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bolje bi Rusima bilo da su prvo pokrili PR ugao, npr. oslobadjanjem Palmire uz sve moguće fanfare. onda da pređu na ozbiljniji deo posla.


edit: u poredjenju sa Rusima, Turcima, arapskim susedima, pobunjeničkim milicijama... IS i PKK (donekle i sirijski režim) su bogovi PR-a.

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FSA kaže da su njih napali:


Western-Backed Syrian Rebels Hit by Russian Air Strikes


Posted By Jason Ditz On  September 30, 2015 @ 8:40 am

Russian warplanes have begun their own bombing campaign in Syria today, with official statements saying they are targeting ISIS to prevent the group from taking over any more of Syria. Other rebel factions, however, claim they are being hit as well.


The Free Syrian Army (FSA) claims Russian warplanes attacked them in the countryside of the Hama Province, launching a number of missiles at their “headquarters” in the area, and wounding eight fighters. They insist that there is no ISIS presence anywhere around the targeted area.

US officials similarly reported that Russia attacked the western part of the nearby Homs Province, and protested that the area isn’t believed to have ISIS fighters either. This isn’t necessarily true, however, as ISIS is believed to be among the factions fighting over the area around Homs itself, and the group has a heavy presence across eastern Homs Province, including Tadmur.

US officials were said to be “furious” about Russia hitting the FSA rebels, who were heavily armed and backed by the US until they’d lost virtually all of their territory. British officials similarly issued a warning to Russia to leave the FSA alone.

The location of the attacks, while not precisely reported, suggests Russia’s early strategy in the air campaign is to shore up positions belonging to the Assad government, particularly the area that links Assad’s primary power base along the coast with the capital city of Damascus. Preventing the collapse of this supply route is likely seen as vital to buying them enough time to go after ISIS in earnest.

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Budale su ili ovnovi ako su bez preke potrebe preskocili ISIS prvog dana i odmah opalili po opoziciji. Jasno je zbog cega su tamo, ali makar ne moraju do prvog sumraka da ispadnu licemeri i dozive PR poraz. Jedino ako svesno salju poruku da ih bole djoka i radice sta pozele.

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Bivši direktor obvaštajane službe CIA Dejvid Petreus rekao je prošle nedelje da veruje da je cilj ruskog predsednika Vladimira Putna pre svega da utvrdi koridor na obali Sredozemnog mora između Latakije, gde Rusija ima vazdušnu bazu, i grada Tartusa gde ima mornaričku bazu.


Petreus je na svedočenju pred odborom Senata američkog Kongresa rekao da Putin želi da pomogne sirijskom predsedniku Asadu. On je takođe upozorio vlasti u Vašingtonu da se ne udružuju s Rusijom, Iranom i Asadom protiv Islamske države.


"Ako je Rusija želela da se bori protiv Islamske države, mogla je da se pridruži koaliciji u kojoj ima više od 60 članova", rekao je Petreus.

zapravo, rusija se upravo prikljucila toj koaliciji, sad ih ima 61 koji se ne bore protiv isisa.

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Najgore je sto ce ako se ispostavi da Rusi udaraju po svima ispasti da onaj ko prvi vojno uleti njegova strana dobija. Tako da taj "multipolaran svet" moze vrlo lako znaciti vise i brze sukobe a ne manje sukoba. Uostalom to smo videli i tokom hladnog rata,

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Sad je rusko ministarstvo odbrane objavilo snimke bombardovanja. Kažu da su izvršili 20 napada i da je pogođeno 8 ISIS ciljeva, i da je mete dala sirijska vojska.


Izgleda da su napali sve, i FSA i Al Nusru i ISIS. :isuse:

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