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Mustafa Kemal'in askerleri


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Da nije do ovoga došlo ne bi imao pojma kako Turska ima, kako se ono kaže, vajbrant obrazovanu, maštovitu i mladu srednju klasu. Šteta što umjesto demokracije dobijaju opet deep state, samo sa drugim predznakom. :(

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Da nije do ovoga došlo ne bi imao pojma kako Turska ima, kako se ono kaže, vajbrant obrazovanu, maštovitu i mladu srednju klasu. Šteta što umjesto demokracije dobijaju opet deep state, samo sa drugim predznakom. :(
Ja nisam znao da ih ima ovoliko. Mislio sam da je Turska, solidno vecinski, udobno uplovila u vode umerenog islamizma i da je, ovakvi ili onakvi izborni rezultati, to otprilike to i da se u skladu sa tim i ostali mogu ravnati. Ovo me i dalje šokira, zapravo ajde Istanbul ili Ankara, ali kad su onaj dan izašli demonstanti u ko zna koliko gradova na ulice, stvarno sam „podigao obrve“. Samo, nisam siguran da se ova njihova dilema rešava izborima. Izbori rešavaju neke stvari u društvima u kojima postoji kakav-takav konsenzus oko osnovnih vrednosti na koje se naslanja čitav, pa i politički život. A nije neki problem (bar ne kratkorocno) ni ako je jedna strana marginalizovana. Ali nek im je bog upomoć ako su anywhere near 50-50.
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The notion of the public domain as a political forum will be the focal point of the 13th Istanbul Biennial. This highly contested concept will serve as a matrix to generate ideas and develop practices that question contemporary forms of democracy, challenge current models of spatio-economic politics, problematize the given concepts of civilization and barbarity as standardized positions and languages and, above all, unfold the role of contemporary art as an agent that both makes and unmakes what is considered public............Struggles over rights to public spaces are central for any social movement to challenge the status quo.However, the question remains: what is the specific role of spatial dynamics vis-à-vis the progress of socialmovements? Do urban public spaces function as a spatial component of the democratic apparatus by aiding or abating critical masses that fuel debate; collective public action; or provide a platform to exercise civic rights? Or are these events very singular experiences? In the current climate, is it possible to imagine social change through open resistance demonstrated on the streets?These tensions resonate with the growing reactions and protests in Istanbul against its ongoing urban transformation, especially against the modus operandi through which urban transformation is taking place.Currently, there are approximately 48 mega urban transformation projects in development including a “crazy” canal project next to the Bosphorus (two new cities, each to inhabit one million people are planned), a third bridge across the Bosphorus and further opening up the forest, agriculture and water basin areas in the north of the city for new settlements. Two of the projects are emblematic of the spatial politics underlying the whole transformation process, and have been the direct focusof political demonstrations: the transformation of Taksim Square and the construction of a new assembly ground for political rallies at Yenikapı,[ii] the designs of which suggest a fear of the assembly of people, an agoraphobic policy.[iii] Does this translate to a fear of public speech, freedom of expression and fear of alternative political public forum?[iv]
kakva anticipacija, fantasticno :thumbup:inace, ovo gotovo sigurno nije sinhronicitet, nego je prosto pitanje koje se tamo oseca kao barut u vazduhu. Edited by DarkAttraktor
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BNCmn2CCMAE2v9u.jpgPriča se poTwitterru (a shareuje se info iz lokalnih medija) da su jutros hapsili po gajbama(25 u Ankari, 66 u Istanbulu, 13 u Eskisehru), nagađa se da su ih našli po IP adresama...U međuvremenu na Taksimu:BNCuRa2CMAE2ccd.jpg
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Nisam čuo/video ništa na tu temu, a ne da ne bih voleo...
Ja, naprotiv, mislim da je vrlo prepotentno, elitisticicki i arognatno davati takvu vrstu podrske u situaciji kada organizvoani gradjanski otpor ne postoji na temu domacih tema.
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Pa zar nije sultan najavio da ce pohapsiti sve koji su sirili vesti o protestu..Ili je jednostavno gotovo, te se covek vratio poslu i svakodnevnim aktivnostima.

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Turkey has announced plans to purchase 100,000 gas bomb cartridges and launch a central cyber security agency. The order for the 100,000 new cartridges will be accompanied by an order for 60 water cannon vehicles, the daily local newspaper Milliyet reported, also stating that the excessive use of gas bomb cartridges meant that Turkish riot police used up some 130,000 units across the space of a mere 20 days.At the same time, Turkish Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Binali Yildirim announced the formation of a new cyber security agency on Thursday. He declared "The Center for Response to National Cyber Threats," (or USOM) was to be founded on the grounds that cyber-attacks during the Gezi Park protests were a global threat and “likely to increase.” Yıldırım stressed however on June 19 that the government was working to “fight against cyber-crime, not to regulate social media,” with Deputy PM Bülent Arınç adding that people were free to communicate on social media but should be deterred from encouraging crime or violence.
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