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It's complicated  :huh:

oba autora su napisali po jedan deo u knjizi na slici. imati na umu da je u pitanju kružok revolucionarnih socijalista. (tumačenje na stranu, sličan opis je i kod Frančeske Bori, koja je bila u Alepu 2012) 



There were already signs that the rebels backers; primarily Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, were interfering to frustrate their efforts. Rebels reported frequently that they would begin an offensive to liberate territory, and their backers would cease supplying ammunition. FSA fighter Adham al-Bazi told the Guardian, from Hama: “Our main problem is that what we get from abroad is like a tap. Sometimes it’s turned on, which means weapons are coming and we are advancing, then, all of a sudden, the tap dries up, and we stop fighting or even pull out of our positions.”


The rebels had been promised a supply of arms and ammunition for the liberation of Aleppo. When the operation began on July 19th regime lines collapsed and the rebels took half the city in six weeks. Then their ammunition supply ceased. The offensive ground to a halt and the rebels were placed on the defensive – at one point they only had 600 bullets left to resupply their forces. Their lines held but they were stopped from completing the capture of the city. The regime was able to reinforce its positions, and Aleppo was divided in a stalemate, in which it remains to this day.

Edited by Gandalf
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 Democraciesalso do not engage in truly massive killing of civilians, defined as

more than 1 million dead, but are at least as likely as nondemocracies to

kill more than 500,000, 100,000, or 50,000 noncombatants.


U pravu si, Prospero, ne pise ono sto sam ja napisao, ali za potrebe nase rasprave ovaj deo je mozda i kljucan. U praksi se svodi na isto sto se tice opasnosti od licemernih i nelicemernih bombi.

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U pravu si, Prospero, ne pise ono sto sam ja napisao, ali za potrebe nase rasprave ovaj deo je mozda i kljucan.

ne bas, jer ne pricamo o istom. ja nisam o razlikama izmedju demokratija i totalitarnih drzava.


u Faludzi I, II & III, nije bilo licemerja.

Edited by Gandalf
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Jedinice FSA spremaju napad na Jarabulus, severno od Manbija, sa teritorije Turske. Turska artiljerija zasipa ISIS u Jarabulusu bez prestanka.


mozda mogu da iskoriste eventualno povlacenje IS-a ka Al Babu ili da pokusaju da samo zauzmu Jarabulus pa da ga drze izolovano od Azaza i okoline. dakle, da pokusaju.

ne postoji dovoljan broj boraca u FSA u tom regionu (ne mesati sa arapima u SDF) da mogu da drze front protiv IS-a od Azaza do Jarabulusa.

ako i pokusaju ovo uradice to na zahtev turske i uz nekakvu njihovu pomoc (artiljerijsku) da bi nastavili da glume 'tursku pogranicnu gardu' prema IS-u i prema kurdima.

u savkom slucaju ovo je jos jedan od primera kako se u siriji stvari cesto rade bez ikakvog rezona i neretko u potpunoj iluziji.

Edited by Bane5
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mozda mogu da iskoriste eventualno povlacenje IS-a ka Al Babu ili da pokusaju da samo zauzmu Jarabulus pa da ga drze izolovano od Azaza i okoline. dakle, da pokusaju.

ne postoji dovoljan broj boraca u FSA u tom regionu (ne mesati sa arapima u SDF) da mogu da drze front protiv IS-a od Azaza do Jarabulusa.

ako i pokusaju ovo uradice to na zahtev turske i uz nekakvu njihovu pomoc (artiljerijsku) da bi nastavili da glume 'tursku pogranicnu gardu' prema IS-u i prema kurdima.

u savkom slucaju ovo je jos jedan od primera kako se u siriji stvari cesto rade bez ikakvog rezona i neretko u potpunoj iluziji.


Meni se čini da tu postoji nekakav dogovor, možda čak i na vrlo visokom nivou, ko će šta da zauzima od IS na severu Sirije. Vrlo su mi zanimljivi pravci napada FSA iz Azaza, koja ide duž tursko-sirijske granice i bori se oko Al-Rai-ja, tako produžavajući sebi front (već sada im teritorija podseća na neku mini-Hrvatsku), kao i SDF koja ne pokazuje neku volju da krene ka Jarabulusu, iako je to mesto praktično u poluokruženju, i ISIS neće imati gotovo nikakve šanse da ga odbrani. Takođe, nije mi bilo jasno ni zašto SAA nije krenuo ka Al-Babu i Manbiju posle deblokade Kuwereis baze, i umesto toga izabrao nekakva glupiranja pa Palmyri i Tabqi, ostavljajući ISIS-u kontrolu nad zaleđem Alepa. Da imaju dublje zaleđe, sada bi bilo lakše i sa FSA oko Alepa, ne bi bio razmak između Handarat kampa i ISIS linija manji od 2 km (čak i samo da su potisnuli ISIS par kilometara. Međutim, kada to povežem sa naknadnim događajima, sve mi liči na to na dogovor da  FSA kontroliše tanki pogranični pojas uz Tursku, a YPG se spoji sa Afrin enklavom južnije, dok bi SAA ostao ispod njih. Može biti da previše maštam.

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Euronews: - Assad can not be a part of Syria's long-term future, says Turkish PM

Turkey’s prime minister said his country would play a more active role in the conflict. Binali Yildirim told reporters gathered in Istanbul that Syria’s President Bashaar al-Assad could have a role in the interim leadership, but no part in Syria’s future.
Yildirim also said Turkey will not let Syria be divided based on ethnicities.

Ista vest, AP: - Turkey: Assad can be part of transition in Syria


Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said Saturday his country is willing to accept a role for Syrian President Bashar Assad during a transitional period but insisted he has no place in Syria's future.
"Could Syria carry Assad in the long-term? Certainly not," Yildirim said. "The United States knows and Russia knows that Assad does not appear to be someone who can bring (the people) together."

"There may be talks (with Assad) for the transition. A transition may be facilitated. But we believe that there should be no (Kurdish rebels), Daesh or Assad in Syria's future," he said, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group.

"In the six months ahead of us, we shall be playing a more active role," Yildirim said. "It means not allowing Syria to be divided along ethnic lines ... ensuring that its government is not based on ethnic (divisions)."


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there should be no (Kurdish rebels), Daesh or Assad in Syria's future," he said, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group.


"In the six months ahead of us, we shall be playing a more active role," Yildirim said. "It means not allowing Syria to be divided along ethnic lines 


svako se cese tamo gde ga svrbi. 

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