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Mustafa Kemal'in askerleri


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Ovo bi trebalo na temu o Siriji. Da, planirali su, tesko sada, da izazovu rat sa Sirijom tj. upad u Siriju pod laziranim napadom Sirije na Tursku.






Ahmet Davutolu: “Prime Minister said that in current conjuncture,
this attack (on Suleiman Shah Tomb) must be seen as an opportunity for us.”


Hakan Fidan: “I’ll send 4 men from Syria, if that’s what it takes.
I’ll make up a cause of war by ordering a missile attack on Turkey
; we can also prepare an attack on Suleiman Shah Tomb if necessary.”


Feridun Sinirliolu: “Our
national security has become a common, cheap domestic policy outfit


Ya?ar Güler:
“It’s a direct cause of war. I mean, what’re going to do is a direct cause of war.”




Feridun Sinirolu:
There are some serious shifts in global and regional geopolitics. It now can spread to other places.
You said it yourself today, and others agreed… We’re headed to a different game now. We should be able to see those. That ISIL and all that jazz, all those organizations are extremely open to manipulation.
Having a region made up of organizations of similar nature will constitute a vital security risk for us.
And when we first went into Northern Iraq, there was always the risk of PKK blowing up the place. If we thoroughly consider the risks and substantiate… As the general just said…


Yaar Güler: Sir, when you were inside a moment ago, we were discussing just that. Openly. I mean,
armed forces are a “tool” necessary for you in every turn.


Ahmet Davutolu: Of course. I always tell the Prime Minister, in your absence, the same thing in academic jargon,
you can’t stay in those lands without hard power. Without hard power, there can be no soft power.

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Bilo bi zanimljivo sada napraviti medjunarodnu istragu o raketiranju koji se desio pre godinu, godinu i po, na tursku pogranicnu oblast kada je dosta ljudi stradalo.

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Hold your horses my friends, dok se ne potvrdi autentičnost prevoda ili barem dok ne pronađem original da vidim koliko razumem.


Ovo je potpuno nadrealno i teško je odlučiti se šta je veći skandal - da li ono o čemu pričaju subjekti prisluškivanja ili činjenica je neko u poziciji da ih opušteno prisluškuje što pojedinačno što na gomili.

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Hold your horses my friends, dok se ne potvrdi autentičnost prevoda ili barem dok ne pronađem original da vidim koliko razumem.


Ovo je potpuno nadrealno i teško je odlučiti se šta je veći skandal - da li ono o čemu pričaju subjekti prisluškivanja ili činjenica je neko u poziciji da ih opušteno prisluškuje što pojedinačno što na gomili.


Potvrdio, posto je rekao da je to curenje nemoralno. Ne znam sta je time mislio?!

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Mislio sam na autentičnost prevoda na engleski. Ovo mora da se čuje u originalu pre nego što se donese bilo kakav zaključak, moguće implikacije su nenormalno ozbiljne. Verovatno je ovo ta "majka svih leak-ova" o kojoj se šuškalo prethodnih dana.


Nijedan Gülenov medij još uvek ne izlazi sa stenogramom i mislim da postoji dobar razlog za to.

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FM davutoglu rekao da je objavljivanje snimka sastanka direktni napad na naciju


da, jbt, kako je moguce da neko snimi sastanak na najvisem nivou??

pored sadrzaja snimka sama ta cinjenica je dovoljan razlog da vlada da ostavku.


beowl, pa jel nije ovaj snimak sto je okacio zaz_pi sa youtuba to?

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FM davutoglu rekao da je objavljivanje snimka sastanka direktni napad na naciju


da, jbt, kako je moguce da neko snimi sastanak na najvisem nivou??

pored sadrzaja snimka sama ta cinjenica je dovoljan razlog da vlada da ostavku.


beowl, pa jel nije ovaj snimak sto je okacio zaz_pi sa youtuba to?


Ne znam, nemam pristup YT  :fantom:


Kako je moguće da neko može ovo da snimi? Pa, isto onako kao što je moguće da neko 24/7 prisluškuje premijera i kompletnu vladu, predsednika države i doslovce ali doslovce hiljade visokih zvaničnika, partijskih direktora, sivih eminencija, sinova i kćerki... Nemoguće je rečima opisati razmere toga.


Btw priča se i o nekom kristalno čistom snimku na kojem najmlađi premijerov sin (onaj što je autom ubio opersku pevačicu na pešačkom prelazu) preti svojoj švalerki batinama. U poređenju sa ostalim leak-ovima ovo deluje smešno i benigno, osim jedne sitne tehnikalije: u trenutku kada je razgovor presretnut i snimljen, sinčić je bio u SAD (na lokalnom broju) gde inače živi, a švalerka u Švajcarskoj (na lokalnom broju) gde inače živi.

