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Predstavnici međunarodnih organizacija za slobodu štampe oštro kritikovali pojačanje pritiska na medije u Turskoj nakon junskih izbora.

A coalition of international free expression groups, which visited Turkey from Oct. 19 to Oct. 21 and met with local journalists and media outlets, has said that pressure on journalists operating in Turkey has “severely escalated” since the parliamentary elections on June 7.
The joint international emergency press freedom mission to Turkey, which consisted of representatives from the International Press Institute (IPI), the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), Reporters Without Borders (RSF), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the Index on Censorship, Article 19 and the Ethical Journalism Network (EJN), said in a joint statement on Oct. 21 that pressure on media in Turkey has severely increased and also significantly impacted journalists’ ability to report on matters of public interest freely and independently since the June 7 election.

“This pressure, if allowed to continue, is likely to have a significant, negative impact on the ability of voters in Turkey to share and receive necessary information, with a corresponding effect on Turkey’s democracy” read a part of the statement.


Turski sud uspostavio "preventivnu cenzuru" unapred zabranivši objavljivanje trećeg dela zapisnika sa sastanka vrha vladajućeg AKP-a.


The İstanbul 21st Court of First Instance has created a new legal term, "preventive censorship," to justify its ruling to block access to the entire website of the Nokta weekly, which is preparing to publish the third installment of the minutes of a high-level Justice and Development Party (AK Party) meeting.

Nokta's publishing of the first two parts of the minutes had widespread repercussions, as the content revealed that the AK Party deliberately created polarization for years in order to obtain more votes and public support and that it aims to continue this strategy ahead of the Nov. 1 snap election.




Davutoglu se ponaša potpuno u skladu s tim šireći strah među Kurdima:


Criticism is mounting against Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu's remarks that the period of unsolved murders and disappearances of Kurdish dissidents will return if his ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) is ousted in the upcoming general election, sending chills across the country in what many on social media have described as "scandalous" comments.

"…because they know that if the AK Party is toppled from power, these terrorist gangs or, as in the past, 'Beyaz Toros' cars will be returning," Prime Minister Davutoğlu told a cheering crowd in the predominantly Kurdish eastern province of Van. His statement evoked dark memories for Kurds.

The term Beyaz Toros refers to a period in the 1990s when Kurdish dissidents were kidnapped in white Renault cars, which were used by a clandestine state-controlled group known for its brutality against Kurds. Only a few of those taken away returned alive. Thousands of Kurdish dissidents or those who sympathized with the separatist movement in the Southeast were driven away in these cars and tortured or killed. Many of them were thrown into acid wells by agents linked to JİTEM, a secretive paramilitary urban organization formed to fight against Turkey's Kurds.




Vozač koji je dovezao samoubice u Ankaru je bio na merama praćenja, ali odeljenje tajne službe iz Gaziantepa nije obavestilo ono u Ankari o opasnosti.


It has emerged that the man who drove to Ankara with the two suicide bombers who perpetrated Turkey's deadliest terrorist attack had been under police surveillance since September.

According to information obtained by Today's Zaman, Yakup Şahin, the driver, had been physically tailed and electronically tracked by the intelligence unit of the Gaziantep Police Department on suspicions of having ties with members of the terrorist Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

The police had kept track of those whom Şahin had contacted in Gaziantep. But Şahin managed to lose the police tail for 24 hours just two days before the Oct. 10 attack.

On Oct. 9, the police once again received a signal from Şahin's cell phone that revealed he was in Gaziantep, a town on the Syrian border. Later on Oct. 10, his cell phone signals indicated he was in Ankara.

It has been claimed his cell phone signals were unable to be tracked by the police during the 24 hours in which he drove to Ankara from Gaziantep. In addition, the intelligence unit of the Gaziantep Police Department did not inform the intelligence units of the national and Ankara police departments about the suspect's journey to Ankara.




Policijska represija se nastavlja - sad su hapsili 14-godišnjaka zbog deljenja tuđe poruke na Fejsbuku kojom se kritikuje Erdogan ali su ga pustili jer deca mlađa od 15 godina ne mogu da zaglavljuju zatvor za dela za koja je kazna manja od pet godina. Sreća njegova da još nije napunio 15.


A 14-year-old was released by the court on Thursday after being detained on Wednesday for insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the Bünyan district of the province of Kayseri.

