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NBA 2013/14


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Majami odavno vise nisu horde zla (od kad im je Dirk objasnio par stvari), a Lebron i Allen su 1 carovi. Tako da, +1. Ako prodje SA u finale, pridruzujem se i ja kolegi Fei-u. 

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Inace, Simmons je u poslednjoj kolumni fino sumirao zasto je tako zabavno pratiti Okc u ovom plejofu:


"When Durant’s beautiful MVP speech seemingly inspired their best basketball in Game 2 and Game 3, as well as the first three quarters of Game 4, that seemed like something of a “Voilà!” moment. That speech was the catalyst! Move over, William Wallace, there’s a new sheriff in town! The Thunder were finally tapping into their considerable athletic gifts, much like the Bulls figuring it out in the 1991 playoffs and shifting into All-Madden mode. Westbrook was playing as unselfishly as ever. Durant was locked in. This was happening.


And then the last quarter happened. If you want to watch OKC at its worst, just watch the last nine minutes of Game 4: one-on-one offense, overdribbling, wrong lineups, bad strategy, no composure, no crunch-time savviness and 27-foot heaves. This was like watching Rick Adelman’s star-crossed Portland teams all over again. That unsettled malaise carried over to the first 47 minutes of Game 5, with their defense floundering and Durant inexplicably turning into a right-handed Josh Smith. Everything flipped again in the last 50 seconds, thanks to Durant’s monster 3, two utterly ridiculous calls, three egregious Chris Paul mistakes, and Westbrook draining three of the ballsiest free throws I can remember.


I left that game thinking two things …

How can anyone believe in this Thunder team? And how can anyone NOT believe in this Thunder team?"

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Bilo bi totalno kul da Vasington uzme titulu. Ali posto nema sanse da ni oni ni Oklahoma udju u finale, ostaje San Antonio i na kraju 7 tekme pesma "sad si uzo trofej Dankaneee".

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otvorite se za espn player :D


ma jebo ove all - star utakmice, nista pametno iz toga ne mogu da izvuku. vazniji su treninzi nego to sranje.

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Ford nije sposoban da prepiše ni mere sa papira:



James Young measured 6' 5.25" in socks. 6' 7.75" in shoes. 7' 0 wing. 8' 8" standing reach. Great measurements.


Gledajući druge izvore, Young je 6'6.75'' u patikama. Sa patikama možeš da "porasteš" max 1'5''.


Harris deluje prenisko. Nije se merio u patikama, ali verujem da ni 6'4'' nema (u čarapama 6'2.5''). Smart je takođe nešto niži od napisanih 6'4''.


edit. navodnici na porasteš

Edited by Nemanja Posrbica
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Dante Exum measured a full 6-6 in shoes, with a 6-9 1/4 wingspan and weighed 196 pounds. Pretty solid for a SG, let alone a PG.


mnogo me zanima kakav ce biti exum

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