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Pa da ga nisu obarali, ne bi ni pali na ta dva čoveka... Ugrozio je turske državljane...


Uzgred, zamišljam scenario da deo aviona padne na nekog i taj neko ostane živ, i ne ide mi... Njega nije sramota da laže tako?

Mozda je pala jelkica iz kabine..ili deo migavca
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Uzgred, zamišljam scenario da deo aviona padne na nekog i taj neko ostane živ, i ne ide mi... Njega nije sramota da laže tako?


Pazi, pročitao sam kompletno priopćenje i svaka, bukvalno svaka rečenica je blatantna laž. Otprilike sušta suprotnost nekoj istini, ako istine uopšte ima. Samo zamisli Labuda, deset puta moćnijeg i uticajnijeg, na čelu deset puta veće, bogatije i brojnije zemlje. Tačno dobiješ ovog šampiona.

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Beowle, u kojoj sultanskoj ergeli se gaje ovakva grla™:


Turkish intelligence chief: ISIS is a reality and we must stop Putin from crushing the Islamic revolution
14451661031.jpg Hakan Fidan Novemebr 24, 2015

AWD News

Posted October 18, 2015

Turkish intelligence chief: Putin's intervention in Syria is against Islam and international law, ISIS is a reality and we are optimistic about the future

Ankara--- Hakan Fidan, the head of Turkey's National Intelligence Organization, known by the MİT acronym, has drawn a lot of attention and criticism for his controversial comments about ISIS.

Mr. Hakan Fidan, Turkish President's staunchest ally, condemned Russian military intervention in Syria, accusing Moscow of trying to 'smother' Syria's Islamist revolution and serious breach of United Nations law.

“ISIS is a reality and we have to accept that we cannot eradicate a well-organized and popular establishment such as the Islamic State; therefore I urge my western colleagues to revise their mindset about Islamic political currents, put aside their cynical mentalité and thwart Vladimir Putin's plans to crush Syrian Islamist revolutionaries,”  :jerry:  - Anadolu News Agency quoted Mr. Fidan as saying on Sunday.

Fidan further added that in order to deal with the vast number of foreign Jihadists craving to travel to Syria, it is imperative that ISIS must set up a consulate or at least a political office in Istanbul. :ph34r: He underlined that it is Turkey’s firm belief to provide medical care for all injured people fleeing Russian ruthless airstrikes regardless of their political or religious affiliation.

Recently as the fierce clashes between Russian army and ISIS terrorists are raging across the war-torn Syria, countless number of ISIS injured fighters enter the Turkish territory and are being admitted in the military hospitals namely those in Hatay Province. Over the last few days, the Syrian army with the support of Russian air cover could fend off ISIS forces in strategic provinces of Homs and Hama.

Emile Hokayem, a Washington-based Middle East analyst said that Turkey's Erdoğan and his oil-rich Arab allies have dual agendas in the war on terror and as a matter of fact they are supplying the Islamist militants with weapons and money, thus Russian intervention is considered a devastating setback for their efforts to overthrow Syrian secular President Assad.

Hokayem who was speaking via Skype from Washington, D.C. highlighted the danger of Turkish-backed terrorist groups and added that what is happening in Syria cannot be categorized as a genuine and popular revolution against dictatorship but rather it is a chaos orchestrated by Erdoğan who is dreaming to revive this ancestor's infamous Ottoman Empire.



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ISIS must set up a consulate or at least a political office in Istanbul.


covek samo prati nove politicke trendove :hella:



VIP DŽIHADISTI NA DEDINJU Srpske vize dobijali radikalni islamisti


Srpsku vizu i smeštaj na Dedinju dobio je rođak snabdevača oružjem nepriznate vlade u Libiji, a posrednici su bili ambasador Palestine i mesar sa debelim vezama u Srbiji.

Edited by Pontijak
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Da, i ja sam prvo proverio da to nije nekakav mentol koji vodi think tank iz maminog podruma.

Ako ovaj lik samo čeneluje Erdoganove stavove, onda je sve što je Putin juče rekao sasvim tačno, ne?

Edited by Аврам Гојић
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Zbog toga što ima MB na vlasti. I veoma stroga RoE, naravno.


jos samo da mi neko zaista pronadje taj intervju na sajtu AA.

AA se javno ogradila od fabrikovanja intervjua sa doticnim.

pritom ovo je staro vise od mesec dana i korisceno je samo na sajtovima koji naginju propagandi jedne strane.




We hereby state that the recent stories on some foreign media outlets claiming that Anadolu Agency did an interview with Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) Undersecretary Hakan Fidan and published it are totally false.

It is known that the MIT has no such practice of speaking to media.
These fabricated stories by foreign sources are regarded as part of an international psychological campaign against Turkey.
Necessary steps have been taken to have such fabricated stories removed, with legal rights being reserved. 




proveravajte relevantnost izvora odakle vadite vesti.

Edited by Bane5
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