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Pa da, postavio je tri relevantna pitanja. Ovo što si naveo plus kako to da na skupovima AKP sve pršti od bezbednosti a na skup HDP može da se ušeta bombaš samoubica jer nigde nema bilo kakvih organa bezbednosti.

Problem je u tome što je, mimo ta tri pitanja, potrošio ostatak svog desetominutnog obraćanja na Davutoglua i bavio se njegovim likom i delom manje-više na isti način kao što se i ovaj bavio njim, pretio mu sudom, dignitetom i ostalim populističkim kategorijama u kojima su se relevantna pitanja utopila i otupela.

jbg, covece, skidaju ih ko golubove, mora da im cuva cast i podize moral.
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Udeo država u ukupnom broju zahteva za cenzuru na Tviteru u prvoj polovini 2015:


Intermeco za 1 čisto lični nedemokratski rant: tviter treba zakonom zabraniti u svim zemljama ovog sveta počev od Turske.

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jbg, covece, skidaju ih ko golubove, mora da im cuva cast i podize moral.

Razumem stanovište ali moram da kažem da ako svi koji u ovoj zemlji trenutno ginu budu nastavili da na taj način čuvaju čast i podižu moral svojoj strani, dobićemo tačno onaj vatromet koji si opisao juče. Ko želi da bude deo političkog procesa treba da se tako i ponaša. Izgubila je i CHP svoje aktiviste juče u Ankari pa je Kiliçdaroglu rekao da Turska ovo nije zaslužila a mogao je i on da oplete po AKP. Nisu baš svi u anti-AKP bloku oduševljeni Demirtaševim nastupom, s tim da naglašavaju (ispravno) da taj nastup nije i ne treba da bude centralna tema već da vlast treba da položi račune.

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Džumhurijet je objavio da je postojalo upozorenje tajnih službi na teroristički napad, ali da ga je policija zanemarila jer nije bilo dovoljno konkretno.

Police department was warned of Ankara suicide bombing 3 days in advance

Turkish police were allegedly warned 3 days in advance that there would be a major attack at Saturday’s peace rally in Ankara, where dual suicide bombs wound up killing at least 95. However the authorities disregarded the information as the type of routine warning that comes before any major rally.
According to Turkish daily Cumhuriyet, intelligence sources sent Turkish police departments a general warning three days ago regarding the peace rally in Ankara that was scheduled for Saturday.

A pair of suicide bombs went off about 20 meters (65 feet) apart at 10:04 a.m. local time (7:04 a.m. GMT) Saturday morning, just as people began gathering on Hipodrom Avenue in front of the Ankara Train Station for a “Labor, Peace, Democracy” anti-war rally. According to the latest figures released by the Prime Ministry, the attack left 95 dead and 246 injured, 48 of them critically.

The intelligence memorandum mentioned that there were preparations for a major attack at the event and advised police forces to take precautions accordingly. However, since the memo did not offer any concrete evidence, it was assumed to be the type of routine warning issued before any big rally.

Held in protest of the escalating violence between Turkish security forces and Kurdish militants, the Ankara peace rally was organized by the Confederation of Public Sector Trade Unions (KESK).

The rally had been announced beforehand and permission was given by the governor’s office on Oct. 1; it was to have taken place at Ankara’s central Sıhhiye Square, where police did take security measures. However, no precautions were taken at the gathering point in front of the train station, and police forces only watched the location from afar. Undercover police near the gathering point reportedly did not notice the two bombers.


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Očevici tvrde da je netipično odsustvo policije bilo očigledno (nije bilo pretresa autobusa ni pretresa na licu mesta pri ulasku u zonu predviđenu za održavanje protesta), a jedan čak i da je bombaš prošao pored patrole saobraćajne policije.


Eyewitness accounts of carnage from survivors of Ankara suicide bomb

Survivors of Saturday’s deadly dual suicide bombing – which killed at least 95 and injured 246 at a peace rally in Ankara – have begun speaking out, describing the shock and carnage of the worst terrorist attack on Turkish soil in the country’s history.
A pair of suicide bombs went off about 20 meters (65 feet) apart at 10:04 a.m. local time (7:04 a.m. GMT) Saturday morning, just as people began gathering on Hipodrom Avenue in front of the Ankara Train Station for a “Labor, Peace, Democracy” anti-war rally. At least 95 pro-Kurdish and left wing activists were killed in the attack and 246 were injured, 48 of them critically.

