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Premijer Davutoglu - kriv je ISIL, Kurdi ili radikalni levičari:

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu declared a three-day national mourning after the Oct. 10 twin bomb attack on a peace rally in Ankara, also singling out four outlawed organizations as possible suspects of the country’s largest terror tragedy ever. 

“The organizations that possess such a capacity are obvious,” the Prime Minister said during a press meeting in Ankara in the evening. 

The prime minister named these organizations as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), along with two “leftist” organizations, namely, the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C) and the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party (MLKP).

Kopredsednik prokurdskog HDP-a Demirtaš - ni za prethodna dva napada niko nije odgovarao, pa neće ni za ovaj:

“We have lost almost 150 of our people before and after the elections,” he said in Ankara, referring to the June 7 elections that failed to produce a one-party or coalition government but brought the HDP to the parliament as a party group as it surpassed the 10 percent election threshold. “There is nobody who has been designated as ‘responsible’ around. There is no effective investigation. There will be none regarding today's attack either. This is not an attack against unity of our state and nation. This is an attack by our nation against our people," he said. 

According to official figures, 86 people were killed at the attack at the start of a peace rally in the Turkish capital, as dozens remained in intensive care or surgery. 

"Until this day, No perpetrator has been revealed. They are able to arrest somebody just because he tweeted. They are able to arrest somebody just upon an order by the palace," Demirtaş said, in an apparent reference to President Erdoğan.

"From our perspective, this is not a dark and deep attack or an attack which is launched by external forces," he said. 

On June 5, two days before the general elections, four people died in a twin bomb attack on a HDP rally in Diyarbakır, one of the strongholds of the party in the southeast, where Demirtaş was scheduled to address the crowd. He then called calm after the attack. 

Turkey is once again heading for a re-election on Nov. 1. 

A sum of 33 people died in a July 20 attack on a socialist youth group by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the southeastern district of Suruç. 

Demirtaş, who likened the Ankara attack to Suruç and Diyarbakır raids, questioned why none of the governmental or bureaucratic authority has so far acknowledged failure and presented their resignation.

Davutogluu ne pada na pamet da razgovara sa Demirtašem:

The prime minister said he wants to consult two parties, the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) on the issue, but he ruled out any contacts with the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) after the Kurdish-issue focused party’s co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş’s statement that slammed the government for the attack. 

"Demirtaş's conscience and mind were handcuffed. I am here if anyone asks for an account," the prime minister said. 

"This attack has targeted not a single group, citizens who joined the rally or a political community but targeted our people as a whole," Davutoğlu said.

Kako samo uvek Kurde i mirovnjake ubijaju, nikad AKP-ovce.
Početkom septembra opušteno su (uz redovne napade na sedišta HDP-a i slobodoumni Hurijet) do temelja spaljivani kurdski lokali širom Turske (samo u Alanji 12 - uglavnom samoposluga i restorana) uz gledanje policije na drugu stranu ili vrlo mlake reakcije, dok je ogromna većina turskih medija javljala o mirnim i dostojanstvenim demonstracijama protiv terorizma.
Erdogan - ovo je isto što i napad na vojsku, a oni koji opravdavaju teroriste ih podržavaju. Dakle, nije dovoljno što su pristalice HDP-a pobijene, još im se treba posrati na glavu.

"I fiercely condemn the hateful attack against our unity and solidarity and our country's peace," the president said. 

"Those who practice double standards against terrorist attacks and organizations are giving the biggest support to terrorism."

"There is no difference between the previous attacks against our soldiers, police officers, village guards, public officials and innocent citizens and this terrorist attack against civilians at Ankara train station today."

Vladin Daily Sabah naravno odmah optužuje PKK:
Ministar iz redova vladajućeg AKP-a poginule nazvao provokatorima, a demonstracije terorističkim i rekao da su i ljudi sa HDP-ovog mitinga u Dijarbakiru pred prošle izbore pobijeni da bi ta stranka prešla cenzus. Bolest.

In the aftermath of Saturday’s twin bomb blast that killed at least 30 pro-Kurdish and leftwing activists in capital Ankara, Minister of Forestry and Waterworks Veysel Eroğlu scandalously called the activists “provocateurs” and referred to their peace gathering as a “terrorist demonstration.”
“Our people need to be careful of such provocateurs who organize terrorist demonstrations in order to incite discord in social harmony,” said Minister of Forestry and Waterworks Veysel Eroğlu in reaction to Saturday’s attack, “This was a provocation.”


