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Bad Music koncerti

bad music for bad people

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The ever prolific John Dwyer isn't the kind of guy to let the grass grow between his toes and his band Thee Oh Sees release albums the way they used to -- one a year with singles in between. The 2013 entry in their extensive catalog, Floating Coffin, is a weird one. Not because it is experimental, psychedelic, or full of lo-fi wildness; any one of those things would be par for the course. What makes this record weird is that there isn't really anything weird about it. From beginning to end it's a hard-rocking, heavy album with heavy drums, heavy guitars, and a knockout punch that not many of their songs have had before. It's still based in basic garage punk mania and Dwyer's voice is still a yelpy, electric thing (though a much calmer here), but there's a solid, no-nonsense approach to the album that is as successful as it is shocking. Once you get past how simple the sound is, and how clean and clear everything is, you can let the songs sink in. Dwyer has written a batch of songs that aren't immediately hooky in the way past efforts have been, but the power and control of writing fits that of the music perfectly. Whether rocking out hard as nails on tracks like "Tunnel Time" and "I Come from the Mountain," slowing it down to a metallic creep on "Strawberries 1+2," or letting the song unspool slowly like on the Wipers-y "No Spell," there's a clarity to the music that is impressively immediate. A couple songs might even sound good on a movie soundtrack, like the Brigid Dawson-sung rave-up "Maze Fancier," and that's not something one could have said about much of their previous work, as good as it was. Only the closing outer space doo wop of "Minotaur" breaks the spell a bit, but by then the heaviness has sunk in fully and a little break is just right. It may just be another one-shot experiment for Thee Oh Sees, and their next album might be a dubpunk concept album, but Floating Coffin will stand as a successful foray into the world of straight-ahead, heavy-rocking, non-weird alternative indie rock.
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da se ponovim: jedan od najboljih zivih bendova koje sam ikad gledao! cuo sam nesto od njihovih 753 albuma, sve je to zvucalo OK, ali me nije previse oborilo s nogu. otisao na svirku, napolju je bilo 30+ stepeni (uvece), u sali nije radila klima, a mesto je bilo prilicno puno (bar 400 ljudi). znaci - pakao! svejedno, bend je razvalio.

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hej!! odrali sinoć pred 350-400 ljudi u močvari! u publici oko 40 stepeni, na bini bar još 15 više. sa bisom oko 90 min brutalne psych-pop gitarske buke. the dream u hardkor brzini, a i ostale. jbt, pitam se kako nisu popadali od umora već posle 15 minuta. danas day-off u beogradu, sutra skoplje, u nedelju kc dragstor. da, kao većina ozbiljnih bendova ne zarezuju tonsku probu. samo se postave i u prva 2 minuta prve pesme sve dođe na svoje mesto - rokenrol!!

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Itekako...dugo nisam bio svjedokom toliko dobrih vibri i obostranog veselja na jednom gigu...znoja i pive na sve strane. Ko može nek ode, ne bu vam žal a još bu vam i ostalo.

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Itekako...dugo nisam bio svjedokom toliko dobrih vibri i obostranog veselja na jednom gigu...znoja i pive na sve strane. Ko može nek ode, ne bu vam žal a još bu vam i ostalo.
samo da te pozdravim i zahvalim na tome što si prekinuo monolog :)
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ne kasniš kad god da dođeš što se mene tiče. samo mojne kao što si došao na guitar wolf ;)

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Bend tamo vec oko 8. Tonska za njih - jok!Chresus Jist na bini najdalje u 8:15, Repetitor posle njih i TOS od 10:15 ili 10:30, pa narednih 90-ak min.Razvalili sinoc u Skoplju! Mora da je do ljutih paprika i mesista koje su iztanjirali 2 sata pre svirke!

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iron giant :heart: podmladio si me ovom svirkom 20 godina.a nase snage super wub(dosta sam corava, pa ne znam jel sam utripovala, a jel mu gibson providan?)

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