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Je l' su to oni sto ih je Pentagon nekada podrzavao a zatim skinuo sa liste "Opremi, obuci, Nusri prikljuci"?


bili su inicijalno u grupi onih koji su dobili (ne malu!) finansijsku pomoc i nesto lakog naoruzanja (do otprilike 2014. godine kada to prestaje). nisu bili (ispali su) sa spiska za TOW isporuke. NEZ je pomalo cudna pojava u ovom ratu. izrazito je lokalna grupa (nema ih nigde van alepa) i cine je uglavnom lokalci i to ne samo da su lokalno grupa iz alepa vec iskljucivo deluju na delu svernih i severoistocnih predgradja (gde se zadnjih mesec dana vode borbe za 'koridor').

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nakon solidnog broja javnih ograda i kritika, snage koje su odgovorne za ovo su navodno uhapsile odgovorne i sudice im sto je dosta retko u ovom ratu (na prste jedne ruke mogu da nabrojim slicne slucajeve na obe strane),

interesantno je da je u pitanju deo snaga koje pripadaju krovnoj organizaciji fatah haleb - borci koji prilicno nezavisno deluju u ovom delu alepa - pokret nour al-din al-zinki. dakle, nisu dzihadisti.

naravno, vrlo sam skeptican da ce odgovorni biti kaznjeni odgovarajuce kao sto ce i dalje u ovom ratu obezglavljivanje biti jedan od vidova osvete koje koriste sve strane.

takodje i to da se za asada i za ove ostale bore i deca vojnici je nesto sto nije novost od juce.


ja sam jedino pročitao njihovu zvaničnu izjavu u kome kažu da će uhapsiti i suditi ali nisam nigde video tu potvrdu da su zaista uhapsili i da će suditi. u poslednjem pasusu inače te izjave se manje više krivica svaljuje na zapadnjake. naravno ne direktno za ovo što su uradili ali generalno taj pasus govori o tome kako nemaju pomoć zapada dok asadovci terorišu narod.


edit. bio je loš prevod, piše u toj izjavi da su detain te osobe. ali videćemo koliko je to tačno. mislim naravno da će to da napišu.

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ja sam jedino pročitao njihovu zvaničnu izjavu u kome kažu da će uhapsiti i suditi ali nisam nigde video tu potvrdu da su zaista uhapsili i da će suditi. u poslednjem pasusu inače te izjave se manje više krivica svaljuje na zapadnjake. naravno ne direktno za ovo što su uradili ali generalno taj pasus govori o tome kako nemaju pomoć zapada dok asadovci terorišu narod.


kazu na pomalo nezgrapnom engleskom (takva su vecina saopstenja odande jer engleski bas i ne pricaju svi niti tecno) "it was brought and stopped all pesron who had violated and handed over to the commission"

poslednji pasus moze biti delimicno usmeren i na ono sto se desilo kod mambidza (mambij) danas.

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kazu na pomalo nezgrapnom engleskom (takva su vecina saopstenja odande jer engleski bas i ne pricaju svi niti tecno) "it was brought and stopped all pesron who had violated and handed over to the commission"

poslednji pasus moze biti delimicno usmeren i na ono sto se desilo kod mambidza (mambij) danas.


pogledaj posle ima jasnija izjava odnosno normalno prevedena, ta u kojoj kažu da su stvarno detained


ali i u toj bolje prevedenoj ide na kraju "full responsibility for international community" u vezi asadovih zločina ili tako nešto a uopšte ne piše zašto je to u ovoj izjavi  pa se stiče utisak da nisu oni baš odgovorni za ovo nego međunarodna zajednica

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pogledaj posle ima jasnija izjava odnosno normalno prevedena, ta u kojoj kažu da su stvarno detained


ali i u toj bolje prevedenoj ide na kraju "full responsibility for international community" u vezi asadovih zločina ili tako nešto a uopšte ne piše zašto je to u ovoj izjavi  pa se stiče utisak da nisu oni baš odgovorni za ovo nego međunarodna zajednica


pa uvek postoji relativizacija (kao ta na kraju), pogledaj twittove cak i onih koji su iole otvoreni da objave info sa obe strane, odmah porede zlocne jednih spram zlocina drugih ili ih ignorisu velicajuci samo zlo na jednoj strani. to je nesto sto u sirijskom ratu traje bukvalno od pocetka ma gde i ma koja strana to radila.

