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Mustafa Kemal'in askerleri


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Godišnjica smrti Mustafe Kemala. Screenshot je iz maila koji sam jutros dobio od 7-8 različitih firmi. Na poslu je ista poruka na svim ekranima u liftovima i hodnicima (umesto uobičajenih reklama i informacija). Ide i na većini televizija.




ko ne znaju turski ovde piše nema fesovi od sutra cilindri pa ti pričaj s cilindrom na glavi šta oćeš :fantom:

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 HDP objavio da je pucano na Demirtaša, vlasti negiraju i tvrde da oštećenje blindiranog automobila ne potiče od metka.


Turska, kurdski lider preživeo atentat?

ponedeljak, 23. nov 2015, 08:19 -> 08:31
Izvor: Tanjug

Istaknuti lider najveće turske prokurdske Narodne demokratske stranke (HDP) Selahatin Demirtaš bio je meta atentata dok je putovao u svom službenom vozilu, ali je prošao bez povreda, saopštila je njegova stranka.


Demirtaš se sinoć nalazio u svom blindiranom vozilu u većinski kurdskom gradu Dijarbakiru na jugoistoku Turske, kad je automobil pogođen jednim metkom u visini glave, navodi se u saopštenju HDP, a prenela je agencija AFP.


Kancelarija guvernera pokrajine Dijarbakir je, međutim, negirala da je Demirtaš bio meta atentata i da je na njegov automobil pucano iz vatrenog oružja.


Demirtaš je "preživeo pokušaj atentata bez povreda, zahvaljujući blindiranom automobilu u kojem se vozio", objavila je HDP na Tviteru.


Prokurdska novinska agencija Firat je objavila da ni Demirtaš ni njegovi telohranitelji nisu čuli pucanj, ali su primetili tragove metka kad su izašli iz vozila pošto su stigli na planiranu destinaciju.


Kancelarija guvernera pokrajine Dijarbakir je navela da je vozilo pregledano i pronađeno je oštećenje širine i visine od po tri centimetra, ali da nema pokazatelja da je to oštećenje uzrokovalo bilo kakvo vatreno oružje.



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 Tužilac traži 20 godina zbog naslovnice koja pobedu Erdogana poistovećuje sa početkom građanskog rata u Turskoj (dostupna ovde).


An indictment prepared against Nokta magazine editors Cevheri Güven and Murat Çapan, who were arrested in early November over a cover of their publication, seeks up to 20 years in prison for both of the journalists.

Nokta Editor-in-Chief Güven and Managing Editor Çapan were arrested by the İstanbul 8th Penal Court of Peace, a day after their detainment on Nov. 2, over the magazine's post-election cover. The cover featured a picture of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and said Nov. 2 is the “start of Turkey's civil war,” in a reference to the result of the Nov. 1 parliamentary election.



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I stoga stize nagrada.




Turkey expects new talks on its EU bid next month

The EU will give fresh impetus next month to Turkey's bid to join the 28-nation bloc by opening talks on economic policy, Turkey has announced.

Turkey's new Europe Minister Volkan Bozkir said the EU had agreed to open a new chapter in stalled negotiations.

Turkey's long-running dispute with EU member Cyprus, and the EU's concerns about human rights in Turkey have made progress in the talks extremely slow.

But the EU wants to encourage Turkey to stem the flow of migrants to Europe.


Merkelova ne propusta da kasno reaguje ama bas na sve.

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Pa to je osnovni princip njenog delovanja. I u unutrašnjoj i u spoljnoj. Čekaj i ćuti, ne izleći se Ima taj principi i prednosti, al ako si kanceplar najvažnije zemlje u EU onda baš i nema puno smisla. 

Edited by MancMellow
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Iako je Beowl već pominjao na temi o Siriji, evo i ovde - novinari Džumhurijeta koji su razotkrili da turska tajna služba MIT šalje "humanitarnu" pomoć u oružju u Siriju uhapšeni i sudiće im se kao špijunima, sa njima dvojicom sada je 30 novinara u zatvoru u toj zemlji.


Turkey arrests editors over reports Ankara supplied weapons to Syrian fighters

The journalists were arrested, accused of assisting a terrorist organisation because of footage published apparently showing the state intelligence agency sending weapons into Syria


Can Dundar, the editor-in-chief of opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet, second right, and Erdem Gul, the paper's Ankara representative, second left, speak to the media outside a courthouse in Istanbul, Turkey Photo: AP

By Raziye Akkoc
9:33PM GMT 26 Nov 2015

Two journalists from an opposition Turkish newspaper have been arrested, accused of spying by an Istanbul court following reports that Turkey's intelligence agency sent weapons to Islamist rebel groups in Syria.

