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mislim da ce se pomlatiti medju sobom. jos odavno je kruzila netom izjava nekog od zvanicnika FSA kako je savez sa nusrom i ISISom privremen i da su oni slijedeci, kada ode asad. nisam siguran da bi u tom ratu FSA pobijedila. u svakom slucaju, sirija je na duze vreme otisla dodjavola.

Edited by nautilus
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Što bi rekli Kinezi, svaka konfuzija je nova šansa.Postoji teoretska šansa da oteraju jednom za svagda ISIS i svedu Al-Nusru na minimum, i samim tim konačno pridobiju Zapadnu podršku u municiji i naoružanju.Ako se izvrši čvrsta delineacija između FSA i islamističkog bloka, pokazao bi se 1 commitment to secular and democratic values. Bolje sada nego kasnije, prvo mangupi u svojim redovima™, pa će onda pad Asad biti manje haotičan.

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Ako se izvrši čvrsta delineacija između FSA i islamističkog bloka, pokazao bi se 1 commitment to secular and democratic values. Bolje sada nego kasnije, prvo mangupi u svojim redovima™, pa će onda pad Asad biti manje haotičan.
ovo je nemoguce.islamisti nisu nuzno i alkaida niti nuzno negiraju drzavu (sirijski MB npr. koji ima uticaj na deo jedinica FSA). kljucna delineacija ce biti u odnosu na ekstreme (deo salafista i dzihadista).sekularne snage nisu dovoljno jake da prevagnu. pisao sam o tome pomalo. koliko ja licno shvatam iz cele ove price, mnogo je bitan onaj 'srednji' blok. tu spadaju islamisti, ali umereni, kao sto rekoh malopre, oni koji nemaju negaciju drzave, izbora i sl. spram vere. taj blok u redovima pobunjenika iako ne potpuno koherentan (i medju njime postoje razlike) dosta je jak. zato i ponavljam da je zanimljivo kako ce se postaviti u trenutnom sukobu (svakako i kasnije). nisam siguran da imaju bilo kakav razlog da paktiraju sa ISIS-om (sa njima je cak jako tesko bilo sta paktirati), ali ni da po svaku cenu ulaze u rat sa njima tj. odlagace ga do neminovnog pocetka.ISIS je pomahnitala banda beskompromisnih (najcesce i podmuklih) i indoktriniranih ubica. sa njima nema dogovora, oni nemaju saveznike, prijatelje i rodbinu. za njih milost ne postoji. nasrnuce bez problema i na pripadnike nusre kad im to odgovara. oni traze beskrajno potcinjavanje i slepo pracenje njihovih ideala.dakle, linija podele ce pre ici na ovaj nacin fsa koja ukljucuje deo umerenih islamista + deo kurda (bez pkk*) vs. dzihadisti i veci deo salafista.uz to obe ove grupe nece biti koherentne, ali ce zatucanost ove radikalne ciniti njihovu bliskost vecom.*pozicija pkk je zanimljiva, kurdi su medjusobno podeljeni na vise struja. uloga pkk, konkretno, prilicno je zamrsena, ratuju protiv dzihadista, ali i protiv nekih jedinica fsa, a uz to nemaju javnu podrsku trenutno najvaznijeg kurdskog tela u siriji (KSC) koje stoji iza YPG (najvece kurdske organizovane milicije u siriji) Edited by Bane5
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bitna odluka koja ce imati znacajne implikacije po bilo kakav pokusaj zaustavljanja rata (bilo politickim bilo vojnim putem).ceo onaj 'srednji' blok (moja gruba odrednica) islamistickih jedinica (bez sekularista i dzihadista iz ISIS-a) okrenuo ledja SNC-u