The teenager, identified only as A.E., had been detained in front of a café by police officers on the grounds that he shared a post by someone else on his Facebook account that insulted Erdoğan. He was referred to court for arrest on Thursday after he spent the night in custody.

A.E. was released by the court because of the Child Protection Law No. 5395, which disallows children under fifteen being arrested on charges that do not carry a penalty of more than five years in jail.




Erdogan i dalje gusla o saradnji PKK sa ISIL-om, a sad je u celu priču uveo i sirijsku tajnu službu:

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Thursday said that ISIS, PKK and the Syrian intelligence service Al-Muhabarat were behind the suicide attack in Ankara, which killed over 100 people.

Speaking at the ordinary general assembly of Confederation of Turkish Real Trade Unions (HAK-İŞ), President Erdoğan said that the attack was a 'collective terrorist act' planned and carried out by multiple terrorist actors.



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Vozač koji je dovezao samoubice u Ankaru je bio na merama praćenja, ali odeljenje tajne službe iz Gaziantepa nije obavestilo ono u Ankari o opasnosti.

veze unutar sluzbi su dosta lose. posledica budalastine sa otpustanjem i premestanjima pandura, cime je naneta znatna steta sluzbama.

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Evo više detalja: deset posto čak misli da je HDP pobio svoje ljude.


Dve trećine birača se plaši Erdogana, a na sličan broj premijer Davutoglu deluje da osećaju pesimizam i nelagodu.


According to the survey results, nearly 28 percent of Turkish voters think that the PKK committed the attack, while some 24.9 percent think it was ISIL, even though authorities have revealed that the perpetrators were two men from the eastern province of Adıyaman who had snuck into Syria to be trained in suicide attacks by ISIL.

Meanwhile, 10.5 percent of respondents said that the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) was responsible for the blasts, 10.6 percent blamed President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan directly and 10.1 percent thought it was the pro-Kurdish, left wing People’s Democratic Party (HDP). HDP supporters were the main victims of the attack.

Most Turks feel that the government did not take sufficient pre-emptive security measures to prevent the attack, which was the deadliest of its kind in Turkish history.
The survey also revealed that some 68.4 percent of Turkish voters fear President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan due to his rough and harsh stances. Respondents expressed their reservations over his belligerent reactions, speeches and statements.

Meanwhile, acting Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu arouses pessimism and uneasiness among 64.8 percent of the voters. At least 7 percent of respondents were indecisive when asked if Davutoğlu aroused pessimism and uncomfortableness in them.
The Gezici survey was conducted on Oct. 17-18 via face-to-face interviews with 4,864 participants in 36 provinces.




Tužno. Očigledno nije Turska bez razloga 149. od 180. zemalja na listi slobode medija Reportera bez granica, i to pre ovog intenzivnog disciplinovanja medija u poslednjih 6 meseci.


Blumberg špekuliše da će CHP biti mekši od MHP-a kada su u pitanju uslovi za postizbornu koaliciju s AKP-om (makar oni koji su bitni Erdoganu) uprkos činjenici da će najverovatnije imati više poslanika od MHP-a.


Turkey’s AK Party is weighing a possible coalition with the country’s biggest opposition party should next month’s election lead to another hung parliament, a move that may restore a measure of stability to a country swept by violence and political turmoil.

AKP is warming to the idea of allying with the secularist CHP because its preferred choice, the nationalist MHP, isn’t willing to give up demands to limit President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s powers and revive a corruption probe of members of his inner circle, party officials said. Four CHP officials said their leaders are willing to show flexibility on key issues to join the government. Officials from the two groups spoke on condition of anonymity, citing private deliberations.

A coalition deal would be unprecedented for the Islamic-rooted AKP, which had ruled Turkey with a single-party government since it came to power in 2002 before losing its parliamentary majority in June balloting. Efforts to form a coalition after that vote failed.
“AKP and CHP have been watching their words in public comments about each other lately,” Nihat Ali Ozcan, a political analyst with the Economic Policy Research Foundation in Ankara, said by phone on Monday. “Yet any attempt to build a coalition with AKP can’t make progress without Erdogan’s tacit approval. That’s the key.”

Devlet Bahceli, head of the MHP, insisted in an Oct. 15 interview with Show television that his party would only join a coalition government if “its conditions are met,” including curbing Erdogan’s executive powers.

