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Slusam vesti i na MSN vids i tamo vele da je advokat ubijen head shotom,sto znaci da je neko imao vremena da na miru nanisani,Ili su ona dva momka pored toga sto su otporni na metke i bez oruzija ispalili laserske zrake iz prstiju.Moguce je da je neko sa druge strane ulice pucao jer policija nastavlja da razmenjuje vatru niz ulicu,ali kako bre da nikoga ne pogode..ono mora da je namesteno.

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nista ne kapiram


onaj prvi sto je protrcao je ubica, jelda?


Pa to se ne zna jer se na snimku nijedan od njih dvojice ne vidi da koristi svoje oružje iako panduri polivaju po njima samo tako i sve to jal promašuje jal se odbija od njih. Onaj drugi je čak bacio svoju utoku dok je protrčavao pored pandura. Onda se panduri okreću i pucaju za njima niz ulicu - gde se otprilike nalazi žrtva - ali pucaju onim istim mecima koji ne mogu ništa da pogode. Ko je u svemu tome na kraju ispalio onaj "pravi" hitac to uopšte nije jasno.

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Pa to se ne zna jer se na snimku nijedan od njih dvojice ne vidi da koristi svoje oružje iako panduri polivaju po njima samo tako i sve to jal promašuje jal se odbija od njih. Onaj drugi je čak bacio svoju utoku dok je protrčavao pored pandura. Onda se panduri okreću i pucaju za njima niz ulicu - gde se otprilike nalazi žrtva - ali pucaju onim istim mecima koji ne mogu ništa da pogode. Ko je u svemu tome na kraju ispalio onaj "pravi" hitac to uopšte nije jasno.


Neko ko je nišanio odnekuda verovatno, ovi ostali su bili zauzeti ipak svojim ulogama

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Izgleda da je Cipras obrisao ( ili ja samo ne mogu da ih nadjem vise) one tvitove i stavio ovo:


@tsipras_eu: We support the promotion of the accession process on the basis of the existing negotiated framework #EUTurkey

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Napad na policiju koji je prethodio ubistvu Elčija:
Mapa mesta događaja (taksi sa napadačima na policajce dolazi sa juga ulicom Gazi, ulica u koju beže na snimku je ova u kojoj je džamija):
Evo kako ta mesta izgledaju u stvarnosti - snimci su sa Yandex maps i naravno nisu načinjeni tog dana.
Mesto pucnjave na policiju i ulica u koju su zbrisali:


Ulica kojom trče dvojica begunaca i mesto kod džamije gde je ubijen Elči (prve dve slike su u smeru ka beguncima (na drugoj se vidi i zid sa druge strane), a treća je u smeru njihovog kretanja):


Po svedoku i autopsiji, Elči je ubijen s leđa sa veće udaljenosti, i to metkom koji je pogodio vrat, a izašao kroz levo oko, tako da ovi što su protrčali po tome nisu ubice. Svedok uz to tvrdi i da se Elči mašio za pištolj:

An eyewitness speaking to Al Jazeera Turk said that “There were shots being fired from the trenches in the street behind the four legged minaret. I saw Tahir Elci being shot in the back of his head.”

“I saw him reaching for his gun while falling to the ground. He took his gun but could not use it,” the witness said.


A preliminary autopsy report also suggests that head of Diyarbakir bar association Tahir Elci was killed by being shot from behind in the head, causing instant brain damage.

Deputy head of Diyarbakir bar association Cihan Ipek, who was present during the autopsy said “Elci was killed by being shot in the back with a bullet that was fired at him from a long distance.”


The witness said two people were coming from the other end of the street firing shots before Elci was shot dead with gunfire that was shot from behind him.



Initial autopsy report found that Elçi was killed by a single bullet which entered the back of his neck and exit through his left eye.



Sabah prenosi zvaničnu verziju koju je u nedelju predstavio premijer Davutoglu, ali i navodi da izveštaji kažu da je metak ispaljen iz daljine.

Speaking to reporters on Sunday, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said that the PKK, even if indirectly, was still primarily responsible for the attack. "What we've seen from videos of the incident and what we currently know about it shows that it wouldn't have happened if vicious attacks against our police officers weren't carried out," he said, referring to the killing of two police officers minutes before the shooting of Elçi. "A separatist terrorist organization caused this," Davutoğlu said, referring to the PKK which claims to fight for Kurdish self-rule in southeastern Turkey.

Cengiz Erdur and Ahmet Çiftaslan, two plainclothes police officers, were gunned down by terrorists after stopping them in a suspicious car. As the terrorists ran away, a gun battle erupted right at the site where Elçi was making a press statement in front of a historic building which has been damaged in attacks previously. The lawyer was killed by a bullet which struck the back of his head, though it is still unclear who fired the shot. The chaotic scene was caught on camera showing Mahsun Gürkan, a member of the terrorist organization, running past the crowd. Gürkan was in the car which was stopped by the two slain police officers. Terrorists also attacked a prosecutor who had arrived to investigate the crime scene and injured two police officers. Reports say the bullet which hit Elçi was "fired from a long distance," fueling rumors that the clash between terrorists and police created distraction for assassins to kill Elçi.

"This is a tragic incident that wouldn't have occurred if it weren't for the attacks against two police officers. Diyarbakır would be calm if they hadn't dug those ditches and if terror attacks did not happen. Thus, the terrorist organization is chiefly responsible for this and we are determined to continue our fight against them (PKK)," Davutoğlu said.