Faruk Bildirici, reader representative for Turkish daily Hürriyet, was at the scene to cover the event and witnessed everything just 20 meters from the explosion.

Pointing out that there were no police in the area except for two traffic cruisers parked in front of the train station, Bildirici said that no one was searched upon entering the area.

“A little after 10:00 a.m., there was an explosion on the road in front of the police station. About 10-15 seconds later, there was a second explosion,” Bildirici said. “The second explosion took place before we could get our bearings from the first. People began screaming, dispersing and hitting the ground. We also hit the ground.”

“When I finally stood up, I saw remains of human flesh scattered up till the entrance of the train station. Everyone was trying to help each other. When we approached the area where the blast took place, I saw many lifeless bodies. Bodies were just piled up atop each other,” he continued.

“There were a lot of wounded. People were screaming on the one hand; on the other, they were begging for help. Someone was trying to help them off to the side. They were trying to reach police and the ambulances,” he said.

Bildirici said that the area by the traffic lights to the left was particularly bad: “There were a lot of body parts, arms and legs. One man was in panic trying to get a wounded little girl to the hospital while screaming.”

He noted also that several of the dead were covered in the flags and banners of the pro-Kurdish and left wing groups.

“There were no police anywhere while all of this was taking place,” he added. “A group of young men wanted to attack the two police traffic cruisers in front of the train station and were able to break their windshields. Someone eventually stopped them. Some of the wounded were taken to the hospital in the police cruiser with the broken windshield. The ambulances began arriving half an hour after the explosion. Police and mobile water cannons began arriving after the ambulances.”

Opposition politicians also present at rally

Republican People’s Party (CHP) Deputy Musa Çam said several ball bearings, shot from the cluster bomb’s fragmentation, had landed right in front of him after the second explosion.

“There were two very powerful blasts, one right after the other. Ball bearings fell right in front of us,” he told reporters while showing some of the bearings he had gathered from the scene. “Even if it was a suicide bomb, the presence of such fragmentation suggests it was a well-arranged, reinforced explosive device.”

Çam went on to openly accuse the president for the bombing, saying that the clandestine deep state apparatus working for the presidential palace had “blown up a peace rally with its explosive device,” and that it constituted “a coup against peace.”

“The explosion was so powerful that the ground shook. The scene was indescribable. We were up to our ankles in blood. I saw the lifeless body of a tiny little girl. A tiny body was just lying there limp,” recalled MP Ertuğrul Kürkçü of the pro-Kurdish, left wing People’s Democratic Party (HDP), a major participant of the rally.

Civilians surprised by lack of police presence

One young woman who wished to remain anonymous had come all the way from the Aegean coastal town of Kuşadası to attend the rally, and suggested that the attack was a set-up which had been planned beforehand.

“Normally the buses are stopped and searched by police. But this time there was no such thing. This should have been a red flag for us but we didn’t see it. We arrived, we got off our buses. We’re walking towards the gathering area, and there isn’t a single police officer in sight. This was definitely a set-up, something planned beforehand. There wasn’t a single police officer in sight,” she said.

Sibel B. posted on social media that they were surprised by the lack of police presence at the event. “It was excellent walking weather. We were very glad that there was a great crowd. While we were joking among ourselves that we would certainly suffer tear gas, we were shocked to notice there were no police and no mobile water cannons.”

Then all of a sudden there were two explosions,” Sibel related. “I hit the ground. Someone behind me helped me up. I saw a severed finger in front of me. People all around us were stumbling in a daze, covered in bits of meat from the victims. One young woman was screaming ‘I lost it! I lost it!’”

KESK employee Sami Polat, who had arrived in Ankara from the eastern province of Malatya, was also surprised by the lack of police. “Normally everyone can only enter the area after being searched. But we saw no police this time. Everyone entered the area without being searched. We had no security. It means we now live without security.”

Abdulselam Altun claimed to have seen the suicide bomber. “I saw a man dressed completely in black, middle-aged, with a beard, walking quickly. He had a backpack on as well as a wheeled luggage he was dragging along. I told him he couldn’t enter like that, but someone behind me told me to let him go. The man only said ‘station.’ He even passed by the traffic police.”

Seher Eyüpoğlu reported: “We have close friends who lost their lives. The police used tear gas, they fired into the air. This is an attack against peace on the eve of the election.”

“The person next to me was in really bad condition. I don’t know whether or not he died. They took him in an ambulance,” recalled Bahadır Beyazıt.

