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Nisu se uplašili rata sa Kurdima nego gradjanskog rata. Na istoku se gine već 30 godina i još jedan rat sa Kurdima neće nešto specijalno promeniti u raspoloženju naroda. Društvo će se vratiti u vesele 90te i to je to.

jbm, tim više. ok, možda ja ne razumem dobro, nisam tamo... ali meni sve ovo što akp radi liči na građanski rat u najavi.

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Pa bile su ankete da ga se većina plaši, to što je sad dobio je verovatno zato što mnogi misle da će manje izazivati nestabilnost ako može sam da sastavi vladu. U prevodu, bolje Erdogan glasovima nego Erdogan tenkovima, pošto nije baš izvesno da uopšte može doći neko drugi.


U Austriji medj Turcima AKP suvereno sa 69%. Jel tako i ostali gastos Turci glasaju (svedski verovatno, vecina ih je iz Konye)?


Imaš ovde mapu sveta pa možeš da klikćeš po državama.


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Славље Ердоганове победе у Сарајеву

понедељак, 02. нов 2015, 09:59 -> 10:47

Извор: Радио Сарајево

Становници Сарајева, држављани Турске са привременим боравком у БиХ, али и становници престонице придружили су се синоћ прослави изборне победе владајуће Странке правде и развоја (АК Парти) на одржаним превременим парламентарним изборима у Турској, јавља Радио Сарајево.

Сарајлија Вилдан Топчић каже да је заједно са пријатељима изашао на улице Сарајева да прослави побједу АК Партије у Турској.

Славље Ердоганове победе у Сарајеву

"Овде сам са пријатељима да поделим радост с њима. Драго ми је да су грађани Турске задовољни изборним резултатом, и што су у толиком броју изишли на изборе. Турска је много пута показала да је пријатељски оријентисана према свим грађанима Босне и Херцеговине", каже Топчић.

Директор Удружења босанско-турског пријатељства "Босфор" Ризван Халиловић је свим грађанима Турске честитао резултате избора.

"Ово је победа Турске, али и демократије у тој земљи. Ово је победа мултикултуралне Турске која поштује људска права и слободе. То су показали када су примили 2,5 милиона избеглица из Сирије. Показали су своју величину када су примили на десетине хиљада избеглица и из рата у БиХ. Након ових избора, односи Турске и БиХ, али и свих балканских земаља, биће још чвршћи", рекао је Халиловић.

Студенткиња Наида Гего верује да ће односи Турске и БиХ након ових избора бити још снажнији.

"Избори у Турској нису важни само за ту земљу него и за друге земље у нашем региону и свету. Верујем да ће Турска и БиХ сада имати још снажније односе, посебно у економији, али и решавању политичких проблема у БиХ", каже студенткиња.

У Турској су јуче одржани превремени парламентарни избори, а након пребројаних гласачких листића, владајућа Странка правде и развоја (АК Парти) победила је са освојених 49,4 одсто гласова или 316 заступничких места у скупштини.



Edited by slow
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Detaljni i klikabilni rezultati po izbornim jedinicama u poređenju sa junom, kako po procentima, tako i po osvojenim mandatima.



Hurijet analizira rezultate izbora:

Four reasons why the AKP won the Nov 1 elections by a landslide

Nuray Babacan

A number of factors come to the fore in analyses explaining what had changed since the June 7 elections which helped the AKP regain enough seats for single-party rule. Here are four reasons why the AKP garnered more than four million additional votes at the expense of the opposition parties.
1.Bahçeli’s negative attitude

The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) base did not support the negative attitude of its leader, Devlet Bahçeli, especially during the coalition talks with the AKP.

Bahçeli drew criticism from the party’s supporters for declining the Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) offer to share power, despite the fact that single-party rule is impossible considering the level of support the MHP manages to garner.

Citizens who had voted for the MHP in the June 7 elections voted for the AKP instead this time around, as they considered the latter to be closest to their preferences. As a result, these voters contributed to the AKP’s victory.

2.The escalation of terror attacks by the PKK and ISIL

The escalation of terror attacks by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) played to fears of a return to Turkey’s recent history marked with violence and instability.

Rising terrorism also created the perception that only a strong and stable government could cope with such attacks.

The failure of the Kurdish problem-focused Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) to take a firm stand against PKK terror also influenced voter decisions.

3.Rise in economic promises

The AKP benefited from focusing its rhetoric on the economy, as opposed to its politics-centered campaign strategy ahead of the June 7 elections.

Economic promises, especially those targeting retirees and low-income citizens, proved fruitful.

Considering the AKP’s level of support, the electorate decided the AKP had the highest likelihood of delivering economic promises and cast their votes accordingly.

4.Change in candidate lists

The AKP drew lessons from the results of the June 7 elections and redrafted candidate lists in accordance with the people’s demands.

The intervention of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the AKP congress had a positive impact on the electorate, confirming the ongoing influence of Erdoğan on the AKP and reinforcing the sensation of a strong party.


Edited by vememah
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Novinari optuženi za pokušaj državnog udara jer su na naslovnoj stranici svog nedeljnika Nokta napisali da će ova Erdoganova pobeda predstavljati početak građanskog rata. Naravno, sav tiraž je zaplenjen, a sajt blokiran.


Sud u Istanbulu optužio je i pritvorio dvojicu šefova opozicionog turskog lista Nokta koji je kritikovao ubedljivu pobedu stranke predsednika Redžepa Tajipa Erdogana na nedeljnim izborima, javili su izvori iz tog lista.