Davutoglu uz to tvrdi da je uz ubijenog Elčija pronađen pištolj kojim je pucano na policiju ranije. Ostaje pitanje je li to onaj što ga je begunac bacio na snimku (zar ga nije uzeo onaj liku u crnom mantilu koji je u jednom trenutku držao dva pištolja?) ili neki drugi.

Turkey’s prime minister has said the pistol found next to the dead body of Tahir Elçi, a prominent lawyer who was killed during clashes after the killing of two police officers in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır, was the same weapon used in the first incident.

“The pistol found right next to the body of Tahir Elçi was identified to be the one used by a terrorist who martyred the police officer before Elçi’s shooting,” Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said at a press conference at Ankara’s Esenboğa airport on Nov. 29, ahead of his flight to Brussels for the EU-Turkey Summit.


Dakle, identifikovan je onaj prvi što je protrčao i on pripada omladini PKK. U naslovu režimskog Sabaha stoji da je on ubica iako u članku nema nikakvih dokaza za to.

Killer of Tahir Elçi identified as PKK-affiliated YDG-H member

One of the two suspects behind the murder of the Chairman of Diyarbakır Bar Association Tahir Elçi has been identified as YDG-H member Mahsun Gürkan.

According to reports, Gürkan who is a member of the terrorist organization YDG-H –which is the youth-wing of the PKK- was one of the suspects who fled the scene in a white car after attacking a police vehicle in Diyarbakır a day earlier.

The white car which was used by terrorists to flee the scene has a symbolic meaning as it had been used for unidentified murder and execution cases in the 1990s.



Edited by vememah
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Kolumnista gulenističkog Zamana tvrdi da je policija najverovatnije ubila Elčija, jer profi ubica ne bi čekao završetak govora, na telu nije pronađen barut što isključuje begunce, a policija nije detaljno ispitala mesto zločina.


High probability Elçi was killed by police

November 29, 2015, Sunday/ 17:26:08/ EMRE USLU

The killing of Diyarbakır Bar Association President Tahir Elçi has brought an important question to the agenda: Who killed Elçi, the police or terrorists?

An examination of the media reports on the incident gives us enough hints to make an educated guess.

In my opinion, this is what happened: After individuals in a white Toros car opened fire at a police car patrolling the area in Bağlar district of Diyarbakır the previous day, the police determined the assailants in the car were linked to Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) groups. The police then launched an operation in the district of Sur to detain them around noon Saturday.

During the operation near the neighborhood of Sur, undercover police officers stopped a suspicious vehicle. As they were preparing to detain the suspects in the car, the police officers were shot at. One police officer was killed on the spot while the wounded police officers died in hospital. The two suspects abandoned the car and fled.

Meanwhile, after making a press release, Elçi and his entourage were leaving Dört Ayaklı Minare when at that moment, an armed clash erupted between the police and the two suspects. During the gunfight, the police tried to shoot the suspects from behind while the PKK militants positioned atop tall buildings opened fire on police officers.

As he was trying to make sense of the incidents, Elçi suddenly fell to the ground. Elçi was killed by a single bullet to the back of his neck. Preliminary examinations indicated he wasn't specifically targeted but was caught in the crossfire.

The suspects managed to escape. One of them threw his gun at Elçi's feet. The gun seen near Elçi's body in photos published in newspapers belongs to the terrorist who fired on the police officers.

In this case, it doesn't seem plausible that the terrorist would shoot Elçi while running away. Indeed, he was seen running and holding the gun by its barrel. Therefore, it is least likely that Elçi was killed by that terrorist.

In this situation, Elçi might have been shot to death by a bullet fired from a distance. But the distance isn't certain. The autopsy report couldn't find any gunshot residue on the body. Thus, the bullet could have come from five, 15 or 50 meters away.

If Elçi was killed by a sniper and not by the police, this clearly indicates weakness in intelligence. It takes a very professional assassin to kill someone from a distance and among a crowd. Still, it is very unlikely that a professional assassin did not shoot Elçi while he was giving a statement but waited for commotion as even the most professional assassins cannot guarantee a direct hit in such confusion. This isn't a plausible probability either.

Most likely, one of the police officers who opened fire on the escaping terrorists killed Elçi.

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu's remarks reinforce our conviction. "If the terrorists had not attacked the police officers, this incident would not have happened," he said. This statement implies Elçi might have been killed by a bullet from a police gun.

Moreover, the crime scene couldn't be examined. This further reinforces the possibility that Elçi was killed by a police bullet. Given the fact this state raids newspapers with helicopters, the authorities could have conducted an investigation at all costs and find the cartridge if they really wanted to so.

In this case, the new question is: Was Elçi killed by the police deliberately or by accident?

We will probably never know the answer. We will always be nudged by the following suspicion: If Elçi was killed by the police by accident, why did that accident befell Elçi of all the people in the crowd?

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Turkish prosecutor seeks arrest of senior commanders in case of intel trucks to Syria


“By stopping MİT trucks and checking what was inside, they announced it to the world through espionage. What did they say then? They said, ‘These [trucks] are providing weapons for a terrorist organization.’ They exposed the humanitarian assistance which was sent to Bayırbucak Turkmens in this way. They exposed what was sent to the Free Syrian Army [FSA] in this way,” President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Nov. 28.



Edited by Skyhighatrist
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