Özlem Gül noted: “It happened in the area where the HDP were gathering. The purpose of it is clear. Those who don’t want peace did it.”




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Žao mi je ali razlika između te dve sposobnosti je otprilike nebo i zemlja, u korist prosečnog Turčina. Da nije tako, tj. da ih prosečan Murat razlikuje onako kako ih razlikuje™ prosečan Mile, ova zemlja bi odavno gorela u neviđenom građanskom ratu. Srećom je Murat malkice otporniji na dnevnu politiku i predizborne kampanje od Mileta, iako u duši jeste ozbiljan nacionalista.



Ниси схватио сарказам. Небитно.


Мурат националиста Курда сматра Турчином. Паралела Турчин-Курд је ближа Србин-Црногорац пре него Србин-Албанац. С тим што ми никада нисмо постављали бомбе на предизборне скупове (про-)црногорских партија.

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Ниси схватио сарказам. Небитно.


Мурат националиста Курда сматра Турчином. Паралела Турчин-Курд је ближа Србин-Црногорац пре него Србин-Албанац. С тим што ми никада нисмо постављали бомбе на предизборне скупове (про-)црногорских партија.


Nije ni jedno ni drugo. Otprilike je paralela Grk-Makedonac. Nije bas to, ali u 5 sekundi ne mogu nista pametnije da smislim. No, definitivno nije Srb-Cgorac

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cak ni to


kurdski je indoevropski jezik, turski nije.


pa da. 


Dakle: Mađari - Hrvati ili još tačnije Mađari-Slovaci   :happy:

Edited by MancMellow
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Jesu li ovo neki čobani budale ili relativno ozbiljna ekipa?



Turkish militants in ISIL video call for slaughter in Turkey





This image is a still taken from Twitter, showing Turkish ISIL militants.


October 13, 2015, Tuesday/ 16:51:21/ TODAY'S ZAMAN / ISTANBUL


Turkish-speaking fighters affiliated with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) released a video on Twitter on Monday in which they called on the people ofTurkey either to join ISIL or carry out “all-out slaughter” in the regions where they live.


In the video, which lasts almost nine minutes, the militants were seen with long beards and wearing green clothes. One of the 14 militants in the video called on the people of Turkey to “rise up and fight” against infidels, crusaders and “taghuts” -- idolaters of false gods -- who trick people into becoming the slaves of crusaders. He also called on people to stop committing the sins that had resulted in the people of Turkey being governed by taghuts, referring to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the interim Justice and development Party (AK Party) government.


This is the second video released by the Turkish-speaking fighters within ISIL. However, this time the group in the video was reportedly made up of militants who recently joined the terrorist group.


ISIL released a video for the first time in Turkish on Aug. 18, during which a Turkish-speaking fighter who was later identified as Fatih Acıpayam, a confectioner based in Bursa, called on the Turkish people to start a war against “treacherous” Erdoğan and to conquer İstanbul.


Acıpayam got married in Kahramanmaraş province in 1995 and has four children. According to Cihan, Acıpayam and his family lived in Isparta before moving to Bursa, where he sold cellphones and then confectionary. Acıpayam's neighbors in Bursa told Cihan that he sold all his property and went to Syria with TL 100,000. Before leaving Bursa, Acıpayam visited his friends in a coffee shop near his house to ask for their blessings, a neighbor said.

In a Vice News documentary on ISIL, released in August 2014, an ISIL militant who introduced himself as press officer Abu Mosa said the terrorist group would “liberate” İstanbul if the Turkish government refused to release more water from the Euphrates River into Syria. Mosa was later killed during air strikes by Syrian government forces on ISIL terrorists who were attacking an air base in northeast Syria.

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Novine pišu da su bombaši izgleda bili na listi potencijalnih terorista, tužilaštvo zabranilo dalje izveštavanje dok se osumnjičeni ne pohapse. Vlast nastavlja da negira propuste, ali je smenila šefove ankarske policije.


Šef najveće opozicione stranke, kemalističkog CHP-a Kiličdaroglu optužio Davutoglua da je nesposoban nakon što je ovaj juče izjavio da imaju listu bombaša-samoubica, ali da ne mogu da uhapse nikoga dok se ne samoubije i naglasio da je još veći skandal ako su bombaši bili na toj listi, a vlast ih nije sprečila.