@Charles_ListerThe entire nature of the #Syria opposition may well have undergone a massive shift tonight, with very significant implications for SNC/SMC.13 Islamist groups, including most core SNC/SMC units, have condemned the SNC altogether & called for Islamic unity under Sharia.Signatories are: Jabhat al-Nusra, Harakat Ahrar al-Sham al-Islamiya, Liwa al-Tawhid, Suqor al-Sham, Liwa al-Islam, Liwa al-Haq (SIF; Homs)..Harakat Fajr al-Sham al-Islamiya, Harakat al-Noor al-Islamiya, Kataib Nour al-Din al-Zinki, Liwa al-Forqaan (Al-Quneitra), Liwa al-Ansar, TajamuFastaqm Kamr Umrat & Al-Forqat al-Tisaa Ashr.The joint statement issued via Liwa al-Tawhid, condemned the SNC for not being representative of the opposition = it is no longer recognised
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Сиријски Дизниленд за џихадистеКаунтер страјк је главна борбена територија за џихадисте који су са свих страна света стигли у сиријски градић Атмех, пише "Шпигл".Страни исламисти долазе у Сирију и окупљају се на релативно мирном северу земље. Многи од њих траже градове у којима ће успут наћи добру храну, видео игрице и цигарете. Када и упадну у неку борбу, то је, најчешће, међусобна туча.Атмех изгледа као сценографија за неки филм о Ал Каиди, пише Шпигл. Придошли борци са коферима су на улицама, траже своје вође, шеткају се дугокоси са калашњиковима на леђима. Чују се бројни језици, енглески, руски, азербејџански, арапски.Овај град код границе са Турском је Мека за џихадисте широм света.Пре годину дана новинар Шпигла сусрео је једног од првих страних бораца, Ирачана, који је рекао да је дошао да оконча Асадову диктатуру. Од тада више од 1.000 џихадиста борави у Атмеху. Иронично, док рат букти у остатку Сирије, страни џихадисти су направили у Атмеху своју тиху базу. Једном када стигну, тешко напуштају тај град.Турски мобилни оператори омогућавају добар сигнал, појављују се нови ресторани, продавнице одеће, мењачнице. Продаје се и пакистанска паста за зубе, којом је, наводно, и сам пророк Мухамед прао зубе.Трећи интернет кафе је отворен средином јуна, како би било места за све џихадисте који преко мреже комуницирају са породицом и пријатељима. Власник је заставу Ал Каиде распростро изнад рачунара, што му је поваћало промет. Цене су ниске, време и храна одлични, могу да се шетају са оружјем по улицама, а уз мало среће да нађу и жене, причају својим пријатељима.Увече, они играју Каунтер-страјк и ратне игрице. У августу је отворио и ресторан са интернационалном кухињом, како би задовољио своје муштерије које долазе са свих страна света.И локалне продавнице су задовољне својом "фанатичном клијентелом", наводи Шпигл.Један продавац каже да има купца из Дагестана који долази на сваких неколико дана."Прво је купио 'самсунг галакси', недељу дана касније ајпед, затим је купио новији модел 'самсунг галаксија'. Мора бити да је потрошио најмање 740 евра", прича продавац.Зашто су уопште џихадисти у Атмеху, пита се локални заповедник Слободне сиријске армије. Ако су дошли да се боре, фронт је на истоку, каже он.Када их питају за планове, они говоре само о Сирији."Џихад је најпре овде, док не постигнемо победу. Онда ћемо ослободити Ирак, Либан и Палестину", каже један борац из Уједињеног Краљевства.У Атмеху џихадисти живе живот какав је постојао у годинама након смрти пророка Мухамеда, ако се томе додају Фејсбук и Каунтер-страјк, закључује репортер Шпигла.
