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Imaju 6 komada Su-34 za gadjanje ciljeva na zemlji. Neka ih ima i 30, to je tek pola onoga sta se nalazi na jednom nosacu aviona.


Ako tome dodamo da su Rusi pijani, lose obuceni, imaju staro oruzje iz vremena USSR, rakete im padaju na Iran i sl. Kako to da je posle samo 2 nedelje napada na FSA tolika kuknjava.




Valjda su Rusi doneli vishe (kilo)metara najsavremenije lepljive trake - pa kad nesto negde krene da puca - oni trakom...

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Da li se ovaj pokojni brigadni general nalazio u Siriji u misiji odbrane sekularnih vrednosti?


Poslao tapatalk


Ovaj...da, teokratski Iran je za loodake iz ISIS-a i Al Kaide čist sekularizam. Iranci se gnušaju vehabizma, smatraju ih neotesanim primitivcima koji ne poštuju civilizacijske norme. Položaj žena je npr u Iranu mnogo bolji nego u Saudijskoj Arabiji, žene mogu da studiraju, da budu zaposlene, tako dalje i tako redom.

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Ovaj...da, teokratski Iran je za loodake iz ISIS-a i Al Kaide čist sekularizam. Iranci se gnušaju vehabizma, smatraju ih neotesanim primitivcima koji ne poštuju civilizacijske norme. Položaj žena je npr u Iranu mnogo bolji nego u Saudijskoj Arabiji, žene mogu da studiraju, da budu zaposlene, tako dalje i tako redom.



Poslao tapatalk

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Poslao tapatalk


Naravno. Žene u Iranu mogu da glasaju, 30% ministara su žene, čine 70% studenata na tehničkim fakultetima, bave se naukom. U KSA toga nema ni u tragovima.

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Bilo bi ne loše nego katastrofalno. Atomske bombe nemaju veze sa svetovnim ili religioznim, tu si ti nešto pobrkao.

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A i ne bi loše bilo da bace atomsku bombu na Izrael. To je baš svetovno


Poslao tapatalk


To bi bilo loše, ali zato ne bi bilo loše da zauzmu Rijad i oslobode Meku. 

Edited by dillinger
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To su gluposti. Zašto bi oni bacili atomku na Izrael? Zato što Netanjahu tako kaže?

Kao da su svih njih 70 miliona Iranaca majmuni, neuračunljiva bića... Zna se čemu služi atomka i zašto je Severna Koreja ima.

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Dobro, ajde ne trolujte Iran Vs Izrael raspravom, imaju bar 2 topika za to.
Od pre neki dan, zaboravih da okačim:

They were torturing to kill’: inside Syria’s death machine
Caesar, the Syrian military photographer who smuggled shocking evidence of torture out of Assad’s dungeons, tells his story for the first time
For two years, between 2011 and 2013, the former Syrian military photographer known only as Caesar used a police computer in Damascus to copy thousands of photographs of detainees who were tortured to death in Bashar al-Assad’s jails. The media have run numerous stories about the man who managed to smuggle astonishing evidence of crimes against humanity out of the country – at great risk to himself and his family – but he had never been interviewed.


Month after month, for two years, this man, who has remained anonymous, took photographs of tortured, starved and burnt bodies. His orders were to photograph the bodies in order to document prisoners’ deaths. He then secretly made copies and transferred them on to USB keys so that he could smuggle them out of his office, hidden in his shoes or his belt, and pass them to a friend who could get them out of the country.


The terrorists of Islamic State proclaim their atrocities on social networks; the Syrian state hides its misdeeds in the silence of its dungeons. Before Caesar, no insider had supplied evidence of the existence of the Syrian death machine. And these photos and documents were damning.


I had to find Caesar. The spectacular advances made by Isis, and the growing number of terrorist attacks by its followers, were drowning out revelations about the Syrian regime’s atrocities. The conflict had already left more than 220,000 dead. Half of all civilians had been forced out of their homes, others had been shelled, their towns and villages besieged by Assad’s army. Caesar’s pictures could put Damascus’s abuses centre stage again. He had to be found. Journalists from all over the world were already looking for him. I knew it would be hard – and it was. Twice I almost gave up. But I kept going, because it was imperative that this man should talk. His testimony was essential if we were to understand the horror at the heart of the regime.


The group that was protecting Caesar – members of the Syrian National Movement, a moderate Islamist opposition party – understood that my account of our meetings would not be a media scoop, but a descent into the unspeakable. It would give a voice to Syrians and make an impact for generations to come. After some months of negotiation, I was allowed to meet Sami, who had been Caesar’s closest collaborator, the friend who had supported him over the two years of this project. Sami and I spoke over Skype, four times, for hours at a stretch. After six months, Caesar agreed to talk.


The first meeting was tense: they were on the defensive, I was fearful of “losing” them if I asked the wrong questions – if I demanded too many details, too soon. But in the end, Caesar spoke to me, on the record, several times. We talked for more than 40 hours. The result is an attempt to tell the truth. But it’s just a start. This is his story.

* * *


Priča je predugačka da je prenosim celu, pa ko hoće da čita neka klikne na link ka Gardijanu.

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Ovo je mala sekcija fronta, linija (pretpostavjam) ide horizontalno malo iznad vrha strelica jer je napad krenuo juče, zauzimanjem onog gradića ispod strelica na obali jezera, plus treba imati na umu da SAA drži bazu a da ISIS ima trupe oko nje. 


SAA je okvirno na istočnom delu mape, tj JI ćošku, sa te strane su krenuli.


Ispravka: zapadnom delu, JZ.




Kreten  :isuse:

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