confined itself to publishing a letter supporting France in the global war on terrorism; a wise move since only a few days later there was news of a ‘million-strong’ march in Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, in defence of the prophet Muhammad.

A different mood in Grozny

I asked Grigory Tumanov, the Kommersant newspaper’s correspondent, who was in Grozny at the time, for more information about the march. ‘Everyone carried identical placards with the message, in Russian and English, that Chechens would not allow anyone to insult the Prophet’, he told me. ‘Now and then someone would shout “Takbir!” and the crowd would answer, “Allahu Akbar!” – traditional chants that both mean “God is Great!”.

By 9am, the whole centre of Grozny was full, and people kept coming in from the surrounding villages, adding to the crowd. There were black plastic bags lying at intervals along all the main streets, and at first I thought they were for rubbish. But then I saw people going up to them and taking something out, and it turned out that on the previous day, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov had ordered bags with bread and rolls to be put out so that you could have a snack without leaving the demonstration. The day had also been declared a public holiday, and taxi drivers were forbidden to take fares from people going to, or coming from, the march.’

The rally that took place in Grozny on 19th January. Image Gregor Tumanov ©

Ramzan Kadyrov had initially promised to bring 500,000 people out on the streets, but then increased the figure to a million – the entire population of Chechnya is only around 1.2 million. The police put the number attending at 800,000.

‘The shooting was a warning, and this march is also a warning’ (demonstrator in Grozny)

‘I spoke to people in the crowd who had come from the surrounding villages’, said Tumanov. ‘And they all told me the same thing: “the villages emptied this morning, and anyone who wasn’t in Grozny by nine got stuck in an enormous traffic jam on the edge of town.” Before the shootings, I doubt if anyone in Chechnya had even seen Charlie Hebdo, or looked at its website. Everyone was nevertheless genuinely shocked, saying that no one had the right to insult the Prophet, especially atheists, amongst whom were included the murdered cartoonists. “You people couldn’t care less about religion, and you have no idea what Muhammad means to us!” said Dzhabrail, a man of about 40 from one of the villages. “You can’t even imagine how much we love the Prophet. Even a Christian can’t understand it. So, if you don’t understand, why do you think you can mock?”

Some medical students I met at the local stadium were still more extreme in their thinking: “the shooting was a warning, and this march is also a warning. If Europe doesn’t understand that, then we need to go to war about it. By whatever means – but we’ll have to do it. And there are enough of us to do it.”’

According to Tumanov, attendance at the march was voluntary-obligatory. As one local put it, ‘people couldn’t give a damn about it, but if you don’t turn up there might be trouble’. Announcements were made in mosques and public sector workplaces a couple of days before, telling people they had to come, and officials phoned round private companies, instructing CEOs, to let staff attend the event at least until midday prayers.

No Russian ‘Charlies’

The Russian media have also presented the tragedy in their own particular light. Tabloid websites described the Paris march in either derisive tones or stilted bureaucratic langauge. The whole story of people coming together, of humanism and shared grief for the victims has been completely absent from both the printed press and TV news channels.

Russia has suffered a number of terrorist acts of its own, the last being in Volgograd in December 2013, when suicide bombers targeted a railway station and a trolleybus on successive days, killing 35 people overall and injuring about 80 others. The attack led to increased security at bus stations throughout the country, but there were no million-strong marches, and it didn’t create any empathy among Russians for people in other countries.

Meanwhile, a Moscow court has sent Mark Galperin and Vladimir Ionov to jail for 38 days for picketing, and they may also receive a further five-year sentence under a new law on ‘multiple violation of the law on public gatherings’. Meanwhile, the State Duma is planning to remove Russians’ right to take part in demonstrations at all; at present it is debating a ban on attending public gatherings for people who have been previously charged with minor offences at such gatherings, even though this measure would contravene Russia’s Constitution. In Russia, nobody can be ‘Charlie.’

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"Ruska vlada predviđa pad BDP za tri odsto i inflaciju od 12% 2015. godine, što je posledica pada cene nafte i zapadnih sankcija Rusiji zbog ukrajinske krize."

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DW NATO Porše za plašenje Rusije

NATO formira trupe za brze intervencije koje bi trebalo da budu odgovor na rusku pretnju. Nemačka ima ključnu ulogu u stvaranju elitne jedinice. Ministri odbrane članica Alijanse od četvrtka u Briselu dogovaraju detalje.