The development of "AlQaida-Strike 1.4," a modification of a popular but dated game called Counter-Strike, is one of several first-person shooter games developed by the group. Easily modifiable, this version of the popular series replaces secular music with jihadi nasheeds - or instrument-less songs - and adds levels adapted to al-Qaida. A screenshot of the modified game's opening image shows links to a method to play on a local offline network and images from al-Qaida training camps
541_large.jpg :ziga: Edited by slow
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Naftni ljudi su ljuti:

U.S. Moves on Syria, Iran Anger Saudi Arabia The Obama administration's handling of overtures on Syria and Iran have outraged regional ally Saudi Arabia, which is signaling it wants to do more to boost the power of armed Sunni rebel groups on the ground in Syria as the U.S. pursues diplomacy.
Ovo ce biti zanimljivo ali ne previse lepo za gledanje.
Saudis now feel that the Obama administration is disregarding Saudi concerns over Iran and Syria, and will respond accordingly in ignoring "U.S. interests, U.S. wishes, U.S. issues" in Syria, said Mustafa Alani, a veteran Saudi security analyst with the Geneva-based Gulf Research Center.
A, o cemu se sutisnki radi u Siriji, sumirano sve znacajno:

Sunni-dominated Gulf Arab governments, especially Saudi Arabia, deeply fear that Shiite Muslim-ruled Iran wants to use Shia populations in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and Yemen to destabilize Gulf Arab governments and try to throw the regional balance of power toward Iran.Saudi Arabia wants the U.S. and Iran to improve relations for the sake of Middle East stability, but no longer trusts the Obama administration to look out for Saudi Arabia's fears of perceived Iranian expansionism, said Mr. Alani, the analyst with the Gulf Research Center.In truth, Saudi and other Gulf Arab countries have little leverage to advance their aims in any U.S.-Iran diplomacy, Gulf security analysts said. Beyond revving up support for rebels in Syria, Saudis have only a few other means, such as directing more of their arms or energy deals to Asia, said Michael Stephens, researcher at the Royal United Services Institute think tank in Qatar."They feel a little bit powerless in all this," Mr. Stephens said. "The fact that this process is going on…it directly affects them and they have no say in it."

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Zaz_pi 'mali perica' opet 'objasnio' sustinu ovog rata...nema nam druge nego strepeti od princa bandara.ko zna u kom pravcu je naumio dalje.

Edited by Bane5
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@savindan,1. sve sto si napisao upravo govori u moju korist. ja tvrdim sve vreme da je ovo podlozno manipulaciji i to manipulaciji OBE strane (i da je itekako ima). osecanja hriscana su takodje podlozna manipulaciji. tvrdnje o prisilama, pretnjam i sl., ako ih ima, ponavljace se valjda, nece se zaboraviti. pre ili kasnije dobicemo jasniju sliku desavanja u maluli.2. uporan si u ponavljanju maksa morloka. uzivaj u njemu. sve vreme ignorises moj stav koji sam ponovio bar 5 puta da je mozda on u pravu i da postoje svedocenja, ali da to nuzno ne dokazuje nista.3. nista ja nisam relativizovao. ova tvoja recenica pokazuje da ti ili ne citas moje postove ili ne zelis da ih razumes jer si vec zacrtao u glavi da je neko tamo protivnik nedostojan razumevanja njegovih postova. citaj malo moje postove pre nego lupis nesto. sve ti je objasnjeno i zasto sam citirao sanu i zasto sam rekao da je ap mozda u pravu.4. propustio si sansu da budes covek, a ne neko ko svoju ostrascenost ispoljava na ovako jeftin nacin i preko nekih ljudskih normi gde sve zrtve nisu iste. kao sto vidis ja necu napisati nista sto bi bilo kontra prava na to da imas stav. to je tvoje pravo. ja pisem samo da si licemer i to ostrasceni. ako mislis da mi za to treba necija dozvola onda gresis ili je u tvom svetu gde je neka istina aposlutna (totalitarna) takva dozvola potrebna. ako te vredja moja konstatacija imas dve mogucnosti, stavis me na IL ili se zalis moderaciji za uvredu.Da nisi toliko ostrascen i da te to ne pravi losim covekom ne bi pominjao nekog drugog i sta je taj pisao i sve u kontekstu one biblijske recenice, ali posto jesi sve ovo onda ja insistiram da to ucinis. Brani svoj stav, nemoj da se predajes. Upravo ta recenica boji tvoje licemerje.