Predsednik Erdogan na zajedničkoj pres-konferenciji sa finskim predsednikom u Ankari vratio odgovornost PKK za napad u igru, nakon čega je to papagajski ponovio i Davutoglu. Lider CHP-a rekao da je umešanost ISIL-a izvesna.




Gov’t dropped the ball on suicide bombers as media blackout imposed


As more details have emerged on the two suicide bombers who were in fact being tracked and monitored by the police and the intelligence agency, damaging the credibility of the government's earlier accounts, the Ankara public prosecutor on Wednesday rushed to obtain a gag order to impose a media blackout on reporting about the deadly attack until those connected to the suicide bombers are detained.


The Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office issued on Wednesday a temporary gag order on the attack. According to the Hürriyet daily's news portal, the gag order will be removed after the suspects connected with the two suicide bombers are caught.


Reports in the media on Wednesday revealed that the suicide bombers, who killed almost a hundred people in the heart of the capital on Saturday, were on a list of potential suicide bombers whom the police was keeping track of.


According to the Milliyet daily on Wednesday, the police strongly believe based on video footage that the brother of Sheikh Abdurrahman Alagöz, the suicide bomber behind the Suruç attack in July, is one of the suicide bombers.


Alagöz's brother, Yunus Emre Alagöz, was spotted before the attack by surveillance cameras around the main train station in Ankara where the attack took place. Noting that Yunus Emre was a wanted person, the report said the suspect in the video footage, which has been enhanced through digital means, is most probably Yunus Emre.


According to earlier media reports, both brothers joined the radical Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in 2014. After the Suruç bomb attack, Yunus Emre went missing.


The video footage believed to be of Yunus Emre is available on the daily's website.


Hürriyet said on Wednesday it had emerged that Ömer Deniz Dündar, the other suspect in the deadly suicide bombing in Ankara, is also on a list of those who are wanted by the police.


According to the report, the two suicide bombers travelled to Ankara from the border province of Gaziantep by separate vehicles, and a person called Y.Ş. had scouted the area around the train station with the suicide bombers.


Y.Ş. and the owners of the two vehicles were detained in Gaziantep after the identities of the bombers were determined by the police, the report said.


According to the report, the suspects are believed to have entered Turkey from Syria, which borders Gaziantep.


Both President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Davutoğlu also said some suspects were in Syria.


Previous media reports had revealed that both suicide bombers were linked to a radical Islamist group called Dokumacılar in the eastern province of Adıyaman known to be ideologically aligned with the terrorist ISIL. Dokumacılar, which is headed by Mustafa Dokumacı, is now under closer investigation, the report said.


Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), demanded to know, during a live interview on CNN Türk on Wednesday night, if the two suicide bombers were on the list that Davutoğlu had referred to.


“If yes, it is even a bigger scandal,” the CHP leader said.


Despite top government officials initially denying any security flaws following the suicide bombings, the government has removed top security officials in the Ankara Police Department while refusing to assume any political responsibility for the disaster.


Speaking at a joint news conference with the visiting Finnish president on Tuesday evening, Erdoğan said there must be a security flaw somewhere and that the size of the flaw would emerge during the investigation.


During the joint press conference, which was Erdoğan's first public appearance since the deadly attack, he said the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the far-left group DHKP/C (Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front) are also potential suspects in addition to ISIL.


Davutoğlu, who said on Tuesday that ISIL is being considered responsible for the attack, changed his discourse after Erdoğan's remarks. During a press conference on Wednesday, Davutoğlu said the PKK as well as ISIL may also be involved in the bombing.


"Based on [information obtained on] Twitter accounts and IP addresses, there is a high possibility that Daesh [the Arabic acronym for ISIL] and the PKK played an effective role in the bombing," he said.


Davutoğlu's remarks came after the detention early in the day of two people who posted tweets a day before the suicide attack suggesting there could be a bomb attack in Ankara. The media quoted officials as saying the two suspects had ties to the PKK.


In contrast to official statements, the CHP leader told reporters it has become clear the attack was carried out by ISIL. In response to a question about the ISIL link in the attack, Kılıçdaroğlu said: “That has become certain. I know that.”



Recalling Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu’s remarks that the security forces had a list of suspected suicide bombers, Kılıçdaroğlu asked if the attackers in Ankara were on that list.


“He says ‘we have a list.’ I want to ask Davutoğlu, were those two suicide bombers on that list or not” Kılıçdaroğlu said in a live interview on CNNTürk news channel. “If they were, there is a much bigger disaster.”