U Severnoatlantskom paktu sve dobija svoju skraćenicu. Jedinice, misije, činovi, sve je – baš kao i sam NATO – poznato po akronimu. Najnoviji glasi: VJTF, u punoj dužini Very High Readiness Joint Task Force. Pošto malo kome pada napamet da izgovara čitavu konstrukciju, već se odomaćio naziv spearhead – vrh koplja. Jedan general novu jedinicu naziva poršeom u voznom parku Alijanse. Iza jezičkih igrarija stoji plan skovan prošle jeseni: u slučaju posebno visokih tenzija, NATO će biti u stanju da u najkraćem roku rasporedi 5.000 vojnika na spoljne granice saveza. Jasno je da se tu misli na istočne granice, one prema Rusiji. To bi trebalo da bude odgovor na ono što Zapad naziva „agresivnom spoljnom politikom“ Moskve.

Nemačka na čelu kolone

Nove trupe tek poprimaju konture. Nemačka, Holandija i Norveška su spremne da formiraju prve vrhove koplja, njihove armije čekaju da iz ministarstava odbrane dobiju detalje o brojnosti i konceptu VJTF. Komandni štab čitavih trupa nalazi se u zapadnonemačkom Minsteru dok centralno mesto zauzima bataljon motorizovane pešadije 371 iz Saksonije. Uprkos tome, u borbenu odlučnost Berlina i dalje se sumnja. Zapadna štampa to čini otvoreno, dok se po briselskim hodnicima to može čuti tiho. Takav imidž Berlin je zaradio nakon uzdržanosti pri zapadnom bombardovanju Libije kojim je svrgnut Gadafi. Osim toga, one borbeno gotovije u severnoatlantskom paktu često nervira nemačko shvatanje demokratije – to, naime, da Bundestag mora da odobri svako slanje vojske u misije.


Karl-Hajnc Kamp: Jedinica za brza dejstva i sporu politiku

No sada ni ta zabrinutost nije bez neke: kako u samo dan ili dva spremiti trupe za brzu intervenciju i istovremeno pribaviti saglasnost parlamenta? Folker Rihe predsedava skupštinskom komisijom čiji je zadatak upravo da pomiri zahteve NATO i nemačke parlamentarne demokratije. On ne vidi problem: „Parlament odlučuje, makar i po ubrzanom postupku ako treba.“ Međutim vojni stručnjak Karl-Hajnc Kamp nije tako ubeđen, veruje da ćemo na delu imati „jedinicu za brza dejstva i sporu politiku“.

Aktuelni vrh koplja nije prva NATO trupa za brza dejstva. Ali do sada je Alijansa trpela posledice nećkanja brojnih članica da svoje elitne jedinice stave u funkciju saveza u odgovarajućem broju. Sada su prilike drukčije – već je opšte mesto postalo tumačenje da je kriza u Ukrajini bila svojevrsni budilnik koji je trgao NATO iz letargije. Nove trupe, naravno, nisu definisane kao trupe za plašenje Rusije nego kao jedinice za odvraćanje potencijalnih agresora. Sjedinjene Države već na osnovu bilateralnih sporazuma imaju nekoliko stotina vojnika u zemljama istočne Evrope. Svoje brze vojnike sprema i Britanija.

Pogled na istok

Krajem januara počinju suve vežbe kada će oficiri i planeri na računaru simulirati pokret trupa. Krajem aprila onda prava vežba – koliko brzo trupe mogu da se spakuju, krenu i stignu na odredište? NATO za sada nije definisao tačnu brzinu, pominju se 48 ili 72 sata od podizanja uzbune pa do pune borbene gotovosti na granici. Ovde deviza glasi: što brže – to bolje.

Na leto će onda biti izveden i prvi probni pokret trupa. Najveći problem već se nazire – transport opreme i vozila do potencijalnog fronta. Transportnih aviona nema dovoljno, a železnica više ne raspolaže sa dovoljno teških teretnih vagona kao u vremenima hladnog rata. Kada trupe ipak nekako stignu tamo gde treba da stignu sačekaće ih spremne zalihe municije, hrane, teške opreme kao i četrdesetak oficira, pre svega stručnjaka za logistiku i komunikaciju. Ukupno bi trebalo da bude šest ovakvih baza – u tri baltičke zemlje, Poljskoj, Rumuniji i Bugarskoj. Dakle sve prema istoku.