Not one of the 5,000 Christian residents – nor a single member of the 2,000-strong Muslim community – has returned. Maaloula is, almost literally, a ghost town. Only Georgios and his friend Hanna and a few other local Christian men who joined the “national defence” units to defend their homes, are left. At least 10 Christians were murdered when the Nusra militia began its series of attacks on Maaloula on 4 September, some of them shot – according to Hanna – when they refused to convert to Islam, others dispatched with a knife in the throat. And there is a terrifying historical irony about their deaths, for they were slaughtered within sight of the Mar Sarkis monastery, sacred to the memory of a Roman soldier called Sergius who was executed for his Christian beliefs 2,000 years ago
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'Everyone Is Scared of ISIS.' Can anyone stop the radicalization of Syrian rebels? BY JAMES TRAUB | OCTOBER 4, 2013169506920.jpgI've spent much of the last week in Antakya, an ancient city, known to Byzantine Christians as Antioch, which now serves as a bivouac for Syrian rebel fighters and a jumping-off point for journalists and humanitarian actors working in Syria, which lies 20 miles to the west. One subject preoccupies everyone in the Turkish town: not the brutality of the regime in Damascus, but the nihilistic violence of the foreign jihadi group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS).Firas Tammim, a native of the Syrian city of Latakia who now brings medical supplies and other goods to the region, said to me, "I don't want to say Assad is better, but at least he didn't arrest or kill people because they were smoking." Tammim showed me a picture on his phone of a crowd of villagers, including children, witnessing an ISIS beheading of an alleged infidel. "Think what this does to these children," he said. Over time, Tammim said, Syrians are becoming inured to what they once would have found unspeakable.ISIS appears to have up to 8,000 soldiers in Syria, a tiny number compared with the 100,000 or so rebel fighters. But the group's medieval ideology, as well as its pathological obsession with enforcing Islamist rectitude in the towns and cities its soldiers have infiltrated, has made it a source of terror. One evening I was sitting at an outdoor cafe where a grizzled man was steadily smoking a hookah and shooting jets of tobacco smoke through his nostrils. He called himself Abu Abdul, and he was a fighter with a brigade affiliated with the Free Syrian Army (FSA), the "moderate" forces backed by the West. We talked about the jihadists. Then he said something else. "He asks that you not mention the name of his brigade," my interpreter said. "Everyone is scared of ISIS."President Bashar al-Assad has received two enormous gifts in recent months. The first is the Russian-brokered deal to remove Syria's chemical weapons, which distracted attention from his relentless campaign to kill and terrorize his enemies and also compelled Western governments to work with him as the country's legitimate ruler. The second is ISIS, which has also deflected attention away from the war between the regime and the rebels and has vindicated as nothing else could Assad's persistent claim that he is confronting, not political opponents, but "terrorists," as his foreign minister, Walid al-Muallem, recently claimed at the United Nations.For this reason, it has become a fixed conviction in Antakya that ISIS functions as a secret arm of the regime. This sounds like an all-too-understandable conspiracy theory, yet even Western diplomats I've spoken to consider it plausible, if scarcely proved. In the summer of 2012, Assad released from prison a number of jihadists who had fought with al Qaeda in Iraq and who are thought to have helped formed ISIS. Reporters, activists, and fighters also note that while regime artillery has flattened the FSA's headquarters in Aleppo, the ISIS camp next door was left untouched until the jihadi group left; the same is true in the fiercely contested eastern city of Raqqa. ISIS, for its part, has done very little to liberate regime-held areas, but has seized control of both Raqqa and the border town of Azaz from FSA forces.Maybe it is just a conspiracy theory. Aaron Zelin, a Syria analyst who closely follows the dynamic among rebel groups, dismisses the idea as "partly wish-fulfillment and partly delusion." But there's no mistaking the hydraulic effect of ISIS's brand of uncompromising Islam. I spoke to a group of wounded fighters recovering