Prime Minister Davutoğlu said on Oct. 12 that Turkey has a list of suspects who may carry out suicide bombings but cannot take legal action unless suspects commit a crime.


“He [Davutoğlu] says there is a list of suicide bombers, but they cannot arrest them before they act,” said the CHP leader. “Ahmet Şık wrote a book and was put in prison. There are tens of similar examples. If an executive starts making excuses for failure, this means he cannot run things.”





Sa iste Erdoganove KZŠ: U Turskoj vlada sloboda bez granica i predsednik i premijer oduvek imaju strpljenja prema onima koji ih neograničeno vređaju.




At the press conference, Erdoğan also rebuffed a Finnish reporter [Jyrki Katainen] reminding him critics that Erdoğan was a “dictator” and some of the citizens were saying they had fear of the President. “At the same time, what is more desperate is that some people have been claiming that the state is involved in the terror attack in Ankara. What do you think about these claims?” the reporter added.


Erdoğan fiercely responded the reporter, “You would not be able to ask such a question, frankly, in a country where a dictator rules. Also, you would not see people insulting a country’s prime minister, president or his family, limitlessly, in a country where there is a dictatorship. Printed and visual media, along with social media, have been making insults without restraints against me, my wife and children. We have always been patient against these”.


President Erdoğan defended, “Turkey is the country where freedoms exist without limits, within a democratic parliamentary system” in response to the reporter’s question, claiming Turkey would compete with many EU countries in this regard.


“I have been elected president by 52 percent of my people, a year ago. Who are those people declaring that a person who was elected president by 52 percent of his people’s vote as dictator?” he asked.





Još dvojici novinara preti zatvor zbog vređanja "strpljivog" predsednika:




Ekrem Dumanlı, the former Editor-in-Chief of Zaman daily, and journalist İbrahim Türkmen are facing up to four years in jail in a trial initiated on charges of insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in an article published in Today's Zaman.


The court case against Dumanlı and Türkmen, who was the responsible manager at Today's Zaman at the time when the article was published, is being seen as the latest in a long line of attempts to intimidate outspoken journalists who are critical of the incumbent government.





Najveća opoziciona stranka CHP, nakon HDP-a (za koji se nakon Demirtaševe najave očekuje konačna potvrda sutra), takođe obustavila predizborne mitinge, dok će ih nacionalistički MHP, kao i vladajući AKP, nastaviti nakon pauze od nekoliko dana.




The Republican People’s Party (CHP) has decided to completely cancel all its public election rallies, while the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) has opted to continue as planned with the rest of its campaign rallies ahead of the Nov. 1 snap election.


“We have decided to resume the campaign process via initiating one-to-one-contacts with citizens and through district visits instead of mass rallies,” Erdoğan Toprak, the chief advisor to CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, told state-run Anadolu Agency on Oct. 13, citing the Oct. 10 deadly bomb attack in Ankara. 


The CHP had previously suspended all its rallies until Oct. 13.


The MHP had earlier cancelled a planned rally in İzmir scheduled for Oct. 11 following the attack in the capital that killed at least 97 people, after suspending rallies until Oct. 13. The party still planned to hold rallies in Turkey’s three biggest cities – Istanbul, Ankara and İzmir - MHP Deputy Chair Semih Yalçın told Al Jazeera.


The rally in Istanbul will be held as planned on Oct. 18 and the one in Ankara on Oct. 25, Yalçın said.


The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), whose co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş earlier said he did not find it necessary to hold huge crowded rallies from now on, saying it would be “both impossible and wrong,” will make its final decision on the matter at a party Central Executive Board (MYK) meeting on Oct. 15. 


The Justice and Development Party (AKP), the holder of the caretaker government, had decided to suspend its election rallies until Oct. 16.


“A few rallies on Friday [Oct. 16] and subsequent rallies on a routine schedule, rather than a party rally, will be organized as rallies of ‘unity, peace and fraternity against terror,’” AKP spokesperson Ömer Çelik announced on Oct. 12.




Edited by vememah
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FT-jev nedeljni desetominutni podkast, ovog puta o situaciji u Turskoj:


World Weekly with Gideon Rachman
  • Turmoil in Turkey Oct 14, 2015 - 6:35 pm
  • Turkey suffered its worst terrorist attack at the weekend, but rather than uniting the country in grief, it has exacerbated suspicions that the ruling AK party is intent on stoking ethno-sectarian tensions ahead of next month's elections. Ben Hall discusses the crisis with Daniel Dombey and David Gardner.




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