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Bad Music koncerti

bad music for bad people

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Nashville's Black Diamond Heavies spent a lot of time on the road after the release of their first album, 2007's Every Damn Time, and you can hear the lessons of dozens of sweatbox gigs on their second full-length set, 2008's A Touch of Someone Else's Class. While James Leg (aka John Wesley Myers) on vocals and keys and Van Campbell on drums sounded tight and fiery the first time around, on their sophomore LP they sound tougher, harder, and practically incendiary; the duo's blues gestures are just as solid as before, but there's an emotional weight and an almost telepathic synergy between Leg and Campbell that makes their fine first record seem like a rough demo by comparison, and the songs rock harder and crazier than ever before. Leg often sounded like he was trying to channel Tom Waits on the BDH's debut, and not in a good way, but while the raspy growl of his voice still bears more than a passing resemblance to Waits, this time he sounds more like an inheritor of the great vocal tradition of Howlin' Wolf and Captain Beefheart, and it's a welcome improvement. Dan Auerbach of the Black Keys produced and recorded these sessions, and while his approach feels pretty hands-off, the results suggest having a more sympathetic hand behind the board was a real help for the band. And when a band's originals sound as good as covers of stuff by Tina Turner, Nina Simone, and T-Model Ford, there's no question it must be doing something right. In short, if you want to hear some blues-shot rock that'll kick your butt and make you love it, A Touch of Someone Else's Class is one album you need to hear.

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If you want to know if a band really has the goods, one of the best tests is to simply have them set up in front of an audience and see if they can make the crowd move. After making a pair of solid studio albums, the Black Diamond Heavies demonstrate that they're just as good (actually, even better) laying out their high-test and hot-wired blues-rock in front of a roomful of fans on this set recorded during a gig in Covington, KY. Alive as Fuck easily lives up to its name, and if musically this doesn't add much at all to the formula this band staked out with their studio work, the sweat-soaked intensity of these performances seriously ups the ante in terms of energy and passion, and with this sort of music that makes a big difference. With just John Wesley Myers on keyboards and vocals, and Van Campbell on drums, the Black Diamond Heavies don't have much room to trick up their sound, and Alive as Fuck shows they don't need to -- the fuzzed-out blare of Myers' electric piano manages to cover the melodies with force and swagger, Campbell's splashy drumming fills up plenty of space while keeping the beat, and the rough, howling textures of Myers' vocals are tougher and more effective in a no-frills live setting. Johnny Walker and Reuben Glaser get this music down on tape with no fuss but plenty of presence, and if you ever wanted an inducement to check out the Black Diamond Heavies in person, Alive as Fuck makes it clear that a furiously rowdy good time is guaranteed with the price of admission, and until the band shows up in your town, this album will tide you over.

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In case you wondered whatever became of the tradition of the blues jam, it was alive and kicking for a few days in Detroit when raw and rootsy guitar-and-drum duo Left Lane Cruiser headed into a recording studio with James Leg, the keyboard player and vocal howler from the Black Diamond Heavies, to lay down a set of high-octane cover tunes. Producer Jim Diamond sat in on bass and Harmonica Shah stopped by to blow some harp, and the result is Painkillers, a loud and rowdy collection of bluesy wailing for the 21st century. Like plenty of bands on the punk-blues axis, both Left Lane Cruiser and James Leg approach their music with the ferocity of a starving dog that's been tossed a bloody steak, and if you're looking for anything approaching subtlety, Painkillers is not for you. But the musicians on this date all seem to be on the same page -- they want to get loud and boogie like they're expecting to be taken to jail in the morning, and for a makeshift band, these performances are surprisingly tight and emphatic. Leg's trademark "Tom Waits with a sore throat" growl is as over-the top as it's always been, but in this context, it suits the material just fine, and his swirling organ and thickly distorted electric piano are rich and satisfying, while the manic slide guitar of Frederick "Joe" Evans IV and hard-stomping drumming of Brenn Beck are as greasy as a good burger and just as tasty. Diamond's rock-solid bass work and full-bodied engineering is just the right icing on this particular cake, as are the primal harp blasts from Harmonica Shah, and if the set list -- a list of blues and blues-rock standards ranging from Muddy Waters and John Lee Hooker to the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin -- isn't especially imaginative, these guys attack like the best sort of bar band, and the version of Bob Seger's "Come to Poppa" suggests they were embracing the Detroit experience to the fullest. Painkillers suggests an overdriven, punk-infused variation on Canned Heat's old formula, and if they're never going to get to cut an album with John Lee Hooker, at least they have the good sense to see that their boogie isn't endless, and for 35 minutes, this is a house party worth a visit.