Glavni urednik Dževeri Given i direktor lista Murat Čapan optuženi za pokušaj državnog udara i stavljeni u pritvor, naveo je jedan novinar Nokte za Frans pres.


Njih dvojicu je policija u Istanbulu uhapsila pošto je na naslovnoj strani poslednjeg broja lista izborni trijumf Partije pravde i razvoja (AKP) predstavljen kao "početak gradjanskog rata u Turskoj".




Sporna naslovnica:


Ponedeljak, 2. novembar, početak građanskog rata u Turskoj


Iz medijskog holdinga koji je preuzet pred izbore i čiji su kanali umesto praćenja izbornih rezultata emitovali arhivske dokumentarce i filmove otpušten 71 novinar.


Seventy-one journalists were dismissed early Tuesday from the İpek Media Group, which was unlawfully seized in a government-led police operation in late October with the assignment of a number of trustees to the organization, a move drawing the ire of the dismissed journalists and civil society groups.




Još jedna Hurijetova analiza faktora koji su doprineli uspehu AKP-a.


10 factors explaining how the AKP made a comeback in Turkey’s Nov 1 election

Deniz Zeyrek - ANKARA


The Justice and Development Party (AKP) scored an unexpected success in the Nov. 1, making a strong comeback after losing nine percentage points in the June 7 general election. In what came as a surprising victory even to its own deputies, the AKP managed to mobilize voters both inside Turkey and abroad.

Here is a list of 10 factors explaining how the AKP won the elections by a landslide.

1.Strong candidates

The AKP congress was rescheduled for Sept. 12, allowing the party to welcome back a number of important figures who had withdrawn in June due to the AKP’s policy prohibiting MPs from running for parliament in three consecutive terms. Influential names including the economy tsar Ali Babacan, former Transport Minister Binali Yıldırım, former Energy Minister Taner Yıldız, former Labor Minister Faruk Çelik and former Agriculture Minister Mehdi Eker all made it to the candidate list for the Nov. 1 election.

2.Economic promises

Among the hottest issues in the run up to the June 7 election was the economic platform of the Republican People’s Party (CHP). In its manifesto for the Nov. 1 election, the AKP included an elaborated version of the CHP’s pledges. A strong economic cadre with well-known figures including Babacan, Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek and former Finance Ministry Undersecretary Naci Ağbal also proved influential.

3.President Erdoğan’s political maneuvering

In the aftermath of June 7, the opposition failed to counter the political maneuvers of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the AKP. This allowed the AKP to put its game plan into action.

4.Demand for stability

The fact that the opposition parties failed to cooperate on a number of issues, despite winning a total 60 percent of the votes, played into the AKP’s hands. The election for a parliament speaker a key issue on which they failed, in addition to the failure to form a coalition government. This deadlock triggered the anxiety about “stability” of many voters after 13 years of single-party rule.

5.Peace process recess

The peace process launched to find a political solution to the Kurdish question, instead of resorting to arms, was widely slammed by many Turkish nationalists. However, after Erdoğan put the process “in the freezer” and the AKP launched military operations against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), previously discontented voters flocked to the AKP.

6.Escalation of attacks by the PKK and ISIL

Terror attacks by the PKK drew harsh criticism from the public at large. The escalation of attacks by the PKK and ISIL strengthened voters’ search for political stability in a period when public security was being threatened.

The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) took a hit on Nov. 1 for its perceived failure to take a firmer stance against terrorism. The AKP, on the other hand, delivered a clear message by saying that instability caused by a coalition government could endanger security.

7.Presidential system debate on hold

The AKP centered its campaign on changing the parliamentary system into a presidential system before the June 7 election. A majority of the Turkish population is against such a shift, so the AKP lost votes.

This time around, the AKP included its plans to change the system in its manifesto but refrained from raising the issue. Instead, its economic pledges were brought to the fore.

8.The AKP ran an efficient campaign

The AKP ran a more efficient campaign than its competitors. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu worked harder than the other leaders and local party organizations were well-prepared.

9.Role of municipalities and the media

Unlike other political parties, the AKP benefited most from the services of the state and municipalities. It also took advantage of Turkey’s state broadcaster TRT, which gave the AKP more extensive coverage than any of its competitors, as well as a number of media organizations that staunchly support the ruling party.

10.Convincing resentful former supporters

The AKP failed to mobilize an important portion of its supporters for the June 7 election, while some went to the polls but cast invalid votes. On Nov. 1, however, the AKP won a clear majority of the votes from citizens both living in Turkey and abroad.




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Optužnice protiv novinara su poslovično glupe, megalomanske i pretenciozne ali ove budale iz Nokte valja masno oglobiti zbog huškanja na rat. I ako ima neko da im donira polovan mozak pa da probaju da shvate da ne možeš svojoj javnosti da pretiš ratom zato što ti se ne dopada kako su glasali.

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Godišnjica smrti Mustafe Kemala. Screenshot je iz maila koji sam jutros dobio od 7-8 različitih firmi. Na poslu je ista poruka na svim ekranima u liftovima i hodnicima (umesto uobičajenih reklama i informacija). Ide i na većini televizija.



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U Ankari sam i zaista nista nisam primetio jutros ni u hotelu, liftu, gradu, a ni u saobracaju kad sam krenuo na posao iz Söğütözü-a :unsure:

Pretpostavljam da je komemoracija sa pratecim folklorom na Anitkabiru, u mauzoleju.


Edit: Sad mi kaze kolega koji je zakasnio na posao da su se kola zaustavila na autoputu i da su svi legli na sirene.

Edited by Parsons
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