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Mustafa Kemal'in askerleri


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A, tu je Juzno krilo. Je l' sta bi se desilo da uradi ovo Janukovic? Sta kaze komanda Napulj?

S*rem vas u ton film. Malo sutra to tako moze duze vreme. Ovakve stvari samo otvaraju neprekidne lance nasilja.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Mali uvod: ovde je u toku kampanja za lokalne izbore 30. marta. Za razliku od uobičajenih kampanja ovu karakterišu telephone leaks odnosno snimci prisluškivanih razgovora najviših državnih zvaničnika. Odakle snimci tačno dolaze, nije sasvim jasno. Neke objavljuju opozicione političke partije, neke Gülenovi mediji. Šef tajne službe je upozorio da postoje ozbiljne indicije da tužilaštvo i policija prisluškuju na hiljade ljudi: članove vlade, tajkune, novinare, intelektualce... Tužilaštvo je demantovalo ove navode ali u prethodnih mesec dana su u javnost dospela dva snimka. Na jednom premijer lično riba generalnog direktora jednog velikog medijskog konglomerata zbog kritičkog izveštavanja o njemu, a na drugom opet premijer lično riba generalnog direktora drugog medijskog konglomerata zbog toga što posvećuje previše prostora opoziciji. Vlada osporava autentičnost ovih snimaka ali na kraju sve ostaje na početnim pozicijama: niti neko odgovara za fabrikovanje niti se potvrđuje autentičnost (uz sve posledice koje uz to idu).


I tako sve do sinoć kada je Fejs eksplodirao od šerovanja najnovijeg snimka koji se odnekud pojavio. Ovog puta u glavnoj ulozi su premijer i jedan od njegova tri sina (onaj što je trebalo da u decembru bude priveden na razgovor), odnosno pet razgovora između njih dvojice u danu kada su izvršena velika hapšenja ministarskih sinova i građevinskih tajkuna.


Pres služba vlade je najavila krivični proces zbog montaže. Ne može se sa sigurnošću tvrditi čiji su glasovi na snimku. Najveća opoziciona partija je jutros saopštila da je vlada izgubila kompletan legitimitet i zatražila momentalnu ostavku. Uspeo sam da iskopam prevod na engleski pa izvolite (i uzmite u obzir da ne mogu da vam potvrdim autentičnost prevoda, nisam slušao origina). Svaka sličnost sa onim satiričnim stenogramima razgovora između Vučiča, Dačića i Vulina je neverovatna (pogotovo u četvrtom i petom razgovoru). Samo što ovo nije satira i pominju se neke bolesne cifre.




Dec 17, 2013 08:02 a.m.


RTE: Are you home son?
Bilal E(son): Yes father
RTE: Now! This morning [they] made an operation. Ali Agaoglu, Reza Zerrab, Erdogan’s son [Erdogan Bayraktar - ex minister], Zafer’s son [Zafer Caglayan – ex-minister], Muammer’s son [Muammer Guler – ex-minister]... All their houses are being searched now.
BE: Tell again, daddy?
RTE: I’m saying Muammer’s son, Zafer’s son, Erdogan’s son, Ali Agaoglu, Reza Zerrab... They are searching the houses of 18 people under a big corruption operation thing.
BE: Yes
RTE: OK? Now, what I say is, you take everything that you have in the house out. OK?
BE: What can I have on me dad? There is your money in the safe.
RTE: That’s what I am saying. Now, I am sending your sister over. OK?
BE: You are sending who?
RTE: Your sister, I’m saying.
BE: Eh, OK.
RTE: Then… She has that information, OK. Talk to your big brother.
BE: Yes.
RTE: On him... Let’s do… Talk to your uncle too, he should also take out, also talk to your [maternal] uncle, he should also…
BE: What should we do with these daddy, where should we put them?
RTE: To specific places, to some specific places… Do it.
(A woman’s voice on background saying “Berat”)
BE: Berat also has some.
RTE: That’s what I am saying. Now, get together, go get your uncle, I don’t know if Uncle Ziya has some, OK? Also immediately talk to your brother Burak too.
BE: OK father. You mean Sumeyye [sister], I mean take out, Sumeyye will tell me where to take it?
RTE: Yes, fine. Go now, do it and think about yours with your uncle.
BE: On what to do?
RTE: Yes, yes, let’s contact fast, until 10.00. Because the issue is…
BE: OK father.
RTE: OK? Keep in touch.
BE: OK daddy.