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In a perfect world, with the album having been out for more than a week now, I’d be typing something like, “What can I say about the new James Leg album that hasn’t already been said?” However, taking a quick glimpse at the current Billboard and iTunes charts points out the imperfection of the world we currently live in, and if that doesn’t do it, just watch the 24 hour cable news networks and you’ll soon learn that, not only do we not live in a perfect world, we live in a world (coughcoughcountrycoughcough) that celebrates the absurd. Luckily, John Wesley Myers is an imperfect man with an absurd penchant for making a godzilla-sized sound with nothing but an organ and a drummer as accompaniment.John Wesley Myers, if you’re feeling the itch of recognition and can’t quite place why, is also the singer/organ player for the Black Diamond Heavies. James Leg is his BDH side project/alter ego and, before anyone gets too worried that this is a sign BDH is done/on hiatus, worry not, there is already a new BDH album is the works. But with Van Campbell (BDH drummer) having just taken a wife and adjusting to that, John decided to use the downtime to record some songs he had floating around that just, for various reasons, weren’t gelling as Black Diamond Heavies songs. So, in the midst of an exceptionally cold cold snap, in a town that’s getting oh so familiar here on 9B, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, John hooked up with drummer Andy Jody and they entered Grand Palace Studios and recorded what would become, Solitary Pleasures.While Solitary Pleasures might be a “collection of songs that weren’t gelling as BDH tracks”, it’s not simply a BDH b-sides album. It does have the familiarity you’d imagine when 1/2 the band is present but Solitary Pleasures, as the title could suggest, has a more reserved and personal feel to it. For any fan of The Black Diamond Heavies there is no need to “try before you buy”. You’re gonna love the album. For anyone who’s ever felt BDH was a tad too lo-fi/in your face for your musical tastes it’s time to give James Leg a chance cause, for ninebullets, it’s Essential Listening.

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Opako je bilo. James i Matt na bini su postavljeni tako da gledaju jedan u drugog. Matt je vest bubnjar i vidno je da su uigran tim.James dere elektricni klavir, proizvodi neverovatne tonove uz pomoc nekoliko pedala, peva "kao na ploci" i hedbenguje kod dinamicnijih stvari. Opet, bilo je i nekoliko sporijih tema koje su ga predstavile kao umesnog pijanistu sjajnog glasa. Da, taj vokal je stvarno nesto posebno: hrapav, dubok, mracan i ne stedi ga, naprotiv.Posle malo vise od sat kraj regularnog seta, onda dva bisa. Drugi zapoceo sa Drinking too much i zavrsio sa Jumpin Jack Flash/Search & Destroy. Kako opasno zvuci mozda ii najbolji rif u rokenrolu odsviran na el. klaviru!Da, u jednom trenutku na pocetku petominitna pauza, pukla "zica" na kljavama, pa dok je zamenio. Kad su odsvirali poslednji ton bilo je skoro sat i cetrdeset min od pocetka. Duze nego sto sam ocekivao. NS publika prilicno dobro reagovala. Zanimljivo bilo videti i neke old time blues likove pored 20-25 godina mladjih rokera. Stigli u hotel oko pola 3, zalegli sat kasnije. Sad ustajanje, neki burek u blizini, a onda mrcvarenje od 7-8 sati do kosovske mitrovice.

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Opako je bilo. James i Matt na bini su postavljeni tako da gledaju jedan u drugog. Matt je vest bubnjar i vidno je da su uigran tim.James dere elektricni klavir, proizvodi neverovatne tonove uz pomoc nekoliko pedala, peva "kao na ploci" i hedbenguje kod dinamicnijih stvari. Opet, bilo je i nekoliko sporijih tema koje su ga predstavile kao umesnog pijanistu sjajnog glasa. Da, taj vokal je stvarno nesto posebno: hrapav, dubok, mracan i ne stedi ga, naprotiv.Posle malo vise od sat kraj regularnog seta, onda dva bisa. Drugi zapoceo sa Drinking too much i zavrsio sa Jumpin Jack Flash/Search & Destroy. Kako opasno zvuci mozda ii najbolji rif u rokenrolu odsviran na el. klaviru!
BDH cert je jedan od najboljih koje sam ja gledao, a vidim da će i ovaj biti po istoj recepturi
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Došao na pola koncerta posle one pizdarije u Pioniru. :( :frust:Ono sto sam cuo je bilo :ziga:Poseta-opa :thumbsup: , BMFBP da časti, očigledno da su mu najposećeniji koncerti koje pravi sa matorom blues ekipom...i Biram i onaj promašaj sa matorim Cedellom su bili izuzetno posećeni.

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