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Bane, da li bi odgovorio ako bih pitao odakle tolika i takva upućenost u stanje na terenu?


ja sam placeni dzihadista, zar ti to nije jasno po pisanju ovde? svakih mesec dana sedmoglava azdaja iz saudijske arabije mi uplacuje 10000 dolara za trovanje po srpskim forumima.


edit: naravno da su to gluposti. kao i tvoje pitanje (bez uvrede please). ja sam bar 10 puta do sada napisao ovde - izvolite ovo je MOJ stav ili MOJA procena, ogradjivao se koliko je bilo fer i branio stavove kada su drugi imali volju za komuniciranjem, ALI najvaznije je da uvek kazem - neka vreme pokaze ko je bio u pravu. ja nemam problem da gresim.

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Nisi jedini strani plaćenik, to nije bitno, samo mi impresivna upućenost u stanje na terenu budi radoznalost.


pratio sam irak delimicno, ceo rat u libiji jer sam bio i fizicki tamo jednom u zivotu (pre rata), delimicno jemen i sada siriju.

zbog godina pracenja, naucis sta je vest, sta je propaganda, sta je procena, sta je navijanje.

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Suština priče je da bi 200 - 300 dobro postavljenih protivtenkovskih i barem hiljadu protivpešadijskih mina na mogućim pravcima proboja potpuno promenilo ishod ove bitke. Da su prva 2-3 VBIED-a odletela u vazduh daleko od položaja SAA zbog gaženja mine i jedno desetorica pešadinaca, bitka bi išla drugim tokom - rebeli bi morali da napreduju mnogo sporije i bili na tacni za artiljeriju, pa i avijaciju. Ovako je SAA dozvolila da im se rebeli brzo privuku na puškomet, a onda je došla do izražaja njihova pešadijska prednost.   


Са том количином мина не би могао да запречиш ни неких 100 метара.

Такође уколико би се и активирао ВБИЕД, то би направило велики отвор у минском пољу (експлозија би активирала мине).

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Stiglo u pomoc vladinim snagama u Alepu oko 2k Iracana , sada dal su to obicni dobrovoljci indijanci ili neke iskusnije i ozbiljnije trupe, pojam nemam ...

Edited by Geo
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Nisi jedini strani plaćenik, to nije bitno, samo mi impresivna upućenost u stanje na terenu budi radoznalost.


А што просто не питаш човека на којим сајтовима прати ситуацију?

Наравно да се информише преко нета, није ово 20. век да мора да иде лично тамо са налепљеним брковима да би видео ситуацију на лицу места.

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ABU ABRUS – More than sixty tribes from Manbij attended a meeting in the Abu Abrus village not very far from Manbij city in northern Syria to discuss the future of Manbij in the post-ISIS.

US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have reportedly recaptured more than 90% of Manbij border pocket from militants of the Islamic State (ISIS) in the past two months. 

“The meeting of Arab tribes of Manbij was to discuss the political situation and the end of ISIS [in Manbij] and thanking the SDF-led military council for liberating the area,” member of Kurdish TEV-DEM organisation Omar Aloush told ARA News.

“They are discussing the political system in Manbij if they will join the federal system [of Rojava], the self-administration or to have an independent city of Manbij,” he said. “After Daesh [iSIS] is finished, the Manbij community will take a decision,” Aloush added.

“Until now there is no political program. The regime has no political program and wants to control everything, and the opposition also has no program,” he said.

“Our project as the SDF [syrian Democratic Forces] is not just by arms, we have a civil project,” Aloush told ARA News. “We have to convince the people not by force, but in a democratic way.” 

“We as the Manbij civilian council have a project for democracy, since the beginning of the Syrian revolution we have been fighting for freedom,” Faruk al-Mashi, the Arab co-head of the Manbij Civilian Council said during the meeting–in which several Sheikhs spoke.

“Since ISIS captured Manbij, the violations against the people have not stopped. The radical group started beheading people, and forcing them to emigrate,” he said. “That’s why the people in Manbij protest against ISIS and the Manbij revolutionary forces made the decision to liberate their areas from ISIS.” 

Analysts say that involving Arab tribes in the post-ISIS governance is important for the future of Manbij.

“Establishing local councils comprised of Arab tribal leaders is an important component of the strategy to replace ISIS,” Nicholas Heras, a Washington-based Middle East researcher at the Centre for a New American Security told ARA News.

“Local governance must be present on Day 1 after ISIS, to coordinate humanitarian aid, oversee reconstruction, and to support the security forces left by the SDF to hold the hard-won territory taken from ISIS. The Coalition depends on the SDF for military victory over ISIS, and the SDF will depend on the local councils for the governance victory over ISIS,” he said.

However, the Syrian opposition wants a pro-opposition council to be involved in Manbij, not the SDF-linked council that they see as a Kurdish organization.

“If the SDF did not interfere then it’s very important,” Bassam Barabandi, a Washington-based political adviser to the Syrian opposition told ARA News. “The Syrian opposition reached out to the Americans and asked them to empower the local council which is part of Aleppo provisional council and asked to let the FSA to participate in liberating Manbij,” he said. 

“ISIS is Sunni terrorist movement and only Sunnis can defeat it,” Barabandi said. 

However, the US-led coalition preferred to work with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Speaking to ARA News, SDF official Dr. Nasir Haji Mansour said that they want all civilians and society of Manbij to join the Manbij civilian council.

