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Naravno da je mi cudo, jer do sada nisam nailazio na informacije o etnickoj netrpeljivosti Kurda i Sirijaca ...


Imas vec od ranije informacije iz Iraka gde se slicno desavalo. Samo govori o komplikovanosti situacije.

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Naravno da je mi cudo, jer do sada nisam nailazio na informacije o etnickoj netrpeljivosti Kurda i Sirijaca ...

Kurda i Arapa.


Odsustvo informacija uglavnom potiče od globalno romantizovane percepcije Kurda kao jedne supermoderne, ultraliberalne, gender-parity grupacije koja spletom velikih istorijskih nepravdi nema svoju veliku državu. Takva percepcija dovodi do toga da se Kurdi isključivo posmatraju kroz prizmu njihovih G.I. Janes ili branilaca Kobanea dočim niko živ ne registruje kada oni uzmu pa počiste nepodobne civile.

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Kurda i Arapa.


Odsustvo informacija uglavnom potiče od globalno romantizovane percepcije Kurda kao jedne supermoderne, ultraliberalne, gender-parity grupacije koja spletom velikih istorijskih nepravdi nema svoju veliku državu. Takva percepcija dovodi do toga da se Kurdi isključivo posmatraju kroz prizmu njihovih G.I. Janes ili branilaca Kobanea dočim niko živ ne registruje kada oni uzmu pa počiste nepodobne civile.

Pa poredjenje je bilo samo sa "islamskom drzavom" i odnosu na nju su po meni supermoderno drustvo, barem dok ne pocnu da prave spotove sa odsecanjem glava, zene da tretiraju kao robinje i dizu u vazduh kulturno istorijsko blago ...

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ako se pogleda ova mapa i ukoliko je iole tacna jasno je da ce rusi postovati primrije na manje od 10% teritorije koja nije pod IS-om.

btw. u ovim trenucima to primirje u siriji bi trebalo da pocne.

Edited by Bane5
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The CIA began its active meddling in Syria in 1949 — barely a year after the agency’s creation. Syrian patriots had declared war on the Nazis, expelled their Vichy French colonial rulers and crafted a fragile secularist democracy based on the American model. But in March 1949, Syria’s democratically elected president, Shukri-al-Quwatli, hesitated to approve the Trans-Arabian Pipeline, an American project intended to connect the oil fields of Saudi Arabia to the ports of Lebanon via Syria. In his book, Legacy of Ashes, CIA historian Tim Weiner recounts that in retaliation for Al-Quwatli’s lack of enthusiasm for the U.S. pipeline, the CIA engineered a coup replacing al-Quwatli with the CIA’s handpicked dictator, a convicted swindler named Husni al-Za’im. Al-Za’im barely had time to dissolve parliament and approve the American pipeline before his countrymen deposed him, four and a half months into his regime.

Following several counter-coups in the newly destabilized country, the Syrian people again tried democracy in 1955, re-electing al-Quwatli and his National Party. Al-Quwatli was still a Cold War neutralist, but, stung by American involvement in his ouster, he now leaned toward the Soviet camp. That posture caused CIA Director Dulles to declare that “Syria is ripe for a coup” and send his two coup wizards, Kim Roosevelt and Rocky Stone, to Damascus.

Two years earlier, Roosevelt and Stone had orchestrated a coup in Iran against the democratically elected President Mohammed Mosaddegh, after Mosaddegh tried to renegotiate the terms of Iran’s lopsided contracts with the British oil giant Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (now BP). Mosaddegh was the first elected leader in Iran’s 4,000-year history and a popular champion for democracy across the developing world. Mosaddegh expelled all British diplomats after uncovering a coup attempt by U.K. intelligence officers working in cahoots with BP. Mosaddegh, however, made the fatal mistake of resisting his advisers’ pleas to also expel the CIA, which, they correctly suspected, was complicit in the British plot. Mosaddegh idealized the U.S. as a role model for Iran’s new democracy and incapable of such perfidies. Despite Dulles’ needling, President Harry Truman had forbidden the CIA from actively joining the British caper to topple Mosaddegh. When Eisenhower took office in January 1953, he immediately unleashed Dulles. After ousting Mosaddegh in “Operation Ajax,” Stone and Roosevelt installed Shah Reza Pahlavi, who favored U.S. oil companies but whose two decades of CIA sponsored savagery toward his own people from the Peacock throne would finally ignite the 1979 Islamic revolution that has bedeviled our foreign policy for 35 years.