Edited by beowl
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Ahmet Davutoğlu:
“Prime Minister said that in current conjuncture, this attack (on Suleiman Shah Tomb) must be seen
as an opportunity for us.”

Hakan Fidan:
“I’ll send 4 men from Syria, if that’s what it takes. I’ll make up a cause of war by ordering a missile
attack on Turkey; we can also prepare an attack on Suleiman Shah Tomb if necessary.”

Feridun Sinirlioğlu:
“Our national security has become a common, cheap domestic policy outfit.”

Yaşar Güler:
“It’s a direct cause of war. I mean, what’re going to do is a direct cause of war.”
Ahmet Davutoğlu: I couldn’t entirely understand the other thing; what exactly does our foreign
ministry supposed to do? No, I’m not talking about the thing. There are other things we’re supposed
to do. If we decide on this, we are to notify the United Nations, the Istanbul Consulate of the Syrian
regime, right?

Feridun Sinirlioğlu: But if we decide on an operation in there, it should create a shocking effect. I
mean, if we are going to do so. I don’t know what we’re going to do, but regardless of what we
decide, I don’t think it’d be appropriate to notify anyone beforehand.

Ahmet Davutoğlu: OK, but we’re gonna have to prepare somehow. To avoid any shorts on regarding
international law. I just realized when I was talking to the president (Abdullah Gül), if the Turkish
tanks go in there, it means we’re in there in any case, right?

Yaşar Güler: It means we’re in, yes.

Ahmet Davutoğlu: Yeah, but there’s a difference between going in with aircraft and going in with


Yaşar Güler: Maybe we can tell the Syrian consulate general that, ISIL is currently working alongside
the regime, and that place is Turkish land. We should definitely…

Ahmet Davutoğlu: But we have already said that, sent them several diplomatic notes.
Yaşar Güler: To Syria… Feridun Sinirlioğlu: That’s right.

Ahmet Davutoğlu: Yes, we’ve sent them countless times. Therefore, I’d like to know what our Chief
of Staff’s expectations from our ministry.

Yaşar Güler: Maybe his intent was to say that, I don’t really know, he met with Mr. Fidan.

Hakan Fidan: Well, he did mention that part but we didn’t go into any further details.

Yaşar Güler: Maybe that was what he meant… A diplomatic note to Syria?

Hakan Fidan: Maybe the Foreign Ministry is assigned with coordination…


Ahmet Davutoğlu: I mean, I could coordinate the diplomacy but civil war, the military…

Feridun Sinirlioğlu: That’s what I told back there. For one thing, the situation is different. An
operation on ISIL has solid ground on international law. We’re going to portray this is Al-Qaeda,
there’s no distress there if it’s a matter regarding Al-Qaeda. And if it comes to defending Suleiman
Shah Tomb, that’s a matter of protecting our land.

Yaşar Güler: We don’t have any problems with that.

Hakan Fidan: Second after it happens, it’ll cause a great internal commotion (several bombing events
is bound to happen within). The border is not under control…

Feridun Sinirlioğlu: I mean, yes, the bombings are of course going to happen. But I remember our
talk from 3 years ago…

Yaşar Güler: Mr. Fidan should urgently receive back-up and we need to help him supply guns and
ammo to rebels. We need to speak with the minister. Our Interior Minister, our Defense Minister.
We need to talk about this and reach a resolution sir.

Ahmet Davutoğlu: How did we get specials forces into action when there was a threat in Northern
Iraq? We should have done so in there, too. We should have trained those men. We should have sent
men. Anyway, we can’t do that, we can only do what diplomacy…

Feridun Sinirlioğlu: I told you back then, for God’s sake, general, you know how we managed to get
those tanks in, you were there.

Yaşar Güler: What, you mean our stuff?

Feridun Sinirlioğlu: Yes, how do you think we’ve managed to rally our tanks into Iraq? How? How did
manage to get special forces, the battalions in? I was involved in that. Let me be clear, there was no
government decision on that, we have managed that just with a single order.

Yaşar Güler: Well, I agree with you. For one thing, we’re not even discussing that. But there are
different things that Syria can do right now.

Ahmet Davutoğlu: General, the reason we’re saying no this operation is because we know about the
capacity of those men.

Yaşar Güler: Look, sir, isn’t MKE (Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation) at minister’s
bidding? Sir, I mean, Qatar is looking for ammo to buy in cash. Ready cash. So, why don’t they just
get it done? It’s at Mr. Minister’s command.

Ahmet Davutoğlu: But there’s the spot we can’t act integratedly, we can’t coordinate.
Yaşar Güler: Then, our Prime Minister can summon both Mr. Defence Minister and Mr. Minister at
the same time. Then he can directly talk to them.

Ahmet Davutoğlu: We, Mr. Siniroğlu and I, have literally begged Mr. Prime Minster for a private
meeting, we said that things were not looking so bright.