2nd call, 11.17. a.m.


BE: Father, we got together with Brother Hasan, Brother Berat, the uncle, we are together, thinking about it. Berat has another idea. He says let’s give some of it to Faruk [Kalyoncu] for the other “business thing” so he can process them like the previous ones. Shall we do it, we can solve a big amount with this?
RTE: That may be.
BE: OK. For the other part, because we started a business partnership with Mehmet Gur, we thought of giving it to him and say “keep it, as the projects come you can use from that". This way, we will be able to dissolve and move the rest to somewhere else.
RTE: OK, fine, as long as you do…
RTE: Did Sumeyye arrive?
BE: She arrived home, she’ll now come here. OK daddy, we will sort this out today, inshallah. Anything else?
RTE: It would be good if you do… If you can dissolve them all.
BE: Yes, we will dissolve them all, inshallah.



3rd call, 15.39


RTE: Did you do the other tasks I gave you?
BE: We will finish them in the evening. We sorted some out. We sorted the Berat part, now we will first handle the part with Mehmet Gur and the rest, we will do that when it gets dark.
RTE: Erm…
BE: Inshallah.
RTE: What did Sumeyye do?
BE: She took them out, brought, we talked.
RTE: Did she sort both sides?
BE: I think so daddy, she said she emptied both.
RTE: Both sides.
BE: Yes, she said both of them, but you mean this by saying both sides, right?
RTE: Whatever. OK, fine.
BE: What time will you arrive?
RTE: Around 12.
BE: Have a safe journey.
RTE: Do not talk on the phone.



4th call, 23.15

BE: Hi daddy, I am calling to… We did it, mostly. Erm, daddy, did you call me?
RTE: No I did not, you called me.
BE: I had a call from unknown number.
RTE: When you say mostly, did you fully dissolve it?
BE: We did not zero it yet daddy. Let me explain.. We still have 30 million euros that we could not yet dissolve. Berat thought of something... There was additional 25 million dollars that Ahmet Calik should receive. They say let’s give this to him there. When the money comes, we do something, they say. And with the remaining money we can buy a flat from Sehrizar, he says. What do you say, father?
RTE: ….
(background sound: Ayyy...)
BE: Daddy?
RTE: Is Sumeyye with you?
BE: Yes with me, should I call her?
RTE: No, there was another sound, that’s why I asked.
BE: Um... I mean, he can transfer 35 million dollars to Calik and buy a flat from Sherizar with the remaining.
RTE: Whatever, we will sort it.
BE: Should we do it like this?
RTE: OK do it.
BE: Do you want them all dissolved father, or do you want some money for yourself?
RTE: No, it cannot stay, son. You could transfer that to the other, with Mehmet you could transfer it there…
BE: Yes, we gave to them. We gave 20 to them.
RTE: For God’s sake, first you should’ve transferred and then you could…
BE: We were able to give this much for now, it is hard already, it takes too much space. We are putting some of it to another place, we gave part of it to Tunc, and then…
RTE: Did you transfer all to Tunc?
BE: (Sumeyye, can you come?) Where, father?
RTE: To Tunc, I say, did you transfer all to Tunc?
BE: They asked, I guess he said that he could take 10 million euros.
RTE: Whatever. Do not talk this like this on this [the phone].
BE: OK, then, we will sort it as such.
RTE: Ok do it. I am not able to come tonight, I will stay in Ankara.
BE: OK, we are sorting it out. You do not worry.



5th call, 18.12.2013 10.58 a.m.