Edited by Bane5
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Zinki su dobili TOW i mislim da je ovaj video iz jula 2014. njihova prva upotreba.



njihov je video, ne sporim, ali i ako su bili na listi brzo su ispali sa nje. nemaju ih (bar ne da ja znam).

taj deo oko 'koridora' sa TOW projektilima sada pokrivaju druge jedinice (u sadejstvu sa NEZ-om i ostalima).

edit: tu ne brojim eventualno zaplenjene i sl. projektile kojih ima u siriji (konkurs, metis, toophan)

Edited by Bane5
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A ko je dao Izraelu ekskluzivno pravo da ide u lov na Hezbulah po teritoriji  druge drzave i bombarduje gradove po zelji ?  

Edited by Geo
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A ko je dao Izraelu ekskluzivno pravo da ide u lov na Hezbulah po teritoriji  druge drzave i bombarduje gradove po zelji ?  


Ако се не варам, они су у рату са Сиријом и Либаном?

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Russian warplanes reportedly bombed a secret military base in Syria used by elite American and British forces last month.
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Russia Bombed Base in Syria Used by U.S.


An outpost near the Jordanian border that is used by U.S. and British special forces was hit by the airstrikes last month




BN-PA625_USRUSS_J_20160721172250.jpgRussian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visits a Russian air base in Syria in June. Photo: vadim savitsky/Agence France-Presse/Getty Image


By Adam Entous and Gordon Lubold


Updated July 21, 2016 7:34 p.m. ET



When Russian aircraft bombed a remote garrison in southeastern Syria last month, alarm bells sounded at the Pentagon and the Ministry of Defense in London.

The Russians weren’t bombarding a run-of-the-mill rebel outpost, according to U.S. officials. Their target was a secret base of operations for elite American and British forces. In fact, a contingent of about 20 British special forces had pulled out of the garrison 24 hours earlier. British officials declined to comment.

U.S. military and intelligence officials say the previously unreported close call for Western forces on June 16, and a subsequent Russian strike on a site linked to the Central Intelligence Agency, were part of a campaign by Moscow to pressure the Obama administration to agree to closer cooperation in the skies over Syria.



Twice Targeted


Russian aircraft bombed a remote outpost in Syria used by U.S. and British special forces in June, and then in July hit a camp housing families of Central Intelligence Agency-backed Syrian fighters.




Lions of the East family camp - The rebel camp about 50 miles west of At-Tanf was hit by Russians on July 12.

At-Tanf garrison - The remote outpost about 10 miles from the Jordanian border was hit by Russians on June 16.


Sources: U.S. officials and rebel commanders


The risk that U.S. and British forces could have been killed at the border garrison hardened opposition at the Pentagon and the CIA to accommodating the Russians. But White House and State Department officials, wary of an escalation in U.S. military involvement in Syria, decided to pursue a compromise.

Yury Melnik, a spokesman for the Russian embassy in Washington, referred questions about the incidents to the Russian Defense Ministry, which didn't respond to a request for comment.

A provisional agreement reached by Secretary of State John Kerry in Moscow last week—over Pentagon and CIA objections—calls for the former Cold War adversaries to join forces in strikes against the Nusra Front, Syria’s al Qaeda affiliate. In exchange for the U.S. easing Moscow’s international isolation, Russia would halt airstrikes on the U.S.-backed rebels and restrain the Syrian air force.

Talks are still under way between U.S. and Russian experts over the designated areas where the Russians would have to get Washington’s approval before conducting strikes.

Proponents of the deal in the White House and the State Department say it will allow the U.S. to target Nusra in areas which have been off limits to American attack aircraft for months because of Russian deployments, and will provide a measure of protection to U.S. allies on the ground in Syria whom the Russians and Syrians were targeting in their air campaigns.

Critics of the deal at the Pentagon and the CIA say the White House gave in to Russian bullying and voiced doubt that Moscow would abide by the terms of the agreement. They say the U.S. needs to confront the Russians more squarely. White House and State Department officials are wary of intensifying a costly proxy fight that could exacerbate the level of violence in Syria.

Since its armed intervention on behalf of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad last September, the Russian air force has conducted hundreds of sorties against CIA-backed rebels fighting his government, fueling U.S. anger.

