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People say person who is kicking mourning person in Soma is PM’s special assistant Yusuf Yerkel

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People say person who is kicking mourning person in Soma is PM’s special assistant Yusuf Yerkel

To je ovaj kojem je Wook bio na vjenčanju?


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To je ovaj kojem je Wook bio na vjenčanju?



Јел то беше онај што је родом из племена ХакијаНијеХамдијаИОбратно Пождераца? Беговска кућа...

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Tuga i nesreća, biće više od 400 poginulih. Uprava je prekršila sve moguće bezbednosne standarde i zbog toga se transformator zapalio a spasili samo oni rudari koji su uspeli da se dočepaju odaje za slučaj opasnosti (jedine raspoložive, a trebalo im je barem 20). Neki od preživelih kažu da su nadzornici usmeravali evakuaciju pravo tamo odakle je dolazio ugljen monoksid.


Ti ljudi su najpoštenija moguća sirotinja. Rade za dnevnicu od 20 evra, sa time se u Turskoj jedva može preživeti a ako sam hraniš porodicu to je beda i nemaština. Jedan od izvučenih rudara je, dok su ga ubacivali u sanitetsko vozilo, rekao: "Treba da skinem čizme, isprljaće nosila". Nesrećni radnik koji sebe vrednuje manje od skrnave presvlake, u 21. veku. I na kraju se ljudski životi svedu na crtice.









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jao beowl, ovo je ti valjda najtuzniji post na forumu

jadni jadni ljudi


"Treba da skinem čizme, isprljaće nosila".

jeebemti zivot :( :( :( :( :(

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vrti se fotka i video na kojem se vidi kako PM udara devojcicu u somi  + :


2 women witnesses say PM punched a 15-yr old girl who shouted "What is my father's murderer doing here?


asistent sutira, pm samara..

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Hasan Özdil, a worker who escaped from the mine only a few minutes before the incident that took place on May 13, told said one of the workers trapped in the mine attempted to commit suicide with his belt while desperately waiting for rescue, while others hit their heads against the walls.

“I saw a worker with a belt around his neck as he tried to commit suicide. I went to the area a few meters above the explosion. There was gas so I withdrew. I was told that some of the workers there had hit their heads against the walls. Their masks were not working. I have carried this mask for three years but still don’t know what good it does. The masks have to be inspected every six months, but no one inspects,” Özdil said.

“The explosion took place around 2,400 meters under the surface. I went into the mine. They were putting people on the conveying belt. There were around 50-60 people there. My friends got onto the conveying belts that carried people and they died there,” Özdil added.

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