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Fantasy Premier League 2013/14


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ja bih voleo da RvP zagine do kraja sezone, ne toliko iz navijačih razloga, već da igra postane interesantnija
ne razumem. šta je to rvp uradio pa učinio igru nezanimljivijom ?
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:isuse:ala sam iskoristio vajldkartu, bog me jebo. Pablo, Volkot, Benteke, Cester, RVP. kako koga u tim stavim tako vene i svene.sto je najgore sad ne smem nista da menjam pre kupa: ocekujem da mnogi primicac, koleno i zadnja loza sutra popuste.

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ne razumem. šta je to rvp uradio pa učinio igru nezanimljivijom ?
pa nas milion i dvesta hiljada ima 14 poena vezanih za njegovo neproduktivno ime iz tri dela. zamisli kad bi se to rasporedilo na Aguera, Suareza, Runija... fakat bi bilo zanimljivije. ja sam tako shvatio...
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Zanimljivije je ovako, narocito kad doticni propusti neki mec ili ne da golBtnj nakon ove posljednje izmjene imam sjajan tim za 2-5-3 al ne daju dusmani da igram u toj formaciji :(

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jel ume neko da mi objasni kako sljaka ovo sa zastitom cene povredjenih igraca?negde procitah da red flag samo podize NTI broj potreban za pad cene, ali sad gledam Silvu i njemu je cena ostala ista iako ga je 400.000 ljudi prodalo u prethodne dve nedelje.nesto se mislim da ne panicim sa Volkotom i Bentekeom ove nedelje nego da sacuvam ekstra transfer za sledecu nedelju pa da ih se resim u paketu. koje su sanse da im se cena ne promeni do iza vikenda?

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Q: Flagging & Protection of Players? Explain away….A: When a player is either injured, doubtful, suspended or ineligible then the (i) next to their name on FPL will be flagged red or yellow.Q: Does this mean the player is protected from any price drop?A: NO – absolutely not and this is a major mistake many people make. Anyone who is flagged will still be able to increase and decrease in value. The increase NTI target stays the same. However the NTO Threshold for a price drop is approximately 2.5 times greater than the usual Threshold for price drops.Q: Why is that?A: The general thinking here is that when a player is injured or suspended, naturally a lot of people will want to sell that player. In order to ensure their price doesn’t fall dramatically, the Threshold is increased.Q: So if a player’s NTO Threshold was 40,000, it’s now going to be 2.5 times greater than that when they are flagged – so 100,000?A: CorrectQ: But their NTI target for increase doesn’t change?A: Again correctQ: Is it likely a player will increase in value or even people buying him in if they are flagged?A: It could be. Let’s say a player got flagged red as they were being suspended for 1 game for receiving 5 yellow cards. This might not put people off from keeping this player, if they are in the knowledge that he will be back next game. Plus, if this player is already on a rise, there is no reason that more teams won’t buy him and bench him for one week.Q: So what is protection all about?A: If a player is red or yellow flagged for 2 days or more, once their (i) icon goes back to grey, they are protected for 8 days.Q: What does that effectively mean?A: It means that for the next 8 days their price is frozen. It can neither rise nor fall. Once the 8 days is up, the player’s NTI or NTO is reset to zero and the normal rules of increases/decreases kick in from there.Q: So their price is only frozen once the flag is lifted, not whilst they are flagged?A: CorrectQ: But what happens if they are only red/yellow flagged for 1 day?A: Then there is no protection period – just their NTI/NTO target is reset to zero and the normal rules of increases/decreases start from there.
aupm, svaki put se cimnem kad vidim new content. pisite sto manje u danima kad nema meceva. :D
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Ja sam siguran da ce Yaya da fasuje 1 lom noge uskoro. Reprezentativna akcija™ je idealna prilika za to.Covjek igra svaki jebeni mec, ukljucujuci i jucerasnji u liga kupu, uzas.

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