“We want everyone to participate in administrating the city, whether they are against us or not,” he said. “Only those who support ISIS, and whose hands are involved in shedding blood, will be punished.” 

“We need to accept pluralism,” he stated.





Ovo mi se cini politicki dosta vazno.

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Aleppo, Syria (9:45 A.M.) – The Iraqi paramilitary force, Harakat Al-Nujaba, announced on Sunday that their organization is sending 2,000 fighters to the southern Aleppo front.

According to the statement released by their media wing, Harakat Al-Nujaba plans to help drive back the jihadists in southern Aleppo, paving the way for the government to recapture the territory they lost.

Harakat Al-Nujaba already has several fighters inside of the southern Aleppo countryside; however, they have been relatively quiet as of the recently due to  inaction near the key town of Khan Touman.


Al-Masdar cannot confirm whether or not this report by Harakat Al-Nujaba is true; furthermore, the Syrian Arab Army has not reported about their arrival.






Aleppo, Syria (7:00 A.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army’s 4th Mechanized Division began their assault against the jihadist rebels of Fatah Halab inside the northern sector of Aleppo City today, targeting the latter at the Dahret ‘Abd Rabbo and Al-Zahraa quarters.

According to an Al-Masdar correspondent inside Aleppo City, the Syrian Army’s 4th Division, backed by the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Al-Ba’ath Battalion, launched a large number of mortar shells and rockets towards Fatah Halab’s positions in Dahret ‘Abd Rabbo and Al-Zahraa, killing several enemy combatants in the process.

Preliminary reports from the provincial capital indicate that the Syrian Armed Forces have already begun storming the Dahret ‘Abd Rabbo Quarter; however, this has not been confirmed by the Syrian Arab Army.


In addition to the Syrian Arab Army’s ground assault, their allies from the Russian Air Force are pounding Fatah Halab in the northern countryside of Aleppo, striking several villages inside the ‘Anadan Plains.

On Sunday, the jihadist rebels of Jaysh Al-Fateh announced the next phase of their Aleppo offensive, which includes the entire provincial capital; this attack is expected to begin in the coming days, as they mobilize more forces from the neighboring Idlib Governorate.

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Са том количином мина не би могао да запречиш ни неких 100 метара.

Такође уколико би се и активирао ВБИЕД, то би направило велики отвор у минском пољу (експлозија би активирала мине).


OK, neka bude i 5 hiljada protivoklopnih i 20 hiljada protivpešadijskih mina, mada za to verovatno ne bi imali dovoljno vremena i inženjerije. Stvar je u tome da je tamo izgleda bilo 0 (nula) mina postavljenih od strane vladinih snaga. 


Pored toga, čak i da VBIED eksplodira i otvori prolaz u minskom polju, to je SAA bolje nego da se detonira blizu položaja njihovih trupa + bi onda rebeli morali ići sporije, jer bi pretpostavili da je minirano. Ako bi 2 ili 3 VBIED-a otišla u vazduh daleko pre položaja SAA, verovatno bi i racionalnost njegove upotrebe došla u pitanje.

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Mislim da ovi Irački paramilitarci ne bi mogli da me dobiju u pejntbolu


U paintball-u bi te možda i dobili, jer im guzice ne bi bile ugrožene. Ovako sumnjam da će biti od neke posebne koristi, osim ako nisu u pitanju neki ultra fanatizovani šiiti, razbežaće se čim postane gusto. Tako bude u gro slučajeva sa raznim dobrovoljcima.

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OK, neka bude i 5 hiljada protivoklopnih i 20 hiljada protivpešadijskih mina, mada za to verovatno ne bi imali dovoljno vremena i inženjerije. Stvar je u tome da je tamo izgleda bilo 0 (nula) mina postavljenih od strane vladinih snaga. 


Pored toga, čak i da VBIED eksplodira i otvori prolaz u minskom polju, to je SAA bolje nego da se detonira blizu položaja njihovih trupa + bi onda rebeli morali ići sporije, jer bi pretpostavili da je minirano. Ako bi 2 ili 3 VBIED-a otišla u vazduh daleko pre položaja SAA, verovatno bi i racionalnost njegove upotrebe došla u pitanje.


На дужину фронта у Сирији, ради се о великој количини мина која је потребна.

А пролаз се лако направи са једним ВБИЕД.


Већ сам написао да су земљани насипи који се масовно користе вероватно далеко кориснији од минског поља.

Прво што дају заклон браниоцима од стрељачке ватре и осматрања, и каналишу возила на одређена места.


Нападачи их често користе као заклон, што бранилац не уме да искористи.

Прво што би браниоц већ знао елементе гађања иза насипа, те би могао да брзо дејствује минобацачима иза њих. 

Такође не користе што оклопна возила морају да прођу на одређеним местима, где су им рањиви бокови.




PS има један нов побуњенички снимак дроном из Алепа, дејства ПТ мином са стране, погођен побуњенички БМП.

Нажалост склоњен са ЈуТјуба.

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Vathra, kombinacija zemljanih nasipa i minskog polja je još efikasnija odbrana nego samo zemljani nasipi. Čak i da ne napraviš full minsko polje, opet ćeš postići da napadači budu oprezniji i laganije napreduju. No, mislim da se u osnovi razumemo.


Gotovo u Manbidžu izgleda, slika se SDF u centru i čeka se nekakvo saopštenje za javnost.


EDIT: Evo i saopštenja za javnost: 

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