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ma sigurno su ih provalili supermocnom ruskom tehnologijom


znaš kako, da će rusi štedeti CIA obučavanu armiju koja im sedi na nišanu, ja mislim teško. 



elem, a kakva je situacija sa onim severnim delom koji drže kurdi? Šta se dešava tamo?

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nista bitno se tamo ne desava, sporadicne carke u selima na granici izmedju rake i kobanea i duz reke eufrat izmedju kurda i IS-a plus nesto sukoba ispod hasake, ali nista ozbiljno.

kurdi su vec dobro zasticeni iz vazduha od strane usa & ostalih pa im ruska pomoc prakticno i ne treba, a uz to su verovatno i vrlo prihvatljiv saveznik rusima.

Edited by Bane5
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Za kurde su zaduzeni turci. Salu na stranu, ne vidim da ce rusi da bombarduju kurde sobzirom da ovi gotovo i ne ulaze u fajt sa asadovom vojskom. 


Meni pade na pamet, dok ovako dokonjarim - da rusi idu na to da raščiste gužvu, da tako kažem. Odnosno da ostave tri glavna igrača u Siriji - Asada, Kurde i ISIS. To će napraviti vrlo neprijatnu situaciju za zapad u eventualnim pregovorima. 


e: Bombardovanjem će ove ostale gurnuti na jednu od ove tri strane.

Edited by steins
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Jbt Ukrajina (pdf) je gorela, ovde nesto sporo sve to. Rekao bi covek da bi se o potencijalnom pocetku svetskog rata moglo vise reci. Je l moguce da 1 patka smestena u prostoprosirenu recenicu kaze sve sto se o tome moze reci?

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Kakav crni svetski rat, Rusi i Ameri su vodili, vode i vodiće proxy ratove dok je sveta i veka. Saće niotkud da se pojave neki ultra manpad-ovi u rukama svakog drugog ISIL-ovca ili FSA-ovca.

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Malo je bizaran taj momenat da i jedni i drugi furaju neke svoje tripove u istom vazdušnom prostoru ali ja i dalje mislim da tu postoji dogovor i da posmatramo njihov endgame u Siriji.


Doduše još uvek stvari dole na zemlji mogu masno da se iskomplikuju ali ne baš do nivoa ww3. Pre do nivoa 1 nevidjene regionalne klanice.

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mora da su hodali, govorili i izgledali kao teroristi. :unsure:


Као што је америма изгледало неколико свадби по Авганистану.


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Islamic State gaining ground on Golan border as moderate rebels wither


Spokesman says Free Syrian Army on verge of collapse in southern Syria; units squeezed by Islamists and Assad’s forces running out of arms and funds


As Russian airstrikes on Wednesday and Thursday targeted rebel groups in central and northern Syria, many of them reportedly unaffiliated with the Islamic State, Islamist groups in the south are growing stronger, with IS fighters now operating openly near the border with Israel, an opposition spokesman said on Thursday.

Speaking to The Times of Israel from Jordan, where he serves from within the joint Western-Arab command center in Amman known as MOC, the spokesman of Free Syrian Army units active in the provinces of Daraa and Quneitra said that an estimated 500-700 Islamic State fighters are currently active in the towns of Jamlah and Ash-Shajarah, adjacent to the Israeli border in the southern Golan Heights.

Further east, moderate forces are attempting to push back IS fighters trying to occupy al-Lajjah, an area north of the town of Basr al-Harir.

Western training for moderate rebel fighters in Jordan has not taken place in five months, he added, and no ammunition or weaponry has reached the Free Syrian Army on the southern front in three months.


“The current situation is very bad,” the spokesman said. “No battles are taking place [with Assad forces] in our sector because there’s no ammunition.” While the Assad regime is maintaining its hold on the city of Daraa, near the Jordanian border, the surrounding villages are largely held by rebel forces.

In addition to the decline in ammunition, salaries have also been cut by 60 percent to Free Syrian Army fighters, the spokesman noted. An average FSA combatant earns just $70 a month, as compared to $300 earned by Islamist Nusra Front combatants or the salary of IS fighters, which can reach $500. The latter two organizations are classified as terror groups by the US and other Western states.

“The more Western states fall short in providing support to us, the more they help ISIS and Nusra,” he said. “If the donor states do not take a firm stand, within two months most fighters in the southern front will switch to Nusra or ISIS. The lack of salaries and ammunition is humiliating them, and they won’t take it much longer.”

Last year, an entire fighting faction, the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade, owning 40 tanks and armored vehicles, pledged allegiance to IS and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, he noted.

The Times of Israel could not independently confirm the information provided by the FSA spokesman.


The spokesman speculated that the cut in funds was a Western reaction to the failure of moderate rebels to capture the city of Daraa and complete a military drive northward towards Damascus as part of Operation Southern Storm in June and July this year.

“The young fighters are attracted by these organizations, which claim to represent religion,” he said. “They believe that anyone speaking for religion is truthful and wants to liberate the country, when in fact the opposite is true. They merely use Islam as a guise but have no connection to it.” 


Ono što je Bane pričao o eventualnoj radikalizaciji Sunita kao posledici ruske intervencije već se dešava u dužem periodu nezavisno od intervencije. FSA se polako raspada na jugu Sirije i čitave jedinice pobunjenika prelaze u Al Nusru i ISIS. 

Edited by slow
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Da, skoro su objedinili razne komande koje su se bavile raketlama, aeroplanima, satelitima, pvo i svime što leti. 

Edited by slow
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Malo je bizaran taj momenat da i jedni i drugi furaju neke svoje tripove u istom vazdušnom prostoru ali ja i dalje mislim da tu postoji dogovor i da posmatramo njihov endgame u Siriji.


Doduše još uvek stvari dole na zemlji mogu masno da se iskomplikuju ali ne baš do nivoa ww3. Pre do nivoa 1 nevidjene regionalne klanice.


Medjutim, ima i suprotnih misljenja!




       Ne sviđa mi se čitava situacija i smatram da ne vodi ničemu dobrom. Kompletna situacija me plaši, ali se nadam da će se rešiti nekako, rekla je pevačica

Pevačica Ana Nikolić otkrila je da je veoma zabrinuta zbog trenutnog svetskog poretka i da oseća da ja na pragu Treći svetski rat u režiji velikih sila.

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Ono što je Bane pričao o eventualnoj radikalizaciji Sunita kao posledici ruske intervencije već se dešava u dužem periodu nezavisno od intervencije. FSA se polako raspada na jugu Sirije i čitave jedinice pobunjenika prelaze u Al Nusru i ISIS. 

bs. manje-vise istu vest guraju proteklih par meseci.

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