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Baš tako, koleginica iz kancelarije je danas otkazala putovanje, prelomila je jer je na snimku prepoznala klupu na kojoj je sedela pre deset godina kada je poslednji put bila u Carigradu, svako ko je bio tamo ima sopstvenu uspomenu i identifikaciju sa lokacijom gde se napad odigrao.




Lepo, mirno mesto u srcu vreve Sultanahmeta.

Dosta me je potreslo ovo.

Ovu sam fotku napravio u septembru, baš na mestu napada.



Edited by Аврам Гојић
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Kod nas™ lokalaca™ vlada drugačije osećanje - ni kolege ni prijatelji mi nisu nešto specijalno šokirani. Prvo zbog toga što je nakon svega što se izdešavalo u prethodnih 6 meseci - zaključno sa 100 mrtvih u Ankari - samo naivan čovek mogao da veruje da ovo neće stići u Istanbul. A jednom kada stigne, svi znamo otprilike prvih pet meta koje će biti na udaru pa se sada spremamo da reorganizujemo život tako što ćemo izbegavati preostale četiri.


Drugo zbog toga što ovaj napad - koliko god bio precizan i simboličan - po svojoj učinkovitosti nije ni prineti napadu koji je Al Qaeda izvršila 2003. godine. Oporavio se Istanbul od toga pa će i od ovoga. 


Inače, na manje od 100 metara od mesta današnjeg napada nalazi se policijska stanica ispred koje se prošle godine čečenska crna udovica digla u vazduh i ubila sebe i jednog policajca.

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Samoubica identifikovan. Još jedna osoba podlegla, po izveštajima je u pitanju devetoro Nemaca i dvoje Južnokorejaca.


The suicide bomber was identified as Saudi Arabia born, Syrian citizen Nabil Fadli, many Turkish media outlets reported, whereas Ihlas News Agency (IHA) announced that the death toll increased to 11, two of whom were South Koreans.
A statement also came from Berlin regarding the attack, as Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said that German citizens are "probably" among the 10 dead killed in the blast.

Sources in the Turkish Prime Minister's office also reportedly confirmed this, saying nine of those killed in the blast were German citizens.



Edited by vememah
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Kod nas™ lokalaca™ vlada drugačije osećanje - ni kolege ni prijatelji mi nisu nešto specijalno šokirani. Prvo zbog toga što je nakon svega što se izdešavalo u prethodnih 6 meseci - zaključno sa 100 mrtvih u Ankari - samo naivan čovek mogao da veruje da ovo neće stići u Istanbul. A jednom kada stigne, svi znamo otprilike prvih pet meta koje će biti na udaru pa se sada spremamo da reorganizujemo život tako što ćemo izbegavati preostale četiri.


Drugo zbog toga što ovaj napad - koliko god bio precizan i simboličan - po svojoj učinkovitosti nije ni prineti napadu koji je Al Qaeda izvršila 2003. godine. Oporavio se Istanbul od toga pa će i od ovoga. 


Inače, na manje od 100 metara od mesta današnjeg napada nalazi se policijska stanica ispred koje se prošle godine čečenska crna udovica digla u vazduh i ubila sebe i jednog policajca.

Idem (skoro)svake godine na jedan sajam keramike u predgradju BuyukCekmedze,razumeces bez obzira sto sam sigurno pogresno napisao,cunjali po gradu,Nisantase&stuff,nije bilo lose,js da smo platili bas puno za taxi,cca 140 ojra tour-retoure,dosta toga si odgovorio u postu,al opet sta ti mislis,da idem ove godine ,da ne idem,da idem pa da ostanem u Hotelu,cisto onako.

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Idem (skoro)svake godine na jedan sajam keramike u predgradju BuyukCekmedze,razumeces bez obzira sto sam sigurno pogresno napisao,cunjali po gradu,Nisantase&stuff,nije bilo lose,js da smo platili bas puno za taxi,cca 140 ojra tour-retoure,dosta toga si odgovorio u postu,al opet sta ti mislis,da idem ove godine ,da ne idem,da idem pa da ostanem u Hotelu,cisto onako.


Što se tiče sajma kao takvog mislim da možeš komotno da ideš jer ako nekom bude palo na pamet da bombarduje Büyükçekmece to će definitivno biti kraj sveta i implozija svemira. A što se tiče bleje po gradu to već u nekoj meri zavisi od dešavanja u narednom periodu. Kada ti je tačno taj sajam?

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Što se tiče sajma kao takvog mislim da možeš komotno da ideš jer ako nekom bude palo na pamet da bombarduje Büyükçekmece to će definitivno biti kraj sveta i implozija svemira. A što se tiče bleje po gradu to već u nekoj meri zavisi od dešavanja u narednom periodu. Kada ti je tačno taj sajam?