in a clinic in the Turkish town of Reyhanli, a few miles from the border with Syria. One of them, who called himself Abu Abbas, had gone to al-Baath University in Homs with my interpreter, Rifaie Tammas. He had been pursuing a master's degree in English literature. He shocked Rifaie by defending ISIS and claiming that the group is fighting the moderates because they are American stooges. The only answer for Syria, said Abu Abbas, is the rule of sharia.The growing Islamization of the rebellion has something to do with ISIS, though a good deal more to do with the rebels' growing sense of embitterment at their abandonment by the West and by exile groups who squabble among themselves in the comfort of Turkish or Egyptian hotels. The Islamists -- not just ISIS -- say, "We have no one to turn to but God," and young men like Abu Abbas have little reason to think otherwise.The moderate rebels have become increasingly chimerical. On Sept. 24, 13 fighting groups -- including the al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra, Salafi brigades, and some more mainline elements -- issued a joint declaration in which they pledged to operate within an "Islamic framework" based on "the rule of sharia and making it the sole source of legislation." At the same time, the groups cut all ties with the Syrian National Council (SNC), the exile group that has received Western support. The pledge looked less like a gesture of solidarity than of despair.It could have been otherwise. U.S. President Barack Obama could have bolstered moderate forces if he had supplied the rebels with weapons more than a year ago, as he was urged to do by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others. By refusing to do so, he discredited the SNC, alienated fighting units, and created a vacuum that ISIS has increasingly filled. Now, thanks in no small part to that failure, Obama has far stronger grounds to withhold U.S. military assistance than he had before. The president is not going to put much stock in a rebellion that puts so little stock in Western values.What's more, the fear that advanced weapons might fall into the hands of extremists, arguably overblown 18 months ago, is now impossible to discount. The fighters and activists I spoke to insist that the only way they can take on ISIS, as well as the regime, is with a steady supply of weapons and ammunition. They're right, but they won't win that argument in Washington. And the consequences of a hypothetical military victory look more and more dangerous. Imad Dahro, a former general in the national police who defected last year, assured me, as many people did, that the regime would collapse in the face of a sustained American missile strike. "Then what?" I asked. Wouldn't the myriad rebel groups in the north then turn on each other? He reflected for a moment, and said, "Maybe."The rise of ISIS, in short, has made the situation much worse for the rebels, much worse for the West, and much better for the regime. I heard any number of Syrians calling for nonradical brigades, with a core of Free Syrian Army groups, to join forces against ISIS. Only then, the argument runs, can they make a concerted effort to wage the war against the real enemy -- the regime. What is certainly true is that the rebels will not get major help from the West unless and until they reverse the process of Islamization, though select brigades will continue to receive arms and ammunition from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and others.But radicalization is likely to increase, not diminish. Foreign extremists will keep streaming into Syria (a recent Der Spiegel article estimated the jihadi population of Atmeh, a Syrian town just across the border from Reyhanli, at 1,000). Assad will continue to exploit the focus on chemical weapons to commit atrocities against Syrian civilians. The rebels will keep absorbing and inflicting losses. And the endless torrent of refugees will further destabilize Lebanon and Jordan.Obama has never tried to make the argument that America's national interests lie in preventing such a debacle, through military as well as diplomatic means. And now, perhaps, it's too late.
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Od 0:45 albanac sa Kosova u redovima ISIS-a prica svoje vidjenje dzihada na albanskom (na snimku je predstavljen kao Abu Abdullah al-Kosofi).Snimljeno u Azazau, pogranicnom gradicu na severu Sirije koji od pre 20-ak dana kontrolise ISIS.http://youtu.be/0x7tKBkxqxE

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