Yaşar Güler: Also, it doesn’t have to be crowded meeting. Yourself, Mr. Defence Minister, Mr.
Interior Minister and our Chief of Staff, the four of you are enough. There’s no need for a crowd.
Because, sir, the main need there is guns and ammo. Not even guns, mainly ammo. We’ve just talked
about this, sir. Let’s say we’re building an army down there, 1000 strong. If we get them into that war
without previously storing a minimum of 6-months’ worth of ammo, these men will return to us after
two months.

Ahmet Davutoğlu: They’re back already.
Yaşar Güler: They’ll return to us, sir.

Ahmet Davutoğlu: They’ve came back from… What was it? Çobanbey.

Yaşar Güler: Yes, indeed, sir. This matter can’t be just a burden on Mr. Fidan’s shoulders as it is now.
It’s unacceptable. I mean, we can’t understand this. Why?


Ahmet Davutoğlu: That evening we’d reached a resolution. And I thought that things were taking a
turn for the good. Our…

Feridun Sinirlioğlu: We issued the MGK (National Security Council) resolution the day after. Then we
talked with the general…

Ahmet Davutoğlu: And the other forces really do a good follow up on this weakness of ours. You say
that you’re going to capture this place, and that men being there constitutes a risk factor. You pull
them back. You capture the place. You reinforce it and send in your troops again.

Yaşar Güler: Exactly, sir. You’re absolutely right.
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Right? That’s how I interpret it. But after the evacuation, this is not a military
necessity. It’s a whole other thing.


Feridun Siniroğlu: There are some serious shifts in global and regional geopolitics. It now can spread
to other places. You said it yourself today, and others agreed… We’re headed to a different game
now. We should be able to see those. That ISIL and all that jazz, all those organizations are extremely
open to manipulation. Having a region made up of organizations of similar nature will constitute a
vital security risk for us. And when we first went into Northern Iraq, there was always the risk of PKK
blowing up the place. If we thoroughly consider the risks and substantiate… As the general just said…

Yaşar Güler: Sir, when you were inside a moment ago, we were discussing just that. Openly. I mean,
armed forces are a “tool” necessary for you in every turn.

Ahmet Davutoğlu: Of course. I always tell the Prime Minister, in your absence, the same thing in
academic jargon, you can’t stay in those lands without hard power. Without hard power, there can
be no soft power.

Yaşar Güler: Sir.

Feridun Sinirlioğlu: The national security has been politicized. I don’t remember anything like this in

Turkish political history. It has become a matter of domestic policy. All talks we’ve done on defending
our lands, our border security, our sovereign lands in there, they’ve all become a common, cheap
domestic policy outfit.

Yaşar Güler: Exactly.

Feridun Siniroğlu: That has never happened before. Unfortunately but…

Yaşar Güler: I mean, do even one of the opposition parties support you in such a high point of
national security? Sir, is this a justifiable sense of national security?

Feridun Sinirlioğlu: I don’t even remember such a period.


Yaşar Güler: In what matter can we be unified, if not a matter of national security of such
importance? None.

Ahmet Davutoğlu: The year 2012, we didn’t do it 2011. If only we’d took serious action back then,
even in the summer of 2012.

Feridun Sinirlioğlu: They were at their lowest back in 2012.

Ahmet Davutoğlu: Internally, they were just like Libya. Who comes in and goes from power is not of
any importance to us. But some things…

Yaşar Güler: Sir, to avoid any confusion, our need in 2011 was guns and ammo. In 2012, 2013 and
today also. We’re in the exact same point. We absolutely need to find this and secure that place. Ahmet Davutoğlu: Guns and ammo are not a big need for that place. Because we couldn’t get the
human factor in order…

via @Efekerem

Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Ja sam se danas vratio iz Istanbula i samo mogu da potvrdim ovo sto Beowl kaze. Bez izuzetka svuda vise plakati, zastave, zastavice, flajeri, kamioni sa muzikom koja se cuje i pre nego sto vidis kamion sa redovima zvucnika uz standardne akcije deljenja kafe, simita i ruza svim glasacima.


Pricao sam malo i sa lokalcima, nije neki reprezentativi uzorak ali se uglavnom svodi prica na to kako oni misle da Erdogan moze sa njima kao da su Iran ili Severna Koreja ali da se tu malo zabrojao.

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nisam šokiran što su to planirali, cinizam i devijantnost politike bla bla, ali da su ih snimili, lolz...



Posmatraj to ovako: apsolutno ne postoji telefonski razgovor, VIP sastanak ili intiman izlet moćnih glavonja koji nije snimljen i pohranjen u arhivu da se iz nje izvuče po potrebi. Svi, ali svi su wired.


Derin devlet batice, kakav ne možeš ni da zamisliš da postoji.

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