RTE: I wondered if everything is fine, so I called.
BE: No, nothing. We finished the tasks you gave us, inshallah.
RTE: Is it all zeroed?
BE: Fully, I mean zeroed, how should I put it? I had Samandira and Maltepe’s money, 730k USD and 300k TL. I will handle these too. We owe 1 million lira to Faruk İsik [AKP deputy], I will give those to him and tell him to transfer the rest to the academy.
RTE: Do not talk openly.
BE: Shouldn’t I talk?
RTE: Do not talk, OK?
BE: OK daddy.
RTE: I mean, do not keep anything on you, whatever it is, Samandira or whatever… Send it to where it needs to be. Where do you keep it?
BE: OK daddy, but I think currently we are under surveillance.
RTE: And what have I been telling to you since the very beginning?!
BE: But is it the bodyguard team? Who is following us father?
RTE: Son, you are being tapped!
BE: But they are also visually monitoring, they say.
RTE: That may be true. Now, we did some things in the Istanbul security.






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Erdogan opalio najjači plotun u Hizmet do sada...oće im zatvorit preparandije :D


Uručbirano Tapatalkićem s Lumije Jeftinjare

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  • 2 weeks later...

Osma žrtva Gezi protesta je 15-godišnji dečak koji je jutros umro nakon bezmalo devet meseci u komi. Pogođen je u glavu kanisterom suzavca kada je izašao iz kuće da kupi hleb tokom policijske intervencije.


Malo nakon što je vest o smrti objavljena, u Ankari je neki čovek došao u centar grada sa veknom hleba i natpisom: "Ja sam Berkin", i bez reči seo na stepenik u parku. Do sada mu se pridružilo pedesetak ljudi a slično se dešava u Istanbulu i još nekim gradovima. Studenti na nekim fakultetima bojkotuju nastavu a u kraju u kojem je ovaj mali živeo prodavci su zatvorili radnje.




Edited by beowl
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Jebo te, kad čitam šta pišeš, meni se čini da su Turci na nekom drugom stepenu razvoja socijale svesti od nas.


Kod nas se jedva skupi par ljudi za bilo kakav protest, odmah to neko iskoristi za neke ružne ciljeve, odmah se sve politizuje.


Turci spontano krenu da protestuju, samo tako, bez neke organizacije, pozadine, političkih primesa najnižeg nivoa.

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Šta da ti kažem, evo kako je bilo sinoć na fudbalskoj utakmici:





Dva lika iz protivničke ekipe su pred početak došli sa banerima i pitali da li bismo im se pridružili na centru. Poruka na levom baneru je takva da normalno ljudsko biće ne može da je ignoriše: Ćuti se kada deca spavaju a ne kada umiru!  (ne mogu da prevedem bukvalno ali to je otprilike to, a na turskom zvuči još ubedljivije). Negde u pola prvog poluvremena sudija je prekinuo igru i sve nas ponovo pozvao na centar, da minutom ćutanja odamo poštu klincu. Do sada nisam čuo da je bilo ko od ovih ljudi pričao o politici kada se igra fudbal, a ni sinoć nisu pričali. Jednostavno su uradili ono što smatraju ispravnim i ljudskim gestom.

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Jebo te, kad čitam šta pišeš, meni se čini da su Turci na nekom drugom stepenu razvoja socijale svesti od nas.


ne cini ti se. radi se medjuljudskom postovanju i solidarnosti kao i o neverovatnom odnosu prema deci koji postoji u turskoj (ko je tamo bio sa decom na moru zna o cemu pricam). u srbiji je to nekad davno postojalo, a sada vise ne.

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ne cini ti se. radi se medjuljudskom postovanju i solidarnosti kao i o neverovatnom odnosu prema deci koji postoji u turskoj (ko je tamo bio sa decom na moru zna o cemu pricam). u srbiji je to nekad davno postojalo, a sada vise ne.


divni divni ljudi

meni drugarica turkinja koja je zivela u engleskoj uvek istice tu razliku, i kako turci brinu o svojim starima

nikada necu zaboraviti tu pristojnost kod njih u kuci, ja kao gost i SVI dosli da kao popricaju i posede sa mnom iz postovanja, kuvaju caj i sve i smeskaju se pomalo stidljivo, koliko su to divni ljudi i narod

Edited by InvisibleLight
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Ljudi dolaze sa svih strana, ovo je verovatno najveća sahrana posle ubistva novinara Hranta Dinca.


BihkmzWIYAAiotc.jpg  BihZxIWCQAApEeM.jpg



Istovremeno se protestuje u dosta gradova, u Ankari je već intervenisala policija.

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