Speaking to reporters from Turkey’s Afyonkarahisar province, the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) minister also made reference to the deadly bomb attack that occurred on June 5th, killing four and injuring hundreds in Diyarbakır during the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) pre-election rally.

“If you recall, they had previously organized a similarly provocative rally in Diyarbakır in an effort to portray themselves as victims to the public, in an effort to ultimately pass the electoral threshold,” said Eroğlu. Earning 13.12 percent of the vote in the June 7th general election, the HDP had been able to pass Turkey’s prohibitive 10 percent election threshold and enter parliament for the first time.

The Minister of Forestry and Waterworks also stated “I send my condolences to all who have lost their life… Our police force will do whatever is necessary. The public should refrain from acting on such provocative gatherings.“


Davutoglu rekao da su po svoj prilici u pitanju bombaši samoubice i zabranio emitovanje snimaka napada i njegovih posledica iz razloga javne bezbednosti.

Although the identity of the culprits remains unknown, Davutoglu -- speaking on Saturday evening -- said there are "very strong signs" the Ankara blasts were carried out by two suicide bombers.


Turkey has imposed a temporary ban on showing images of Saturday’s bomb attack in Ankara for reasons of “public security”.
The ban also includes images of the aftermath of attack on a peace protest outside the city’s main train station.
The Supreme Board of Radio and Television said the prime minister’s office decided to impose the ban.


Unija lekara (koja je jedan od organizatora mirovnog mitinga) najavila dvodnevni štrajk i okrivila AKP za napad:


The Turkish Medical Association (TTB), Turkey’s largest medical professional association representing over 80 percent of the country’s physicians, has called for a strike on October 12th and 13th in protest of Saturday’s dual suicide bombing at a peace rally in Ankara which killed at least 86.

One of the participants in Saturday’s peace rally in Ankara where dual suicide bombs killed at least 86 and injured 186, the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) announced during a press conference following the deadly attack that they are in mourning and has called for a general strike on Monday October 12th and Tuesday October 13th.

“We know who the murderers are, they’re the ones who dreams of dictatorship fell through in the June 7th general elections,” said TTB President Bayazit İlhan, referring to the Justice and Development Party (AK Party), whose rout in the June elections prevented them from being able to change the constitution to grant President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan absolute authority without checks and balances.

“They’re the ones who have plunged Turkey into a war because they couldn’t get their 400 MPs,” İlhan said. In his many televised rallies leading up to the June election, President Erdoğan campaigned for the ruling party even though he is constitutionally barred from engaging in party politics, demanding the AK Party get 400 deputies in Turkey’s 550-seat parliament so that the constitutional change could be comfortably guaranteed.

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Par stvari:


Ni Kurdi ni anarholevičari nisu poznati po samoubilačkim kapacitetima, to nije njihov modus operandi.


Ljudi koji su bili na današnjem maršu nisu samo i strogo pristalice HDP. Priključilo se i dosta ljudi koji trenutno podržavaju HDP ili će glasati za njih iz prostog razloga što ne žele rat sa svojim sugradjanima kurdske nacionalnosti.


Pokušajmo da se ipak uzdržimo od kvalifikacija tipa "opšte spaljivanje kurdske imovine širom Turske" jer stvari realno ne stoje tako.

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Ni Kurdi ni anarholevičari nisu poznati po samoubilačkim kapacitetima, to nije njihov modus operandi.


Naravno da nisu, ali očigledno se ne sme propustiti prilika da se opauči po svima koji režimu nisu na volju.


Priključilo se i dosta ljudi koji trenutno podržavaju HDP ili će glasati za njih iz prostog razloga što ne žele rat sa svojim sugradjanima kurdske nacionalnosti.


Razumnih još ima, ali ako vlast i dalje bude zbog svog interesa puštala da ih ubijaju kao zečeve, neće biti dobro.


Pokušajmo da se ipak uzdržimo od kvalifikacija tipa "opšte spaljivanje kurdske imovine širom Turske" jer stvari realno ne stoje tako.


OK, u pravu si, sad sam malo proveravao i ispada da je Alanja bila možda i najgora po napadima tih dana.


U drugim vestima, još jedan novinar ima probleme zbog Erdoganovog režima:


Today’s Zaman Editor-in-Chief Keneş arrested for ’insulting’ Erdoğan


Today's Zaman Editor-in-Chief Bülent Keneş was taken from his office and arrested on charges of “insulting” President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in a series of tweets that the journalist said was simply him expressing a critical opinion.




Keneş is among hundreds who have been charged with insulting Erdoğan since his election as president in August of last year. Journalists and public figures in particular have been targeted, deepening concerns over the deteriorating state of the freedom of the media in Turkey ahead of a parliamentary election on Nov. 1.


