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Mustafa Kemal'in askerleri


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A leaked confidential report from the German government has accused the Turkish government of supporting terrorist groups across the Middle East.
The document - produced by the Interior Ministry - says Turkish President Erdogan's government supports Palestinian Hamas, Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and various Islamist groups fighting in Syria. It emerged after the left party Die Linke made a confidential request in the German Parliament, the Bundestag, and the report was leaked to German public broadcaster ARD.

'The many expressions of solidarity and support actions by the ruling AKP and President Erdogan for the Egyptian MB (Muslim Brotherhood), Hamas and groups of armed Islamist opposition in Syria emphasise their ideological affinity with the (broader) Muslim Brotherhood,' ARD has reported the document as stating.

This is the first time the German government has made a direct link between the Turkish authorities and Hamas, an EU and US listed terrorist organisation.
An Islamic militant and political group, Hamas governs the Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip, after democratically winning elections in 2006, although rule is shared with the Palestinian Authority. 

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood is not deemed to be a terrorist organisation by either the EU or the US, and traditionally has close sympathies with Turkey's interpretation of political Islam. 
Significantly, the report states that Ankara has deepened ties with the groups and have even become a 'platform for action' in the region.

'As a result of the step-by-step Islamization of its foreign and domestic policy since 2011, Turkey has become the central platform for action by Islamist groups in the Middle East,' the document states, according to ARD. 

'The German government cannot publicly designate the godfather of terrorism Erdogan as a partner, while internally warning about Turkey as a hub for terrorism,' said Sevim Dagdalen, a lawmaker and member of the Linke party.

The German government released part of its response to the party, but declined comment on the secret portion.



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Koren te informacije je jedan sudanski portal, a to je onda dalje zavrteo iranski Fars, što je dobilo a life of its own po ruskim i raznim drugim medijima, uključujući i naše.
Sumnjam da bilo koji novinar odavde imam ikakav poseban izvor o tome koji je van tog stringa započetog u Sudanu.



IMHO - dezinformacija, dok se ne dokaže suprotno, a neće se dokazati.

Edited by Prospero
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Ajmo jos jedan krug...



Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took a direct swipe at the Turkish republic’s Kemalist lineage on Thursday, and by extension engaged in an eyebrow-raising exercise in revisionist history.

“We gave away the islands (in the Aegean) through the Treaty of Lausanne (1923),” he told a group of elected local authorities, adding that the purges that followed the July 15,2016 coup attempt in the neighboring country were “a new war of independence”.



The increasingly majoritarian Erdogan was referring to the Turkish war of independence between 1919 and 1922, which led to the formation of a new Turkish republic under Kemal Mustafa, who was later bestowed the honorific title of “Ataturk”.

On Thursday, Erdogan criticized the Turkish delegation that signed the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne, which among others ended hostilities between Greece and a new Turkish state, and between the Entente states and the new Ankara government. The treaty also engineered an unprecedented exchange of populations: Christians of Asia Minor expelled to the Kingdom of Greece and Muslims in the latter expelled to the nascent Turkish republic, the successor of the Ottoman Empire.

“In 1920 they threatened us with the Treaty of Sevres, and they finally persuaded us with the Treaty of Lausanne. Some tried to impose Lausanne,” Erdogan told a mostly partisan crowd, before expanding on a mishmash of revisionist history, maritime law and echoes of Ankara’s 40-year policy of exceptionalism in creating claims in the Aegean.

“The islands, which if we care to shout (from the western Asia Minor coast) we’ll be heard on the other side (the islands), we gave away with Lausanne. What will now happen with the continental shelf? What will happen with the airspace and land? We’re still fighting for all of these. Those responsible for this (situation) are those (of the Turkish delegation) who sat at the table of negotiations for this treaty (Lausanne). They did not rise to the occasion, and thus we face this problem. If the (July 2016) coup had succeeded, maybe an agreement would have come before us even worse than Sevres,” he said.


