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Bad Music koncerti

bad music for bad people

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Cleverly described as Uncle Tupelo's nephews, Two Cow Garage takes strong cues from Jay Farrar and Jeff Tweedy's punkier sides. Not easily pigeonholed, the band also digs deep into the honest country-rock of Slobberbone and Drive-By Truckers, but somehow still manage to maintain their own soulful sound. Young vocalist Micah Schnabel gives the impression that he's smoked a pack a day since elementary school with his gritty rasp, aptly fitting their songs of heartache and leavin'. Bassist Shane Sweeny's gently shouted backup vocals add depth to the tearful "Girl of My Dreams," while Dustin Harigle's drumming is the only thing that holds the manic "River" together. Every song on Please Turn the Gas Back On burns with the amber light of the heartland -- hungover and heart-wrenching, sweetly fumbling and furiously pounding, gritty as barn doors and sweaty as a backseat in August.

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It's really a shame that the Bob Stinson edition of the Replacements never did much more than flirt with country music. If they had, the results would have sounded an awful lot like Two Cow Garage's The Wall Against Our Back, and that's intended as a compliment to both bands. Recorded in appropriately garage-like conditions by Slobberbone's Brent Best (who infuses the proceedings with the same ragged-but-right feel as his own band), the Columbus-based trio blasts out 13 songs that toy with grunge-era soft/LOUD dynamics at a thrashing pace. The relentless forward motion is broken once -- again, just like on a Replacements album -- by "Saturday Night," a solo acoustic ballad by singer Micah Schnabel that gives the otherwise Westerberg-hoarse singer a chance to be a bit more gentle to his vocal cords and the listener a chance to rest up a bit for the seething revved-up country two-step of "If This Is Home" and the flat-out punk fury of "Smell of Blood," which wouldn't sound out of place on a Hüsker Dü album. Cowpunk (as opposed to the more polite and rootsy alternative country) lives on in these grooves.

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Kojim vecim mestima? :lol:Sve iste selendre na kojima bi na koncert ovog tipa doslo 20-ak ljudi...Pa na proslom koncertu TCG u Bg je bilo 50-ak ljudi,o čemu pričamo?

Edited by Apollo Creed
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Fala za albume :) nego, cudna mesta za koncerte. cuj, Paracin, ko svojevremeno Cakovec. sta bi sa vecim mestima?
jbg, sviraju tamo gde im se garantuju koliko-toliko 'ljudski' uslovi (čitaj: neki garantovani honorar + hotel, klopa, piće). novi sad + niš: jedina opcija bila je "na karte" :(
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Kojim vecim mestima? :lol:Sve iste selendre na kojima bi na koncert ovog tipa doslo 20-ak ljudi...Pa na proslom koncertu TCG u Bg je bilo 50-ak ljudi,o čemu pričamo?
Nema ovo veze sa selendrama, ja ni na koncertima Thee Oh Sees i Hazmat Modine u Amsterdamu nisam video veliki broj ljudi. za neku drugu temu je caskanje po pitanju sta je muzika i publika i selendra.
jbg, sviraju tamo gde im se garantuju koliko-toliko 'ljudski' uslovi (čitaj: neki garantovani honorar + hotel, klopa, piće). novi sad + niš: jedina opcija bila je "na karte" :(
Isao sam samo logikom, vece mesto, vise ljudi, vece mogucnosti. My bad.
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