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ruski PR ne postoji. 


Opet, oni i ne kriju da su došli da podrže asada te ovo mlaćenje po džepovima i  po granicama regije koju on kontroliše i nije iznenadjujuće





„Војни циљ операције је искључиво ваздушна подршка сиријских Оружаних снага у њиховој борби против ИС”, казао је он, наглашавајући да се не ради о „достизању било каквих спољнополитичких циљева или задовољавања неких амбиција” за шта Русију „редовно оптужују”.

„Ради се о искључиво националним интересима Русије”, нагласио је Иванов.


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cekaj, zar nije do pre neki dan isla prica kako ni bog otac ne moze da sastavi polupreciznu mapu sirije? sad odjednom moze.

pročitaj sta sam napisao. u delovima koji su prikazani kao mete...


možda su se od juče položaji pobunjeničkih milicija i sirijske vojske pomerili par stotina metara severno ili južno, ili u vis, a to mapa ne prikazuje? u datom slučaju, ne menja na stvari.

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ako je data mapa vazdusnih udara tacna, IS definitivno nisu gadjali. tu ih nema ni u tragovima.


Neočekivano jeste (ovo ipak nije neposredno dvorište™) ali ima neke logike. Daju podršku Asadu tamo gde mu je klimavo, pokušavaju da stabilizuju to što mu je ostalo od teritorije. Pošto je meni i dalje malkice neverovatno da to rade bez ikakvog sporazuma sa drugom ekipom, dao bih nekih 20% mogućnosti da je ovo neki dogovoreni endgame. Rusi će da stabilizuju Asada protiv rebela, zapad rebele protiv ID, pravi se formalna ili neformalna podela Sirije. Problem onog trećeg parčeta na kojem ostaje ID biće velikodušno prepušten nekoj narednoj generaciji političara.


Tu je naravno i 80% šanse da Rusi ovo rade bez ikakvog dogovora sa zapadom i da sad imamo njih i Amerikance u istom vazdušnom prostoru na suprotstavljenim borbenim zadacima :ph34r:

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Tu je naravno i 80% šanse da Rusi ovo rade bez ikakvog dogovora sa zapadom i da sad imamo njih i Amerikance u istom vazdušnom prostoru na suprotstavljenim borbenim zadacima :ph34r:



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Tu je naravno i 80% šanse da Rusi ovo rade bez ikakvog dogovora sa zapadom i da sad imamo njih i Amerikance u istom vazdušnom prostoru na suprotstavljenim borbenim zadacima :ph34r:


Izraelci su se već (navodno) dogovorili sa Rusima



Jerusam Post


Top NATO general: Russia building anti-access bubble over Syria

By YAAKOV LAPPIN 09/29/2015  


An Israeli-Russian military working group is designed to coordinate Syria-related activities.

Russia is building advanced, long-range air defenses in its new air base on the Syrian coast, which could disrupt the military activities of the US and its allies in the sector, NATO's top commander, Gen. Philip Breedlove, warned on Monday, according to a report that appeared in the Breaking Defense website.


Breedlove is Commander of US European Command, and the 17th Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) of NATO Allied Command Operations. He spoke of a new Russian bubble of anti-access/area denial [or A2/Ad, as it is known in the Pentagon] in the eastern Mediterranean. This can be used to try and keep Western militaries out of the airspace over and near Syria.


"From where NATO’s top commander Gen. Philip Breedlove sits, the Russian forces flowing into Syria don’t look like counter-terrorists out to stop the Islamic State, which Vladimir Putin has said is his highest priority. They look like the first pieces of a layered 'anti-access/area denial' system that could complicate US and allied operations in Syria and well beyond," the Breaking Defense report said.


Breedlove spoke to the German Marshall Fund on Monday afternoon, and warned that anti-access/area denial is "a growing problem." In Syria, "we see these very capable air defense [systems] beginning to show up," the general cautioned, adding, "We’re a little worried about another A2/AD bubble being created in the Eastern Mediterranean. We see some very sophisticated air defenses going into these airfields. We see some very sophisticated air-to-air [fighter] aircraft going into these airfields.”


Two other such Russian "bubbles" already exist; In Kaliningrad, between Poland and Lithuania, where Russian missiles can reach "well into Polish airspace and could shut down NATO reinforcements," and in the Black Sea, where Russia's occupation of Crimea has resulted in the creation of a "very strong A2/AD capability," Breedlove said.


To preempt such dangers, the IDF and Russian military have recenty set up a joint working group, to coordinate their activities in the aerial, naval, and electromagnetic arenas in around Syria, a senior defense source said last week.


Without directly referring to the Breaking Defense report, a second source told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday that the new working group should enable the two militaries to "coordinate on everything" that is Syria-related, thereby avoiding inadvertent clashes.


Last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot returned from a one-day visit to Moscow, where they held intensive meetings with their Russian counterparts on Russia's newly expanded military role in Syria.


According to international media reports, the Israel Air Force has launched multiple air strikes in Syria in recent years to intercept Iranian and Syrian weapons that were on the way to Hezbollah storage facilities in Lebanon.


Israel has shared concerns with Russia that those type of activities could be compromised if military coordination is not put into place soon.


In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov. Eisenkot also took part in some of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin.


Afterwards, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.


"It will coordinate air, naval, and the electromagnetic arenas," the source said.


"Everything will be raised there. The meetings in Russia were held in a good atmosphere," the senior source said.


Defense sources in Israel have not elaborated on how it is possible to coordinate fully with Russia without potentially compromising covert or intelligence-related activities.


On September 10, a senior defense source said that an Iranian Islamic Republican Guards Corp force, comprised of hundreds of soldiers, recently entered Syria to assist the embattled Assad regime.


The move is part of a wider, coordinated Iranian-Russian maneuver, which also saw Russian logistics military forces arrive to Syria’s Hamemeim airbase near Latakiya to set up a base for Russian fighter jets and combat helicopters.


Tehran dispatched its force “in light of Assad’s” ongoing distress, the source stated.


According to Israeli assessments, the Assad regime currently controls 25 to 30 percent of Syria, consisting of Damascus and the Syrian coastline, where the regime’s minority Alawite support base is centered.


Throughout September, Russian military forces have been entering Syria to set up air strike capabilities aimed at protecting the Assad regime.


“I can’t see the Russian presence as changing the balance of power. It will apparently prolong the fighting. ISIS will never negotiate," the Israeli source said at the time.

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pročitaj sta sam napisao. u delovima koji su prikazani kao mete...


možda su se od juče položaji pobunjeničkih milicija i sirijske vojske pomerili par stotina metara severno ili južno, ili u vis, a to mapa ne prikazuje? u datom slučaju, ne menja na stvari.


pa i na toj mapi je označeno sve sa rebels. a ima gomila rebela. između homsa i hame je nusra

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šta je dovraga ovo? :unsure:


sve antene su tu elektromagnetne, greška


(jedino ako ne misle na sonare u vodi (ovde naval), pa su dodali elektromagnetne da se razlikuju od njih)

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