In another case of journalists facing criminal charges and censorship, editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Erdem Gul, the newspaper's Ankara bureau chief, were taken into custody on Thursday night, Turkish media reported.

The two men are accused of spying and "divulging state secrets", according to reports, as well as being members of a terror organisation. Another charge included the violation of state security after the release of the footage.

Such charges could see the men face life imprisonment.

In January 2014, Turkish security forces intercepted the trucks sent by National Intelligence Agency (MIT) twice following tip-offs to prosecutors that they were illegally taking arms to Syria . The stories made the front page and since then, Turkey has often been accused of supporting Islamist Syrian rebels fighting against Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president.


Turkey disputes the front-page allegations, claiming the arms were aid for Syrian Turkmen, a Turkic minority in the country's northern areas, and described the actions of the security forces as "treason" and "espionage", English-language Turkish newspaper, Today's Zaman reported.


In the video released in May, gendarmerie and police officers can apparently be seen opening crates in the trucks and finding what Cumhuriyet described as weapons and ammunition, it was reported.

When the two men were arrested on Thursday night, Dundar tweeted: "We have been arrested" in Turkish.


The two men appeared in court on Thursday and before their appearance, defended their actions as "journalistic activity", adding they were not spies.


"We are accused of ‘spying’. The president said [our action is] ‘treason'. We are not traitors, spy, or heroes; we are journalists. What we have done here was a journalistic activity,” Dundar said before appearing in court to testify on Thursday, in comments carried by Hurriyet Daily News.


“We came here to defend journalism. We came here to defend the right of the public to obtain the news and their right to know if their government is feeding them lies. We came here to show and to prove that governments cannot engage in illegal activity and defend this,” Dundar added.


Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish president, said the reports by the newspaper were an act of "betrayal", adding that whether they had weapons or not was irrelevant.


He has repeated the claims by authorities that Bayırbucak Turkmens were the intended recipients of aid from the truck.
In June, Mr Erdogan had filed an individual criminal complaint against Dundar and Cumhuriyet newspaper, questioning the veracity of the claims.

"[The report] included some footage and information that are not factual” and added at the time, those "who wrote the story will pay a heavy price".


Dundar criticised Mr Erdogan's involvement on Thursday, saying: "The president is acting as if this is a personal lawsuit, saying I will be following this, and I will not let it go.

"He, personally, is the complainant. I do not know why the president alone is the complainant. This secret is a secret that belongs to the state, it is not a secret that belongs to him personally," Today's Zaman reported.


On Thursday night, Figen Yuksekdag and Selahattin Demirtas, pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) chairmen, condemned the Turkish authorities' actions "in the strongest terms".


The co-chairmen described how everyday, press freedom as well as freedom of expression was "trampled and violated".


Kemal Kilicdaroglu, the leader of the official opposition party, People's Republican Party (CHP) tweeted his support for journalists in Turkish: "If it's not those who make accusations, but those who report news that get arrested, no one say: 'Turkey's press is free and the judiciary is independent and objective'."



Snimak "humanitarne" pošiljke:


Naslovnica "Oružje za koje Erdogan tvrdi da ne postoji":




Edited by vememah
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Erdogan je ludak. Plus ne kapiram zasto uopste krije da naoruzava svoju ekipu tamo. Ameri bacaju oruzje FSA, Rusi naoruzavaju Asada itd. Niko tu nista ne krije. Otkud ova potreba da se krije nesto i krije kao humanitarna pomoc. Uz to i sam kaze da nije bitno.

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Erdogan je ludak. Plus ne kapiram zasto uopste krije da naoruzava svoju ekipu tamo. Ameri bacaju oruzje FSA, Rusi naoruzavaju Asada itd. Niko tu nista ne krije. Otkud ova potreba da se krije nesto i krije kao humanitarna pomoc. Uz to i sam kaze da nije bitno.

Ja sam shvatio da je on nauruzavao IS.

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Ja sam shvatio da je on nauruzavao IS.

Moguce, ja sam razumeo da su Turkmeni u pitanju. Sumnjam da bi slao kamione direktno za Raqqu.


Inace ovi protesti u Turskoj deluju relativno ozbiljno.

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