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Mustafa Kemal'in askerleri


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Fuat Avni nije nikakav uzbunjivač nego gülenistički propagandni centar koji po demokratske procese u Turskoj deluje onoliko blagotvorno koliko i AKP.


Špigel ga nije tako predstavio, već upravo kao uzbunjivača, mada deluje da ima rezona to što tvrdiš.


Erdoganov protivnik: Turska blokirala misterioznog uzbunjivača


Fuat Avni - možda pojedinac, a možda i grupa osoba - objavio je npr. u decembru [2014] listu kritičara vlasti koji će uskoro biti uhapšeni. Pored toga, najavio je trenutak kada će policija stupiti u akciju. I stvarno, više novinara je pritvoreno pod izgovorom da su učestvovali u uspostavljanju terorističke organizacije.




U AKP-u takođe misle da Gulenove pristalice stoje iza naloga, a u intervjuu osoba koja stoji iza naloga to demantuje i tvrdi da radi sama, mada kaže da ceni većinu aktivnosti Gulenovog pokreta.


Not everything he’s said or predicted has been proved accurate (or can be verified). But enough of it has that rumors continue to swirl around who’s really behind Avni’s Twitter account. Some say Avni is one of Erdogan’s close advisers, while others think he’s a well-connected journalist or even the prime minister’s wife. A government official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, says many in Erdogan’s government are convinced that followers of Fethullah Gulen, a U.S.-based Muslim preacher and the prime minister’s primary rival, are managing Avni’s Twitter account.


Do you alone control the Twitter account?

There is no team behind it, only me. I don’t need to get any information from anyone because for years I have been working at in sensitive positions within the AKP [Turkey’s ruling party]. Because of my position, I have information about people at critical points. The reports and information come to my desk as well. It is ridiculous to think that an insider gets information from an outsider. Only I and Allah know who Fuat Avni is.

Do you have any connection to the Gulenists?

The relation I have is based on principles and that’s all. I have been following their activities for years and appreciate most of them. Apart from that, I have no link whatsoever.



U svakom slučaju, zanimljiv fenomen o kome su pisali i Foreign policy, Wall Street Journal i Vice.

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Tužilaštvo: masakr u Ankari izveo ISIL. Naravno, nema ni reči o (su)krivici PKK koju su iz propagandnih razloga spominjali Erdogan i Davutoglu.

A massive twin bombing in the Turkish capital Ankara this month that killed 102 people was ordered by the jihadist Islamic State (IS) group, prosecutors said Wednesday.


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U tom slučaju, bilo bi lepo ako bi ih nabrojao.

Ovo će biti subjektivno i ne mora da znači da sam 100% u pravu ali iz mog ugla to ovako izgleda:


- meni lično je najizbalansiraniji ekonomski dnevnik Dünya. Kod njih se nekako najviše vidi neka crta opšteg dobra za Tursku.

- Açık Radio je dobar antivladin i antikapitalistički outlet

- bianet.org i t24.com su isto solidni izvori, agenda im je antirežimska ali su koliko-toliko izbalansirani

- na tviteru imaš nalog @140journos, dosta su dobri, pogotovo kada se uživo prate važni dogadjaji. Ima i nekoliko kolumnista koji tvituju manje-više pametne stvari

- od antivladinih izvora tu je još novinska agencija Cihan


E, sad, problem je u tome što niko od gore navedenih nema servis na engleskom jeziku. Najčitaniji mediji na engleskom su Today's Zaman (gülenističko glasilo) i Hürriyet Daily koji je zajedno sa CNN Türk deo Doğan Media grupe iza koje stoji Aydın Doğan sa svojom 'nit' smrdi nit' miriše' agendom. Danas je srcem i dušom uz vlast (puštao čuvene dokumentarce o pingvinima dok je policija raspamećivala narod u Gezi parku), sutra je na krv i nož protiv nje u zavisnosti od toga koliko milijardi može da dobije ili izgubi. Isto se odnosi na Doğuş Holding u čijem sastavu posluje TV stanica NTV.


Sve u svemu, 1 jaka katastrofa od medijske scene. Ova gülenistička stanica koju je vlast danas preuzela, nije bila primarna meta nego bonus u preuzimanju Koza Ipek grupe koja ima koncesije na rudnike zlata. Seku im izvore keša redom i usput smanjuju medijsku pokrivenost.

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Ovo će biti subjektivno i ne mora da znači da sam 100% u pravu ali iz mog ugla to ovako izgleda:


Hvala puno, svestan sam da je izbor na engleskom dosta ograničen, a i Google Translate manje pomaže nego za evropske jezike.

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Preuzimanje gulenističkih medija obavljeno uz suzavac, privođenje novinara i čupanje kablova radi sprečavanja prenosa:

Turkish police storm offices of critical media group, fire tear gas, detain journalists

The Istanbul offices of İpek Media Group were raided Wednesday morning, less than two days after the government seized its parent company Koza İpek Holding, and only four days before the Nov. 1 election. Police fired tear gas, detained journalists and cut live feeds by tearing out camera cables.

