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Mustafa Kemal'in askerleri


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Završeno u palati pravde, smrću oba otmičara i ranjavanjem taoca.


Elektromreža se oporavila ali još uvek ne znaju šta se tačno desilo.

Kakav je sentiment stanvnistva povodom ovog dogadjaja?

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Kog? Ono u palati pravde će se zaboraviti do kraja nedelje. Ovo sa strujom bilo pa prošlo, desilo se tokom dana pa nije bilo toliko strašno.

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Ne znaju tačno, za sada nema fizičkih tragova. Znaju samo da je počelo tako što je velika termoelektrana na Egejskom moru ispala iz sistema i pokrenula lančanu reakciju. Pola sata kasnije ispala je još jedna na istoku, posle sat vremena struje je bilo samo na krajnjem istoku koji se snabdeva iz Irana.

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Sad vidim da je danas bio i napad na policijsku upravu u Istanbulu. Dvoje napadača, muškarac upucan nakon što je pucao na stražare, žena ubijena pre nego što je stigla da baci bombu. Biće zanimljiva nedelja.

Edited by beowl
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Senior U.S. Diplomat Raises ‘Dumb Blonde’ Incident with Turkish Officials




·         MAY 1, 2015 - 3:53 PM

·         JOHN.HUDSON

·         @JOHN_HUDSON



The State Department has responded with a mix of opprobrium and humor after the mayor of Turkey’s capital city referred to State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf as a “stupid blonde” for her selective criticisms of police brutality.

Playing bad cop was Victoria Nuland, the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs, who “raised the inappropriate comment with Turkish officials,” a Foggy Bottom spokesman said Friday.

Playing good cop, or perhaps more accurately, the jester cop, was John Bass, the U.S. ambassador to Turkey, who posted a picture of himself on Instagram with his brunette hair Photoshopped to appear blonde under the caption: “American diplomats: we’re all blonde.”

Bass’s jocular act of solidarity came in response to Ankara Mayor Melih Gokcek, who took to social media earlier this week to blast the State Department’s perceived hypocrisy regarding police brutality in Baltimore.

Harf, along with other State Department officials, had criticized Turkey’s heavy-handed response to protests in Istanbul back in 2013. In light of this week’s protests in Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray, Gokcek, a prominent member of Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party, tweeted a picture of Harf from a pro-government newspaper under the headline “Where are you, dumb blond, who said Turkish police used disproportionate force?”

Gokcek added a comment in English: “Come on blonde, answer now…”

When asked about the incident Thursday during a media briefing, Harf said: “I really don’t think I’m going to dignify them with a response.”


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