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Da, lovci će pratiti sve bombardere od sada.


Moscow plans to suspend military cooperation with Ankara after the downing of a Russian bomber by Turkish air forces, Russian General Staff representatives said on Tuesday. Further measures to beef up Russian air base security in Syria will also be taken.

Three steps as announced by top brass:

  1. Each and every strike groups’ operation is to be carried out under the guise of fighter jets
  2. Air defense to be boosted with the deployment of Moskva guided missile cruiser off Latakia coast with an aim to destroy any target that may pose danger
  3. Military contacts with Turkey to be suspended



a zar "Moskva" nije još pre 6 dana uključena u operacije?

Edited by Аврам Гојић
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Ako je RTE mislio da će ovim oterati Ruse iz tog ćoška Sirije izgleda da taj memo nije stigao do Kremlja









Nemam pojma, ja bih inače bio oprezan sa ovakvim sličkama, preša je velika a fotošop mami :D

Edited by Prospero
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Kao sto sam rekao


@business: NATO calls for "calm and de-escalation" after alliance member Turkey shot down a Russian warplane https://t.co/PUUu0QAvIE


The common enemy should be ISIL and I would welcome all efforts to fight ISIL,” Stoltenberg told reporters. “It is important that all of us, also Russia, is guided by the overarching goal of defeating ISIL.”

Edited by Eraserhead
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da li je moguće da turci imaju 232 f16 lovaca u svom posedu, iako su domestic assembled?


ta brojka je suluda

Edited by Marcus Wulffings
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Ona dva spasilačka helikoptera su bila u zoni i jurila posadu dok su piloti još uvek bili u vazduhu.

Bilo je baš ozbiljno šenlučenje po ovoj dvojci pilota dok su padali, a to je baš potrajalo zbog velike visine... pucalo se i iz protivavionskih kalibara, evo dužeg snimka gde se vide i pucači.


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Один из пилотов сбитого Су24 погиб в воздухе от огня с земли - Минобороны
Edited by Takeshi
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