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Совбез ООН согласовал компромиссный вариант проекта резолюции по Алеппо




Cekajte jos malo. Le Monde kaze da se jos ne zna ko je napao autobuse. France Info kaze da su autobusi napadnuti ali vijest je postavljena kao da ih je SAA napala. Umjereni kazu da su se Asadovi agenti uvukli u demonstrante koji su napali autobuse.

Znace se valjda sutra.



Meni ovi najvise lice na Ruse 


Odvratni ste. Na ovoj temi. Svi do jednog.

Cekajte jos malo. Le Monde kaze da se jos ne zna ko je napao autobuse. France Info kaze da su autobusi napadnuti ali vijest je postavljena kao da ih je SAA napala. Umjereni kazu da su se Asadovi agenti uvukli u demonstrante koji su napali autobuse.

Znace se valjda sutra.


Aymenn J Al-Tamimi @ajaltamimi 9h9 hours ago

New group announced called Mujahideen of Saraya al-Tawheed, vowing to target all coming out from Shi'i villages of al-Fu'a and Kafariya

8 replies 74 retweets 26 likes


Gledo sam ovaj video neki dan u boljem kvalitetu. Najjači mi utisak kako lep stan, terasa, cela ulica, verovatno i ceo grad jako prijatno mesto za život.

Edited by francuski sobar

Gledo sam ovaj video neki dan u boljem kvalitetu. Najjači mi utisak kako lep stan, terasa, cela ulica, verovatno i ceo grad jako prijatno mesto za život.


Isto. Gledam mu stan i pogled kroz prozor i ne mogu da poverujem koliko je lepo. Pogotovo kad to povežem sa onim sadašnjim slikama iz Alepa gde sve leži u ruinama.

Five people in Port Said allegedly making fake videos purporting to show the wreckage of air strikes in the Syrian city of Aleppo have been arrested, the Egyptian Interior Ministry has said. 


The videographer, his assistants and the parents of two children who appear in the footage were detained after police managed to trail the would-be camera crew to a building site awaiting demolition, a statement on Monday said.


The team reportedly admitted they had planned to distribute their work on social media, pretending it showed scenes of the injured and destruction in Aleppo, the embattled northern Syrian city which has just fallen back under government control after four years of fighting between the regime and Sunni rebels.


It was not immediately clear what charges had been brought against the five. The Independent has contacted the Egyptian authorities for clarification. 


In the distinctly amateur raw videos and stills released by the Interior Ministry, an eight-year-old girl wears a white dress and bandages covered in red stains, and holds a teddy bear. A 12-year-old boy is also interviewed about what life is like under intensive Russian-backed Syrian government air strikes. 

The girl’s dress, covered in red paint, was what caught the attention of a police officer driving by, the ministry said.






Russia, Iran and Turkey agree priority in Syria is not regime change

lavrov-zarif-cavusoglu-m.jpg© Natalia Kolesnikova, AFP | Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu attend a press conference in Moscow on December 20.
Text by FRANCE 24
Latest update : 2016-12-20


Russia, Iran and Turkey agree that the priority in Syria is fighting "terrorism" and not the removal of Bashar al-Assad, Russian Foreign Minster Sergei Lavrov told reporters after a tripartite summit on Tuesday in Moscow.

Lavrov welcomed Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to the Russian capital for talks on the Syrian conflict as the evacuation of the last rebel-held enclave in Aleppo continued.
"Right now the evacuation is wrapping up," Lavrov said at a joint press conference. "We hope that this is a question of one or a maximum of two days."
The three countries agreed to guarantee that Syria peace talks would go forward and backed the expansion of a ceasefire in the war-torn country.
"Iran, Russia and Turkey are ready to assist in preparing the agreement in the making between the Syrian government and the opposition and to become its guarantor," Lavrov said, citing a joint statement.
"The ministers agree with the importance of widening the ceasefire [and] of free access for humanitarian aid and movement of civilians on Syrian territory," he added.
Russia and Iran are on one side of the Syrian conflict in backing the Assad regime, whereas Turkey supports some of the diverse rebel groups seeking to oust him.
But Turkey and Russia have recently started working more closely, striking a complex deal that has allowed rebel fighters and civilians to leave Aleppo.
The Syrian army broadcast messages into the last rebel-held enclave of the city on Tuesday, warning that it was poised to enter the area sometime during the day and urging insurgents to speed up their evacuation of the city.
The operation to evacuate has brought out 37,500 people since late last week and the goal is to complete the process by Wednesday, Cavusoglu said. The International Committee of the Red Cross, which is overseeing the operation, puts the number of those evacuated so far somewhat lower, at 25,000 people.
The evacuation of Aleppo's rebel sector is seen as a pivotal moment in the nearly six-year-long war that has killed more than 310,000 people and triggered a major humanitarian and refugee crisis.
Thousands more were still waiting to be bused out, according to Red Cross spokeswoman Ingy Sedky. She said that 750 people had also been evacuated from Fuaa and Kafraya, two Shiite-majority villages in northwest Syria that have been besieged by rebel fighters.
(FRANCE 24 with REUTERS, AP and AFP)

dakle turci zvanično odustali od smjene Assada (iako nezvanično znamo da žele da prođe kao Gadafi)


Rusi politički završavaju dobar posao.


Ovakve scene iz Alepa kapiram da ozbiljno iritiraju istinske borce za demokratiju sto zele da donesu blagostanje Siriji ...



Ovakve scene iz Alepa kapiram da ozbiljno iritiraju istinske borce za demokratiju sto zele da donesu blagostanje Siriji ...

E pa ako se slavi Bozic onda je ok sto se bombarduju deca. Jedno bez drugog zna se ne moze.

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