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Jbt Italija ima DVA nosača aviona

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Nisam sliku stavio slucajno: onaj skroz desno gore, USS Decatur, DDG 73, se upravo ovih dana predvodi:

The U.S. action was the latest attempt to counter what Washington sees as Beijing’s efforts to limit freedom of navigation in the strategic waters, U.S. officials said.


Na sta Kinezi:

The Chinese Defense Ministry called the move “illegal” and “provocative,” saying that two Chinese warships had warned the U.S. destroyer to leave.



Izvinjenje za Off.



:lol: Dobro, nemoj da se ljutis.

Ne ljutim se ;), al' daj bre mani se te vrste patkometrije, incidenata kao sto su ovi koje si promptno i tendenciozno poturio, mogu sad ovako iz glave da ti iznabrajam onoliko.

Obaska sto ne dokazuju nista, barem ne na nacin na koji se predstavlja.

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By refusing to intervene more decisively in Syria, President Barack Obama claimed to have finally broken with the “Washington playbook” – his term for the foreign policy establishment’s faith in the efficacy of military force. Refusing to follow the playbook is at once source of pride for the president and a source of ongoing outrage for critics across the political spectrum.


However, looking back to the 1990s, it seems Obama is actually hewing fairly closely to the playbook that ultimately led Washington to intervene in Yugoslavia’s civil war. This is not a playbook that demands immediate military intervention, but one that has Washington spending several years desperately trying to avoid it, while still investing just enough diplomatically and rhetorically to make the eventual use of force inevitable.

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kace preuzeti one nosace od Egipta?




...poslato sa prinudnog...

Mistrale? Ne vjerujem da će skorije mada ko zna. Mislim da su to nosači samo za helikoptere ali nisam siguran.

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Jaysh Al-Fateh prepares to launch massive offensive in Aleppo 




ALEPPO, SYRIA (2:50 A.M.) More than 1,200 militants from Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest), including 30 suicide bombers, are prearing to storm the southwestern corridor of Aleppo City in a new bid to lift the siege on the eastern neighborhoods.

The jihadist rebels will concentrate on the Al-Ramouseh District and Aleppo Artillery College during this upcoming offensive in southwest Aleppo, as they look to reopen the Ramouseh Road.

In northern Aleppo, another group of jihadist rebels will strike the Syrian Arab Army at the Al-Layramoun District and Al-Malaah Farms.

This jihadist assault in northern Aleppo will focus on reopening the Al-Castillo Highway, which was closed off to the latter earlier this year.

If the jihadist rebels are unsuccessful in this upcoming offensive, it could mean the end their offensive operations in Aleppo City.

Edited by Geo
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1200 vojnika je premalo za takav poduhvat, avgustovski (uspešan) napad samo na južni deo (ramuseh) je vukao sa sobom nekoliko puta više vojnika.


no, ne treba ni potceniti sposobnost saa i povezanih milicija od kojekude da useru motku i dočekaju i najmanji napad potpuno nespremni.

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Kermit "Kim" Roosevelt Jr. (February 16, 1916 – June 8, 2000), a grandson of U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt, was a Harvard-educated career intelligence officer who served in the Office of Strategic Services, forerunner to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), during and following the second world war, went on to found Arabist organizations such as the American Friends of the Middle East, and then to play a critical role in the CIA's operation to return Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the former Shah of Iran, to power in August 1953.

Edited by Prospero
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