The islands Erdogan was referring to in the eastern Aegean were lost by the Ottoman Empire -- which held nominal control -- to Greece as a result of naval warfare and troop landings in the First Balkan War of 1912. Nevertheless, all of the islands – i.e. Lesvos, Chios, Limnos, Samos etc. -- were populated by a wholly ethnic Greek and Christian Orthodox population, with a continuous history dating back millennia.


The Dodecanese islands further south, however, which also had a predominately Greek population dating back to pre-antiquity, were awarded to Italy in the wake of the Treaty of Lausanne. Italy was the occupying power of the Dodecanese islands since 1911. The well-known island of Rhodes retained a small but important Turkish-speaking minority, which remains a prosperous part of the island today, while Kos hosted a tiny Muslim minority.

The Dodecanese islands formally joined Greece in 1947 with a peace treaty between Rome and Athens. Greece was a WWII victor, the Italian government in 1947 was a successor to the defeated Mussolini regime, which was part of the Axis, while Turkey was a neutral state throughout the war.


Two islands that didn’t join the group of Aegean isles that united with Greece in 1912, or the other group in 1947, were Imvros and Tenedos in the extreme northeast Aegean, close to the Dardanelle straits. Both islands were awarded to Turkey with the Treaty of Lausanne.


In 1923 both islands hosted thousands of ethnic Greeks and retained a Hellenic culture for most of recorded history.  Today, only a few dozen ethnic Greeks remain on Imvros (Imbros).








Sistemsko rusenje Ataturkovog nasledja i imena i, naravno, opasno poigravanje

Edited by MancMellow
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Pritom, da nije bilo Ataturka, bio bi sproveden otprilike dogovor iz Sevra verovatno...Lozana je bila premija za Tursku nakon poraza u prvom svetskom ratu...nek pita Erdogan malo kako su prosle Nemacka, Austrija i Madjarska..jbt

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Turska je potencijalno mnogo veći problem od Sirije, 70 miliona ljudi + dosta bolje naoružanje i priličan jaz u vojsci a i policiji, da ne pominjem Kurde koji su mnogo ogorčeniji na Turke nego što su na Sirijce

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Pritom, da nije bilo Ataturka, bio bi sproveden otprilike dogovor iz Sevra verovatno...Lozana je bila premija za Tursku nakon poraza u prvom svetskom ratu...nek pita Erdogan malo kako su prosle Nemacka, Austrija i Madjarska..jbt


Ne, ok, razvalili su njih dobro posle WW1, no je poenta da nije bilo Cilindar-paše (i one budale Konstantina) da bi ostali samo dugmići 

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PKK Downs Turkish F-16 Fighter Jet Over The Qandil Mountains

Eki 06, 2016, 23:52 Pm



A Turkish F-16 fighter jet operating in the Qandil Mountain region has reportedly been downed by PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) fighters.

Local sources say that one of the F-16 fighter jets bombing PKK bases in the Qandil Mountains of northern Iraq were shot down at around 21:30 local time on Thursday.

A source from Qandil said, “The [PKK] guerrillas retaliated with air defense weapons during the bombardment. Apart from the downed jet, another object which caught fire in the air, fell afterwards”.

Turkish fighter jets began operations against the PKK-controlled Qandil Mountains from 19:45 on Thursday evening.


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svilen gajtan

Turkey has fired hundreds of senior military staff serving at NATO in Europe and the United States following July’s coup attempt, documents show, broadening a purge to include some of the armed forces’ best-trained officials.

In a classified military dispatch seen by Reuters, 149 military envoys posted to the alliance’s headquarters and command centers in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Britain were ordered on Sept. 27 to return to Turkey within three days.

Most were dismissed from service on their arrival, arrested and imprisoned, according to a Turkish military official at NATO and two farewell letters sent by departing Turkish officials emailed to colleagues at NATO and seen by Reuters.

One of those letters wrote of a “witch-hunt” of senior air force commanders serving overseas.

In total, about 400 military envoys have been fired so far, the Turkish military official said. Two non-Turkish NATO staff familiar with the situation confirmed that Turkish personnel are being recalled but did not have more details.

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