Kraj februara,standardno,ja licno sam planirao daa posetim i Istinije park,malo shoping i to,a i kao student sam se malo zezao u njihovom studentskom domu,mislim da je to Marmaris i tako,bas mi je ostalo u secanju,al u ovom kontekstu valjda podalje od tih nekoh mesta gde ima velika koncentracija turista(ljudi)

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Idem (skoro)svake godine na jedan sajam keramike u predgradju BuyukCekmedze,razumeces bez obzira sto sam sigurno pogresno napisao,cunjali po gradu,Nisantase&stuff,nije bilo lose,js da smo platili bas puno za taxi,cca 140 ojra tour-retoure,dosta toga si odgovorio u postu,al opet sta ti mislis,da idem ove godine ,da ne idem,da idem pa da ostanem u Hotelu,cisto onako.


Bila sam početkom decembra na skupu koji se održavao u Sabanci centru (odlično obezbeđenom, sa mog laičkog stanovišta), motala sam se po gradu koliko mi je dopuštala satnica, ali sam u najširem luku izbegavala javni prevoz i, koliko je to moguće, gužve, pošto se na dan mog dolaska dogodio napad na metro. 

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Erdogan počeo da hapsi i univerzitetske profesore.

18 academics detained, over 130 face criminal charges amid accusations by president of ‘terrorist propaganda’
Turkish police have detained at least 18 academics who signed a petition calling for an end to military operations in southeastern Anatolia, while more than 130 academics are facing criminal charges. The moves come just days after President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan slammed the signatories for making “terrorist propaganda.”

Universities and prosecutor’s offices across the country started to launch probes into some of the 1,128 local and international academics and intellectuals who fall within the state’s jurisdiction, arguing that the petition went beyond the limits of academic freedoms. 

In a dawn operation in the northwestern province of Kocaeli on Jan. 15, police raided the houses of 19 academics and detained 15. Provincial police head Levent Yarımel told the press a detention warrant had been issued for a total of 21 academics in the city. 

In the northwestern province of Bursa, meanwhile, three academics were also detained, Anadolu Agency reported.

Speaking in Sultanahmet after Friday prayers on Jan. 15, President Erdoğan again denounced the signatories of the document, who included U.S. philosopher Noam Chomsky, saying that “those who do not want to take part in politics in parliament should dig trenches or go to the mountains.”

“Our nation should see who is who. Being a professor does not make someone an intellectual. These are the darkest of people. They are cruel people, because those who ally with cruelty are themselves cruel,” Erdoğan said on Jan. 15, referring to the detention of academics.

Meanwhile, the Anatolian, Istanbul and Bakırköy chief public prosecutors also launched investigations against at least 123 academics employed by universities in Istanbul. Anadolu initiated probes on 82 academics and Bakırköy on 41 academics while public prosecutor of Istanbul did not disclose a number. 

Some of the academics employed by universities outside of Istanbul are also facing charges as public prosecutor’s offices in Bartın, Diyarbakır, Kayseri, Mardin and Samsun also announced that probes would be launched against academics that have signed the petition, although a clear number was not provided to the press. 

According to reports, the academics are being charged with violating the controversial Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code, according to which it is illegal to insult the Turkish nation, the state of the Turkish Republic or the Grand Assembly of Turkey and the state’s judicial institutions. The academics are also accused of “terrorist propaganda” and of “inciting hatred and enmity.”

This view was reiterated early on Jan. 15 by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu who claimed no country would consider “supporting or collaborating with a terror organization” as freedom of expression, implying the petition aimed at supporting the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). 

“There is no difference between supporting terror financially or politically,” Çavuşoğlu argued, underlining Turkey has been going through a “sensitive” period in its history.

The president’s call for action of legal institutions and university senates, coupled by criticisms of Justice and Development Party (AKP) government officials, led to a series of administrative inquiries by universities which employ some of the academics in question. 

At least 41 academics are facing, among other punishments, suspension and dismissal. This figure does not include the academics whose number has so far been disclosed only as “a group of” academics by Çukurova and Gediz universities.

In stark contrast with the AKP, Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) strongly criticized the detentions, arguing the move came from Erdoğan’s instructions to the judiciary.

“The steps taken by the judiciary and some universities that regarded President Erdoğan’s statements as an order on 1,128 academics who signed a petition titled ‘We won’t be part of this crime’ by the ‘Academics for Peace Initiative’ constitute a new dark stain on Turkish democracy,” read a statement issued by the party assembly of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) on Jan. 15. 

The Istanbul Chamber of Medicine also raised its voice against the detention of academics and announced that it would hold a press conference in protest at the raids. 

The investigation and the detentions come soon after Turkey’s president slammed the petition’s signatories, arguing the human rights violations in the southeast are being committed by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants and not the Turkish state. 