Again on Friday, Sözcü daily columnist Necati Doğru was sentenced to 11 months, 20 days in prison by an İstanbul court for insulting Erdoğan in his columns, even though the court allowed him to pay a fine in lieu of serving his sentence. Another journalist, TV producer Uğur Dündar, was sentenced to jail on the grounds of insulting former Minister Binali Yıldırım, but the sentence was similarly converted to a fine.


There are nine criminal complaints, two lawsuits for damages and six investigations targeting Keneş on accusations of insulting Erdoğan, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and Erdoğan's adviser Mustafa Varank.




Speaking on Thursday after the court decision, Keneş said he would continue to speak up against unlawfulness in the country. “They may want to silence me, but if you do not want to keep silent, they cannot [make you]. I will continue to oppose turning this country into an open-air prison and an unlawful, oppressive and arbitrary administration,” Keneş said.


He lamented that critical TV stations are being banned and that more and more academics, journalists and intellectuals are facing politically motivated probes in the country.


“Due to this terrible situation in Turkey and the fact that the principle of the rule of law has been crushed, people are now waiting for their turn [to be prosecuted]. I had also been waiting for my turn. To be honest, I am surprised that this attempt to arrest me was belated. I had been waiting for three years,” Keneş said.


Dozens, including journalists Sedef Kabaş, Hidayet Karaca and Mehmet Baransu, as well as students, activists and even Merve Büyüksaraç, a former Miss Turkey, have been prosecuted for insulting Erdoğan in print and on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.


Journalists and media outlets are also subject to prosecution on charges of supporting terrorism as pressure on critical media and the intimidation of journalists are becoming increasingly widespread. Pro-government mobs attacked the Hürriyet daily building twice last month while its outspoken columnist, Ahmet Hakan Coşkun, was severely beaten by four men in front of his house early this month. Three of the attackers were revealed to be members of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party).



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Zaman je Gülenovo glasilo, čisto napomene radi.


AKP trenutno radi ono za šta je jedino sposobna: doliva ulje na vatru i poručuje da Bratstvo ič ne haje za patnje onih sugradjana koji nisu njihovi članovi. Njihova logika je da ko god nije član AKP može komotno da crkne.

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Glavna satelitska platforma Digitürk izbacila nekoliko ključnih kanala koji nisu pod kontrolom AKP (izgleda takođe uglavnom stanice pod kontrolom Gulenovog pokreta) po nalogu tužilaštva jer "podržavaju terorizam". Mnogi, uključujući i čelnike opozicije pozvali na njen bojkot. Osoba koja je predložila zabranu kanala nagrađena kandidaturom na AKP-ovoj listi.

Boycott of Digiturk widespread cancelation of subscriptions

CIHAN  | ISTANBUL - 09.10.2015 20:51:09
Consumer unions, politicians, journalists and civil society groups have joined the campaign to boycott the Digiturk satellite network after it stopped broadcasting seven stations thought to be critical of the government, while thousands of viewers have canceled their subscriptions.

As a part of increased outrage regarding Digiturk's decision, the Grand Unity Party (BBP) filed a criminal complaint against the network, while the leader of the main opposition party joined the call for a boycott on Friday.

Mehmet Bülent Deniz, the chair of the Federation of Consumers Unions (TBF), also called on Digiturk subscribers to join the boycott on Friday. Tivibu, an online streaming service, had earlier halted its broadcast of the same seven stations.

"These companies should immediately abandon the policy of providing insufficient service to their subscribers. If they persist with this controversial policy they must be aware of the risk of being boycotted by consumers. Digiturk's latest decision is an obvious instance of censorship," Deniz stressed, adding that Article 13 of the law concerning consumer protection states that denying access to certain stations in spite of a court ruling amounts to offering inadequate service and constitutes explicit censorship.

"Those digital platforms should give up their policy of providing deficient service immediately. If they persist, the TBF will provide all necessary legal support to those who plan to cancel their subscriptions," he stated.

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Bursa deputy Tevfik Topçu announced on Friday that he had canceled his Digiturk subscription and called on all subscribers to do the same.

Since Digiturk announced that it would no longer be broadcasting the stations, thousands of subscribers have applied to cancel their service via a petition. They also have the right to sue Digiturk by applying to a consumer court to seek compensation.

Digiturk announced its decision on Thursday, in the latest example of the government applying heavy-handed pressure on critical media prior to upcoming Nov. 1 general election. The stations that were silenced are: Bugün TV, Mehtap TV, Kanaltürk, Samanyolu TV, S. Haber, the children's station Yumurcat TV and Irmak TV.