“It is difficult to envisage Erdogan supporting a coalition agreement which is based on his withdrawal from day-to-day politics,” Anthony Skinner, an analyst with U.K.-based forecasting company Verisk Maplecroft, said Tuesday by e-mail. “Retaining power and control is not just about Erdogan’s personal ambition and sense of entitlement, it is ultimately a matter of survival for him and his inner circle.”

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 Kreativnost Erdoganovih sudova pri izricanju kazni političkim protivnicima ne poznaje granice:


A local court in Istanbul has sentenced 244 participants in the 2013 Gezi protests to jail time for a range of crimes, including “polluting a mosque.”

The 55th Criminal Court of First Instance in Istanbul on Oct. 23 sentenced 244 of 255 defendants to between two months, 15 days and one year, two-months 16 days’ imprisonment. Only four of the defendants were acquitted, while charges against four suspects were separated from the case file. 

Some 255 protesters, including seven foreigners, were charged with a range of offenses including violating laws on demonstrations, “damaging public property,” “taking part in illegal demonstrations,” “causing interruptions in public services,” “damaging a place of worship,” and “protecting criminals.” The indictment sought between one and 11 years, six months in jail for the suspects.

According to the Oct. 23 ruling, four suspects were sentenced to 10 months of imprisonment for “polluting a mosque,” while two suspects were sentenced to two years, two months for “wearing doctors’ coats.” The local court, however, postponed the penalties.

The four defendants who were sentenced for “polluting a mosque” were doctors who provided emergency aid to protesters in the Dolmabahçe Bezm-i Alem Valide Sultan Mosque in Beşiktaş, where protesters injured in a police attack were being treated. 

Then-Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan insistently claimed that protesters had drunk alcohol inside the mosque after escaping from a police attack in the area, despite assertions from the mosque’s muezzin that no such activity had occurred.




A ovo tako liči na Srbiju:


Davutoğlu promises to open hospital already ‘opened’ by Erdoğan


Turkish acting Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has promised to open a hospital within three months, but an opening ceremony was already held on May 24 by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan before the June 7 general election.

During an election rally in the southeastern province of Şanlıurfa on Thursday, acting Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said that the Harran University Training and Research Hospital was now almost finished and would start serving the public in January 2016.

Despite Davutoğlu’s plans for an official opening, however, an opening ceremony was already held for the hospital on May 24, when President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited the province.

According to additional reports, Davutoğlu even made a speech during an election rally in Şanlıurfa on May 10, in which he announced that the Harran University Training and Research Hospital had been opened. He asked the puzzled crowd: “Are you satisfied with the services?”

Construction on the Harran University Training and Research Hospital, which has 600 patient beds, began 18 years ago. The hospital has yet to start serving the public, as it is currently still under construction.



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Čisto da život bude zanimljiviji, Turska noćas nije prešla na zimsko vreme iako to inače radi kao i svi ostali. Satovi će biti pomereni 8. novembra. Objašnjenje je da se to radi zbog izbora koji su sledeće nedelje, to jest da bi na istoku zemlje noć pala kasnije jer je tamo poluvanredno stanje pa je ljudima lagodnije da izlaze iz kuće po danu.


Na drugoj strani, softveri za kompove i telefone nisu "obavešteni" o ovome tako da se očekuje 1 solidan clusterfuck. Ceo poslovni kalendar mi je jutros otišao u zimsko vreme koje ovde nije stiglo pa sad valja svaki dan dobro preračunati unapred. Spektakl.

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Mediji prenose najavu krađe izbora poznatog uzbunjivača-tviteraša koji piše pod pseudonimom Fuat Avni i poznat je po razotkrivanju prljavog veša AKP-a. Zbog toga ima preko 2 miliona pratilaca, iako sud redovno onemogućava pristup njegovom nalogu iz Turske, nakon čega on promeni ime (fuatavni->fuatavnifuat->fuatavni_f).

New software will allegedly manipulate ballot results in AKP’s favor

According to new allegations, Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (AK Party) has prepared software integrated into the digital vote tallying system that will manipulate ballot results in the Nov. 1 snap election, using the state news agency to validate the altered results.
According to the latest series of tweets by government whistleblower Fuat Avni posted early Monday morning, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) are working overtime to rig the snap election to be held on Nov. 1.