“Despite all of these facts, this crowd, which calls itself academics, accuses the state through a statement. Not only this, they also invite foreigners to monitor developments. This is the mentality of colonialism,” he said. Likening today’s situation with the Turkish War of Independence, Erdoğan said the country was again facing “treason” from “so-called intellectuals.” 

Erdoğan also touched upon the issue following a visit to Sultanahmet Square, where an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) suicide bomber killed 10 German tourists on Jan. 12, underlining that there was no different between “oppressors and the supporters of oppressors.”



Tekst peticije "Nećemo da učestvujemo u ovom zločinu":



“We ask the state to put an end to violence inflicted against citizens right now, we as academics and researchers of this country declare that we won’t be a party to this crime and that promise that we will sustain our stance in the presence of political parties, parliament and international public”.


Over 1,400 academics and researchers from Turkey and abroad have signed the statement titled “We will not be a party to this crime”.


Academics for Peace which has initiated the campaign has shared their next steps and signees in the press statement held simultaneously in İstanbul and Ankara.


1,128 academics from 89 universities in Turkey, and over 355 academics and researchers from abroad including figures such as Noam Chomsky, Judith Butler, Etienne Balibar and David Harvey have signed a text calling on state of Turkey to end state violence and prepare negotiation conditions.


The petition is ongoing.


As academics and researchers of this country, we will not be a party to this crime!


"The Turkish state has effectively condemned its citizens in Sur, Silvan, Nusaybin, Cizre, Silopi, and many other towns and neighborhoods in the Kurdish provinces to hunger through its use of curfews that have been ongoing for weeks. It has attacked these settlements with heavy weapons and equipment that would only be mobilized in wartime. As a result, the right to life, liberty, and security, and in particular the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment protected by the constitution and international conventions have been violated. 


This deliberate and planned massacre is in serious violation of Turkey’s own laws and international treaties to which Turkey is a party. These actions are in serious violation of international law. 


We demand the state to abandon its deliberate massacre and deportation of Kurdish and other peoples in the region. We also demand the state to lift the curfew, punish those who are responsible for human rights violations, and compensate those citizens who have experienced material and psychological damage. For this purpose we demand that independent national and international observers to be given access to the region and that they be allowed to monitor and report on the incidents.


We demand the government to prepare the conditions for negotiations and create a road map that would lead to a lasting peace which includes the demands of the Kurdish political movement. We demand inclusion of independent observers from broad sections of society in these negotiations. We also declare our willingness to volunteer as observers. We oppose suppression of any kind of the opposition.


We, as academics and researchers working on and/or in Turkey, declare that we will not be a party to this massacre by remaining silent and demand an immediate end to the violence perpetrated by the state. We will continue advocacy with political parties, the parliament, and international public opinion until our demands are met".






Nepodobnim profesorima se označavaju kabineti i lepe preteće poruke na vrata:


Američka ambasada reagovala:



Sad novinari potpisuju peticiju za profesore:

Number of Journalists Supporting Academics Exceed 500
Over 500 journalists including Can Dündar and Erdem Gül have supported the academics being targeted and prosecuted for releasing a declaration calling for peace and resume of negotiations.
Edited by vememah
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Zaman piše da je uhapšeno 27-oro, ali da su svi pušteni do večeri.

Turkish security forces briefly detained 27 academics accused of terrorist propaganda over a recent critical declaration calling for an end to violence in Turkey's Kurdish majority Southeast, only days after President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan threatened the statement's signatories.

The majority of Friday morning's detentions were in the western industrial province of Kocaeli, close to İstanbul and all had been released by the evening.




Gradonačelnik Ankare pozvao američkog ambasadora da ućuti, ne ugrožava tursko-američke odnose, ode iz Turske i ustupi mesto nekome ko neće praviti neprijatelja od Turske.

Ankara Mayor Melih Gökçek has taken aim at US Ambassador to Turkey John Bass and called on him to return home over the US envoy's criticism of the crackdown on more than 1,100 academics in Turkey.

“You are trying to make an enemy [of Turkey]. At least you should learn to be quiet. Please don't poison Turkish and American relations… Mr. Bass you're a wrong choice for the US in Turkey. I would say for you to return to your country. Let a new US envoy, who knows about us, be sent here,” wrote Gökçek in a series of tweets on Friday.



Edited by vememah
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samo nešto mračite a ja moram da kačim lepe vesti  :fantom:


Turizam u Turskoj izgubio je glavne klijente — posle incidenta sa Su–24 ostao je bez ruskih gostiju, a sada, posle terorističkih napada u Istanbulu, putovanja u tu zemlju otkazuju i Nemci.


:thumbup: Posledice će biti katastrofalne za celokupnu ekonomiju zemlje  :thumbup: 


piše nemački list „Cajt“.


Ministarstvo inostranih poslova Nemačke savetovalo je putnicima da "privremeno izbegavaju“ okupljanje na javnim mestima i u blizini turističkih znamenitosti Turske.





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