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Izrael ima bar 100 nuklearki i njegova pozicija nije ugrozena - nece niko njih da dira. Sad, sto bi Bibi hteo bezrezervnu podrsku za svoju politiku gazenja Palestinaca, to je druga stvar.



Bibi je išao u Moskvu da kaže da ne bi bilo ok da ovo što Rusi šalju u Siriju završi u rukama Hezbolaha

Није ми јасно како ППП може да има искусно двојицу представника на састанку Путина и Нетањахуа у Москви?

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Putin has sent the feared Spetsnaz special forces into Syria to bail out Assad The move is a blow to Britain and America’s mission to wipe out ISIS but maintain an opposition to brutal dictator President Bashar al-Assad

Russia has sent its crack special troops into Syria to back up ­ President Bashar al-Assad’s bid to wipe out his opposition.

Vladimir Putin’s feared Spetsnaz unit and a covert para battalion ghosted into the war-torn country and are preparing for an all-out assault on rebels fighting the regime – including moderate units such as the western-backed Free Syrian Army.

A military source said: “Putin’s marines are there to guard the airbases they are using against ­sabotage by rebels.

"But Spetsnaz and air-assault troops are not there to provide security to static objects, they are extremely aggressive and highly trained.

“They are there to mop up after air strikes, call in air strikes, go on extremely covert missions against rebels and ultimately wipe them out.



neće da dovodi ljude da ratuju!?!?!?    ipak se situacija fino komplikuje

Edited by Marcus Wulffings
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Nista Specnaz






Putin has sent the feared Spetsnaz special forces into Syria to bail out Assad The move is a blow to Britain and America’s mission to wipe out ISIS but maintain an opposition to brutal dictator President Bashar al-Assad


Imenjak se zaradio...


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Russia ready to consider Iraqi request for airstrikes – Upper House speaker
Published time: 6 Oct, 2015 12:25 Edited time: 6 Oct, 2015 14:10
The crew of a Russian Su-30 fighter prepare to take off at Hmeimim aerodrome in Syria. © Dmitriy Vinogradov / RIA Novost
Russia would consider an Air Force operation against ISIS in Iraq if that country’s authorities make such a request, Federation Council speaker Valentina Matviyenko told reporters, adding that Russia’s only interest was in defeating ISIS.

In case of an official address from Iraq to the Russian Federation, the leaders of our country would study the political and military expediency of our Air Force’s participation in an air operation. Presently we have not received such an address,” Matviyenko told reporters on Tuesday during an official visit to Jordan. She also asked the press “to stop reading tea leaves” before actual events take place.

I want to emphasize that Russia has no other political objectives and no interests other than the defeat of ISIS [formerly ISIS/ISIL] and that differs us from other nations that participate in another coalition,” Interfax news agency quoted Matviyenko as saying at a meeting with the head of the Jordanian Senate, President Abdur-Ra’uf Rawabdeh. She also said that Russian authorities understood the necessity of political reforms in Syria, but the final decision on the nature of these reforms and future head of the Syrian state must be made by Syrian people without any external pressure or direct interference of foreign nations.


da li to rusko preduzeće beleži potencijalni rast poslovanja!!?!?!?

Edited by Marcus Wulffings
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‘We are seeking bigger role for Russia than Americans’ - Iraq defense committee chairman
Baghdad, Russia’s ally in its fight against ISIS, wants Russia to have a bigger role in the anti-terrorist campaign in Iraq than the US and may soon officially request to start airstrikes on its soil, the chairman of Iraqi parliament’s defense committee said.

"We might be forced to ask Russia to launch airstrikes in Iraq soon. I think in the upcoming few days or weeks Iraq will be forced to ask Russia to launch airstrikes and that depends on their success in Syria," said Hakim al-Zamili, Reuters reported.

"We are seeking to see Russia having a bigger role in Iraq... Yes, definitely a bigger role than the Americans," Zamili said.

The Iraqi official told RIA Novosti that the decision would depend on how efficient the Russian campaign in Syria proved to be.

According to Zamili, the center’s role may be expanded to coordinate Russia’s future airstrikes in Iraq.

Russia last week started carrying out airstrikes in Syria against the positions of Islamic State, a terrorist group originating in Iraq, which also grew a power base in neighboring Syria and launched a surprise offensive in Iraq, taking control of large parts of both countries.

Iraq is supporting the campaign by sharing intelligence with Russia through a communication center in Baghdad. Iran and Syria are also part of the center.


očigledno mutual interest postoji,ali sačekajmo da vidimo kako će to izgledati

Edited by Marcus Wulffings
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