In reaction to Digiturk's decision, main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu announced on Thursday that he too will unsubscribe and called for all to take the same action in response to the network's "undemocratic and repressive move,” while traveling by plane to Uşak province for a campaign rally.

Stressing that the decision to drop the critical stations was ordered illegally by a prosecutor, rather than by a court ruling, Kılıçdaroğlu stated: "The prosecutor who ordered that these stations be dropped constitutes a breach of the constitution. This order shows that he is not a prosecutor of the republic but one belonging to the government. In the absence of a court ruling, the banning of these stations serves the aims of the government. The CHP already knows that the judiciary is neither impartial nor independent. This latest example is vivid and concrete."

Kılıçdaroğlu noted that the ban on the stations indicates that the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) is panicking, afraid that it may lose power, and added “but it will unable to continue its rule by imposing such bans.”

Kılıçdaroğlu has reportedly instructed the leaders of CHP provincial and district organizations to cancel their headquarters' subscriptions to Digiturk.

CHP Eskişehir deputy and former journalist Utku Çakırözer also lambasted the network's decision, stating: "This is obviously an illegitimate action. This ban will surely damage the country's reputation across the globe, while eroding its democracy. The right to information is among the most fundamental of rights and cannot be banned."

Former CHP deputy Atilla Kart, who spoke to Today's Zaman correspondent Ali Aslan Kılıç, reiterated that the ban of the stations is illegal and added that the decision reveals that democracy is being targeted in a spirit of hatred and vengeance.

Nationwide reactions to unlawful move

Like many others, Today's Zaman columnist Orhan Kemal Cengiz announced on Friday that that he had unsubscribed from Digiturk.

Digiturk released a written statement on Thursday, saying the stations had been removed by order of the Ankara Public Prosecutor's Office on the suspicion that they support a terrorist organization.

The Turkish Journalists Association (TGC) condemned Digiturk's move on Friday, emphasizing that it breaches media freedoms and called for the network to reverse its unlawful action.

Pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) İstanbul deputy Hüda Kaya joined in the widespread criticism with a statement to a group of journalists, accusing the government of engaging in an act of intimidation and a smear campaign attempting to muzzle dissent.

"Nearly two weeks ago, 32 members of the Kurdish media faced a similar crackdown. Now, the same pressure is being applied to the stations from Cemaat [a reference to the Gülen movement, also known as the Hizmet movement, inspired by Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen]. The Doğan Media Group is also being subjected to similar threats and pressure. A campaign is underway to intimidate all aspects of society that oppose the government. This campaign will be further extended in the wake of the Nov. 1 election. We, together, must take up the voices of the oppressed. We must fight against the elimination of freedoms, “ Kaya stressed.

The deputy referenced a raid conducted by the Diyarbakır Police Department on members of the Dicle News Agency (DİHA) two weeks ago. In the raid, 32 journalists were detained on charges of "promoting terrorism” before being released the same day.

AK Party deputy candidate proposed the censorship

Mehmet Ali Canlı, a candidate in the general election on the AK Party's ticket was behind the proposal to ban the stations, Today's Zaman correspondent Ayşenur Parıldak wrote on Friday.

According to the report, Canlı proposed that critical stations be censored on charges of "propagating terrorism" immediately before being nominated as a deputy candidate from the ranks of the AK Party.

Prosecutor Serdar Coşkun then launched an investigation into the stations on the charges Canlı proposed. Claiming the stations are “in the hands of a terrorist organization," he ordered Digiturk to drop them.


Lider prokudskog HDP-a Demirtaš je inače prekjuče pozvao one koji podržavaju nasilje da ne glasaju za tu stranku:

Pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş has said those who favor violence should not vote for his party in the upcoming elections as the party wants a peaceful solution to the Kurdish issue.

“How many more hundreds and thousands of our sons should fall in order for us to call for a democratic solution to this issue? How many losses are needed to reach that point? Those who want violence should not vote for us. We do not want violence. Those who say they want a peaceful solution should vote for us,” Demirtaş said during a live interview aired on Bugün TV on Thursday.


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bibisi kaže ovako:




Two explosions at a peace rally in the Turkish capital Ankara have killed at least 95 people and injured 245, according to officials.
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a ko to vrši terorističke akcije bez preuzimanja odgovornosti? obično se takvi ludaci zaraduju kad im uspe i obznane svuda redom.

