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Posmatraj to ovako: apsolutno ne postoji telefonski razgovor, VIP sastanak ili intiman izlet moćnih glavonja koji nije snimljen i pohranjen u arhivu da se iz nje izvuče po potrebi. Svi, ali svi su wired.


Derin devlet batice, kakav ne možeš ni da zamisliš da postoji.



Pa ti si onda domaće nesposobne žbirove zamenio za full ranković-style uhodani sistem.

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Turkish opposition reacts to leak on alleged Syria incursion by Turkish military








27 March 2014, Thursday /ANKARA, TODAY'S ZAMAN

Opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Deputy Chairman Oktay Vural criticized the government over newly released audio that reveals a conversation, allegedly between Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and some government officials, on whether or not Turkey should conduct a military incursion into Syria ahead of Sunday's elections.



“Turkey must never be a party to the conflict in Syria,” Vural warned, stressing that the leaked audio shows that the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government looks at the Syrian situation from a political viewpoint rather than through a perspective of national security.


“An intervention into Syria based on tactical and political purposes does not comply with national interests,” Vural said.


The audio, which was posted on YouTube around noon on Wednesday, reveals a top secret conversation allegedly between Davutoğlu, Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioğlu, National Intelligence Organization (MİT) head Hakan Fidan and Deputy Chief of General Staff Gen. Yaşar Güler.


Today's Zaman could not independently verify the authenticity of the audio nor could it determine when and how it was recorded.


Main opposition Republican Peoples' Party (CHP) Deputy Chairman Gürsel Tekin said the government has been planning a “provocation” involving Syria and that this has been exposed via social media.


“Now they banned YouTube to prevent the world from learning about it. They know they would be war criminals,” he said, adding that the government does not know what to do and is in panic mode.


The Turkish government announced on Thursday that it will block access to YouTube, citing national security concerns.


However, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan confirmed the meeting at a public rally in the city of Diyarbakır, saying that the wiretapping of his foreign minister's office is "immoral,” an act of “cowardice,” “dishonest” and “mean."


The conversation in the audio recording focuses on whether the Turkish military should enter Syria to protect the tomb of Suleiman Shah, the grandfather of Sultan Osman I, founder of the Ottoman Dynasty.


The tomb used to be located at Jaber Castle, a historic castle within Syria's borders and a highly sensitive location protected by a contingent of the Turkish army. It was later moved to another location after the castle was flooded due to dam construction.


According to the Treaty of Ankara, which was signed on Oct. 20, 1921 between the colonial power France and the Turkish Parliament, the compound housing the tomb of Suleiman Shah is considered Turkish territory.


The Turkish Foreign Ministry issued a statement regarding the audio, saying that the recording of the highly sensitive meeting attended by people who are responsible for the security of Turkey was leaked to social media and had been tampered with.


It said the senior officials were meeting to make a contingency plan in the case of an attack on the tomb of Suleiman Shah, and it reaffirmed Turkey's determination to defend the tomb.


The statement also said that eavesdropping on conversations in the foreign minister's own office is an attack on Turkey's national security, an act of espionage and a serious crime.


The Foreign Ministry vowed to find out who recorded and leaked the conversation.


In the recording, the alleged voice of Davutoğlu can be heard saying that the “Prime Minister said this [Jaber Castle] must be evaluated as an opportunity at this juncture.”

Two weeks ago, clashes between opposition groups -- specifically, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) -- reportedly intensified in the region around Jaber Castle. The news that the al-Qaeda-affiliated ISIL had taken control of a town near Jaber Castle prompted immediate reactions from Turkish officials.

When in the recording Fidan asked why they were being persistent on pushing an attack on the tomb of Suleiman Shah, Davutoğlu responded by saying that the pretext for an incursion must be acceptable by the international community.


The Turkish foreign minister also allegedly said, “Without a strong pretext, we cannot tell the US Secretary of State [John] Kerry that we need to take severe measures.” Davutoğlu added that Kerry asked him whether Turkey was determined to strike Syria.


According to the audio files, which were also posted on the Cumhuriyet daily's web site, Fidan allegedly said, “If needed, I would dispatch four men to Syria. [Then] I would have them fire eight mortar shells at the Turkish side and create an excuse for war. We can also have them attack the tomb of Suleiman Shah as well.”


Sinirlioğlu was also recorded as saying that Turkey's national security has turned into cheap material for domestic political consumption. Gen. Güler allegedly warned, “What we are going to do is a direct reason for war.”


Immediately after the leaks, the Turkish media reported that the National Security Council (MGK) had arranged to have an emergency meeting to discuss the matter. However, Prime Ministry sources, talking to the ANKA news agency, denied reports of any such meeting

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Nisam uspeo sinoć da negde pogledam majku svih leak-ova jer sam se odao porocima Istanbula ali sam ukačio nešto drugo.