Troškovi čitavog poduhvata još nisu izračunati. Komandni punktovi i male baze u ciljnim područjima iznose oko deset odsto čitavih troškova i trebalo bi da se finansiraju iz zajedničke kase. Ostatak plaćaju države koje i šalju vojnike. Potpuno u skladu sa nepisanim pravilom NATO: „Ko puca, taj plaća“. Doduše plaća i onaj ko samo ide da, bez ispaljenog metka, zaplaši potencijalnog agresora.


Oleg Bochkaryov, deputy chairman of the Military and Industrial Commission, said that the Armata Universal Combat Platform will be commissioned by the Russian army next month. After they take part in the military parade on May 9 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe, all Armata tanks are to be brought back to the plant for modifications before they enter regular service with the Russian military.



Edited by slow
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Pentagon 2008 study claims Putin has Asperger's syndrome

Ray Locker, USA TODAY11:25 p.m. EST February 4, 2015



(Photo: Alexey Nikolsky, AFP/Getty Images)



WASHINGTON — A study from a Pentagon think tank theorizes that Russian President Vladimir Putin has Asperger's syndrome, "an autistic disorder which affects all of his decisions," according to the 2008 report obtained by USA TODAY.


Putin's "neurological development was significantly interrupted in infancy," wrote Brenda Connors, an expert in movement pattern analysis at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, R.I. Studies of his movement, Connors wrote, reveal "that the Russian President carries a neurological abnormality."

The 2008 study was one of many by Connors and her colleagues, who are contractors for the Office of Net Assessment (ONA), an internal Pentagon think tank that helps devise long-term military strategy. The 2008 report and a 2011 study were provided to USA TODAY as part of a Freedom of Information Act request.


Researchers can't prove their theory about Putin and Asperger's, the report said, because they were not able to perform a brain scan on the Russian president. The report cites work by autism specialists as backing their findings. It is not known whether the research has been acted on by Pentagon or administration officials.

The 2008 report cites Dr. Stephen Porges, who is now a University of North Carolina psychiatry professor, as concluding that "Putin carries a form of autism." However, Porges said Wednesday he had never seen the finished report and "would back off saying he has Asperger's."


Instead, Porges said, his analysis was that U.S. officials needed to find quieter settings in which to deal with Putin, whose behavior and facial expressions reveal someone who is defensive in large social settings. Although these features are observed in Asperger's, they are also observed in individuals who have difficulties staying calm in social settings and have low thresholds to be reactive. "If you need to do things with him, you don't want to be in a big state affair but more of one-on-one situation someplace somewhere quiet," he said.

Putin's actions have been under particular scrutiny since early 2014, when Russian annexed Crimea from neighboring Ukraine. Since then, Russia has backed Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine while the United States and European allies have started a series of economic sanctions that have weakened the Russian economy.


USA TODAY reported in March 2014 about the Office of Net Assessment's support for the research, but the Pentagon did not release the details of its studies. At the time, Pentagon officials said the research did not reach Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel or his predecessors. That is still true, said Lt. Col. Valerie Henderson, a Pentagon spokeswoman.

The Office of Net Assessment provides long-range plans for the Pentagon and helps shape future strategy. It has been particularly active in developing the military's "pivot to Asia," which has emphasized strategies to deal with China.


Connors' team has done several studies on Putin for ONA beyond those from 2008 and 2011, Henderson said.

Connors' program is called Body Leads. Military contract records show the Pentagon has paid at least $365,000 on outside experts to work with her since 2009. The two reports mention other work she and associates have done since Putin's rise to power, including a 2005 study called "An Act of Trust to Move Ahead" and studies in 2004-05 and 2008 by movement pattern analysis pioneer Warren Lamb.





Pentagon studies Putin body language for hint of intent








Pentagon body movement study will track another leader




Both reports, the 2008 study of Putin and a 2011 analysis of Putin and then-President Dimitry Medvedev, cite Putin's physical difficulties as shaping his decision making and behavior. "His primary form of compensation is extreme control," which "is reflected in his decision style and how he governs," the report said.

Military analysts first noticed Putin's movement patterns on Jan. 1, 2000, "in the first television footage ever seen of the then, newly appointed president of Russia," wrote Connors, who has been studying movement patterns for the Pentagon since 1996.