Flush from his Operation Ajax “success” in Iran, Stone arrived in Damascus in April 1957 with $3 million to arm and incite Islamic militants and to bribe Syrian military officers and politicians to overthrow al-Quwatli’s democratically elected secularist regime, according to Safe for Democracy: The Secret Wars of the CIA, by John Prados. Working with the Muslim Brotherhood and millions of dollars, Rocky Stone schemed to assassinate Syria’s chief of intelligence, the chief of its General Staff and the chief of the Communist Party, and to engineer “national conspiracies and various strong arm” provocations in Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan that could be blamed on the Syrian Ba’athists. Tim Weiner describes in Legacy of Ashes how the CIA’s plan was to destabilize the Syrian government and create a pretext for an invasion by Iraq and Jordan, whose governments were already under CIA control. Kim Roosevelt forecast that the CIA’s newly installed puppet government would “rely first upon repressive measures and arbitrary exercise of power,” according to declassified CIA documents reported in The Guardian newspaper.

But all that CIA money failed to corrupt the Syrian military officers. The soldiers reported the CIA’s bribery attempts to the Ba’athist regime. In response, the Syrian army invaded the American Embassy, taking Stone prisoner. After harsh interrogation, Stone made a televised confession of his roles in the Iranian coup and the CIA’s aborted attempt to overthrow Syria’s legitimate government. The Syrians ejected Stone and two U.S. Embassy staffers—the first time any American State Department diplomat was barred from an Arab country. The Eisenhower White House hollowly dismissed Stone’s confession as “fabrications” and “slanders,” a denial swallowed whole by the American press, led by the New York Times and believed by the American people, who shared Mosaddegh’s idealistic view of their government. Syria purged all politicians sympathetic to the U.S. and executed for treason all military officers associated with the coup. In retaliation, the U.S. moved the Sixth Fleet to the Mediterranean, threatened war and goaded Turkey to invade Syria. The Turks assembled 50,000 troops on Syria’s borders and backed down only in the face of unified opposition from the Arab League whose leaders were furious at the U.S. intervention. Even after its expulsion, the CIA continued its secret efforts to topple Syria’s democratically elected Ba’athist government. The CIA plotted with Britain’s MI6 to form a “Free Syria Committee” and armed the Muslim Brotherhood to assassinate three Syrian government officials, who had helped expose “the American plot,” according to Matthew Jones in “The ‘Preferred Plan’: The Anglo-American Working Group Report on Covert Action in Syria, 1957.” The CIA’s mischief pushed Syria even further away from the U.S. and into prolonged alliances with Russia and Egypt.


Malo o plaćenicima i izdaji i svemu ostalom sa Bliskog Istoka na:


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Pa poredjenje je bilo samo sa "islamskom drzavom" i odnosu na nju su po meni supermoderno drustvo, barem dok ne pocnu da prave spotove sa odsecanjem glava, zene da tretiraju kao robinje i dizu u vazduh kulturno istorijsko blago ...


To im ne daje nikakvo pravo da se iživljavaju nad civilima na teritorijama koje uzmu od ID. Ti civili možda nisu imali izbora, možda ni sami ne vole ID, možda nisu imali bolju opciju od ID, a u svakom slučaju su civili. Kurdi lepo uzmu i sve ih proglase za kolaboracioniste.

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ako se pogleda ova mapa i ukoliko je iole tacna jasno je da ce rusi postovati primrije na manje od 10% teritorije koja nije pod IS-om.

btw. u ovim trenucima to primirje u siriji bi trebalo da pocne.


Ako se pogleda ova mapa jasno je da rusi i asad nastavljaju sa ofanzivom i ciscenjem dzepova. A kada sa time zavrse krenuce da stvaraju "novu realnost" na terenu i bice mir pisi propalo. Ucili od najboljih nije da nije. 

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To im ne daje nikakvo pravo da se iživljavaju nad civilima na teritorijama koje uzmu od ID. Ti civili možda nisu imali izbora, možda ni sami ne vole ID, možda nisu imali bolju opciju od ID, a u svakom slučaju su civili. Kurdi lepo uzmu i sve ih proglase za kolaboracioniste.

Naravno da niko normalan ne pozdravlja izivljavanje nad civilima, samo iznosim sumnje da je stvarno tako i toliko masovno... 


Isis danas napao Kurde na vise lokacija, cak su stigli nekako do Tal Abyada(sama turska granica) gde se vode ozbiljne ulicne borbe ... Zapadna koalicija na svim tackama pruza poprilicnu podrsku Kurdima, dok Rusi ne zalaze u te krajeve





Reports of SAA taking full control of the Ithriya - Khanaser - Aleppo highway after retaking Al-Hamam, road will be operational by Sunday
Edited by Geo
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