IS. nepreuzimanje odgovornosti je dobitna varijanta.


obzirom da niko ne preuzima odgovornost, mnogi ce tripovati da je u pitanju PKK, mnogi ce tripovati da je AKP u pitanju. u zavisnosti od vec postojecih predrasuda o PKK/AKP. ulje na vatru dolivaju Davutoglu koji pominje PKK kao moguce pocinioce, i Demirtas koji optuzuje vlast.

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Ni Kurdi ni anarholevičari nisu poznati po samoubilačkim kapacitetima, to nije njihov modus operandi.

i PKK i marksisti-lenjinisti su povremeno koristili bombase samoubice. uglavnom su meta bili vojska, policija, i vladine institucije.

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Ne mogu da se setim nijednog ali sve i da ih je bilo, ne samo što su mete bile skroz drugačije nego su i same naprave bile mnogo benignije. Naprave koje ubiju sto ljudi i rane nekoliko stotina su daleko ozbiljnija stvar, ako tako opremljena ćelija može neopaženo da se infiltrira u Ankaru onda je to za Tursku daleko veći problem od PKK.

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odakle ti ovo?



Demonstranti koji su preživeli teroristički napad u Ankari tvrde da je policija blokirala put ambulantnim kolima koja su upućena ka mestu tragedije.


Jedino suvislo a licimurno™ objashnjenje je - "bojimo se drugog napad"...

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odakle ti ovo?


Jedino suvislo a licimurno™ objashnjenje je - "bojimo se drugog napad"...



elem, jutros uz kafu citam da je momak za koga prvi put cujem a zove se Selahatin Demirtas, inace je lider Prokurdske demokratske partije a zovu ga i "Kurdski Obama" izjavio sledece..



"Ne očekujemo da će se počinioci ovog zločina pronaći. Bombe su ubacivane u naše kancelarije u Adani, Mersinu, naš protest u Dijabakiru je bio mesto gde je bomba eksplodirala. Masakr u Suruču se dogodio... Do danas počinioci svih tih zločina nisu pronađeni, nijedan"


"Ali, u sred noći oni mogu da pronađu osobu koja je napisala tvit protiv vlasti. Sve mogu da urade po naredbi iz Erdoganove palate, mogu da bace ljude u zatvor za jednu rečenicu, ali kada pogine skoro 150 osoba u masakrima pre i posle izbora, počinioci nikada ne mogu da budu pronađeni, niti se vodi istraga. Tako će biti i u ovom slučaju", dodao je Demirtaš. 


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Ne mogu da se setim nijednog...

PKK claims responsibility for İstanbul police station blast

August 11, 2015, Tuesday


In a statement released on Tuesday on a website affiliated with the terrorist group, the PKK named three of its members who died in the attack and a subsequent firefight with Turkish security forces following the suicide attack.


At around 1 a.m. on Monday, a vehicle laden with explosives was detonated outside the police station. Ten people, three of them police officers, were injured in the attack, which took place weeks after Turkey launched what the government described as a "synchronized war on terror.” Beyazıt Çeken, a police chief in a bomb disposal unit, was then killed on Monday morning when assailants opened fire on a team of police officers examining the scene of the bomb attack.




Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism

From 1996 to 1999, the Parti Karkaren Kurdistan, or Kurdish Workers Party, carried out fourteen suicide attacks, each with one attacker, against government buildings and Turkish military targets, killing twenty-two people in addition to the attackers themselves.


The PKK’s suicide terrorism is remarkable in three respects. First, it qualifies as the least aggressive modern suicide terrorist campaign, killing on average fewer than two persons per attack, compared with the average of twelve in the universe of suicide terrorist attacks since 1980. Second, the individual PKK suicide terrorists sought remarkably little publicity, leaving no final testimonials in writing or on video, and the organization rarely promoted the life stories of the attackers. Third, few if any of the suicide attackers appear to have been walk-ins. Although suicide terrorist organizations almost always replenish their ranks as the suicide campaign unfolds, the PKK’s suicide attackers were long-serving members of the organization and their number was not augmented by grassroots volunteers.



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"Do danas počinioci svih tih zločina nisu pronađeni, nijedan"


"...počinioci nikada ne mogu da budu pronađeni, niti se vodi istraga"...

pali masu, radi politickih poena (kao i AKP magarci).


identifikovani su bombasi samoubice odgovorni za napade u Surucu i Dijarbakiru. u pitanju su nekakvi Kurdi koji su bili u Siriji i pridruzili se IS-u. problem je sto se krivci ne mogu lako uhapsiti, obzirom da su bombasi mrtvi, dok su nalogodavci u Raki.

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