"Today, project neurologists confirm this research project's earlier hypothesis that very early in life perhaps, even in utero, Putin suffered a huge hemispheric event to the left temporal lobe of the prefrontal cortex, which involves both central and peripheral nervous systems, gross motor functioning on his right side (head, rib cage, arm and leg) and his micro facial expression, eye gaze, hearing and voice and general affect," the report said.




Movement pattern analysis means studying an individual's movements to gain clues about how he or she makes decisions or reacts to events. First developed in Great Britain in the 1940s by Rudolf Laban, a Hungarian movement analyst and dance instructor, the practice was expanded after World War II by Lamb, Laban's protégé and a British management consultant.

Experts believe each individual has a unique "body signature" that tracks how one body movement links to the next. These "posture/gesture mergers" can lead investigators to learn more about a person's thinking processes and relative truthfulness when combined with the person's speaking.


Lamb, who died last year at age 90, believed the patterns were unique as DNA to each person.

Since July 2011, the war college had paid more than $230,000 to Richard Rende, a Brown University psychiatrist and specialist in the field of movement pattern analysis, federal spending records show. Rende received a no-bid contract last year for his work on the Body Leads project.





Pentagon think tank chief long focused on psych studies




Timothy Colton, a Harvard University expert on Russia, has been paid $113,915 since 2009 for his research with Connors, military contract records show.

Rende, Connors and Colton published in September 2013 a paper in the academic journal Frontiers in Psychology that detailed the uses of movement pattern analysis to determine leaders' decision-making process. Such analysis, they wrote, "offers a unique window into individual differences in decision-making style."

"The premise of Body Leads," Connors wrote in 2011, "is that meticulous attention to nonverbal signals — to the physical movement of the body and its parts, as distinct from speech — yield insights into the behavior of individuals, including for present purposes political leaders."



Russian President Vladimir Putin heads a cabinet meeting in the Novo-Ogaryovo residence, outside Moscow, Wednesday. (Photo: AP/Mikhail Klimentyev, RIA)





In 2011, Connors finished a study for Net Assessment on the interactions between Putin and Medvedev, who succeeded Putin as president between 2008 and 2012 and who is now Russia's prime minister.

The difficulty in getting accurate, real-time information about Russia and its leaders made the use of movement pattern analysis critical for U.S. officials, Connors wrote. Lamb, she wrote, analyzed Medvedev in the spring and summer of 2008, and they worked together to develop their analysis of the two leaders.


Medvedev, she wrote, is an "Action Man," who "is inclined to size up situations quickly and to do so in black and white terms, shunning subtler shades of gray."

Putin, on the other hand, "has very different predilections," and "methodically cycles back to aspects of the problem facing him, continuing revising data to verify his research and confirm his priorities," the report said.


U.S. officials should present "the information-craving" Putin with "meaty policy research and white papers," Connors recommended. "Putin the private decision maker cannot be expected to enter into public exchanges with others on information interpretation or a final course of action."


Medvedev, she wrote, should be presented with "priorities that both resonate with his values and declared objectives and contain a timeline for commitment, the stage where he is most at home."


stavio bih neki smajli ali nije lepo smejati se ljudima sa psihičkim problemima, jel...


mene više brine to što su svoju nesposobnost da dođu do "accurate, real-time information about Russia and its leaders" kompenzovali ovakvim studijama.

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stavio bih neki smajli ali nije lepo smejati se ljudima sa psihičkim problemima, jel...


mene više brine to što su svoju nesposobnost da dođu do "accurate, real-time information about Russia and its leaders" kompenzovali ovakvim studijama.

Jedini odgovarajući smajli za kampanju proglašavanja prvog čoveka RF za psihičkog bolesnika je neki koji se krsti sa obe ruke i obe noge u potpunoj neveri.

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Ja bih jako voleo da moj petogodišnji autistični sin postigne makar 1 % od onoga što je postigao Putin. Nažalost, znam da on nikada neće progovoriti, jer to i jeste karakteristika poremećaja iz autističnog spektra. Doduše, Aspergerovci progovore, ali im dijagnoza ne omogućava briljantno napredovanje kroz društvene hijerarhiju, čak i u situaciji kada su u pitanju izuzetni pojedinci.


Iskreno, želim ovim ljudima koji su potpisali ovu studiju da radosti Aspergerovog sindroma upoznaju na primeru svoje dece. Tada će možda shvatiti šta su tačno napisali.