Evo kako je izgledalo izbacivanje neposlušnih novinara iz redakcije Bugüna.

Hasan Ölçer, one of the trustees appointed on Monday to take over the management of the İpek Media Group following a controversial court decision, insulted several employees of the Bugün daily during a meeting on Thursday, and unlawfully dismissed those employees who refused to act in line with their orders. A number of employees from the Bugün daily, including Editor-in-Chief Erhan Başyurt, Publishing Coordinator Mehmet Yılmaz and Managing Editor Güngör Ergun, were fired on Thursday in a wave of dismissals decided by the newly appointed trustees.

Preuzimanje TV stanica i novina su osudili CHP (kemalisti), MHP (nacionalisti) i HDP (prokurdska stranka), OEBS, Savet Evrope, Amnesty International, Freedom House, Komitet za zaštitu novinara (CPJ), Noam Čomski, Udruženje turskih industrijalaca i biznismena TÜSİAD (čijeg predsednika je Erdogan već optuživao za izdaju), pojedini članovi regulatornog tela za medije RTÜK, glodur Džumhurijeta...
Poslanik AKP i bivši Erdoganov savetnik najavljuje da će i drugi kritički mediji platiti posle izbora:

On Tuesday, AK Party Ankara deputy Aydın Ünal, who is also Erdoğan's former top adviser and speechwriter, publicly declared that the government would go after other media groups such as Sözcü, Hürriyet, Cumhuriyet and Zaman after the election.


Speaking on the pro-government A Haber TV channel on Tuesday, Ünal vowed to deal with other critical media groups after the election. “We'll definitely call them to account after Nov. 1. Dailies like Sözcü have been insulting us every day. If you say something, it is touted as interference in the press. We are not in a very comfortable environment but all of them will be brought to account after Nov. 1,” he said.


Režimski kolumnista preti informativnoj redakciji Foksa čije vesti su dosta gledane:

Pro-gov't Star columnist threatens FOX TV

A day after the Bugün and Kanaltürk TV channels were taken over by trustees, pro-government Star columnist Cem Küçük publicly threatened the news teams of FOX TV, an independent Turkish channel, over their broadcasts critical of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Speaking during a TV show on the pro-AK Party Kanal 24 on Thursday, Küçük told the news team to “watch themselves.” He implied the government's next target might be FOX TV.

The prime time news on FOX TV is currently the most watched show in Turkey and is hosted by Fatih Portakal.

Küçük had earlier also threatened a number of other journalists for their opposing stances against Erdoğan and the government. He previously issued death threats to journalist Ahmet Hakan in September over his critical comments of Erdoğan and the government. Hakan was later attacked by four men near his residence in İstanbul on Oct. 1.




Nevezano za izbore, u Istanbulu je 12 ljudi stradalo od turske "zozovače", a još 6 ih je kritično. Proizvođači iz kućne radinosti pohapšeni.


12 dead, 6 in critical condition after drinking bootleg liquor 'rakı' in Istanbul, Turkey



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Američka ambasada i delegacija EU zabrinute.

US Embassy Turkey ‏@USEmbassyTurkey

The US believes strongly that freedom of press/expression are universal rights. They are essential for healthy democratic societies. When there is a reduction in the range of viewpoints available to citizens, especially before an election, it is a matter of concern.



EU Delegation Turkey ‏@EUDelegationTur

The measures taken against IPEK Holding are of particular concern as they both narrow the informational space in Turkey and intervene only a few days ahead of crucial elections. The EU Delegation will closely examine, both until and after the elections, whether due procedure is followed.






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 Novinari iz celog sveta pisali Erdoganu:


International editors act in solidarity with Turkish colleagues

More than 50 leading international media editors have written an open letter to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan raising profound concerns about the deteriorating conditions for press freedom in Turkey in the run up to the elections this weekend.

Dear President Erdoğan

We are writing to express our profound concern regarding the deteriorating conditions for press freedom in Turkey. We urge you to use your influence to ensure that journalists, whether Turkish citizens or members of the international press, are protected and allowed to do their work without hindrance.

Over the past two months, attacks and harassment of journalists have increased to an alarming degree. Incidents include: two attacks on the offices of the newspaper Hurriyet, including one supported by a serving Member of the Turkish Parliament; the physical assault of leading journalist Ahmet Hakan Coskun following an organised campaign of threats led by press outlets sympathetic to the government and the President; the raid and seizure of Koza Ipek Media, known for being critical of the President; the detention of three journalists working for Vice News (including Mohammed Ismael Rasool who is still in prison), court cases against journalists and further arrests.