Fuat Avni alleges that Mustafa Ataş, the AK Party MP in charge of the party’s organization, and state-run Anatolia News Agency head Şenol Kazancı are keeping the president up-to-date about their plans to rig the election through trusted Erdoğan aide Mustafa Varank.

“Erdoğan cheered up a little after their latest meeting, when he was informed that the AK Party establishment and the Anatolia News Agency were ready to rig the vote,” writes Fuat Avni.

According to the plan, the AK Party observers are to report the results of their ballot directly to the AK Party call center, where an official has been appointed for every 30 ballot boxes. The results are to be gathered at the AK Party Headquarters, then inputted into a specially designed software program integrated with SEÇSİS, the software system used to tally votes, which will alter the results in the AK Party’s favor.

The manipulated vote results will be presented to the Anatolia News Agency, which will then distribute the falsified outcome to all other agencies and televisions. “The perception given will not be based on the actual poll results, but one where the AK Party secured enough votes to win a parliamentary majority,” Avni adds.

Fuat Avni detailed the secret software in an earlier series of tweets he posted in September: “With this classified project they’ll be able to enter the desired vote percentages directly into the system. If the plan is implemented, those who log on to the Supreme Election Board (YSK) website will see the correct results from their ballot box, however the overall outcome will be one the AK Party has determined beforehand. They’re currently attempting to program the system so that the AK Party receives over 44 percent.”

In Monday’s tweets Avni also noted that scores of lawyers had been hired to sow as much discord as possible at the polling stations, in an attempt to prevent accurate counts.

Government whistleblower and Twitter phenomenon Fuat Avni has been a thorn in the side of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) for the past two years, having correctly revealed many of their top secret plans.

Država otima kritički nastrojene medijske kuće pred izbore - reč je o kući koja između ostalog drži i kanal/novine Bugün odakle potiče gornja vest:

Turkish interim gov’t moves to seize critical media holding ahead of polls

A trustee will be appointed to replace the existing board of directors of the large Turkish conglomerate Koza İpek Holding and the companies belonging to it, following a demand by the Ankara Public Prosecutor's Office, according to the Turkish media.
The move came after reports emerged saying that the Turkish government has been planning to seize Koza İpek Holding, whose media holdings are critical of the government, ahead of the Nov. 1 general election by orchestrating falsified reports using the Finance Ministry's Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK).


Vlast proglasila 5-dnevni praznik kako bi podstakla bogatije glasače opozicije iz većih gradova da odu na odmor i smanjila njihov odziv - glasači AKP-a su mahom siromašniji i iz provincije, ali plan izgleda ne pali.


With the government announcing a five-day holiday to coincide with the upcoming Nov. 1 election, many have alleged that Ankara is attempting to reduce voter turnout to benefit the AK Party. However, tourism officials report that Turks are choosing to stay at home close to the polls.
During last year’s presidential election on Aug. 10, many critics accused the government of deliberately setting the date at a time when many voters would be on vacation.



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Prisustvo Erdogana i glavnih partija na državnoj televiziji TRT u 25 dana kampanje, objavio na turskom na Tviteru član regulatornog tela RTÜK Ersin Ongel iz redova (pro)kurdskog HDP-a ovde:


Erdoğan: 29 hours
AKP: 30 hrs
CHP: 5 hrs
MHP: 70 mins
HDP: 18 mins




Prisustvo Erdogana i glavnih partija na 12 glavnih TV kanala (uključujući i TRT) u 25 dana kampanje, objavio na turskom na Tviteru član regulatornog tela RTÜK Ersin Ongel iz redova (pro)kurdskog HDP-a ovde:


Erdoğan: 138 hours
AKP: 238 hrs
CHP: 36
MHP: 21
HDP: 6




Glavna opoziciona stranka CHP (kemalisti) tvrdi da je iz biračkih spiskova izbrisano 670.000 ljudi koji su glasali u junu, da je u spisak dodato 420.000 novih imena i da je milion studenata promenilo prebivalište (verovatno da bi AKP ojačao na mestima gde može tesno da izgubi).


The names of around 672,000 people who cast their votes in the June 7 general election are missing from the voter lists that were prepared ahead of the Nov. 1 snap election, according to a statement made by Republican People's Party (CHP) İzmir deputy Erdal Aksünger during a press conference on Monday in İzmir.

