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I gde tacno Turci planiraju onaj koridor, izmedju ove 2 kurdske oblasti?

Od Alepa do Eufrata, tačno izmedju kurdskih oblasti i tako da glavoseče ostanu bez granice sa Turskom (a to će šatro sprečiti njihov protok i trgovinu sa Turskom).


Zanimljiv deo plana je da taj pojas dole na zemlji treba da drži rahmetli FSA. Good luck with that.

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Od Alepa Afrina (kantona) do Eufrata, tačno izmedju kurdskih oblasti i tako da glavoseče ostanu bez granice sa Turskom (a to će šatro sprečiti njihov protok i trgovinu sa Turskom).


Zanimljiv deo plana je da taj pojas dole na zemlji treba da drži rahmetli FSA. Good luck with that.

Edited by Bane5
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zavisi sta se planira tom zonom, i u kojoj meri su Ameri i Turci spremni da se direktno angazuju. sta god zele da urade, ako se iole krene sa tim, mission creep je zagarantovan.


pri tome, turska i americka administracija mogu imati sasvim razlicite ciljeve. zamisao da bi tu bila FSA deluje smesno, pre ce to biti neka koalicija pobunjenickih milicija. Ameri naravno ne bi zeleli islamiste, dok Turci verovatno nemaju nista protiv.

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SAD izvele napad u Siriji, u odbrani pobunjenika

SAD su sprovele prvi vazdušni napad u cilju zaštite pobunjenika koji se u Siriji bore protiv režima Bašara el Asada i džihadista iz Islamske države.


Taj prvi američki odbrambeni napad na sirijskoj teritoriji sproveden je u petak u cilju zaštite pobunjeničke grupe Nova Sirija, izjavio je portparol Pentagona Bil Jurban.

"Želeli smo da zaštitimo Novu Siriju, koju smo obučavali", rekao je portparol američkog Ministarstva odbrane.

Portparol Bele kuće Džon Irnest izjavio je u ponedeljak da Sirija ne treba da se meša u akcije američkih oružanih snaga koje se bore protiv Islamske države u toj zemlji, jer će u protivnom biti preduzete dodatne mere zaštite tih snaga. 


Odmah je reagovao šef ruske diplomatije Sergej Lavrov koji je ocenio kao kontraproduktivne dodatne mere koje su SAD nagovestile u znak podrške borbi sirijskih pobunjenika protiv režima Bašara el Asada. 


"Kontraproduktivno je javno iznositi da će obučene američke oružane grupe biti pod zaštitom avijacije međunarodne koalicije, predvođene SAD, koja interveniše u Siriji", rekao je Lavrov ocenjujući da bi onda međunarodna koalicija mogla da gađa bilo koju metu u Siriji. 


Najmanje 220.000 poginulo je od početka građanskog rata u Siriji u martu 2011. godine.



.... kako je to lepo od amera, baš su uviđajni

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Čuj, odbrambeni napad ...


Rekao bih da su gađali IS ili Nusru, obzirom da su upozorili Siriju da se ne meša u te akcije. Da su gađali Asada, verovatno bi bilo drugačije saopštenje.

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WASHINGTON: The United States on Monday (Aug 3) said it has used air power in Syria in defence of allied rebel groups, signaling deeper involvement in the country's brutal four-year civil war.


The Pentagon confirmed that an air strike was carried out Friday in support of the New Syria Force, a US-allied group. "We'll take action to defend the New Syria Force that we've trained and equipped," Pentagon spokesman Commander Bill Urban told AFP. He said "last Friday was the first one," referring to the air strike.


Earlier, a senior administration official said the United States had hit Al-Qaeda's Syrian affiliate the Al-Nusra Front in response to attack on US trained rebels. President Barack Obama's administration said Monday it was prepared to take "additional steps" to defend US-trained and equipped forces, warning Bashar al-Assad's regime "not to interfere."


"The president approved this recently upon the recommendation of his senior military advisers," a senior administration official told AFP. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Assad's regime had not so far hampered US-backed forces, but he nonetheless raised the possibility of strikes against it should the need arise.


The United States, Earnest said, was "committed to using military force where necessary to protect the coalition-trained and equipped Syrian opposition fighters." The decision was taken under a 2001 rule authorizing the use of military force against terror groups, which critics say has already been stretched too far. Officials argue that authority includes the ability to provide "defensive fire support."



Sad mi je jasno - "nismo baš direktno protiv Asada nego ćemo iz vazduha braniti ekipu koju smo obučili i opremili, ko god da je napadne. Juče je to bila Al Nusra, sutra će biti bilo ko."


Bućkali su 4 godine i našli za početak 90 vojnika pogodnih za trening, sada je to 1200 ljdui.


Zapamtite NSF, they're going places :D


New Syrian Forces


The New Syrian Forces,%5B4%5D also known as the 30th Division,%5B5%5D%5B6%5D is a Syrian paramilitary group sanctioned by the United States which is currently under construction. On May 8, 2015, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said that 90 Syrian fighters had begun their training. He also stated that a second group would begin training in the next few weeks. The vetted fighters are only trained to fight ISIL.%5B3%5D Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan have opened up training sites for the program.%5B7%5D

On July 28, 2015, leader Nadim al-Hassan and an unspecified number of companions were allegedly abducted by members of the al-Nusra Front while returning from a meeting in Azaz. In a public statement, the group called for their release.%5B8%5D

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Carter told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the program had yielded only 60 fighters since it was launched in May. The program has a budget of $500 million, of which half apparently has been spent.


He added that the U.S.-trained fighters “are a mixed bag” and suggested that the new force was small and of mediocre quality because the best opposition rebels were fighting against forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. U.S.-trained Syrian fighters have to sign a pledge to fight the Islamic State, not Assad’s forces.



Edited by Gandalf
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