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Турци ће за ово најебати, али од НАТО. Не раде се овакве ствари, али старе Ердоганове фуфе које мало-мало па изврше масовни злочин над Курдима, што на територији Турске, што на територијама суседних земаља, и које шурују са Исисовцима па их масовно ослобађају из турских затвора јер, опет, ови крљају Курде, нису могле да издрже да са те близине гледају како Руси цепају њихове другаре. Будале.

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Turci: avion bio upozoren 10 puta u 5 minuta

Turkey 'repeatedly warned' Russian warplane violating airspace

Military says aircraft 'of unknown nationality' given 10 warnings in five minutes over airspace breach



 A jet brought down after violating Turkish airspace was given 10 warnings over a five-minute period, Turkey’s military said Tuesday.

In a statement on its website, the Turkish General Staff said a “warplane of unknown nationality” breached Turkish airspace over Yayladagi, Hatay province, which borders northwest Syria.

The military did not specify the type of plane but Turkish presidential sources and the Russian Ministry of Defense have identified the aircraft as a Russian SU-24.

Two Turkish Air Force F-16s challenged and brought down the plane in line with Turkish rules of engagement.

“A warplane of unknown nationality that breached Turkish airspace over Hatay Yayladagi region at 09.20 [0720GMT] was alerted 10 times in five minutes,” the general staff statement said.

The F-16s, which were on patrol in the area, “intervened” at 9.24 a.m. local time.

The plane was brought down in northwest Syria near the Turkmen town of Bayirbucak.

Media footage showed two parachutes floating to the ground before the aircraft crashed in a plume of smoke.

Russian warplanes previously violated Turkish airspace twice in October. The incidents came within a few days of the start of Russia’s air campaign in Syria on Sept. 30 and led to international condemnation.

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A spokesman for the Syrian rebel group which claimed to have captured a Russian pilot whose plane was shot down over northwestern Syria says he was dead upon landing, AP reports.

Jahed Ahmad of the 10th Brigade in the Coast said that the two Russian crew members tried to land in their parachutes in government-held areas after they ejected, but came under fire from members of his group.

He adds that rebels shot one of the pilots, who landed dead on the ground on Tuesday.

The fate of the second pilot was not immediately known.

The group released a video showing gunmen standing around a blond pilot whose face was bruised and appeared dead.


Ako su ih stvarno ubili dok su bili na padobranima čeka ih tepih bombardovanje otprilike.

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Ebga, sultan bi hteo da bude veliki igrač ali nume digra. Rusi i NATO su ove chicken games uvežbali do savršenstva, ovaj uđe sa klupe i odmah klizeći sa dve noge.

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 Malo kontektsta o tome zašto su Turci laki na obaraču


Russia, Assad regime continue pounding Turkmen Mountain

November 24, 2015


The Assad regime, supported by Hezbollah and Iranian forces and Russia by the air and sea, continues to attack the Bayirbucak region, close to Turkish border, inhabited by Turkmen.

The intensification of the attacks in the last period shows that Russia aims to give more power to President Bashar al-Assad before sitting at the negotiation table with the opposition forces, in accordance with the conclusion of the Vienna talks last week.

Russia has also been attacking the Bayirbucak Turkmen region since Sept. 30, when it began an air ‘counterterrorism’ campaign in Syria.

Russia, known for 'coordinating' fighting in the region between regime forces and Turkmen units, intervenes in the situation by attacking Turkmen Mountain with missiles from warships in the Mediterranean.

Regime forces, supported by Russia’s air campaign, are staging a ground operation in the region.

The attacks began in the southeastern Gimam village while, for the last five days, Russian jets have intensively bombed Acisu, Firinlik and Red Mountain (Kizildag) regions in Bayirbucak.

Hezbollah and Iranian forces, fighting actively in the region for about two years, also support the operation. 

According to local sources, Gimam, Hill 45, Zuveyk village, Acisu intersection and the Red Mountain hill region have passed into the control of Assad regime forces.

Turkmen Mountain

The head of Turkmen Parliament in Syria, Abdurrahman Mustafa, says that various motivations lay behind Russia’s rising attacks against Turkmen Mountain.

He said that in the short run, Russia’s aim is to give military superiority to the Assad regime, and to sit down as powerful as possible at the negotiation table.

“The Turkmen Mountain is a buffer zone in the coastal region,” Mustafa said, adding that it is a region that has remained between Antakya and “Latakia, which is Assad’s castle”.

He said that in the case of the Assad regime taking control of Turkmen Mountain it could then pose a threat to Turkey.

Mustafa said that Assad aims to include the strategic region of Turkmen Mountain inside the borders of the Nusrayi state.

Mustafa, speaking also about a possible Kurdish zone, said that the “fall of the Turkmen Mountain will provide an opportunity for Kurds to come to the Mediterranean shore”.

Mustafa said that the protection of the Turkmen presence in Bayirbucak region would also be an obstacle for the Kurdish zone.

Strategic importance of Bayirbucak

The Red Mountain, about five kilometers [just over three miles] from the Turkish border, has the strategic importance of being the highest peak in the region.

If the regime forces obtain full control of Red Mountain, they can attack 10 villages located in the region, with artillery.

Acisu region is another target of the regime forces. Acisu, the Red Mountain and Hill 45 in the south, have vital importance for the Syrian regime.

In the southern line, after the Gimam village, the Assad regime has taken control of Zuveyk village. By advancing in the Burcu’l Kasab region, the Assad regime forces can break up the connection between Turkmen Mountain and Cebel Ekrad, and besiege the Turkmen Mountain.


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Баш сада размишљам како сам под НАТО мислио само на Европу, док Америма не да ово одговара, него ме не би изненадило ни да неки будући Викиликс открије да су мало погурали Турке у правцу овакве реакције.

Edited by Прслин
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Uglavnom FSA



Zapravo sad vidim da su Turkmeni odvojena vojna formacija koju u Iraku obucava Turska ali su nakon toga pod komandom iracke vojske, a u Siriji deluju zasebno i bore se i protiv Asada i protiv ISISa.

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