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stavio bih neki smajli ali nije lepo smejati se ljudima sa psihičkim problemima, jel...


mene više brine to što su svoju nesposobnost da dođu do "accurate, real-time information about Russia and its leaders" kompenzovali ovakvim studijama.

Ja se iskreno nadam, za dobrobit USA (a i sveta), da je ovaj tolet papir jos jedan u nizu propagadnih trikova za okupljanje oko zastave a da unutra bele kuce su cike itekako svesne zasto se Rusija ovako ponasa i sta se moze ocekivati ako urade ovo ili ono. U suprotnom... :wacko:

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Sjajni uspesi ruske industrije, nauke i tehnologije






НЬЮ-ДЕЛИ, 6 февраля. Индия решила отменить международный тендер на поставку средних военно-транспортных самолетов в связи с планами по закупке многоцелевых транспортников МТА (Multi-Role Transport Aircraft) российско-индийского производства, сообщил сегодня ТАСС представитель министерства обороны Индии.
Тендер на 56 машин для замены устаревших Hawker Siddeley 748M Avro, изготовленных по лицензии компанией Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), был объявлен в 2012 году, стоимость контракта оценивалась до $3 млрд. Как пояснил собеседник агентства, военных не устроило единственное предложение от Airbus, предложившего в партнерстве с индийской Tata Advanced Systems собирать в Индии транспортники Casa C-295.
"В результате минобороны отказалось не только от заключения сделки, но и от проведения нового тендера на поставку самолетов этой категории", - уточнил представитель индийского военного ведомства.
Он отметил, что командование ВВС Индии также "пересмотрело приоритеты и требования по пополнению авиационного парка". "Мы рассчитываем взять на вооружение многоцелевой транспортный самолет нового поколения МТА. Над этим перспективным российско-индийским проектом работают Объединенная авиастроительная корпорация (ОАК) России и индийская Hindustan Aeronautics, и мы ожидаем, что окончательное соглашение по нему будет скоро подписано", - добавил представитель индийского военного ведомства.




I ovo ce da razvaljuje na reliju kao i Kamazi na Dakaru









Kada smo vec kod Kamaza:


Самоуправљајући камиони КАМАЗ-а ће се појавити на руским путевима

Произвођач камиона КАМАЗ и најстарија софтверска компанија у Русији „Cognitive Technologies“ саопштили су да планирају производњу самоуправљајућег камиона. Пројекат у који ће укупно бити уложено око 12 милијарди рубаља треба да донесе резултате већ на лето 2015, када је планирано да буде завршен први прототип, преноси РИА „Новости“.

Компанија „Cognitive Technologies“, која већ има искуства у стварању машинског оптичког система, за самоуправљајући КАМАЗ ће пројектовати модул за аутоматско управљање, који омогућава да се камион креће по сваком времену и у условима непостојања саобраћајне сигнализације.

Држава је за реализацију овог пројекта издвојила 300 милиона рубаља, још 90 милиона ће инвестирати КАМАЗ. За компанију је то потенцијално веома исплатива инвестиција, истиче шеф прес-службе аутомобилског концерна Олег Афанасјев.

Већ 2017. је планирано да започне пробни пројекат коришћења таквих самоуправљајућих возила у Татарстану на путевима опште намене, као и процедура уношења потребних амандмана у законе.

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У Русији је 2014. рођен рекордан број деце

У Русији је 2014. рођен рекордан број деце и другу годину заредом је забележен позитиван природни прираштај становништва, изјавио је министар рада РФ Максим Топилин, а преноси агенција REGNUM.

„Током 2014. рођено је 1 милион 947,3 хиљаде беба, што је за 17,6 хиљада више него током 2013. Оволики број рођене деце још није забележен у историји Русије“, објаснио је Топилин и истакао да је трећу годину заредом број рођене деце на нивоу од 1,9 милиона.

Такође, према његовим речима, поново је забележен позитиван природни прираштај. „Прошле године смо другу годину заредом забележили позитиван природни прираштај – 33 више рођених него умрлих“, изјавио је Максим Топилин и додао: „У историји Русији ово је други пут да се бележи ова појава“.

Пораст броја рођене деце забележен је у 46 региона Русије. Пораст броја рођене деце од преко 4% забележен је у регионима као што су град Севастопољ, град Санкт Петербург, Краснодарски Крај, Московска, Тјумењска и Сахалинска Област.




Samo jos nafta da ode na nekih $80 :lol:

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