“In addition to the 672,000 missing names, around 422,000 new names that did not appear on the June 7 general election list were added to the voter lists. Moreover, since the June 7 elections, more than 1 million students have changed their residential addresses to different cities."


U otetoj medijskoj grupi koja pripada Gulenovom pokretu tvrde da su vlasti preuzele koncern zato što nisu uspele da pronađu ništa nelegalno i da su imenovale staratelje iz konkurentskih prorežimskih medija.


Commenting on the seizure during a live phone interview with Bugün TV, Koza İpek Chairman İpek said the holding was notified about the decision after reports emerged in the media on the issue, stressing that the government seized the companies after failing to find anything illegal in his companies during a series of raids.


He also added that managers from the Turkuvaz Media Group, which brings together pro-government outlets the Sabah and Takvim dailies and the ATV channel as well as the English-language Daily Sabah, will be appointed as trustees to his companies.




Sutrašnje naslovnice otetih dnevnika:




Prevod proglasa na engleski:


A dark day for Turkish democracy and freedom

Less than a week before the Nov. 1 snap election, the Ankara 5th Criminal Peace Magistrate has placed Koza İpek Holding, parent company of İpek Media Group, under receivership, ordering that trustees be appointed to replace the existing board of directors.

Just days before the November 1st snap election, yet another operation has been launched to intimidate and silence the free and independent İpek Media Group.

When the raid orchestrated through “slander” and “fabrication” failed to reveal anything, when it was found that the accounts of İpek Media Group and its parent company Koza İpek Holding were clean, then a court ruled to appoint a trustee to replace the management of Koza Group and all companies belonging to it.

The former advertising director and the former finance director of the strongly pro-government Sabah-ATV Media Group have both been appointed in charge of our media group… When they were unable to silence the free media, when they couldn’t prevent its effectiveness and it reaching large numbers, then the plan to turn the entire group into a member of the pro-government press has been implemented…

Just as they are trying to eject our media group from Turkey’s satellite operator TÜRKSAT with an unlawful “directive,” this time they tried silencing it with a decision made by their “designed courts.”

And as our free and independent broadcast is blocked, all outlets where the political opposition can speak to the large masses are being censored and darkened…

While “property rights,” “freedom of speech,” “right to information” are all being trampled upon, it has now become impossible for there to be a fair and transparent election campaign…

We are once again living a dark day for Turkish democracy, human rights and rule of law…

With the hope of one day meeting again in a bright and democratic Turkey…




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Mediji prenose najavu krađe izbora poznatog uzbunjivača-tviteraša koji piše pod pseudonimom Fuat Avni i poznat je po razotkrivanju prljavog veša AKP-a. Zbog toga ima preko 2 miliona pratilaca, iako sud redovno onemogućava pristup njegovom nalogu iz Turske, nakon čega on promeni ime (fuatavni->fuatavnifuat->fuatavni_f).


Vlast proglasila 5-dnevni praznik kako bi podstakla bogatije glasače opozicije iz većih gradova da odu na odmor i smanjila njihov odziv - glasači AKP-a su mahom siromašniji i iz provincije, ali plan izgleda ne pali.

Fuat Avni nije nikakav uzbunjivač nego gülenistički propagandni centar koji po demokratske procese u Turskoj deluje onoliko blagotvorno koliko i AKP. Kao kada Nemanja Šarović tvituje prljav veš Aleksandra Vučića. Nemoguće je provaliti šta je autentično a šta izmišljeno (a barem pola tvitova su mu suve izmišljotine).


Ovaj "petodnevni praznik" ne mora niko da proglašava jer su sreda i četvrtak neradni dani po kalendaru (Dan republike) pa će milioni ljudi i ovako i onako uzeti slobodno u petak i sve to spojiti sa vikendom. Svako od njih može da ode na mini odmor i lagano se vrati u nedelju na vreme da glasa.

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Fuat Avni nije nikakav uzbunjivač nego gülenistički propagandni centar koji po demokratske procese u Turskoj deluje onoliko blagotvorno koliko i AKP.

ako umanje broj glasova za AKP, onda jesu blagotvorni.

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Thanks but no thanks. AKP će sama sebi dovoljno efikasno umanjiti broj glasova tako da Fetulahova pomoć nije potrebna. On najbolje može da pomogne tako što će da opozove svoje sledbenike koje je infiltrirao u policiju, pravosuđe i medije.

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