In this climate of intimidation, there is also the worrying rise of a culture of impunity which serves to deprive journalists of the necessary safeguards to do their essential work and leaves them vulnerable to bullying and even physical harm. The government’s reluctance, and in some instances failure, to condemn attacks on journalists independent or critical of them is an especially alarming development.

On the eve of an important election on 1 November, which will be of concern and interest to those in Turkey and internationally, the Turkish government’s failure to support and to protect journalists where necessary is undermining the country’s international reputation and damaging its standing as a democracy. We share widespread concerns that recent events are part of a concerted campaign to silence any opposition or criticism of the government in the run up to the election.

We recognise that Turkey is facing a period of considerable tension. It is at such times that the role of a free press becomes ever more critical. Turkey is a state party to the European Convention on Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Turkey’s 1982 Constitution makes the rights contained in these international instruments available to its citizens at home. All Turkish state institutions therefore have an obligation to respect and to take steps to uphold the right to freedom of expression. The media has long been recognised in international law as having an essential role to play as a watchdog.

As editors, we are dismayed to see individual journalists, along with publications and media groups, targeted in this way. We are increasingly concerned at the impact on reporting events in Turkey fully and accurately, both at home and abroad.

We urge you to foster a culture where press freedom is fully respected.

Yours sincerely,

Zaffar Abbas, editor, Dawn, Pakistan

Mahfuz Anam, editor, Daily Star, Dhaka

Martin Baron, executive editor, the Washington Post, USA

Dean Baquet, executive editor, the New York Times, USA

Thomas Baumann, editor-in-chief, ARD German Television, Germany

Eniola Bello, managing director/ chief operating officer, THISDAY Newspaper Group, Nigeria

Ole Kristian Bjellaanes, managing editor, Norwegian News Agency (NTB), Norway

Erik Bjerager, editor-in-chief/managing director, Kristeligt Dagblad, Denmark

Mario Calabresi, editor-in-chief, La Stampa, Italy

David Callaway, editor-in-chief, USA Today, US

Kathleen Carroll, senior vice president and executive editor, the Associated Press, US

Antonio Caño, editor-in chief, El Pais, Spain

Michael Cooke, editor-in-chief, Toronto Star, Canada

Patrick Daniel, editor-in-chief English and Malay Newspapers Division, Singapore Press Holdings Ltd, Singapore

Montserrat Domínguez, editorial director, El Huffington Post, Spain

François Dufour, editor-in-chief, PlayBacPresse, France

Alexandra Föderl-Schmid, editor-in-chief, Der Standard, Austria

Janine Gibson,  editor-in-chief BuzzFeed UK

Daniel Hadad, CEO, Grupo Infobae, Argentina

Ferial Haffajee, editor-in-chief, City Press, South Africa

Andrew Holden, editor-in-chief, The Age, Australia

Vinod K Jose, executive editor, Caravan, India

Hiroshi Komatsu, chief editorial writer, the Mainichi Shimbun, Japan

Wolfgang Krach, editor-in-chief, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany

Michèle Léridon, global news director, Agence France-Presse (AFP), France

Gwen Lister, founder, The Namibian, Chairperson of the Namibia Media Trust, Namibia

Lisa MacLeod, head of digital, Times Media, South Africa

Philip Mathew, managing editor, Malayala Manorama, India

Ezio Mauro, editor-in-chief, La Repubblica, Italy

Fred M'membe, editor-in-chief & managing director, Post Newspapers Limited, Zambia

Jason Mojica, VICE News, editor-in-chief, US

Tom Mosoba, managing editor, the Citizen, Tanzania

Soe Myint, editor-in-chief/managing director, Mizzima Media Group, Myanmar

Andrew Nachison, founder, We Media, US

Kaius Niemi, senior editor, Helsingin Sanomat, Finland

Anders Nyland, editor-in-chief, Bergensavisen, Norway

Joseph Odindo, media consultant, former editorial director, Nation Media Group, Kenya

Toyosi Ogunseye, editor, Sunday Punch, Nigeria

Torry Pedersen, editor-in-chief, VG, Norway

Jan-Eric Peters, editor-in-chief, WELT Group and N24 TV, Germany

Javier Garza Ramos, journalist, Mexico

N Ravi, director, the Hindu, India

Marcelo Rech, executive director of journalism, RBS Group, Brazil

David Remnick, editor, the New Yorker, US

Jim Roberts, Mashable, executive editor & chief content officer, US

Rajdeep Sardesai, consulting editor, India Today Group

Ben Smith, Buzzfeed, editor-in-chief BuzzFeed, US

Shane Smith, founder, VICE Media

Zafar Sobhan, editor, Dhaka Tribune, Bangladesh

Elmar Theveßen, deputy editor-in-chief, ZDF German Television, Germany

Siddharth Varadarajan, founding editor, the Wire, India

John Yearwood, executive board chairman, International Press Institute




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