Izgleda da je juče, odmah nakon što se video pojavio, izdata sudska zabrana medijima da objavljuju/analiziraju sadržaj istog. To objašnjava zbog čega čak ni Službini™ mediji nisu objavili transkripte i umesto toga svi redom referišu na jedno opšte mesto: tajni snimak na kojem Savet za nacionalnu bezbednost raspravlja o Siriji. Ovo je izgleda najviše što mogu da objave a da ne izgube licencu ili popasu privremeno zatvaranje zbog kršenja sudske zabrane.


Pominjao sam ranije na topiku, nešto slično se dogodilo prilikom terorističkog napada u pograničnom gradiću Reyhanlı kada je poginulo 50 ljudi. Sud je istog trenutka izdao zabranu medijskog izveštavanja i mediji tri dana nisu mogli ni da priđu tamo a kamoli da nešto objave. Jedini izuzetak, po posebnom odobrenju lokalnih vlasti, bila je državna televizija TRT.


Pitao sam par ljudi koji su pogledali video da li one dileje na njemu stvarno razmatraju false flag operacije i fabrikovanje razloga za ulazak u rat. Kažu, da, upravo to razmatraju. Ipak, ne bih još uvek stavljao pečat na to, previše je dezinformacija u opticaju. Probaću da nekako pogledam video u društvu nekog upućenog lokalca.


Ovaj leak je potisnuo prekjučerašnji leak koji ukazuje da je aktuelni premijer pre nekoliko godina učestvovao u plasiranju intimnog snimka bivšeg lidera opozicione CHP, koji je zbog tog leak-a podneo ostavku. U to vreme je ljubav sa Službom™ cvetala. Sad se razvode pa se ispostavlja da su ovi naravno sebi obezbedili sav mogući materijal, zlu ne trebalo.


@ IL: premijerov glas je flipnuo jer on već danima drži po 2-3 velika predizborna skupa. Svaki govor mu je dugačak i prilično zahtevan za glasne žice jer njegova harizma počiva na glasnim i zapaljivim govorima, onako iz dubine rezonantne kutije. Pošto već odavno nije u cvetu mladosti, ne čudi da više nije u mogućnosti da izgura po tri takva nastupa dnevno.

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Dobro, cinjenica da je prisluskivano je pre svega odraz stanja u kome se nalazi Turska, tj. u pokusaju tranzicije od oligarhije ka autokratiji. Nista spektakularno.


Meni je mnogo zanimljivije sta govore ovi likovi i kako zakljucuju da se globalna situacija menja, tj. da je doslo vreme osvajackih ratova koje su oni jedva docekali. Izgleda da i oni tako citaju ove dogadjaje sa Ukrajinom. Cvrstorukasi svih zemalja, ujedinite se!

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@ IL: premijerov glas je flipnuo jer on već danima drži po 2-3 velika predizborna skupa. Svaki govor mu je dugačak i prilično zahtevan za glasne žice jer njegova harizma počiva na glasnim i zapaljivim govorima, onako iz dubine rezonantne kutije. Pošto već odavno nije u cvetu mladosti, ne čudi da više nije u mogućnosti da izgura po tri takva nastupa dnevno.


u to ıme erdoganov novi singl, nie toliko impresivan kao ovaj akp promo spot


it's friday disco time!!!!




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Zezajte se vi ali ovde se više niko ne usuđuje da prognozira šta će se dešavati u ponedeljak.



Meanwhile, WP je objavio transkript na engleskom. Valjda ću uspeti sutra da pogledam tu majku svih videa.

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poziva na glasanje za promene

*par njih su ko hipsteri iz #TeamRadule, dodushe nemaju sheshirchitje


Evo 1 sasvim drugačijeg poziva. I ne, nije u pitanju sarkazam niti parodija.





Ovaj video im je direktan odgovor na ovaj gore. Počinju tako što prozivaju hipstere™ u fazonu: Kažu vam, jedan glas. Samo jedan glas. Izadjite i dajte svoj glas... A onda zaborave na vas, pogaze sva obećanja i lažu vas godinama, pa vas onda ponovo zovu da im date glas... "Oy verme" znači: "Ne daj glas!"


Ali, ovo nije AKP u kontranapadu na hipstere™. Ovi carevi su neka Treća Turska, totalna andergraund alternativa, nisu čak ni gülenisti iako su skroz u religijskom fazonu. Njihova agenda je kalifat :Hail: i zalažu se za vladavinu kalifa a ne političkih partija. Samo kalif muslimana spasava. Prejako.


U šali rekoh drugarima ovde da skroz podržavam koncept ukoliko će uz dobrog kalifa doći i Iznogud ali niko me nije skontao jer taj strip u Turskoj nikada nije zaživeo.

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