Mr. Melnik, the Russian embassy spokesman, said, “In reality, the only objective Russia pursues in Syria is fighting terrorism. And we believe that better coordination of Russian and American efforts would contribute to effective pursuit of this objective, as well as to a diplomatic solution of the Syrian crisis.”

Officials close to Mr. Kerry said he shares the skepticism of military and intelligence officials about Russian intentions, which was why he inserted a clause during the negotiations to allow the U.S. to unilaterally suspend cooperation with the Russians if they started bombing U.S. allies again.

U.S. and British special forces based in Jordan cross the border into Syria on missions, helping maintain an unofficial buffer zone on Syrian soil to protect Jordan from Islamic State, U.S. officials said. The special forces would rendezvous with their rebel allies at the garrison, initially used by the CIA. For security reasons, the forces wouldn’t spend the night.

A contingent of about 20 British special forces pulled out of the facility less than 24 hours before the U.S. tracked Russian aircraft on June 16 flying across Syria to the garrison, according to U.S. military and intelligence officials briefed on the strike. The aircraft dropped cluster munitions on the target, according to U.S. officials and rebel commanders.

After that first Russian strike, officers with the U.S. military’s Central Command air operations center in Qatar called their counterparts in Russia’s air campaign headquarters in Latakia, Syria, U.S. officials said. The American officers told the Russians that the garrison was part of the U.S. campaign against Islamic State and shouldn’t be attacked.

Roughly 90 minutes after the U.S. warning was delivered, U.S. aircraft circling nearby watched as the Russians launched a second wave of strikes against the garrison.

A U.S. military surveillance aircraft overhead tried to hail the Russian pilots directly using the frequencies which the U.S. and Russian governments had agreed to use in emergencies.

The Russian pilots didn’t respond.

U.S. officials said four rebels were killed in the Russian strikes.

After the Russian aircraft returned to base in western Syria, the Pentagon demanded that Moscow explain what happened.

Russian military officials initially told their Pentagon counterparts that Russian pilots intentionally struck the garrison, but thought it was an Islamic State facility, according to the U.S. officials briefed on the incident.

U.S. military and intelligence officials rejected that explanation and said the Russian pilots would have been able to tell from the air that the garrison wasn’t an Islamic State facility because of the unique ways in which it was fortified.

Among the protective measures surrounding At-Tanf were interlocking sandbag walls that are a signature characteristic of U.S. and British bases in the region.

The Russians then told the Americans that the Jordanians had approved of the strikes in advance. U.S. officials said they checked with Amman and were told by their Jordanian counterparts that they had never given Moscow a green light.

The Russians later told the Americans that their air command headquarters in Syria wasn’t in a position to call off the strikes because officers with U.S. Central Command didn’t provide Moscow with the precise coordinates for the garrison.

U.S. officials said the Pentagon had never specifically asked the Russians to steer clear of the area around the At-Tanf garrison because it wasn’t close to any of the front lines between the Assad regime and opposing forces and because Russian aircraft didn’t operate in that part of Syria.

Moreover, distrust of Russian intentions ran so deep within the U.S. military and the CIA that U.S. officials didn’t want to tell the Russians any more than they had to, officials said.

The strike sharpened divisions within the administration. Military and intelligence officials said it showed why Moscow couldn't be trusted. Administration officials in favor of the deal said the strike illustrated why refusing to cooperate with the Russians carried risks.

Following the strike, the U.S. gave the Russians some additional information about U.S. operations along the Jordanian border. U.S. officials said they told Moscow to steer clear of the border area.

But on July 12, as Mr. Kerry was preparing to fly to Moscow to complete the agreement to increase U.S.-Russian coordination, Russian aircraft targeted another base near the Jordanian border, about 50 miles from At-Tanf, used by family members of CIA-backed fighters and other displaced Syrians, according to U.S. officials briefed on the strike and rebel commanders.

Tllass Salameh, a commander with the Lions of the East rebel group which works out of the base, said 200 people were living at the “families’ camp.”

In the strike, the Russians used cluster munitions, which increased the number of casualties, according to Mr. Salameh and U.S. officials. Mr. Salameh said two young children, aged two and three, were killed along with two young women and a man in his mid-50s. In addition, 48 people were injured, all civilians, he said.



Prvo ćuška a onda trolovanje.

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